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Social class is an important issue that must be taken into consideration when examining crime and criminal behavior in the United States. Social class is often viewed as a critical factor that influences the motivation to commit criminal activities. This article describes an interactive exercise that helps students better understand how social class may influence deviant and/or criminal behavior as a response to wanting to maintain status quo (particularly those in middle to upper class levels), economic hardships (that may occur at various class levels), the lack of social power, income inequality, or the lack of resources.  相似文献   


This article reports the results of a nationwide survey of ASC and ACJS members conducted in spring 1991. The respondents first were asked to describe their current academic position, their department, and the nature of their teaching, research, and administrative responsibilities in the course of a typical academic year. Respondents then were asked about various salary and compensation issues. ANOVA was used to explore the impact of various structural and demographic factors (e.g., type of appointment, academic rank, gender, region, department, and university size) on salary levels.  相似文献   


While criminal justice undergraduate enrollments continue to burgeon, rarely do criminal justice departments conduct comprehensive surveys of their majors as part of the baccalaureate curriculum review process. This paper describes one such survey completed by 238 criminal justice majors at Wayne State University in Detroit. Major survey findings are presented along with their implications for student and faculty diversity, curriculum design, teaching and grading methods, student advising, and department administration.  相似文献   


In this study, criminal justice classes were team taught by six pairs of one faculty member and one student teacher. The professor-student teaching teams met together before class to plan and after class to problem solve. The student teachers were charged with helping the professors introduce active learning exercises into their classes. This article reports on survey data from these professors, student teachers and the students they taught, including their views on both the benefits and problems. The article shows professors how to team teach with a student and helps professors who want to try the approach to anticipate and minimize the problems while capitalizing on the benefits.  相似文献   


This article examines the issues that confront one-person criminal justice programs. These programs, operated by only one full-time faculty member, have both advantages and disadvantages. Identification, categorization, and analysis of the many relevant issues are the focus of this exploratory study. Nationwide more than one-third of the community college criminal justice programs are staffed by only one educator, as are some four-year college programs. It is important to ensure that the negative points inherent in one-person programs do not impair the quality of criminal justice education.  相似文献   


Many authors have noted the existence of dual paradigms operating in crimerelated education, including those who generally study crime as a social phenomenon (criminologists) and those concerned with agencies that have been designed to deal with crime (criminal justicians). In an effort to determine the exten of convergence and divergence between these groups, we examine the characteristics of members of their respective professional associations, the American Society of Criminology and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Using bivariate statistics and discriminant function analysis, we find a number of expected divergences between these groups. In addition, however, we provide a detailed examination of recent convergences suggesting the evolution of a new paradigm, one which incorporates salient features of both criminology and criminal justice.  相似文献   

Student teachers have difficulty planning lessons that fully integrate social justice with mathematics/science content. This study was a content analysis of 26 poster presentations of mathematics or science lessons incorporating social justice issues made by student teachers (20F, 6M) at a mid-sized college in central New York State. The presented lessons applied four pedagogical approaches to integration (data collection followed by graphing analysis; discussion of text/video; modeling; library/internet investigation) and addressed three major social justice themes (diversity, system disparities in human communities, and in stewardship of earth). Deeper content knowledge, faculty lesson modeling/reflection and practice delivering lessons are recommended.  相似文献   


This research examines the application of mastery learning theory to the teaching of criminal justice research methods. Mastery learning has students learn each module before proceeding to the next one. Criminal justice research methods is amenable to mastery learning because the course content is cumulative; students need to know each step before proceeding to the next one. Mastery learning was implemented by having students rewrite exercises until they obtained perfect scores. It was tested in three classes taught by the same instructor. Student learning was measured by comparing the difference in scores on a pretest examination with scores on a post-test examination. The results indicated that the better students performed on the exercises, the more they improved on the final examination over the initial examination. The more students rewrote assignments, the better they performed on the assignments and subsequently, the more they improved on the final examination. Students who averaged between one and two rewrites maximized improvement on the examination. The results suggest that mastery learning theory is an effective method of teaching research methods. Although it is more time consuming than traditional methods, it is beneficial to students who are trying to learn difficult material for the first time.  相似文献   

大学生参与教师教学评价的调查研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
大学生参与教师教学评价是提升高校教育教学质量的重要手段,也是大学生发挥主体作用的具体体现。从问卷和访谈调查中发现,高校虽然普遍开展了学生评教活动,但在评价的时机、形式、内容、结果利用以及师生的认识和态度等方面,仍然存在着一些不容忽视的问题。高等学校应拓宽教学评价的内容,开辟学生参与评教的多种途径,开发适合各类课程的评价工具,使学生的评教真正有助于教师的教学改革。  相似文献   

This paper reports on research involving 23 hard science disciplines at a mid-western university. The data show a strong belief that research and teaching are complementary. Despite this, when it comes to time allocation, tradeoffs are necessary between the two functions. More time devoted to teaching is often detrimental to production of research output. More time was spent in research by higher performing researchers because they are more interested in that activity and rewards are attached to it.Administratively, evaluations tend to influence the direction faculty choose to follow. If teaching is to be restored to status equal with research, then the evaluation system must be changed to account for time input, and significant rewards for teaching must be offered.  相似文献   

Three substudies of effects of different formats on student ratings of faculty teaching effectiveness were conducted. One substudy, Kinds of Keys, investigated three main kinds of keys: Agreement, Evaluation, and Needs Improvement. The second, NO TUP, investigated numbers of positive rating categories. The third, Item Wording Direction, investigated the same items worded positively, negatively, and neutrally, respectively. Practically important differences in level of ratings obtained in Kinds of Keys and practically and statistically significant differences obtained in NO TUP and Item Wording Direction. It was concluded that additional research is necessary to determine if apparent differences in teaching effectiveness are actually differences in teaching effectiveness or differences due to the methods of measurement.  相似文献   


The quality of criminal justice programs has been evaluated by methods which assume that quality standards are associated primarily with research excellence and are clearly defined. Because these standards are still emerging in our discipline, a more appropriate method of assessment is introduced, which takes into account the evolving standards of quality in criminal justice. With this method, programs can evaluate themselves continuously not only against minimum standards, but also against newly evolving standards as they are introduced. This design will allow criminal justice programs to determine whether their procedures promote the goal of students' learning by analyzing their functions in relation to evolving standards of quality.  相似文献   


Student evaluations of instructors are given consideration in a number of important decisions concerning instructors such as hiring, merit pay, and in the tenure and promotion process. However, a number of popular beliefs surround the interpretation of these evaluations. Using student evaluations for the three research-oriented universities in the state of Florida as a database, a number of these beliefs are explored. Specifically, the effects of instructor attributes (such as gender, rank and grades) and course characteristics (such as class size, type, number of course meetings, and time of day offered) on the end of the semester student evaluation rankings are discussed.  相似文献   


Research on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) as a predictor of graduate student performance has been marked by much debate. Thornell and McCoy (1985) have found that the relationship between student performance and the GRE may be sensitive to the discipline being studied. While unexplained to date, this disciplinary variation may be related to the differences in means and/or relative dispersions of GRE scores among disciplines. Further, there has been only one study (McKee, Mallory, and Campbell, in press) for criminal justice, the field with the lowest mean GRE score. This paper focuses on this neglected field. Data were collected from the files of 70 criminal justice majors in a master's program at a large midwestern urban university. The results indicate that GRE scores are largely unrelated to indicators of graduate student performance (GPA, grades in specific classes, and the completion of the M.A. degree). The one exception is a strong relationship between verbal GRE and graduate GPA. This relationship may indicate a nonlinear ceiling effect wherein verbal GRE scores affect GGPA, mainly in disciplines with means at the low end of the verbal GRE score distribution.  相似文献   


A study was conducted to measure the impact of using presentation software in a legal evidence class in a rural community college. The No-Tech group was taught through traditional teaching methods via chalk and blackboard, while the Low-Tech group received the same lectures utilizing computer generated presentation software. Although posttest measures did not reveal significant differences between the Low-Tech and No-Tech groups, several explanations are explored as to why this occurred, as well as recommendations on how to incorporate Low-Technology into the classroom setting.  相似文献   

Research into the effects of large classes demonstrates that students are disadvantaged in terms of higher order learning because interactions between teachers and students occur at lower cognitive levels. This has significance for social work education, with its emphasis on the development of critical thinking and problem solving, both higher order cognitive skills. This paper reports on quantitative and qualitative research that explored social work students’ perceptions of different teaching and learning strategies in a large mental health course designed with reference to principles of student‐centred learning and constructive alignment. Findings revealed that well‐integrated design, relevance to the real world and teacher enthusiasm were seen as most useful by students, rather than particular learning strategies per se. Higher satisfaction ratings and grades were also associated with this student‐centred course compared with an earlier traditional lecture‐style course. The paper concludes that design based on the interplay between diverse learning activities, including lecture input, strengthened the student‐centred orientation of learning and recommends further research that compares learning outcomes associated with these contrasting approaches to professional education.  相似文献   


This article provides an annotated list of 326 journals in criminal justice and criminology. After consulting the “notes for contributors” sections of each journal, the authors mailed a self-administered survey to all journal editors soliciting their input on their editorial policies. Journal websites were also consulted to construct the journals' mission, scope, and editorial focus. A total of 221 editors returned the survey for a return rate of 68%. The following entries present an annotation that summarizes the mission, philosophy, and editorial policies of each journal. Following the annotations, the chart documents contact information for the editors and editorial policies concerning submissions to each journal.  相似文献   

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