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The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives is offered as a heuristic to fine-tune the process of designing, preparing for, evaluating, and providing feedback about the doctoral comprehensive examination.  相似文献   

According to recent survey results, the doctoral comprehensive examination is still the most often used method of evaluating doctoral students for candidacy. Widespread dissatisfaction, however, on the part of both professors and students continues. This article gives suggestions for improving the written portion of the doctoral comprehensive examination.  相似文献   

绘画艺术中一直存在情感与技巧的关系处理问题,艺术创作作为一种审美活动,情感与技巧都是创作主体应当必备的基本要素。情感与技巧之间既不是非此即彼的关系,也不是平行对等的关系,而是相辅相成,制约与被制约的关系。在重视技巧所特有的审美价值作用的同时,还应将作为绘画艺术生命的情感视作绘画艺术的主导。  相似文献   

以2008~2012年全国优秀博士学位论文作者为研究对象,对作者中推免生所占比例以及是否存在学科间差异等问题进行研究.结果表明:全国优秀博士学位论文作者中推免生占比高达50.2%,并且存在显著的学科间差异,理工农医类学科的全国优秀博士学位论文作者中推免生比例明显高于人文社科类学科的推免生比例.  相似文献   

The advent of digital course offerings, the use of social media, the integration of the Khan Academy into curricula, the use of smart phones and tablets, and massive online courses place greater emphasis than ever on effective teaching. While business schools fund faculty development in teaching, too few doctoral programs offer systematic teacher training. We discuss the lack of, and the need for, comprehensive teacher‐training programs. We present the Robinson College of Business model and offer recommendations on how to get started. It is time for PhD programs to certify that their students are capable of teaching upon graduation.  相似文献   

The authors describe the process used to revise a traditional doctoral student evaluation system from one that consisted of written comprehensive and final oral examinations to one that features portfolio development. Student competence, expected student outcomes in each competency area, procedures for portfolio development, and documents and procedures for faculty review of the portfolios are described. Recommendations for implementing such a system and implications for counselor education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports on an analysis of alignment between NY state core curricula and NY Regents tests in physics and chemistry. Both the curriculum and test were represented by a two dimensional table consisting of topics and cognitive demands. The cell values of the table were numbers of major understandings in the curriculum and points of test items in the test. The Porter alignment index was computed for each test. It was found that, overall, there was a high alignment between the NY core curriculum and the NY Regents test, and the alignment remained fairly stable from test to test. However, there were considerable discrepancies in emphases on different cognitive levels and topics between the core curriculum and the test. Issues related to the nature of alignment, and the nature and validity of content standards were raised, and implications for science curriculum and instructions were also discussed.  相似文献   

创建世界一流大学,办学思想是灵魂,科学研究是核心,管理体制是保障。本文从办学思想,科学研究,管理体制等三个方面,提出创建世界一流大学的对策:办学思想必须国际化,现代化,科学研究必须产业化,特色化,管理体制必须自主化,主体化。  相似文献   

选择多伦多大学、英属哥伦比亚大学、麦吉尔大学等三所加拿大顶尖大学,考察其教育领域博士生综合考试的目的、形式及结果等,并针对我国高校博士生综合考试中出现的一些较为普遍的问题,提出了一些可行性建议。  相似文献   

历代政府都通过制定和颁布语言文字标准进行语言规范工作,以指导人们的语言行为。语言规范中存在着雅化和俗化两种力量。语言规范过程其实就是一个规范和不规范、雅化和俗化的矛盾与平衡过程。语言规范中到底是从雅还是从俗,必须具体问题具体分析。在网络化和信息化时代的今天,语言俗化的力量会在语言规范中得到加强,因此每个语言工作者更应努力把握好语言雅化的大方向,确保语言有序、健康地发展。  相似文献   

Doctoral students in counselor education programs and their major academic advisers may unfortunately encounter role confusion in their relationships, affecting both parties personally and professionally. To mitigate misunderstandings, the authors recommend the use of adviser disclosure statements. Advantages for faculty members and students are discussed, and an example of an adviser disclosure statement is presented.  相似文献   

Doctoral programs in counseling were surveyed concerning their comprehensive examination practices. Most programs require examinations, but practices vary widely regarding degree of structure and procedures.  相似文献   

阐述了美国博士生综合考试改革的目标和历程。博士生综合考试产生之初的首要目标在于促进博士生对知识的掌握和整合,其核心在于知识综合,而非考试评价。20世纪90年代博士生综合考试发生变革,改革后的博士生综合考试首要目标在于促进博士生研究能力的发展。无论在哪个阶段,博士生综合考试都不仅是一个评价工具,而是一种培养机制和教育经验。  相似文献   

对荷兰博士生教育的研究显示,科学合理的遴选机制、系统有效的指导训练机制和强有力的物质保障机制构成了荷兰博士研究生教育创新发展的支撑,其呈现出国际化、分类型培养、AIO制度等特点。荷兰博士生教育改革仍在继续,呈现培养多元化、就业非学术化、组织形式高度国际化等趋势。  相似文献   

Exemplary science instructors use inquiry to tailor content to student’s learning needs; traditional textbooks treat science as a set of facts and a rigid curriculum. Publishers now allow instructors to compile pieces of published and/or self-authored text to make custom textbooks. This brings numerous advantages, including the ability to produce smaller, cheaper text and added flexibility on the teaching models used. Moreover, the internet allows instructors to decentralize textbooks through easy access to educational objects such as audiovisual simulations, individual textbook chapters, and scholarly research articles. However, these new opportunities bring with them new problems. With educational materials easy to access, manipulate and duplicate, it is necessary to define intellectual property boundaries, and the need to secure documents against unlawful copying and use is paramount. Engineers are developing and enhancing information embedding technologies, including steganography, cryptography, watermarking, and fingerprinting, to label and protect intellectual property. While these are showing their utility in securing information, hackers continue to find loop holes in these protection schemes, forcing engineers to constantly assess the algorithms to make them as secure as possible. As newer technologies rise, people still question whether custom publishing is desirable. Many instructors see the process as complex, costly, and substandard in comparison to using traditional text. Publishing companies are working to improve attitudes through advertising. What lacks is peer reviewed evidence showing that custom publishing improves learning. Studies exploring the effect of custom course materials on student attitude and learning outcomes are a necessary next step.  相似文献   

通过追溯英国现代博士生教育的起源与发展,以英国大学引入哲学博士学位作为开端,回顾英国现代博士生教育发源的历史背景和发展进程,并透过影响英国现代博士生教育改革的五份重要报告分析其制度化建设历程。总结出其发展的四个主要特征和趋势:把回应社会需求作为博士生教育的出发点;强调博士生培养的完成率;关注博士生培养中的技能训练环节;不断强化博士生教育的制度化建设。  相似文献   

美国的专业博士教育起步早,发展快,规模大,一直都是各国争相效仿的对象,但是近年来美国专业博士教育的学位认证以及培养模式等方面也出现了诸多问题,一些高等教育机构开始围绕这些问题进行调查、研究并取得了初步进展,以期为国家制定相关政策提供建议。政府相关部门也开始着手进行改革。  相似文献   

一年一度的高考结束了 ,翻开今年的理科综合能力测试卷 (浙江省、安徽省、福建省 ) ,给人们的第一个感觉是比去年的理科综合能力测试卷容易。整个测试卷强调基础知识和基本技能 ,所选题目较为常见 ,难度较低 ,新情境和创新题较少 ,基本上没有跨学科的综合试题 ,我们并没有看到像考前某些媒体所说的“今年将提高理科综合试题的难度”的那样的试卷。今年的理综物理试题虽然平淡 ,但也有一些耐人寻味的地方 ,就此本文谈谈个人的一些看法。1.试题的分布与分值的比较。今年的理科综合试题的总题量从去年的 31题降到 30题 ,其中选择题从去年的 2 4…  相似文献   

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