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Some academic libraries use service philosophy statements to strengthen the quality of their service culture. A service philosophy statement communicates directly to users what they can—and should—expect from the library. This article describes a study in which the authors applied qualitative content analysis to service philosophy statements. The objective was to examine the form and content of these statements and identify themes, trends, and ideas in order to determine how and what they communicate about a library’s commitment to service. The results of the study found that statements in the sample varied significantly in strength and purpose.  相似文献   

Between 1977 and 1981, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Charles Ferris directed the FCC as it made history by modifying U.S. radio and telecommunications law. It was a revolutionary time, but for the most part neither Ferris, nor the man who appointed him, President Jimmy Carter, has received much credit for their role in remaking regulatory policy. Perhaps even more importantly, Ferris changed the philosophy of how the FCC went about rulemaking, which continues to guide the Commission to this day. This study—utilizing, in part, Ferris' own words—seeks to correct the record regarding the impact he had.  相似文献   

Abstract The town of Springville, Utah, has a multi‐faceted relationship with its Museum of Art. The museum reflects and preserves the ethnic and cultural identity of the area, including its history, its landscapes, and its philosophy/religion. Through place‐based education—including observation and activities—k‐12 children and youth are given opportunities to experience their local culture on multiple levels. As museum artifacts are carefully chosen and lessons are purposefully structured, students receive cognitive, creative, and social benefits as well. Museum educators collaborate with local school personnel, along with educators from nearby Brigham Young University, to produce cross‐disciplinary lesson plans and teaching materials. Benefits Springville educators are finding in place‐based education are included in this article, along with specific ideas for lessons and activities.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(40):169-188
In academic libraries a philosophy collection is needed to support the philosophy curriculum of the host institution. and the librian may be pleased to learn that the cost of purchasing an adequate core collection in philosophy of enduring value is only about $57,000. In addition to supporting the philosophy curriculum, academic libraries will want to develop a philosophy collection to support faculty research in philosophy and other related fields. Indeed, philosophy lies at the root - both historically and logically - of almost every academic field of study, and so a good philosophy collection will be appreciated by everyone in the university. Similarly large public libraries will want to develop a philosophy collection to support research. Small and mid-sized public libraries may seem to have the least need to develop a philosophy collection. But here too the development of a core collection in philosophy may be important. Circulation statistics can be misleading. When considering the value of a philosophy collection it is necessary to recognize that even if circulation is relatively low, most items in a core collection are historical classics which will continue to circulate long after today's best-sellers have been forgotten, and even for much longer than the ten years that most scientific research remains useful. And besides, if a philosophy collection is carefully developed, it can be of great interest to the patrons of a small or medium sized public library, since many philosophical works address problems of universal human concern.  相似文献   

文章详细剖析了"图书馆哲学"是"生活哲学"的依据,并从"图书馆生活哲学"有助于对当代"图书馆生活"进行深刻反思、"图书馆生活哲学"有助于落实"以人为本"的价值原则、"图书馆生活哲学"有助于反思和审视"图书馆哲学"的"中国化"等几个方面分析了"图书馆生活哲学"的意义与作用.  相似文献   

In this paper I critically explicate Niklas Luhmann’s treatise Ecological Communication (1989). Locating this rather neglected treatise against the backdrop of the embryonic and amorphous academic field of environmental (or ecological) communication (EC), I argue that the treatise provides the only comprehensive conceptual definition of ecological or environmental communication—and it thus deserves attention as well as scrutiny. Past my detailed explication of Luhmann’s key concepts, I register my deep disagreements with his philosophy and speculate about why his treatise may have suffered neglect within EC. Briefly mentioning critical traditionalism, I also suggest alternatives to Luhmann’s theoretical framework. I devote the last section of the paper to my vision for the future of EC.  相似文献   

对新世纪10年我国图书情报学领域三种不同形态的哲学理论即图书馆哲学、情报学的哲学基础、信息哲学的研究进展进行了归纳和总结,提出了信息哲学应该成为21世纪图书馆哲学研究的新范式,成为图书情报学的哲学理论基础的观点。参考文献24。  相似文献   

Speculation about the character and purposes of American art museums has occasioned intense debate since their inception—never more so than today. Whether to be elitist or populist, object‐based or audience‐based forms the crux of many heated arguments. This article asserts that, in the midst of competing philosophies, the successful American art museum has in reality grown from an amalgam of ideas that form a via media or middle path, far more inclusive and pragmatic than is usually noted. This comprehensive philosophy is most effectively demonstrated in the work of Henry Watson Kent at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York during the first decades of the twentieth century. The work of Kent and his colleagues at the Metropolitan Museum is here examined as a paradigm for the via media museum practice that speaks to the aspirations of America's current art museum leadership.  相似文献   

试论哲学与情报学专业的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述哲学的意义,分析哲学对情报学专业学习的指导作用,指出情报学的学习可进一步加深对哲学知识的理解,情报哲学则丰富了哲学的研究内容,并从哲学的角度对当前情报工作的一些问题进行认识和思考。  相似文献   

论图书馆哲学的人文内涵   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文通过图书馆人文现象和图书馆哲学现状的思考,总结,认为图书馆哲学在新时期的理论体系,应填充深刻的人文内涵,关注图书馆实践,关注图书馆人,开拓人文研究的新视角、新领域、新的思维范式,从而确立和建立富含人文色彩的具有人情味的图书馆哲学。  相似文献   

运用归纳和思辨的方法对当代情报学哲学理论涉及到的20种哲学思潮的观点和关联关系进行分析。研究得出:①当代情报学哲学理论大体上可分为马克思主义、科学主义、人本主义及其他4大流派。②马克思主义哲学理论对情报学的指导处于最高层次,指明情报学研究应该遵循的基本思路和原则;科学主义哲学理论强调情报学研究应该科学化,更多地关注如何从技术上解决情报学问题,从而提高用户获取和利用情报的效率;人本主义哲学理论强调采用解释学范式的方法对情报学问题进行探讨,其终极目标是追求情报用户的价值、尊严和自由;信息哲学、社会认识论和后现代主义也为情报学的研究提供了独特视角的指导。③今后情报学研究应坚持以马克思主义哲学为基础,同时开展多元哲学理论的研究。  相似文献   

生态哲学与Lib2.0的对接   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于Web2.0的Lib2.0正成为图书馆界讨论、研究的热点,用户互动、交叉是Web2.0和Lib2.0的典型特征。生态哲学是研究人与自然相互作用的基本问题的学说,生态哲学作为可持续发展的解释工具,为科学发展观提供理论依据。生态哲学是图书馆可持续发展的哲学基础。本文运用生态哲学的理念和方法,通过生态哲学与Lib2.0的对接,研究了目前我国Lib2.0创新服务面临的问题,并提出了若干思考。  相似文献   

科学哲学视域下的情报学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章将情报学置于科学哲学视域下进行研究。在对科学哲学的发展历程及其六个转向进行简要回顾的基础上,构建了科学哲学与情报学关系模型。模型提出从科学和哲学两条路径探索科学哲学对情报学研究的启示。随后分析了与哲学对应的多元哲学思潮在情报学中的应用情况。最后,尝试性的分析了科学哲学六个转向中的情报学。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether perceived instructor credibility (i.e., competence, character, caring) differs based on instructor teaching philosophy. Participants were 244 students who read a short vignette describing an instructor with either a transmissive or a progressive teaching philosophy and completed the Measure of Source Credibility in reference to the vignette. Results indicate instructors with a transmissive teaching philosophy or a progressive teaching philosophy did not differ in their perceived competence, but instructors with a progressive teaching philosophy were rated higher in both perceived character and caring than instructors with a transmissive teaching philosophy. Future research should examine whether student philosophies toward education impact perceived instructor credibility.  相似文献   

Following the death of Osama bin Laden in the late hours of May 1, 2011, many print newspapers throughout the United States and the world ran front-page coverage of his death the following day. Although public support for bin Laden's death was largely consistent, newspaper headlines across the country varied in their presentation of the story, from “Got the Bastard!” to a more stoic “bin Laden dead.” Content analysis derived from the model of intuitive morality and exemplars (MIME) was applied to explain variance in headlines as a function of the dominant political philosophy found in different areas of the United States—philosophies rooted in moral salience structures. The MIME suggests a reciprocal relationship between basic motivations underlying moral judgment for distinct audiences and media content produced for those audiences. Consistent with predictions, findings suggest that newspapers in conservative-leaning regions presented the story as a patriotic “killing” (an emphasis on authority and loyalty), whereas newspapers from liberal-leaning regions were more likely to present it in terms of justice restoration (an emphasis on fairness and reciprocity).  相似文献   

从图书馆哲学概念和研究意义出发,利用已有的图书馆哲学研究成果,就“图书馆哲学”这一术语的提法、图书馆哲学与图书馆学理论基础的关系、用哲学的逻辑思维探讨图书馆哲学的必要性、图书馆哲学把教育哲学纳入讨论范围的必要性、图书馆学术研究应不应该以哲学理念作为始点、人文关怀与图书馆哲学的统一性以及图书馆哲学的深入应用与发展——图书馆2.0等几个问题提出了初步的看法,并倡导发扬哲学的批判精神。  相似文献   

注意到古罗马的晚期斯多亚哲学著作近年在中国的流行,文章认为其原因是斯多亚哲学本身和中国文化有相通性,更重要的是它具有伦理哲学、治疗性哲学、快乐哲学的特点,满足了2008年大灾大难后的中国对心理重建的需要.面对金融海啸,斯多亚哲学也是心理抗灾的良药.阅读疗法的研究者和实践者,应该对斯多亚哲学给予足够的关注.  相似文献   

文章由日常生活的重要性出发,论述了图书馆员的日常工作及其重要性;然后指出"图书馆哲学"从"人"的意义上讲应该是"图书馆员"的哲学,而图书馆员的哲学就在其日常工作里,进而论述了图书馆员日常工作哲学的必要性。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes aims and objectives that are related to the development of a bibliographic database on philosophy. This database has been developed by the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (INION) of the Russian Academy of Sciences for more than 30 years. The topical structure of the branch database for philosophy is described. The principles that underpin the content processing of documents and queries based on a set of linguistic tools are presented. It is noted that it is necessary to provide access to external (domestic and foreign) electronic resources in order to improve the quality of research and information support that is provided to the consumers of information in the field of philosophy.  相似文献   

大众图书馆哲学初探   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
建立图书馆哲学,是周文骏教授在1996年6月出版的《图书馆学研究论文集》“编后”中提出来的,确实应该摆到我们广大图书馆员和图书馆学研究者的日程上来了[1]。近些年,专以“图书馆哲学”为题的,有蒋永福[2,3,4,5]和庄义逊、吕斌、周庆山、郑全太的文章[6,7,8,9...  相似文献   

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