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港府于2008和2009连续两年修订《家庭暴力条例,》2010年更名为《家庭及同居关系暴力条例》。该条例修订最大限度扩大了受保护主体范围,着重规定法院适用强制令制度,顺应了世界反家庭暴力立法趋势。香港对防治家庭暴力专门立法、扩大适用范围,强调法院严格适用强制令等做法已走在世界前列,其立法经验颇值内地借鉴。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This exploratory study investigated the co-occurrence of domestic violence and three types of child maltreatment: physical child abuse, psychological child abuse, and child neglect. METHOD: A sample of 2544 at-risk mothers with first-born children participated in a home-visiting child abuse prevention program. A longitudinal design using multiple data collection methods investigated the effect of domestic violence during the first 6 months of child rearing on confirmed physical child abuse, psychological child abuse, and child neglect up to the child's first 5 years. RESULTS: Logistic regressions revealed significant relationships between domestic violence and physical child abuse, psychological child abuse, and child neglect. These effects were significant beyond the significant effects of known risks of maltreatment, as measured by the Kempe Family Stress Inventory (KFSI). Domestic violence occurred in 59 (38%) of the 155 cases of confirmed maltreatment. Domestic violence preceded child maltreatment in 46 (78%) of the 59 cases of co-occurrence, as indicated by independent home observations and child protective service records. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that domestic violence during the first 6 months of child rearing is significantly related to all three types of child maltreatment up to the child's fifth year. Domestic violence and risks factors measured on the KFSI continue to contribute to all three types of maltreatment up to the child's fifth year. Prevention programs would be wise to provide services to at-risk families until the child is at least 5 years old. Addressing concurrent problems during treatment may enhance intervention.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,我国家庭暴力问题受到社会各界的关注,并随之进入学术界尤其是法学界、社会学界研究的视野。从研究的主题来看,我国家庭暴力研究的核心是婚姻暴力问题的研究。在新婚姻法的修订过程中,家庭暴力尤其是婚姻暴力问题成为学界研究的热点。这些研究涵盖了婚姻暴力概念的理论探讨及其特征与分类、婚姻暴力的成因与表现及其后果、婚姻暴力问题的对策与干预、国内外婚姻暴力问题的比较研究等各个方面。  相似文献   

宁波大学化学类研究生培养模式探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在深入研究新形势下研究生教育规律及借鉴和引进国内外先进的研究生教育理念和经验基础上,对我校化学类研究生教育模式进行了反思,提出如下建议:(1)建立适度的奖惩机制,激发研究生投入科研工作的热情;(2)加强与外界的学术交流,营造良好的学术氛围,培养研究生的科研创新能力;(3)实行灵活柔性的研究生课程及学制体系。  相似文献   

加州大学伯克利分校的研究生培养模式及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了吸引更好的生源,伯克利大学不但在招生环节上着眼于优质人才的具体情况,而且努力为他们提供丰厚的资助,营造良好的研究环境。同时,伯克利大学通过采用研究生导师和顾问的双重指导,开辟自由开放的学习渠道和层层分级的课程体系以及对评价过程的严格把关,保证了研究生的培养质量。伯克利大学采用的研究生培养模式对于我国的研究生教育具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Violence is one of the most prevalent elements in the lives of homeless families with young children. This violence may come in various forms: domestic violence, street violence, violence in one’s childhood, witnessing violence, and other avenues and modes. Violence disrupts the normal bonding between parent and child. It isolates and degrades families. Early childhood professionals can support parents and children who are victims of violence through support, education, and nurturance.  相似文献   

为探讨母亲遭受家庭冷暴力与儿童早期多动行为的关系及亲子冲突与睡眠问题的链式中介作用,使用家庭冷暴力量表、长处与困难问卷、亲子关系量表和Achenbach儿童睡眠行为量表对2728名1-8岁儿童及其母亲进行测查,采用SPSS26和Mplus8.3对数据进行统计分析并建立结构方程模型.研究发现,在控制了母亲的受教育程度、儿...  相似文献   

家庭暴力打破了家庭生活应有的宁静与和谐,使得昔日作为"避风港"的家沦为"人间地狱"。现代社会防治家庭暴力具有秩序合理化、关注社会弱势群体权益以及和谐等价值意蕴。应当寻求法律规则与道德规则的良性互动,通过综合治理,如有条件有限度的警察权和司法权的介入、民政部门等社会组织的介入等,根除家庭暴力,保障家庭成员间关系和睦友好。  相似文献   

家庭暴力已成为一个世界性的社会问题,然而我国学者对家庭暴力的研究多集中在现象的描述、原因的探讨和完善立法等方面,因而从社会心理学角度探究家庭暴力的认知机制对揭示家庭暴力的实质具有重要意义。心理学研究指出,家庭暴力的产生及其对子女的影响而导致的暴力轮回都是认知结构上的偏差所导致,所以从改变认知结构入手的认知行为疗法将是防止家庭暴力的直接和有效的策略。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe needs of children exposed to domestic violence have been historically overlooked. One way in which service provision for children exposed to this violence can be explored is through an examination of Domestic Violence Fatality Review Teams (DVFRT's), who review cases of fatal domestic violence to identify possible areas for improvement.ObjectiveThis study explored key themes relative to children exposed to domestic violence and homicide published by DVFRT's in order to identify the services that exist for children exposed to domestic violence, barriers to providing these services, and recommendations for improvement.Participants and SettingThis study reviewed annual reports from three DVFRT jurisdictions with regular annual reports from 2004 to 2016.MethodsA generic thematic analysis was performed by the primary author, in consultation with the second author, in order to identify dominant themes present in the DVFRT annual reports. The analysis utilized a codebook that was created beforehand in order to capture pertinent information within the reports. Trustworthiness of the data was established through a consistent application and thorough reporting of the coding procedures.ResultsThe analysis highlighted key barriers to child-specific service provision among agencies involved (e.g., lack of professional training and public awareness), recommendations for enhanced intervention (e.g., enhanced child-specific services) and promising practices (e.g., policy and legislation development).ConclusionsThe three DVFRTs identified several gaps in service provision for children affected by fatal domestic violence that will require increased engagement and resources targeting these vulnerable children.  相似文献   

家庭暴力和青少年犯罪作为共存于家庭和社会的两大问题,二者之间存在着密切的联系。家庭暴力是导致青少年犯罪的一个重要原因。就家庭暴力对青少年犯罪的影响进行深入的分析,并提出了一些防控措施来预防和减少青少年犯罪。  相似文献   

Domestic violence in a family is often found to have begun during a pregnancy. "Pinklining" is denying insurance to victims of domestic violence. Both domestic violence and pinklining are concepts with which the childbirth educator should be familiar, including the relevant laws and resources.  相似文献   


University summer bridge programs or transitional programs for low‐income and minority transfer students are becoming an established part of the effort to recruit, retain, and graduate a population of students underrepresented in higher education. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a summer bridge program on the academic, personal, and social development of underrepresented and low‐income transfer students during their first year at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The 1988 entering cohort of Transfer Summer Program (TSP) students was tracked through their first two quarters at UCLA, collecting both attitudinal and academic data.

The results of the study clearly suggest that summer bridge programs for underrepresented and low‐income students can help facilitate their transition and adjustment to university life and improve their academic performance and persistence rates. This is accomplished by increasing transfer students' control over their academic future by preparing them to effectively participate in a classroom, to assess their academic abilities, and by introducing them to campus services and encouraging the utilization of these services.  相似文献   

家庭暴力是发生在家庭成员之间的暴力行为。日益严重的家庭暴力危害了受害者的身心健康,侵犯了受害者的合法权益,破坏了社会稳定和发展,已引起全社会的广泛关注。为了给予家庭暴力的受害者更全面、更具体、更适当的协助,以取得更好的社会效果,必须建立法律、社会、心理各层面的社会支持体系。  相似文献   

反对家庭暴力的重要任务之一是探讨家庭暴力产生的原因。本文采用多层次系统分析法,从社会文化规范、现行法律机制、男性与女性个体因素、情景因素几方面对我国女性遭受家庭暴力的原因进行了论述。  相似文献   

家庭暴力是一个全球性的社会问题和人权问题,我国关于家庭暴力的心理辅导及其相关理论研究起步较晚。研究结果表明:家庭暴力严重影响了妇女的心理健康水平、受虐妇女社会支持总水平较低、社会支持水平的缺乏损害了受虐妇女的心理健康、小组辅导提高了妇女的心理健康水平,具有较显著的治疗功效。  相似文献   

Only 750 physics doctorates were awarded to American students during 1990–1991 from a population base of over 248 million people. Even institutions such as MIT are having difficulty attracting enough top American students to its graduate programs in the sciences. We discuss some of the reasons for the decline in domestic student participation in the sciences and offer several nuts-and-bolts methods to reverse this trend. Key ingredients include graduate student recruiting, motivational activities to promote the excitement of being a professional scientist, and a reeducation of employers to look more favorably toward hiring students from the basic sciences. The methods have resulted in dramatic changes in the composition of recent graduate classes; at Auburn University we now admit an incoming class composed of over 70% domestic students.  相似文献   

个案工作可以帮助人们解决目前的困境,重塑自我,实现自我,进而提升自我。家庭暴力对妇女的身心造成了严重的伤害,而妇女自身意识的改变,自我的增强等有助于其摆脱家庭暴力,发展自己。通过对一名遭受丈夫暴力的妇女的个案分析和介入,使大家了解个案工作的方法,以后遇到类似的案例,可以利用个案工作使更多的遭受暴力的妇女受益。  相似文献   

2012年以来,以慕课为代表的全球在线教育蓬勃兴起。Coursera、edX等国际知名在线教育平台对在线学历学位教育进行了一系列实践,引领了全球在线学历学位教育的新潮流。国内以清华大学发起的"学堂在线"为依托,在在线认证证书项目和同等学力申请硕士项目等方面做了一些探索,但与国外在线学历学位项目相比仍然存在较大差距。文章梳理了全球在线教育的发展概况,分别介绍了国外、国内在线学历学位教育的发展现状,并分析了国外在线学历学位教育对我国的启示,以期促进国内在线学历学位教育的健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   

家庭暴力是一个全球性的问题,无论是在发达国家还是在发展中国家,都不同程度地存在。在中国,频繁发生的家庭暴力现象值得关注和深入的研究。通过对中国人文化特性的分析,找出中国式家庭暴力的文化诱因,并就如何干预和制止家庭暴力提出了对策。  相似文献   

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