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The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of blended learning – the fusion of face-to-face and online learning experiences – to implement an effective and culturally sensitive program of professional development in an Australian university working in a developing country. It sought insight into pertinent pedagogical approaches for staff development across multiple locations including across national boundaries. The project demonstrated how learners can develop new capabilities and approaches by building on existing skills and knowledge as they interact in communities of practice. The immediate purpose was to design and deliver a continuing professional education program to meet the needs of librarians working at RMIT International University Vietnam in the context of the demands of the academic community and in the light of the challenge library staff experienced in seeking to meet explicit and tacit expectations. The project ran from late January to mid December 2010. The research questions were: Is blended learning effective as an approach to continuing professional development when working across cultures in a multinational organization?’ and ‘What contribution do face-to-face and online components make to learning outcomes?’ The methodology used was an action learning approach. A 2009 consultant’s report into the RMIT Vietnam Library established professional developmental needs which were further detailed in February 2010 by the project leader from RMIT University, Melbourne using a skills audit. Workshops in Vietnam, visits to Melbourne by several Vietnam staff members, and an online forum were then delivered. Reflective practice and ongoing input from staff were utilized to form a feedback loop to modify the project timing and approaches as needed. Evaluation included participant feedback on workshops, tracking changes in Library services, a customer survey, a project-end survey of participants’ behavioral changes against learning topics as self-reported, and discussion with participants. The authors were actively involved in the project: Julia Leong as project leader and Loc Nguyen as project champion at the Saigon South Campus. Blended learning was found to be effective in meeting continuing professional developmental needs and in promoting positive changes in library service provision. Online discussions were effective for extending existing knowledge, gaining practical hints, and examining attitudes. Face-to-face workshops and visits were more effective for learning new material in a systematic way. It is recommended that consideration be given to applying the blended learning model used in this project to continuing professional developmental work in similar contexts.  相似文献   

高校图书馆员专业阅读调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专业阅读为高校图书馆员提高专业能力,促进专业发展的最主要途径。通过问卷调查馆员专业阅读的种类、数量、来源、时段、习惯、目的、态度等方面内容,认为时间不足以及缺乏兴趣是影响馆员专业阅读的最主要原因。从馆员自身、机构以及专业文献几个视角提出加强馆员专业阅读的具体建议。  相似文献   

在探讨高校图书馆社会教育内涵的基础上,深刻剖析了高校图书馆开展社会教育的必然性并提出高校图书馆开展社会教育的几种方式。参考文献11。  相似文献   

文章从资源建设的角度介绍清华大学图书馆在服务一流本科教育、服务人才培养方面的实践和思考。  相似文献   

我国图书馆学继续教育的发展历程、问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文总结了我国图书馆学继续教育的发展历程,分析了其存在的意义和表现出来的主要问题,从而对图书馆学继续教育的发展策略和趋势提出了独到的见解。  相似文献   

马月丽 《图书馆建设》2012,(5):59-61,64
通过对图书馆从业人员继续教育制度、职业资格认证制度、专业技术职称制度的比较分析可知,继续教育制度是职业资格认证制度和专业技术职称制度的基础,专业技术职称制度是职业资格认证制度的过渡阶段。因此,图书馆应改变"论文定终身"的评审条件;拓宽图书馆专业技术职称制度的考核内容;对从业人员进行划分,采取职业资格认证制度与继续教育制度并行的考核方式。  相似文献   

从教育学院图书馆的服务对象以及图书馆自身的发展等方面,论述了教育学院图书馆建设教育文献资源特藏的必要性,并介绍了笔者在工作实践中采用的教育文献收集方法。  相似文献   

顾铖  张燕蓟 《出版科学》2010,18(1):75-79,98
以CSSCI(2000—2007年)的引文数据为基础,统计各出版社在体育学论文中的被引情况,列出体育学领域内出版图书被引次数较多的百家出版社,由此评价百家出版社在体育学研究领域中的学术影响和发挥的作用。  相似文献   

This paper explores the new American Association of School Libraries (AASL) National School Library Standards relative to the information literacy pipeline as K-12 students reach university-level learning environments. Shifts in the standards, and therefore eventual shifts in this pipeline, are examined. The new school library standards integrate standards for learners, school libraries, and school librarians. This paper will focus exclusively on the standards for learners, as this is where the primary crossover between high schools and academic libraries takes place. Potential implications and future directions for academic librarianship, especially relative to information literacy instruction, are discussed.  相似文献   


Even though distance education has a long and diverse history, dating back to 1840, in the last ten-to-fifteen years it has been completely transformed by the emergence of Web-based technology. This technology has had an enormous impact on all aspects of distance education (or distance learning as it is increasingly called). In addition to palpable changes in the teaching and learning processes, library and other support services are also being challenged by change. This paper will provide a brief account and analysis of the impact of Web technology on distance education, as well as its impact on the role of library services for distance learners.  相似文献   

文章从战略管理的角度,从专业图书馆建设的内外部环境入手,对专业馆建设的内外部条件进行SWOT分析,然后基于分析结果提出了大学图书馆系统中的专业馆发展建议。参考文献7。  相似文献   

研究生教育作为高层次的学校教育,担负着培养本领域高级人才的重任。本文在政策研究、问卷调查、专家访谈、实地调查的基础上,以学位授权为线索,将改革开放以来我国图书情报学科研究生教育划分为四个十年,总结我国图书情报研究生教育升级、发展与创新的历程。图书情报事业快速发展、图书情报教学改革、图书情报职业发展、图书情报业务创新等因素都是推动图书情报研究生教育发展的内在动力。未来要进一步保持图书馆学教育的价值,适应新型信息环境,培养中国特色、世界一流的图书馆情报人才;还要推动学术学位与专业学位教育协调发展,加大图书情报专业学位授权力度,大力提升毕业生的实践创新能力。参考文献39。  相似文献   


Printing, publishing and book development may be considered as the prerequisites for the development of any library and information system in any society. This paper attempts to cover publishing in Ethiopia from 1500–1900. During this period numerous ecclesiastical and a few original works by Ethiopians and foreigners had appeared in Ge’ez and in other dialects. The role of the missionary societies in book development was also significant. Most of the products of the printing presses were kept either in church archives or in Royal Libraries. The establishment of any modern type libraries was utterly neglected. Consequently, most of the literate population of that time had no opportunity to find out what was being published in their own country.  相似文献   

"科学发展观"与新时期高校图书馆的建设和发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文就"科学发展观"这一主题,探讨了用科学的世界观方法论来看待高校图书馆的建设和发展.提出应用现代高科技术来发展高校图书馆以及随着图书馆的发展,必将引起高校图书馆的合并.参考文献6.  相似文献   

The ethics of academic library collection development are discussed within the context of the polarized political climate of the United States. The ethics are examined in regard to collection development and the exercise of professional judgment. Legislation introduced in the State of Colorado is used as an example of a manifestation of the political polarization. The legislation's possible effects upon the academic freedom of librarians are examined. The limitations of the ethical principle of neutrality and rationale for engaging in advocacy are explored. An expansion of the teaching role of academic technical services librarians is recommended.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a small-scale study in a UK university. The research investigated how academic librarians experienced the processes of becoming a teacher. As more librarians are drawn into a teaching role, understanding these developments becomes crucial. A narrative approach revealed the challenges faced as they participated in a program of teacher education. Institutional agendas and a diverse student population complicated these processes. This produced a complex interplay between identity and pedagogy, resulting in a lack of legitimacy in the teacher role. This has implications for the way in which academic librarians are supported in such transitions.  相似文献   

国内高校分馆服务比较与创新策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内地规模较大的高校图书馆大多实行了总/分馆制,如何推动分馆服务创新,开创分馆服务的新局面成为当前高校分馆工作的重点。本文通过比较在分馆建设与服务方面具有代表性的四所高校在服务创新方面的经验,找出差距与问题,探索分馆服务创新机制,与业内同行进行探讨。  相似文献   

This study investigates the current status and attitudes towards academic e-book publishing by mainland Chinese academic publishers through an online survey. This study collected survey data from 49 authoritative academic publishers in China, focusing on their e-book sales profiles and their perceptions of how e-book sales affect publishers and libraries. The data reveals that China's academic e-book industry is still at an early development stage and has a relatively small market. The findings show significant differences in the willingness and attitudes towards e-book publishing between SSH publishers and STEM publishers, and also demonstrate that the enhancement of the demand for e-books by academic libraries promotes the process of the digital transformation of academic publishers. This study then argues that Chinese academic publishers need to further improve the quality of academic e-books, accelerate the transition from academic content providers to academic content service providers, and strengthen their cooperation with stakeholders.  相似文献   

对大学生信息素质教育内容与方法的探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从信息素质教育的内容入手,进行研究与分析,并论述了信息素质教育在图书馆的重要地位和优势,从而提出了高校图书馆强化对大学生进行信息素质教育的方法和途径。参考文献4。  相似文献   

文章分析了高校图书馆电子资源建设政策研究与实践现状,提出促进电子资源发展政策实践的若干对策。参考文献4。  相似文献   

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