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在它可能被砍掉之前,我们来看看这部有趣的连续剧。该剧讲述了一名偶然掌握政府大量秘密情报的魅力奇客的故事.尽管受到狂热追捧,但收视率低迷。它已获得再拍一季的机会.不过集数减少.预算萎缩.很难确定它是否会度过难关。我们只能将其受冷落归结为美国观众的品位低下,它的确是一部优秀的电视剧。  相似文献   

你可曾这样想过—生活教给我的是——严酷的教训, 留下的是难以治愈的伤痕。本文能够帮助你从过去的经历中学习有益经验, 而不是让过去的经历左右你的未来。  相似文献   

从传统学习到合作学习   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
与传统学习相比,合作学习是目前世界上许多国家都普遍采用的一种富有创意和实效的教学理论与策略体系。它是教师在创造环境的情况下由学生来构筑知识、发现知识、转移知识和扩展知识的过程,对改善师生关系、实现师生教学相长有重要的意义。  相似文献   

电磁学部分的所有知识都可以从奥斯特实验发散开来理解。大致的思路可从三方面理解:电和磁的联系;力学角度;逆向思维角度。1 从电与磁的关系理解奥斯特实验长期以来,磁现象与电现象是被分别进行研究的,特别是吉尔伯特对磁现象与电现象进行深入分析对比后断言电与磁是两种截然不同的现  相似文献   

This article deals with the relation between interest and learning from text. In the first section, the concepts of personal and situational interest and their relation to motivation are clarified. Based on my own studies and findings from other studies, the next sections present evidence for substantial relations between interest and text learning. These relations appear to be stronger for deep-level learning than surface-level learning and seem to be largely independent of prior knowledge and cognitive ability. Finally, it is argued that past research has failed to examine the underlying mechanisms of motivation-learning relations. Suggestions and guidelines for future research are given.  相似文献   

中国古代监察制度伴随着封建君主专制制度的建立、鼎盛和衰落而形成、完善与强化。作为本土资源,其中大量经验教训对于完善我国现代的监察制度,建设社会主义法治国家具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

In this period of designing controls to producegreater teacher accountability, the NationalWriting Project (NWP) stands as an importantcontrast, teaching us what it means to developthe capacity of teachers. We undertook atwo-year study of the NWP by looking intenselyat two sites, an urban and a rural site. Wesought to understand and document what teacherslearned from their induction to the WritingProject, what they took back to their classroomand how they stayed involved in various localnetwork activities. By looking at the five weeksummer invitational seminar held on thecampuses of their respective sites, we foundcore activities as well as other ancillary onesthat helped teachers gain a set of principlesand ways of working that they took back totheir classrooms. We also found a welldeveloped set of activities run in networkfashion that gave teachers numerousopportunities to stay connected, to leadprofessional development in their localcontexts, to explore special interest groups,and to become members of a powerful learningcommunity. We highlight two of six teachersthat we studied who provide an example of hownetwork learning is linked to classroomteaching. The success of the NWP as aprofessional development network rooted inteachers' work with teachers teaching teachersas a core element, suggests that networks suchas these may be well suited to the rapid changein our society as well as to the growingcomplexity of teachers' work.  相似文献   

Cognitive skills acquisition involves developing the ability to solve problems in knowledge-rich task domains, and is particularly important for any individual attempting to meet the challenges of our modern, knowledge-driven economy. This type of economy argues for reconceptualizing cognitive skills acquisition as a lifelong process. Research has shown that worked-out examples are the key to initial cognitive skill acquisition and, therefore, critical to lifelong learning. The extent to which learners' profit from the study of examples, however, depends on how well they explain the solutions of the examples to themselves. This paper discusses our own research on different types of computer-based learning environments that indirectly foster self-explanations by (a) fostering anticipative reasoning, (b) supporting self-explanations during the transition from example study to problem solving, and (c) supporting self-explanation activities with instructional explanations. It also discusses ways of leveraging new computer and video technologies to enhance these environments by representing problem situations and their concepts dynamically. The paper concludes by suggesting that these learning environments, if employed successfully, can encourage systematic, lifelong learning.  相似文献   

从维持性到创新性——研究生学习方式的转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
维持性学习与创新性学习是在不同知识观支配下的两种学习方式,研究生的特点要求研究生在兼顾维持性学习的同时,以创新性学习为主.研究生本人、研究生培养单位具有的条件与研究生教育理念的不断发展,为研究生创新性学习提供了条件和环境.研究生创新性学习的实现,需要充分发挥研究生本人的主观能动性,以不确定性知识为内容,以问题为中心,以质疑、释疑为手段.  相似文献   

生物研究性学习就是改变传统的教学模式,在教学过程中创设一种类似研究的情境和途径,让学生课内外结合,有目的的主动研读、探索、发现和体验,通过对大量信息的收集、分析、综合、处理获取知识,提高综合运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   


This paper identifies a number of problems facing school councils and examines their possible remit and function. It outlines a project aimed at improving school councils in a rural community college by fostering links with the local district council. The paper summarizes research aimed at understanding the authors' particular concept of participation and responsible action. They describe work undertaken with pupils and adults involved in this project. It concludes that as well as improving the school councils, such work can provide benefits to both partners by widening pupils' understanding of the functions of local government and providing an opportunity for councillors and council officers to connect with young peoples' perspectives.  相似文献   

This paper identifies a number of problems facing school councils and examines their possible remit and function. It outlines a project aimed at improving school councils in a rural community college by fostering links with the local district council. The paper summarizes research aimed at understanding the authors' particular concept of participation and responsible action. They describe work undertaken with pupils and adults involved in this project. It concludes that as well as improving the school councils, such work can provide benefits to both partners by widening pupils' understanding of the functions of local government and providing an opportunity for councillors and council officers to connect with young peoples' perspectives.  相似文献   

This paper selects one of classifications of motivation in foreign language learning,that is,instrumental and integrative motivation.By analyzing such a distinction,it hopes to direct foreign language teaching in China.  相似文献   

针,可以说是一种造型最稳定的工具,自问世以来,其基本形制一直保持到今天。同针的造型的稳定性相仿,多年来的中学历史课本都在课文中讲述了山顶洞人用骨针缝制衣服,并且配有骨针的插图。小小一枚骨针体现了先民的聪明才智,他们用最原始的工具,完成了人类文明史上不可或缺的一项完美发明。  相似文献   

教师在运用合作学习这一策略时,应对学生进行有效的指导;在小组合作学习过程中学生的自主参与是合作学习成败的关键。教师要不断探索,不断反思,使合作学习适合每个学生的实际需求。  相似文献   

博弈论视角下学生合作学习绩效的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"小组合作学习"是课堂教学中充分发挥学生主体作用的一种有效方法,也是当前引导学生主动学习的重要途径.然而,纵观合作学习开展的现状,不难发现,合作学习实施的效果并不尽如人意,实施的过程存在一些问题.通过博弈论的角度来对这种状况进行原因分析,并提出针对性的建议和策略.  相似文献   

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