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Courses: Persuasion, Rhetoric, Communication Theory, Metaphor Theory, Multimodal Communication.

Objectives: This activity allows students to explore the embodied nature of metaphor and its interpretative significance by using gesture and physical movement. Students also understand how, in metaphor, abstract entities are conceptualized in terms of something more concrete.  相似文献   


Scholars have long debated the adequacy of women's images on television. This study traced the development of trends and economic influences in serial programming devoted to single working women since 1966. Results suggest that the networks have made considerable progress in the quantity and status of roles presénted, but minority females continue to be underrepresented. Individual network contributions also vary, suggesting that role characterizations are more a function of program economics than social advocacy.  相似文献   

美国电视媒体对恐怖主义的报道具有媒介事件的典型特征:现场直播、预先策划、充满戏剧性、强制观看机制、高度人格化以及媒介扮演司仪角色等。这种报道方式一方面赋予了恐怖事件和恐怖分子在公众心目中的威望和重要性,放大了恐怖主义的传播效果;另一方面,它像其他媒介事件一样,强化了美国主流社会既有的社会秩序、价值观和通行的规则,提升了反恐在公众议程中的优先级和认同度。  相似文献   

张金凯 《新闻界》2020,(4):85-92
自20世纪媒介技术迅猛发展以来,对于媒介的认识和争论一直没有停止,传播学和媒介研究也正是在此背景下不断发展前行。上世纪六十、七十年代媒介研究范式变革时期,鲍德里亚与恩岑斯贝格两位思想家就媒介理论的基本认识展开一场争论,秉持法兰克福学派传统的恩岑斯贝格在法国"五月风暴"的氤氲下推进本雅明的技术文化理论,发展出了意识工业概念,对于思考媒介理论的合法性问题具有重要意义;对于鲍德里亚来说,媒介技术的"进化",实为一种拟真替代本真的社会交往,以媒介技术为中介的传播活动中,最终将导致人的本真缺失,因而宣告传统媒介理论已失去解释力。本文认为,这两个看似不在一个水平线上的对话实则包含了媒介理论研究的两种路径,即作为生产工具的技术论与作为传播工具的文化论。当我们在回顾和梳理鲍德里亚和恩岑斯贝格的争论时,需要从媒介化社会的视角来重新审视媒介理论的技术论和文化论之间的平衡。  相似文献   

This study extends earlier research on the television generation's media‐related behavior. Those who have grown up with TV are often said to be (therefore) more devoted to TV and less inclined to read than people born earlier. To provide evidence, data on TV and newspaper use and on attachment to both media in Germany, 1970–1995, were cohort‐analyzed, controlling for the age‐specific effect of the introduction of private TV in the mid‐eighties. While younger birth cohorts are less interested in the newspaper, the TV generation is not more devoted to TV than most of the preceding cohorts.  相似文献   

Bern's gender schema theory (Bern 1981, 1983, 1993) provides a useful framework for examining the influence of women scientist role models on girls’ perceptions of science and scientists. The purpose of this paper is (1) to describe how Bern's gender schema theory serves as a framework for guiding future research, (2) to examine the fundamental premises of Bern's gender schema theory as they relate to the processing of information about science and gender roles, and (3) to identify key conditions and criteria from gender schema theory to guide the design of television programs that use role models to reduce gender‐stereotyping of science.  相似文献   

Closings have led some to suggest that news libraries are in crisis and require significant changes. In an effort to provide better service, some news libraries assign news librarians, or researchers, to editorial teams, increasing their visibility among the reporters they serve. Other organizations maintain centralized research services, focusing instead on expanding their influence as a team. This article describes a study of four news organizations, two that have adopted the integrated team model and two that provide centralized information services exclusively. Although only minor differences are observed based upon the organizational model in place, there is some evidence that news researchers who are proactive and integrated within the organizational function are more valued by these journalists.  相似文献   

李京丽 《新闻界》2008,(1):78-80
媒介终端化和终端媒介化是两种新的市场现象,也是两种营销模式和媒介发展趋势。对这两种关联现象进行分析和梳理后发现,媒介终端化和终端媒介化是一个双向运动的过程,其实质是在新媒体营销背景下,媒介和终端在经过市场价值裂变过后,各自功能和地位发生变化,从而引发的一场市场话语权的重新分配。  相似文献   

论媒体与司法关系规则的三种模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在处理媒体与司法关系的问题上,西方主要法治国家采用的模式是不相同的。美国采用的是不限制媒体的司法自我约束模式;而英国采用的是司法限制媒体模式;而大陆法国家则采用了一种近乎放任自流的司法向媒体开放模式。中国应当采纳大陆法国家模式。  相似文献   

本文通过对国外两本传媒经济研究专著的比较,就研究方法进行一些比较和评论。  相似文献   

In the early months of 1947, as it sought to save power during an acute fuel crisis, Clement Attlee's Labour government suspended the publication of all British periodicals for a period of two weeks. This would have been a bold step for any government, let alone one which had as uncomfortable a relationship with the press as Attlee's did, and, at the time, the press was not slow to suggest that the suspension was motivated as much by political factors as it was by a desire to conserve fuel. This article examines the implementation and nature of the suspension, exploring the tensions it generated and asking whether the government's actions can be described—as they were by some contemporary observers—as a deliberate act of suppression.  相似文献   

美国两家有影响的新闻媒体 2 0 0 0年对中国国家主席江泽民的两次采访 ,有趣地显示出美国媒体对中国报道的差异。两位采访者都提出富有挑战性的问题 ,但动机和方式大不相同。一类比较现实 ,对待中国本着实事求是的态度 ;另一类则受对中国固有观念的左右 ,未能摆脱以往冷战意识形态的束缚。从中可见两类美国新闻工作者在对待中国以及他们的记者角色上的不同态度  相似文献   

媒介传播存在一定程度的多义甚至歧义现象。媒介语境运用媒介本身所造成的信息环境 ,帮助受众进行正确解码 ,促进信息的流通。因此 ,媒介语境的功能指向是传播效果。媒介语境的构成可以从语义层面、语法层面、语用层面来进行分析。媒介语境的运用要注意同调规则、阈限规则、完形规则。  相似文献   


The impact of the PTL scandal on financial contributions to televangelists and viewers’ perceptions of televangelists’ credibility and financial accountability is examined in this study. It finds that highly religious ritualized viewers have become more selective and infrequent in donating but are providing larger gifts.  相似文献   

台湾有线电视的覆盖率为百分之八十,同时台湾电视全面数字化的时间订为2006年,有线电视挟着庞大的资金,在数字化的过程较无线电视有着先天的优势。(AC尼尔森收视率调查报告2003,在晚间17:00到22:59的黄金时段,有线台曩括平均62.3%的市场占有率)而数字化后频道增多,台湾有线电视有着庞大的收视户,在第二次电视革命的来临之际,如何利用此点优势来占稳数字电视的市场是本研究的焦点。  相似文献   


The model of intuitive morality and exemplars (MIME) predicts that moral representations in media content can activate related moral intuitions in audiences, and that audience members in turn are influenced by their moral instincts to select content featuring corresponding moral values. This proposition was tested and confirmed in a two-phase study. Content analyses measured the frequency of moral domain representations in top-rated popular TV serials from India and the U.S., while an implicit measure (MF-AMP) gauged the strength of corresponding moral intuitions in viewers and non-viewers of these shows.  相似文献   

媒体公信力:提高媒体舆论引导能力的前提   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在社会转型和数字媒体兴起的双重语境下,舆论环境和舆论格局发生了很大改变。多个舆论场并存,社会舆论的不确定性、不可控性因素增多,舆论引导的难度和复杂性也随之增大。新闻媒体在营造社会主流价值观、营造社会主流舆论方面发挥作用,应进一步提高舆论引导能力,而提高媒体的公信力是媒体引导舆论的前提。构成媒体公信力的因素有很多,本文从信源可信度(source credibility)和媒介可信度(media credibility)这两个范畴,提出当前提高我国媒体公信力的针对性建议。  相似文献   

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