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In 1996 five Loyola University faculty members proposed limiting the term “social justice communication research” exclusively to studies whose designs focused on “usable knowledge.” For them, that criterion necessitates that a legitimate social justice research project entail immediate action recommendations and direct researcher intervention in the interests of immediate study participants. This essay contends that such a litmus test restricts acceptable research to short‐term case studies aimed at immediately measurable outcomes produced by the researcher him‐ or herself, qualities that do not necessarily match the complex nature of problems of social in(justice) or exclusively yield the type of research outcomes that most powerfully address such problems. Widespread acceptance of their criterion: 1) limits scholarly influence to those few sites of struggle where a researcher's location and finite schedule allow extended personal engagement; 2) encourages counter‐productive dependence by lay social justice advocates on Communication researchers; 3) works against discovering and integrating broader, long‐term systemic solutions or effectively empowering advocates in other social justice struggles; 4) discourages the innovation of “the scholarship of discovery” with respect to social (in)justice issues in favor of the safer, predictable strategies of responsible “scholarship of application” (and vice versa) by necessitating the combination of conflicting objectives in a single scholarly project; and 5) promotes dysfunctional isolation and territoriality within the Communication discipline.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that researchers’ social network metrics obtained from a collaborative output network (e.g., joint publications or co-authorship network) impact their performance determined by g-index. We use a richer dataset to show that a scholar's performance should be considered with respect to position in multiple networks. Previous research using only the network of researchers’ joint publications shows that a researcher's distinct connections to other researchers, a researcher's number of repeated collaborative outputs, and a researchers’ redundant connections to a group of researchers who are themselves well-connected has a positive impact on the researchers’ performance, while a researcher's tendency to connect with other researchers who are themselves well-connected (i.e., eigenvector centrality) had a negative impact on the researchers’ performance. Our findings are similar except that we find that eigenvector centrality has a positive impact on the performance of scholars. Moreover, our results demonstrate that a researcher's tendency toward dense local neighborhoods and the researchers’ demographic attributes such as gender should also be considered when investigating the impact of the social network metrics on the performance of researchers.  相似文献   

Scientific impact indexes like h are responsive to two parameters: the researcher's productivity given by the number of her published papers (an aspect of quantity) and citations (an aspect of quality). In this paper I prove that the two parameters can be treated separately: the index h can be axiomatized by appealing (1) only to axioms that allow for productivity changes, but do not require taking into account distinct situations in which a researcher's papers received different numbers of citations or (2) only to axioms that allow for changes in the number of citations received by the researcher's papers, but do not require changes in scientific productivity. The axioms used are weak. Specifically, monotonicity is avoided.  相似文献   

Traditional rhetorical theory tends to adopt the rhetor's point of view, emphasizing invention of rhetorical messages, rather than the audience's reception and interpretation of messages. The audience is ordinarily conceptualized in humanistic rhetorical theory as a target, a source of expectations to guide the rhetor's invention, a means to accomplish the rhetor's ends, or even an obstacle. We argue that a more complete view of rhetoric should include the audience as a potentially active part of the process of persuasion. Accordingly, we propose to supplement our traditional theories of rhetoric by sketching a complementary view of rhetoric as the process of an auditor's processing and responding to messages. The inspiration for this conception, Petty and Cacioppo's Elaboration Likelihood Model, is sketched, and implications for rhetorical theory and criticism are discussed.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):437-439
Integrative interpersonal theory implies that relational uncertainty may play a role in the reassurance-seeking and negative feedback-seeking behavior of people with depressive symptoms. We sought to extend the theory by (a) documenting how individuals with depressive symptoms communicate under conditions of relational uncertainty, (b) evaluating actor and partner effects, and (c) utilizing observational measures of reassurance-seeking and negative feedback-seeking. Sixty-nine romantic couples engaged in 50 minutes of conversation rated by independent judges. Multilevel modeling results indicated that the depressive symptoms of actors and partners were the primary predictor of an actor's reassurance-seeking, but an actor's relational uncertainty was the primary predictor of an actor's negative feedback-seeking. The findings illuminate the interplay among depressive symptoms, relational uncertainty, and communication.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):217-235
Communication scholars have long argued that achieving one's personal goals with others constitutes an important element of interpersonal communication competence. Moreover, sensitivity to the partner's goals has been implicated in various lines of research related to competence. Despite the presumed status of goal achievement and sensitivity to the partner's goals, models do not develop the relationships between these constructs and how actors are assessed in terms of competence criteria. This paper attempts to repair this oversight by advancing and testing hypotheses that connect assessments of competence to actor's goal achievement and sensitivity to the partner's goals. Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) (Kashy & Kenny, 1999), both actor and partner assessments of the actor's sensitivity and conflict strategies were analyzed. Results reveal that sensitivity to the partner's goals was a strong predictor of competence assessments and that actor goal achievement was a moderate predictor of competence assessments. In short, support was found for the explicit inclusion of goal achievement and goal sensitivity in models of interpersonal communication competence.  相似文献   

This research examines the influence of message recipients' emotional responses to televised PSAs on their attitudes toward the advocated issues. Integrating the affect-as-information paradigm and Epstein's cognitive-experiential self-theory, this research hypothesizes that message-induced emotions will have a greater influence on persuasion for individuals who have a strong faith in intuition than for those who have a weak faith in intuition. Overall, the main hypothesis was partially supported. There is some indication that faith in intuition moderates the influence of message-induced emotions on persuasion such that people with a stronger faith in intuition tend to rely more on experienced emotions when making judgments. The moderating effects of faith in intuition, however, appear to be confined to specific PSAs and discrete emotions.  相似文献   

Career progression for scientists involves an assessment of their contribution to their field and a prediction of their future potential. Traditional measures, such as the impact factor of the journal that a researcher publishes in, may not be an appropriate or accurate means of assessing the overall output of an individual. The development of altmetrics offers the potential for fuller assessments of a researcher's output based on both their traditional and non‐traditional scholarly outputs. New tools should make it easier to include non‐traditional outputs such as data, software and contributions to peer review in the evaluation of early‐ and mid‐career researchers.  相似文献   

Ensuring the quality of information is a critical ethical issue for any information system. Research Information Management Systems (RIMSs) need to engage researchers in sharing research information and knowledge, and ensuring its quality. This paper introduces a theoretical framework for researcher participation in RIMSs. The framework is grounded in empirical research and can guide the design of RIMSs by defining typologies of researcher activities in RIMSs, related motivations, levels of participation, and metadata profiles. In addition, the framework defines discipline- and seniority-specific priorities for the researcher's activities and motivations. RIMS managers and scholarly communications librarians can use the framework to assemble RIMS service and metadata profiles that are tailored to the researcher's context. Likewise, the framework can guide the construction of communication messages personalized to the researcher's priorities and her or his motivations for engaging in a specific activity, which will enhance the researcher's engagement with the RIMS.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of an international team collaboration between US and South African conflict specialists and educators implementing a Community Peace and Safety Network in four communities in the Gauteng province of South Africa. The project, funded by the United States Information Agency, was a social justice initiative that provided mediation training for school and community centers to aid them in accomplishing constructive conflict management and social change. Following an overview of the project goals, stages, and accomplishments, Smith and Berg's theory of paradoxes in groups is used to analyze the negotiated relationships in the international team and the mutual influence of group tensions and community impact throughout the 18‐month project period. Discussion includes implications for dialectical analyses of groups and for social justice scholars.  相似文献   


AIDS activist Larry Kramer's 1983 essay, “1,112 and Counting,” was a key rhetorical event in the development of AIDS activism by gays. This analysis relies on perspective by incongruity to explain Kramer's attempts to stimulate AIDS activism by altering gays’ perceptions of the disease and its implications for their lives and identities. The author argues that the power of perspective by incongruity in this case is linked to its facilitation of genuine argument, a personalized form of persuasion that forces both arguer and audience to confront an argument's implications for their own identities and behavior as moral human beings. The conclusion suggests that “1,112 and Counting” functions as a variant of constitutive rhetoric that de‐constructs and re‐constructs audience identity.  相似文献   

Analyses of more than 73,000 PhD thesis records in a comprehensive database of bibliographic records from all Australian universities from 1948 to 2006 demonstrate that PhDs on LIS-related topics reveal not only diversity of content, but also the diverse nature of the researcher's academic disciplines. This diversity includes researchers from within and outside LIS who bring to LIS–or take away–a variety of methods, approaches, theories and understandings. With 27 of Australia's 39 universities having produced LIS-related PhD graduates, the distribution through the Australian university system is evident and emphasizes the transferability of skills and knowledge which graduates bring to their work. It is possible that the diversity of researcher's disciplines, combined with the dangerously low numbers of LIS graduations, may also threaten the future of LIS research and education in Australia. Based on the findings of this study, the sustainability of LIS research and research training for the next generation in Australia is under threat.  相似文献   

Persons offer accounts of their actions in problematic situations to change the meaning of an event. This linguistic practice of accounting has been studied primarily for its functions—how accounts manage meanings. This line of research is extended by examining the procedures persons use to accomplish accounts. The reconfiguring of the event's context is the key to understanding how accounts change meanings. The view of context as hierarchically organized is drawn upon to construct a model of accounts. Accounts are accomplished by the procedures of: (1) specifying contextual objects, (2) organized by the actor's rules to warrant, (3) the reconfiguration of the hierarchical levels of context.  相似文献   

We propose a simple stochastic model for an author's production/citation process in order to investigate the recently proposed h-index for measuring an author's research output and its impact. The parametric model distinguishes between an author's publication process and the subsequent citation processes of the published papers. This allows us to investigate different scenarios such as varying the production/publication rates and citation rates as well as the researcher's career length. We are able to draw tentative results regarding the dependence of Hirsch's h-index on each of these fundamental parameters. We conjecture that the h-index is, according to this model, (approximately) linear in career length, log publication rate and log citation rate, at least for moderate citation rates.  相似文献   

As the negative environmental impacts of cities continue to grow, citizens must be involved in climate change mitigation initiatives. A range of policy instruments can be used by municipal policy makers to encourage citizens to engage in environmentally responsible behaviours. Information and communications technology (ICT) is an important lever for changing individuals' behaviours and thus is increasingly found among the policy approaches adopted by cities. This research focuses on cities' use of ICT-enabled persuasion. Combining the unimodel of persuasion with the persuasive system design framework, the research develops and tests a theoretical model explaining how dimensions of the user context (green identity, goal intention) and technology context (integration support) influence the persuasiveness of city-sponsored applications with respect to environmentally responsible behaviours performed in the home and community. A survey of 203 individuals in North America shows that goal intention and integration support provided by the applications significantly influence perceived persuasion effectiveness for environmentally responsible behaviours at home. For environmentally responsible behaviours in the community, all three independent variables have a positive influence on the perceived persuasion effectiveness. The research extends the digital government literature by investigating an emerging policy intervention and providing a novel theoretical explanation of how elements within an ICT-enabled persuasion event come together to affect individuals' behaviours. Furthermore, the research provides municipal policy makers with new insights into how to design an ICT-enabled policy instrument for encouraging greater environmental citizenship.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):235-243

After setting in proper perspective the nature and extent of the influence of the Reverend Solomon Stoddard, the author attempts to show that in major degree Stoddard's influence depended upon his theories and practice of persuasion. To accomplish his persuasive goal of promoting increased religious devotion—under control of the Church, Stoddard applied an integrated pattern of persuasion: he evoked the aid of civil authorities, urged New Englanders to reform, swept the people into the churches by changes in admission policies, exerted greater control over individuals and churches by means of reforms of liturgy and church organization, and—most important to students of speech—practiced and taught to other ministers his techniques for inducing conversion.  相似文献   


Librarians at Linköping University help researchers keep abreast of developments in their fields and to increase the visibility of their work. Strategic, professional use of social media ought to be an essential part of a researcher's communication strategy. This article investigates the level of awareness of the professional use of social media among LiU researchers. The investigation showed that use of social media was not significant; however, a small number saw potential. The purpose of this article is threefold. The first purpose was to evaluate the potential of using social media as a tool for communicating research outside LiU. Second, the article presents a study in which views of LiU researchers on social media were ascertained via seminar discussions, informal feedback, and interviews. The study has a case study approach involving eight researchers. Third, the article covers how LiU Library created a web-based information package to support researchers in social media use.  相似文献   

Although young citizens may not always politically engage in the same fashion as their elders, research suggests they are using Facebook, Twitter, and other newer communication systems to mobilize politically both generally and around environmental issues. Given the declining environmental conditions facing young citizens, a national stratified quota sample of 1,096 U.S. parents and their children between the ages of 12 and 17 was conducted to investigate the factors potentially related to their efforts to persuade members of their online social networks to be more environmental. We believe that online peer persuasion is an important concept to investigate because peer persuasion can create subjective norms that ultimately may influence behavior. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that, although parents influence youth behavior (Adj. R 2 = .11), the greatest variance in behavior was explained by the youth's own environmental self-efficacy, environmental news consumption, political interest, time spent online, gender, and environmental consumerism (ΔR 2 = .29). Youth political interest and environmental consumerism were especially important variables in the final model. Structural equation modeling reinforced that parental influence is primarily indirect. This study appears to be among the first to link environmental consumerism with youth online peer persuasion.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how case study research can be used to do a contextual and inductive study of information literacy (IL) and develop robust models of IL. First, it identifies several key characteristics of case study research as a qualified research methodology for studies that aim to build theories. Second, it rationalizes a need for case study research in the field of IL research. Drawing on that, it demonstrates how Eisenhardt's case study process was adopted to conduct a contextual study of IL and discusses the researcher's activities and tasks in each phase of the process. It uses the researcher's experience of the research journey to justify the validity and robustness of the research. This article contributes to current IL research methodologies and can be of value for LIS researchers and practitioners who wish to holistically gain deep insight into phenomena through case study research.  相似文献   


This issue samples current social‐scientific persuasion research in this anthology, and reviews questions about persuasion in the courtroom in one of the special reports.  相似文献   

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