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There has been a steady stream of research exploring the impact of scholars' research within criminology/criminal justice journals (CCJ), but only a small number of studies have examined the impact of female scholars in particular. Extending that line of work, the present study identifies the most productive sole and lead female authors published in eight top-ranked CCJ journals between 2000 and 2010. Findings reveal that individual ranks of the female scholars are relatively stable when adjusting for frequency and journal impact factor. However, there is more movement in the ranks when they are adjusted based on the year the PhD. degree was earned. Consistent with previous research including both males and females, a handful of female scholars, in particular Robin Engel, Beth Huebner, Jodi Lane, and Nicole Leeper Piquero appear to be responsible for a large portion of work in the selected eight elite CCJ journals.  相似文献   

收藏与鉴赏类图书应如何分类?笔者结合国内两个最权威的分类法《中图法》和《科图法》所设类目进行分析、研究,提出一些意见与建议,并希望在以后的修订中起到参考作用。  相似文献   

This article highlights the efforts of colleagues in a criminal justice department to offer experiential learning opportunities (ELOs) to undergraduate students. Operating within the framework of a liberal arts curriculum, we provide criminal justice majors with a range of opportunities that fall under the general rubric of “experiential learning”, including the following: internships, field trips, service-learning, and research projects. Our goal was to combine the academic rigors of traditional, classroom-based learning with exposure to hands-on, real-world, subject-based knowledge. We explain the multistage framework that is used to tie all of our ELOs together across the curriculum. Results from a senior and alumni survey indicate that experiential learning offers significant academic and professional benefits for students.  相似文献   

Criminal justice is often criticized for lacking theoretical grounding. This article argues that the introductory criminal justice course should be reconceptualized in such a way that permits a critical assessment of theoretical bases underlying crime, law and justice. Doing so would better prepare students to understand key questions in the study of criminal justice and would also help give criminal justice greater credibility as a stand‐alone academic discipline. In addition to presenting the benefits of a theory‐driven introductory course, possible content and pedagogy are described.  相似文献   

The ever‐increasing role of the forensic sciences in the criminal justice system requires criminal justice educators to integrate the study of forensic science into a traditional social science curriculum. Yet, most professors in criminal justice lack forensic science expertise sufficient to meet the educational demands of the field, as it is intertwined with natural science disciplines, especially biology and chemistry. Accordingly, this paper advocates the formation of an interdisciplinary forensic studies program, including a discussion of need, curricular components, and overcoming potential obstacles.  相似文献   


Feminist criminology is a vital and growing area of scholarship, but it is not making its way into the classroom. This paper assesses the reasons why such material is not used frequently, makes a case for why it should be used, particularly in a liberal arts curriculum, and offers suggestions for how it can be used.  相似文献   

常德古城东门外沿江绵延的高地,古代名叫万桃冈或桃冈.宋末元初的丁易东在此创办沅阳书院,明代中期的蒋信在此创办桃冈精舍,这里文脉不断,成为常德地方精英教育的先声.蒋信留下的许多教育美文,是研究古代教育史的珍贵资料.  相似文献   

As educators, we recognize that students often come to the classroom with preconceived notions about the criminal justice system that shape their subsequent learning. One such notion revolves around the effectiveness of the “war on crime” model of the criminal justice system. Many students feel that this model is the best way to achieve “justice.” Teaching peacemaking represents an opportunity to introduce the students to a new way of thinking about the criminal justice system. This paper explores how experiential learning strategies can facilitate students’ learning of peacemaking. Suggestions also are made about how peacemaking can be implemented into the pedagogy of criminal justice professors.  相似文献   

民意自古以来就直接或间接地影响着法律的运行,被认为是评定司法公正和社会正义的双重标尺。在罪刑法定的刑法基调下,民意在司法运行中陷入了困境,这一切主要是源于我国所构建的封闭的刑法理论体系。鉴于司法机关传统的独白式刑法解释论,民意的理性引导和适当的介入便显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

Authoritarianism has been an influential concept in social science research. Furthermore, researchers have long been concerned about the potential dangers of authoritarianism within the criminal justice system. The current study uses Altemeyer’s RWA Scale to measure and compare levels of authoritarianism between criminal justice majors and non‐criminal justice majors in a sample of undergraduate students. Results indicate that criminal justice majors, males, and lower‐division students have higher mean RWA scores than non‐criminal justice majors, females, and upper‐division students. However, it is male criminal justice majors who demonstrate the highest levels of authoritarianism. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

刑法学派的不同立场对刑事立法和司法都会产生重大影响。综观我国的刑事立法现状和司法困境,当前的刑事立法应当坚持刑法理论上的主观主义,以解决“立法爆炸”和“刑罚威慑”问题,并且维护一个稳定的刑法典,促成人们对刑法规范的信仰和遵守;而当前的刑事司法则应该坚持刑法理论上的客观主义,以解决“保护人权”和“限制国家刑罚权”问题,使刑罚权在有限的空间内合理地运行。司法机关与立法机关之间应当按照宪法和法律规定的权限分工在法定权限内各司其职、相互配合与制约,对不属于自己权限范围的事项不能越权,最终形成立法机关与司法机关的良性互动,从而更好地发挥刑法的功能。  相似文献   

Career guide books and scholarly articles alike focus on courts, corrections, and law enforcement careers for criminal justice students. While those careers are noteworthy and popular among students, there are numerous professions available to criminal justice students in the private sector. This study outlines possible career choices outside of the criminal justice system as well as potential organizations for employment. Employment options are located in the fields of investigation, security, legal assistance, intelligence analysis, research and academia, and others with defense contractors, consulting firms, intelligence agencies, and Fortune 500 companies among additional private corporations.  相似文献   

Students majoring in criminology and criminal justice are assumed to have more detailed and accurate knowledge about crime, criminal justice, and punishment practices than peers majoring in other disciplines. The purpose of this study was to examine if criminology/criminal justice majors were more or less punitive than students pursuing other majors at three universities using standard predictors of punitiveness that have not been consistently examined in previous research. The results indicate that criminology and criminal justice students are more punitive in the combined three‐campus sample and in two of the three‐campus samples considered separately.  相似文献   

刑事和解与恢复性司法理念相伴而生,是一种新的解决刑事纠纷的方式,是刑事纠纷解决的国家领域和民问领域的中间地带,公诉案件引入刑事和解符合现代刑事司法理念的要求,有利于被害人利益的保护和被告人重新回归社会,亦有利于司法资源的节约和诉讼效率的提高,最终有助于和谐社会的建构。  相似文献   

Student philanthropy is a teaching strategy that “provides students with the opportunity to study social problems and nonprofit organizations, and then make decisions about investing funds in them.” This represents the first study of student philanthropy in the criminal justice education literature and the first quasi-experimental study of student philanthropy in the higher-education literature. Specifically, it examines the impact of student philanthropy on students' beliefs, interest, learning, and intended behavior by analyzing pretest and posttest data for students who participated in a philanthropy experience (experimental group), relative to students who did not participate (comparison group). Key findings include: those who participated in the student philanthropy project were significantly more likely to be aware of organizations in their community, and change scores support the differences between the experimental and comparison groups regarding social problem awareness.  相似文献   

This paper details the use of the professional interview as an active learning assignment for students enrolled in criminal justice and social science classes. Numerous ways in which the professional interview enhances the advising and career selection process are identified. The authors present the results of a content analysis of the “summary and reflections” section of assignments from more than 100 professional interviews completed by students enrolled in several criminal justice classes. The results are used to illustrate students’ perceptions of the utility of the assignment. Lastly, the text includes a version of the interview instrument the authors have utilized with great success for a number of years.  相似文献   

This study assesses the authorship of legal scholarship within 20 criminology and criminal justice (CCJ) journals from 2005 to 2015, examining trends over time and variation across journals in the prevalence of sole-authorship and the mean number of authors and identifying the most prolific authors of legal scholarship published in CCJ journals. The study thus sheds light on the extent of collaboration among CCJ legal scholars and identifies CCJ legal scholars who have remained largely invisible due to their focus on a marginalized subfield.  相似文献   

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