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通过对清华大学图书馆信息共享空间和圭尔夫大学图书馆学习共享空间二者进行对比分析,认为前者的服务侧重于多媒体硬件设备和数字信息技术的提供,而后者则侧重于对学生的指导。文章以此分析为基础,提出图书馆共享空间发展的几点思路和建议。  相似文献   

文章在分析了影响信息共享空间(IC)用户满意度因素的基础上,探讨了IC用户满意度的评价标准与方法,并结合湖北经济学院图书馆开展的IC用户满意度问卷调查,有针对性地提出了完善图书馆IC服务工作的措施.  相似文献   

在简要介绍信息共享空间概念的基础上,分析了高校信息共享空间建设与学习型学生社团组织建设之间的密切关系和相互促进作用,表明信息共享空间是学习型学生社团组织的理想场所,并结合海南经贸职业技术学院图书馆的实践。探讨了面向学习型学生社团组织的信息共享空间的构建模式。  相似文献   

在许多人眼里,近现代物无非是些破纸烂片、破刀烂枪、破衣烂鞋,毫无美感,也无美可言。甚至一些受过高等教育的群体,也持类似看法。局外人如此看待近现代物,自有其情有可原之处,因为他们并不真正了解近现代物的内涵。而有一些博工作同样持上述观点,就不能不引起我们的深思。  相似文献   

In the museum context, curators and conservators often play a role in shaping the nature of contemporary artworks. Before, during and after the acquisition of an art object, curators and conservators engage in dialogue with the artist about how the object should be exhibited and conserved. As a part of this dialogue, the artist may express specifications for the display and conservation of the object, thereby fixing characteristics of the artwork that were previously left open. This process can make a significant difference to the visual appearance of the work, the nature of the audience's experience, and how the work should be interpreted. I present several case studies in which the nature of the artwork has been shaped by such dialogues, and discuss principles for resolving cases in which there is a conflict between instructions specified by the artist and those adopted by the museum.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(69-70):205-217

Distance education services provided by a number of Australian university libraries are considered. Attention is paid to agreements between libraries, library staff involvement in program and information skills development, evaluation of services, and the evolution of online delivery. This paper establishes that little provision is made for the specific support of the adult learner in distance education and argues that flexible delivery initiatives are diminishing the distinction between on- and off-campus services, irrespective of client-base.  相似文献   

近现代文物分类法刍议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《中国大百科全书·文物 博物馆》卷(1993年1月版)第594-595页列出了七种文物分类方法,它们是:时代分类法、存在形态分类法、质地分类法、功用分类法、属性分类法、来源分类法、价值分类法。在这七种分类法中,仅在第一、第二和第五种分类法里涉及到近现代文物,但叙述内容并不多。笔者作为一名近现代文物工作者,谨将自己对近现代文物分类方法的一点认识奉献给同行们。就近现代文物种类的多样性和复杂性看,《中国大百科全书》上所列的七种分类方法远不能揭示近现代文物的丰富内涵。在对近现代文物的分类法作考察时,除这…  相似文献   


This study used citation analysis in conjunction with a subjective rubric with five validated criteria to assess the quality of a purposive sample of 452 education dissertation reference lists produced at a nontraditional institution from six doctoral programs. These programs used a variety of distance education models. The citations were then compared with the 100 reference lists selected from doctoral education programs at 10 traditional institutions. Criteria included the breadth of resources, depth of the literature review as shown through the citing of critical historical and theoretical works, depth as demonstrated through the scholarliness of citations chosen, currency, and relevancy. The study discusses how the expanded sample of traditional reference lists continued to demonstrate consistent patterns. In contrast, although the sample of reference lists from distance education programs was much expanded, the patterns of the subsets of reference lists at the nontraditional institution were significantly diverse. The patterns of 35 doctoral reference lists from another for-profit, nontraditional institution known for providing distance education were also examined to compare the results of the two nontraditional programs. Possible reasons for differences in citation patterns by traditional and nontraditional programs are discussed, and the possible role of distance education and program criteria are examined for insights they offer into the use of citation analysis as an assessment tool of the library research skills of doctoral students.  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下 ,国民经济的发展在满足人民群众物质生活需求的同时 ,推动着文化精神消费的迅速发展 ,带动了文化娱乐市场的繁荣和多种多样社会文化机构的成长。许多新的文化休闲方式为群众提供了文化和休闲消费的多种选择 ,使传统的文化休闲场所博物馆面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。一方面各种新博物馆纷纷建立 ,以新展馆新陈列争取观众 ;另一方面也有不少博物馆因为多年不变的老面孔致使观众弃之而他求。在这种情况下 ,国内许多博物馆都在重新思索自己的定位 ,积极探索如何使自己适应时代的需求 ,为群众提供相应的文化服务 ,同时使自己在…  相似文献   

近现代报刊众多版本现象是中国出版史上独特的文化现象,具有类别集中、地域集中、版次较多、形式多样等特点,是一定的政治经济、社会文化、审美趣味的反映,对报刊版本的研究将拓展我们的研究视域。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):259-273
Research on the effects of watching presidential debates tends to show that these messages can foster learning about the candidates' issue positions and influence voters' impressions of the candidates. This study uses a pretest/posttest design to assess more subtle effects of watching a 2000 presidential debate on attitudes and vote intention. Leadership and overall policy stance became more important factors in vote choice after watching the debate. Specific groups of issues also became more important in vote choice. Viewers reacted to the candidates differentially: Bush enhanced perceptions of his character (but not of his policy positions), while Gore improved perceptions of his policy positions (but not of his character). The data also reveal that the debates increased the confidence of vote choices for those who did not change their preferred candidate over the course of this study (which could make them more likely to vote on election day and/or less likely to change their vote choice). This study demonstrates a variety of potentially important effects of watching presidential debates.  相似文献   

This paper uses a range of case studies from contemporary art and indigenous collections to explore synergies between the disciplines and pose questions about contemporary perceptions of condition and durability. The idea that value is only connected to original material or specific perceptions of condition has been challenged repeatedly by the very makers and primary users of these collections. Nevertheless, old expectations in relation to collections may still affect conservation processes. The conservator is positioned at the center of these tensions, trying to understand, negotiate and mediate the interests and values of dynamic layers of significance associated with the object being treated. Attempting to homogenize or generalize these relationships would directly affect the complexity of the meanings of the artworks and run the risk of hollowing them.  相似文献   

媒介文化全球化与当代意识形态的涵化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从“涵化理论”角度分析了全球化进程中的媒介与民众意识形态关系。文章从媒介文化的传播形式、经济和技术背景分析了产生涵化功能的物质前提条件。同时借助拉康精神分析理论与阿尔都塞的“主体召唤”理论系统分析了媒介影响意识形态生成与认同的机理。作者认为 ,文化他者侵入是以“球土化”的形式进行的 ,受众日益加深的对媒介长时间的依赖是文化“他者”对本土民众意识形态涵化的关键  相似文献   

传统出版业的现代化之路——数字出版与传统出版的结合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱志国 《晋图学刊》2009,(3):26-28,43
随着信息技术、数字技术和互联网技术的不断发展,数字出版已对传统出版构成了挑战。在传统出版业面临生存危机的时候,我们要认清数字出版在出版产业中的地位,明确它只是技术手段的更新,出版的本质并未发生根本性的转变,它是促使传统出版现代化的催化剂,并且改变着传统出版业的经营理念。  相似文献   

现代图书馆存储技术方案的选择和应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从观念的更新、需求的定位、发展的脉络、务实的操作等角度对现代图书馆存储技术方案的选择和应用进行了有益的探讨和理性的思考。  相似文献   

打破传统桎梏,强化传统工具书开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据高校图书馆传统工具书的收藏和利用状况调查分析,传统工具书资源面临如下困境:收藏量有相当规模,总体呈减少趋势;配套收藏、特色收藏不足;收藏方式单一,使用规则呆板;重视电子工具书推广、网络文献检索,忽视传统工具书检索利用教育。对此,提出认清传统工具书不可替代的重要作用,建立有特色的传统工具书重点馆藏保障系统,改变常用传统工具书馆藏模式,改变传统的借阅方式等一系列强化传统工具书开发利用的新思路。  相似文献   

五千年的中国传统文化是现代书籍设计师学习借鉴的源泉.传统文化分为显型传统文化和隐型传统文化,显型传统文化的影响在书籍封面设计的表面形态,隐型传统文化的影响在书籍封面设计的内在精神.本文从这两个方面探索传统文化对书籍封面设计的影响,帮助设计师结合现代社会需求设计出更加优秀的作品,提高人们的审美水平和文化品位.  相似文献   

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