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课程编制是高校课程管理的重要内容。可以从实施者和活动内容两方面来理解校级课程编制活动。基于课程编制活动的可行性和高等教育系统的独特性,对课程进行狭义的理解是我们进行校级课程编制活动的出发点。课程编制在不同的课程哲学观指导下形成了科学和人文二分框架,只有将科学课程观和人文课程观融合于“人”,才能真正实现教育培养人的目的。 相似文献
从苏格拉底将教育的目光转向对人的重视,到卢梭、裴斯泰洛齐、福禄贝尔等人的自然教育,到杜威的“儿童中心”教育,再到柏格森、狄尔泰的生命哲学以及建构主义、后现代主义教育思潮,我们不难发现,教育正是在不断追求对于人的关注和重视、不断追求人的身心和谐完整发展的过程中逐 相似文献
学校课程管理:赋权后的困惑与抉择 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在新课程制度文本上,学校拥有了课程管理的主体权责;在具体实践中,学校正经受着“上级课程行政滞后”、“社会应试倾向”和“自我建构能力不足”的困扰。检视学校课程管理面临的挑战,寻求应对和突围的路径与策略,以确保基础教育课程改革全面实施。 相似文献
根据新一轮基础教育课程改革的要求,阐述了素质教育的基本内涵,结合新课程基本理念的目标领域,分析研究了高校体育教学与素质教育的关系和意义,提出了在新课程理念下实施高校体育素质教育的策略。 相似文献
This article considers multicultural education policies in relation to recent political and social events in England, France and Canada. The authors start from the assumption that the promotion of multiculturalism is thought to be a beneficial aim in schools. In light of this, they contrast this aim with the large civil unrest witnessed in 2005 in England and France, along with a recent 2006 court decision in Canada regarding minority rights in schools. They contend that effective multicultural policies must be developed at both the state and local levels, otherwise multicultural education policies will remain superficial at best. 相似文献
再论校本课程开发的内涵及核心理念 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
新课程实施以来,校本课程开发无疑成为一个热点问题,专家学者纷纷出版专著对其进行系统阐述,许多学校也热衷于开发具有本校特色的所谓“校本课程”,但这其中不乏“散乱的活跃”,“校本课程”沦为“校长课程”、“编校本教材”的趋向日益明显。因此,冷静地思考一些关键的理论与实践问题,对于我国今后有效开发校本课程具有十分重要的意义。一、校本课程开发的内涵如同对课程的理解一样,对“校本课程开发”内涵的认识也是见仁见智,国外较早较系统地开展校本课程开发研究的是斯基尔贝克(M.Skilbeck)等少数英国学者。1973年,在爱尔兰阿尔斯特大… 相似文献
Paola Mattei 《牛津教育评论》2013,39(3):247-266
This article concentrates on the policy reforms of schools in England, Germany, France and Italy, from 1988 to 2009, with a focus on the introduction of market accountability. Pressing demands for organisational change in schools, shaped by the objectives of ‘efficiency’ and competition, which were introduced in England in the 1980s, have been adopted in other European countries, albeit at a slower pace and within the continuing need for domestic institutional conformity. How does the increasing predominance of market accountability in state schools change traditional bureaucratic and professional accountability relationships between politicians, managers, professionals and users? The article argues that despite some evidence of convergence between different education systems, England remains the outlier and continental European countries have been much more reluctant to adopt choice and competition policies. 相似文献
16世纪英法两国建立了君主专制统治,并呈现出相似的特点:一是封建君主在加强中央集权的同时,使教会民族化;二是封建君主与资产阶级关系密切;三是封建君主一反农本传统,采取重商主义政策,借以促进海外贸易和殖民扩张.鼓励资本原始积累。在专制主义充分展示其弊端的同时,客观上促进了资本主义的兴起,为近代民族国家的形成奠定了基础。 相似文献
英国择校:进展与问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
英国自1980年实行择校政策以来,家长选择学校的权利在逐步扩大,对教育的民主化、开放化以及社会的融合起到了很大的作用。但其中也存在一些问题,比如:性向和能力两者之间界限含糊,导致学校挑选部分学生的标准不统一;家长选择学校的权利受到限制;操作过程中很多地方有失公平;诉讼案件增多,给学校和法院增添了负担等。面对这些问题,英国政府不断采取措施以完善择校政策。 相似文献
张璇 《四川教育学院学报》2012,28(4):17-20
美、英、法三国的历史和文化传统不尽相同,不同的教师教育管理体制形成了不同的教师教育评估模式,但却有着共同的特点:评估机构的独立性、评估程序的科学性和民主性、评估结果运用的科学合理性。针对我国的具体情况,提出了值得我国借鉴的地方和有益的启示。 相似文献
Roelande H. Hofman W.H. Adriaan Hofman Henk Guldemond AnneBert Dijkstra 《Educational Research and Evaluation》2013,19(4):366-394
Abstract Building upon the assumption that cohesion between different levels of the school is essential to the schools’ effectiveness, the hypothesis is tested that a close kinship between school and parental community causes a positive effect on student outcomes in primary schools. Recent theories regarding the effects of ‘functional communities’ on academic achievement mainly focus on the characteristics of the parental community that surrounds a school. Recognizing, however, that schools differ regarding their responsiveness to the role of parents and other actors around the school, our expectation is that a definition of functional community which comprises interactions between characteristics of the parental network around the school and the governance structure of the school offers a better explanation of variation in student achievement. Based on a national sample of 90 schools for primary education in the Netherlands, our analysis shows that the differences in math achievement for public and private primary schools are mediated by characteristics at both the family and the institutional level. It also indicates that characteristics at the institutional level are conditional for the effects of parental networks around schools. 相似文献
The promotion of ‘critical citizenship’ has become a key objective of official school curricula around the world. Using an analytic framework developed by the authors, this paper identifies the diverse conceptions of critical citizenship that are promoted, by comparing the official school curricula for citizenship in England and France. The analysis goes beyond the dichotomous distinctions prevalent in comparisons of education in the two countries, especially those that focus on the contrasting degrees of centralisation–decentralisation, and suggests that there were significant differences in the goals promoted in their curricula with regard to four key dimensions: ideology, the collective, the individual and action. While these differences reflect historical, political, social, economic and cultural differences between the two nations, the analysis indicates a lack of symmetry across the levels of the curriculum, which contributed to the significant spaces that were found to exist which have the potential for teachers and students to creatively interpret how critical citizenship can be understood and implemented in the classroom. 相似文献
MARY EAGLETON 《Gender and education》1998,10(3):343-349
Two articles in Gender and Education Volume 10, Number 1 (March 1998) - Pauline Leonard's 'Gendering change? Management, masculinity and the dynamics of incorporation' and Alison Bartlett's 'A passionate subject: representations of desire in feminist pedagogy' - suggested to the author the fruitful potential of 'reading between' positions. Though, at first, the differences between the two articles - in situation, content, critical perspective-loom large, they both circulate around the common problem of finding a place for women in educational institutions that veer between the indifferent, the begrudging or the actively hostile. This article attempts to bring into dialogue the sense of professional woman in Leonard and of corporeal woman in Bartlett. The author also reads between these two articles and her own preoccupation with the role of the feminist teacher and suggests, tentatively, that a new interpretation of 'impersonality' may negotiate the intense involvement Bartlett hopes for and the institutional pressures Leonard feels. 相似文献
曲绍卿 《山东商业职业技术学院学报》2006,6(4):43-46
餐饮业的长足发展给烹饪教育的发展带来了新的机遇和挑战。长期以来,由于我国高职教育管理体制务块分割导致对高等和中等职业教育缺乏统筹管理,致使在中、高职烹饪教育衔接中出现了如培养目标,课程设置,教学内容,招生考试等一系列问题。烹饪中等职业教育和烹饪高等职业教育同属于烹饪职业教育的范畴,又分属不同的教育体系,两者的衔接是必要的,也是可能的,课程是衔接的关键,对口招生考试是衔接的桥梁,而师资队伍结构是衔接的重中之重。 相似文献
Through a comparison of the beliefs, goals and teaching methods adopted by primary school teachers working in areas of disadvantage in England and France, this paper considers how the education systems of the two countries resolve the dilemmas involved in providing educational opportunities to children of all social class backgrounds. Traditionally, the centralised French system, strongly influenced by a republican ideological tradition, has adopted a policy of equal entitlement and equal treatment for all, while the English system has enshrined the notion of differentiated teaching according to the perceived needs of the child. In research carried out before recent reforms, significant differences were found in the goals which inner city teachers set themselves in the two countries. Recent follow-up research indicates the continued central importance of teachers' values in the light of strong external pressure to change. 相似文献