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教材更是“引子”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在小学语文教学界很有些知名度的窦桂梅老师曾应徐州教育学会之邀为苏鲁豫皖接壤地区的老师们提供了一堂课,并与听课者进行了交流。窦老师对教材的认识或者说她的“教材观”对大家颇有启发。窦老师说:“有时我们说教材不过是个‘例子’,‘例子’不等于是法律,不等于是圣经、圣旨,教材更是一个‘引子’,今天的社会里我们应该把教材看作‘引子’,引发你去学习,引发你去陶冶,引发你去思考。”长期以来,我们的教学一向忠实于教材,坚持并坚信“以本为本”。即便有时表达对教材的不满,那也是因为发现了教材还有不够“权威”的地方,例如语文教材中…  相似文献   

教科书在一定程度上存在对农村的忽略现象,具体表现在对农村学校条件的遗忘、对农村素材的遗忘、对农村文化的遗忘等方面。导致教科书遗忘农村的原因主要有四个,即观念上对现代文明的误解、趋同城市的社会现实压力、作为编写导向的课程理论城市价值定位、编写者的城市中心构成。教科书对农村的遗忘有诸多不良影响,应该从政策、资源、设计、学生、教师等方面入手加以改善。  相似文献   

Social work introductory textbooks reflect myriad practical interests, pedagogical concerns, and theoretical considerations. However, they also present students with accepted views, dominant perspectives, and main discourses of knowledge. In light of this centrality, the present article examines the representation of the concept of “social class” in introductory textbooks as a way to look at the construction of the concept in social work education. Based on the content analysis study of 50 introductory textbooks, the article suggests that social work education has overlooked or even denied the relevance of social class. Class differences, as part of other categories of power such as race, ethnicity, and gender are crucial factors in explaining diversity and inequality. As social justice is one of the main premises of social work, the question of how to prepare students to deal with class issues as future practitioners seems to be very important, especially in light of increasing social class gaps.  相似文献   

We reviewed the five top-selling introductory assessment textbooks in both general and special education to identify topics contained in textbooks and to determine the extent of agreement among authors regarding the essentialness of topics within and across discipline. Content analysis across the 10 assessment textbooks yielded 73 topics related to 13 categories: Decisions, Law, Technical Adequacy, Plan Assessment, Create Assessment, Score Assessment, Assessment Target, Assessment Type, Assessment Method, Interpret Assessment, Communicate Assessment Results, Assessment Population, and Computer-Assisted Assessment. Many of the topics identified were consistent with traditional assessment expectations of general and special education environments, while other, arguably important, topics were not identified as essential. The idea of core assessment topics for all teachers is introduced.  相似文献   

As scientific teams in academia have become increasingly large, interdisciplinary, and diverse, more attention has been paid to honorary authorship (i.e., giving authorship to those not making a significant contribution). Our study examined whether honorary authorship occurs because of the desire to include all or many team members. Interviews with project principal investigators (n?=?6) and early-career project members (n?=?6) from 6 interdisciplinary environmental science research teams revealed that principal investigators frequently employed inclusion-motivated honorary authorship but that this practice had some negative impacts on early-career team members with less power and status, thereby undermining true inclusion of those from underrepresented groups. We believe our findings are of import not only for environmental scientists, but also for scholars who are interested in issues of authorship decision-making regardless of disciplinary affiliation.  相似文献   

This article describes two separate studies: a survey of students’ textbook perceptions, purchases, and usage for e-textbooks and print textbooks and a conjoint analysis on e-textbook attributes. Print textbooks were perceived as easier to read, understand, and navigate, whereas e-textbooks were perceived to be cheaper. Students were willing to purchase e-textbooks, although most did not have e-readers. In the conjoint study, price was the most important attribute, followed by access to online study guides, videos, and quizzes and the duration of e-textbook accessibility. The ideal e-textbook was priced at 60% of the print textbook; was accessible for one year; and provided access to online study guides, videos, and quizzes.  相似文献   

目前各家关于记号与记号字的界定大多以字形象形与否来判定,认为隶变以后的汉字象形性减弱,汉字朝着记号化发展。实际上记号与记号字应以字形与词之间是否存在理据性联系为判定标准,大多数今汉字并非记号字。记号字成因为假借、隶变、音义演变、简化。  相似文献   

The Rhetoric of Textbooks: Metadiscourse   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

《全日制高级中学教科书必修加选修》物理教材中,除正文之外不少章节之后都有《阅读材料》和《做一做》两个栏目,这部分内容虽然不是教学和考试的重点,但笔者以为这是教材不可或缺的部分。在多年的教学中笔者发现,倘若教师对这部分内容不做引导,就不会引起学生的注意,有的学生甚至将其忽略视而不见(部分对物理有浓厚兴趣的学生除外),教材编写的设想无法达到预期的效果。教材后的《阅读材料》有的是物理发展史、科学家事迹,有的是科普论文,有的是对本节内容的提升,这些阅读材料对扩大学生的知识面扩大视野有很重要的作用。课文后的《做一做》…  相似文献   

尽管国内犯罪学理论研究视野开阔并形成了完整的理论体系,其背靠社会学的发展也使得它在法学领域拥有相当大的影响力,但是,社会对犯罪理论的过高期待与信息资源的相对短缺,极大阻碍着犯罪学的纵深研究;三段式理论的固化和泛化研究替代严谨论证的做法,也导致问题与立论分离;经验观察替代科学实证,降低了犯罪学的学科价值。为此,犯罪学的解困在于恪守事实科学的本分,保持独立批判的眼光。  相似文献   

分析教科书的功用,负面性等问题,并针对教科书的偏见性、滞后性及不利于培养学生的创造性等一系列负效应及,对教科书的处理,选择和使用提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

This study assesses the authorship of legal scholarship within 20 criminology and criminal justice (CCJ) journals from 2005 to 2015, examining trends over time and variation across journals in the prevalence of sole-authorship and the mean number of authors and identifying the most prolific authors of legal scholarship published in CCJ journals. The study thus sheds light on the extent of collaboration among CCJ legal scholars and identifies CCJ legal scholars who have remained largely invisible due to their focus on a marginalized subfield.  相似文献   

This study seeks to shed light on the informal process of knowledge production in criminology and criminal justice by examining acknowledgements in journal publications. Studying the structure of research collaboration among scholars may enhance our understanding of the discipline’s organization. We test hypotheses derived from prior research by analyzing acknowledgements in 786 articles from five journals in criminology and criminal justice over the last five years. As anticipated by the “invisible college” hypothesis, criminology and criminal justice scholarship contains a small group of individuals who receive a disproportionate share of acknowledgements. Additionally, we find that higher ranked and more productive scholars are awarded more acknowledgements than their lower ranked and less productive counterparts. Integrating acknowledgements as an unofficial assessment tool may improve the collective endeavor of contemporary science in our field. Overall, the influence of the “invisible colleagues,” measured by acknowledgements, demonstrates the value of collaboration in the process of knowledge production.  相似文献   

Greek society of the eighteenth century did not have the institutional or theoretical background for the development of an original interest in scientific pursuits. The contact with the new scientific ideas aimed basically at the assimilation of these ideas in the body of the existing contemplative philosophy and the context where such undertaking took place was exclusively education. At the same time, education was the field where the political and ideological pursuits of various social groups intersected. A quasi modernistic profile of the educational activity was especially favored by a new generation of scholars who wished to assert their distinctive intellectual physiognomy, as well as by the emergent group of merchants who strove to establish their distinctive cultural and political authority. As a result, the new interest in the sciences reflects the confluence of the aims of these two social groups. The study of scientific textbooks, which were produced under these circumstances, depicts the consequences of this confluence and brings to light some important aspects of the social and intellectual environment within which the contact of Greek intellectual life with modern sciences occurred.  相似文献   

The discipline of educational psychology approaches the new millennium with a distinguished history, a compelling mission, and a sense of anxiety: given the prevailing turmoil in both education and psychology, what should be the shape of our field in the decades to come? I argue for refinement rather than redefinition. Our foundations as an applied science are sound, in my opinion. The challenge ahead is to bring together the scattershot elements of our accomplishments to date. A cornerstone for coherence can be found in the object of our investigation: the institution of schooling. In an effort to satisfy diverse clientele, American schools have virtually "disintegrated" during the past 50 years. By focusing our efforts – theoretical, methodological, and empirical, – on the reintegration of schooling, we can both assist education and re-establish a sense of disciplinary integrity. Examples are presented in three domains of practical importance: (a) curriculum and the architecture of knowledge, (b) instruction and discourse, and (c) development and learning.  相似文献   

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