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耳鼻咽喉科学是一门专科性强、概念内容多的学科,同时也是一门知识理论更新快、思维活跃的学科。作者结合自身的教学实践,从优化学科内容、强化文献查阅、融入课题撰写、参与科研实践等方面入手,对构建以科研思维为导向的耳鼻咽喉科学研究型教学模式进行了浅析。  相似文献   

针对SCORM和LOM描述学习对象缺少语义方面的不足,利用语义技术,设计内容本体、上下文本体、结构化本体和学习者本体来对学习对象进行描述,并给出了一个基于OWL语言的学习对象描述方法。  相似文献   

基于魔灯(Moodle)的研究性学习模式初探   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文探讨了利用魔灯学习管理系统进行研究性学习的特点,并就以魔灯为中介的师生、生生之间的互助合作,提出了一种基于魔灯的研究性学习模式。  相似文献   

In an attempt to confront the problem of student evaluation, the staffing conference was developed as a quality control mechanism to monitor the student's progress through the program. This article describes the structure and process of the staffing conference and discusses some of the resulting benefits that have accrued to staff, students, and the counseling program as a whole.  相似文献   

迄今为止,我已经在北京住了快两年了。我可以讲我称之为日常用语的中文并且能听懂更多。有能力与当地人沟通使我在这里的经历变得更令人愉悦;我无法想象住在中国却不会讲中文的情景。如果一个人那样生活的话,那就失去太多了。我已经有五年说普通话的经历了。我在乔治亚大学呆了三年,取得了哲学学士学位。但在我开始学习中文以前,我早就对中国以及这个国家的语言颇感兴趣了。  相似文献   

高等学校学科建设的实践探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学科建设是高等学校的一项基础性的建设。随着学科间交叉、融合的趋势的出现和发展,学科建设应遵循“突出重点、注重特色、采取立项、流动建设”的原则,加强学术带头人的选拔和培养,明确责任教授负责制,同时做好建设学科的评估和考核工作。  相似文献   

项目式学习是当前教育领域关注的热点,而如何在线开展学习评价是项目式学习研究的难题.构建学生能力画像有助于解决这一难题,而从哪些维度采集哪些行为数据支持能力画像建模,是构建画像的关键.因此,有必要研制项目式学习评价指标体系指导数据的采集.文章采用表现性评价方法,分析了项目式学习的评价内容和表现性任务,提出了项目式学习行为框架,并结合学生问题解决能力在不同行为维度的外在表现设计了观测指标.采用问卷调查法验证和修正了指标体系,最终形成5个维度20个观测指标.对指标体系的应用场景进行了阐述,并以研究性学习学生画像构建为例,介绍了指标体系的具体应用,以期为相关人员提供实践参考.  相似文献   

"教师为主体"教育文化影响下的教学设计,教学的流程就是一个个问题的解决过程。这种以问题为纽带的推进方式,并没有很好地关注学生的学。基于学而教,是小学语文课堂改进的有效路径。用学生的学习活动串起课堂,教学的流程就成了学生连贯的自主学习过程。这样就能真正彰显学生的主体地位,全面提升学生的语文素养。  相似文献   

The impact of the Guided Problem Based Learning (Guided PBL) approach on Critical Thinking (CT) skills in a core business analysis course was examined. The implementation of this approach included using a textbook created for this purpose, which presents problems first, with blank spaces for students to work them out. Discussion of the concepts and theory needed to understand and solve the problems, as well as the solutions, come later in the book. This book is referred to as the Reversed Textbook. Students attempt to answer questions or solve problems in class with instructor guidance as needed, before discussion of theory. Student learning in sections taught prior to implementing the Guided PBL method was compared with student learning in sections taught with the method. Results indicate that the approach motivated learning and improved student performance on a departmental final exam by an average of 9%. When measured on CT questions alone, the improvement was on average 24%. Finally, the Guided PBL approach also improved group task performance by 6%. All the improvements were statistically significant.  相似文献   

学习村庄是香港中文大学资讯科技教育促进中心开发的一套多人网上游戏.如何对学生就学习村庄的基本操作进行有效的培训,使学生更好地了解平台、利用平台进行学习?笔者围绕上述问题对初二班的学生开展了两轮行动研究,得到了教师与学生的好评.本文描述了两轮行动的计划、行动、观察与反思四个环节,详细论述培训过程中出现的问题,分析问题发生的原因.文章最后从李秉德先生提出的教学七要素角度对两轮培训进行总结,旨在为学习村庄的相关培训提供参考.  相似文献   

批判性思维是高素质人才培养和知识创新的关键,是创新思维与能力培养的基础,服务学习是一种把社区服务和理论教学相结合的教学方法,它强调行动与反思、评价与总结,关注批判性和反思性,与大学生批判性思维培养有机统一,是大学生批判性思维培养的有效途径。  相似文献   

为了适应高校人才培养模式,避免理论课程过多过杂,挤占实践教学的时间;为了培养更具有创新性、综合性、满足未来社会发展的需要的人才,基于研究性学习教学模式,分别从课程设计、教材选择、课堂实施、效果检验、监督评价等五个方面对高校教学方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

We present a short, inquiry-based learning course on concepts and methods underlying ordinary least squares (OLS), least absolute deviation (LAD), and quantile regression (QR). Students investigate squared, absolute, and weighted absolute distance functions (metrics) as location measures. Using differential calculus and properties of convex functions, students discover the sample mean, median, and pth quantile by minimizing sums of distances. Students use these metrics to define loss functions for OLS, LAD, and QR, and explore methods to minimize them. We discuss classroom experiences over two semesters. Classroom activities, Maple worksheets, and R demonstration code are available at a companion website.  相似文献   

This article reviews some salient findings of recent research into how higher education students learn. The defining features of the research examined here are its emphasis on idipgraphic explanation and its concern with realistic learning activities. Examples of investigations into approaches to learning, outcome space, learning styles, orientations to learning, conceptions of learning, and the context of learning in higher education are provided. Against this background, five main areas for future development are outlined: the theory of study process; the conditions for deep approaches to learning; transition, progress, and persistence; studies of everyday learning; and action research into the content and context of learning. The paper concludes with a discussion of certain problems in relating the research findings to practice.  相似文献   

Responsive teaching occurs when teachers take up and respond to their students’ ideas during instruction (J. L. Pierson, 2008). Although responsive teaching is gaining recognition as an effective strategy for encouraging student learning, few methods of analysis are capable of characterizing the different ways in which teachers take up their students’ ideas in the moment. This article presents and exemplifies a new methodological construct, the redirection, which provides researchers with a means of detecting nuanced differences in how teachers respond to their students’ thinking. The redirection construct emerged via systematic discourse analysis of 1 science teacher’s classroom discussions during 3 implementations of an inquiry-based module on the water cycle. Redirections are defined as instances when a teacher invites students to shift or redirect their attention to a new locus. Such shifts reflect different types of teacher responsiveness and, as such, can be used to capture the different ways in which teachers take up their students’ ideas. This article presents a comprehensive coding scheme for the redirection, in addition to segments of classroom discourse to exemplify each redirection coding category. A comparison of 3 5th-grade teachers using the construct provides an illustrative example of the type of analysis such a coding scheme affords learning sciences researchers.  相似文献   

纪律教育是塑造高师学生教师职业道德的重要手段之一.文章从实践出发探索了在新形势下对高师学生如何进行有效的纪律教育.  相似文献   

王永明  李森 《中学教育》2010,(12):17-21
教育机智的特点决定了它不能仅仅通过“显化”策略去研究和获得,本文以班杜拉的观察学习理论和范梅南的教育机智思想为理论基础,分析了教育机智观察学习的必要性和可能性,并试图阐明教育机智研究和获得的观察学习原理。  相似文献   

技术的发展加速教育进入智慧学习时代,新时代对人的培养提出了新的要求,对于如何以知识为基础或载体发展、转化、升华成学科思维成为学界关注的焦点。文章通过文献分析,提出了以问题为线索的学科知识图谱,并从心理学和哲学视角找寻理论依据,完成对思维内涵及其形成过程的把握;从知识抽取技术、语义链接技术和可视化技术三方面论证学科知识图谱构建的技术可行性。基于此设计了以问题体系为核心,向下回溯知识体系,向上抽象能力体系的学科知识图谱结构模型,提出了基于学科知识图谱的思维发展机制,在揭示知识建构与思维发展关系的基础上,从问题解决触及思维本质,以期为人的培养从知识习得走向思维发展的教育实践提供指导。  相似文献   

Instructors are faced with the challenge of engaging students in the learning process. This study examined the effects of participation requirements on students' (N = 258) affective learning, interest, and cognitive learning using the Affective Learning Model and the Instructional Beliefs Model. Affective learning mediated the relationship between student participation requirements and cognitive learning, and student interest mediated the relationships between participation requirements and cognitive learning, supporting the IBM. The results provide insight into course-specific structural tactics that instructors can employ to enhance the educational experience for college students.  相似文献   

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