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围绕"顾彬论鲁迅"这一案例,可以考辨顾彬《二十世纪中国文学史》一书,在把"现代性"理论转型为百年中国文学研究方法时的学术得失。所谓"得",是指顾《史》能将"现代性"原型,经"中国现代性"这一中介,推导出政论化的"对中国的执迷",且将其视作"中国文学现代性"来史述鲁迅,这表明顾彬作为资深汉学家在方法论上的慎思。所谓"失",则指顾《史》不过是把百年中国文学作为张扬其"现代性"阐释能量的文史道具,故其论鲁迅也就颇失水准,不仅大体规避了对鲁迅文学的纵深述评,即使偶尔言及阿Q,也浅尝辄止。  相似文献   

邹文海作为中国早期杰出的政治学家,其对“自由与权力”的思考详见于他早期的著作和政论中。尽管他的思考是立足于当时的时代背景和政治局势,但是他对于“自由与权力”的种种创造性见解对于今天的政治学研究主题仍具有深远的影响和借鉴意义。邹文海创造性地吸收了社会学、心理学和文化人类学的观点,提出自由是一种心理感觉,权力是建立在人民同意的基础之上的。他从社会习俗的角度出发,对二者进行论证,并辩证地认为自由与权力是一种相反相成的关系。  相似文献   

This article explores the contribution of sociological scholarship to understanding and analysing the notions of ‘special educational needs’ and ‘disability’ and the ways in which the two notions have been reconfigured and theorised as ‘public issues’ rather than ‘personal troubles’. Barton's contribution is signified both in terms of his contribution to the evolution of the ‘sociological imagination’ – as a powerful theoretical tool for unravelling the highly political and contested nature of disability and special educational needs – and also in terms of his analysis of the emergence and development of sociological theorising in the field. The parochial obsession with deficit and medical‐oriented approaches to dealing with ‘difference’ and ‘need’ have been significantly challenged through the ‘sociological imagination’ aimed at pointing up the highly political and complex nature of disability and ‘special educational needs’. Times have changed and sociological theorising has evolved, but presumed ‘personal troubles’ are still not unequivocally conceptualised as being intertwined with, resting upon and emanating from ‘public issues’ embedded in the social, cultural and political edifice of educational, social and national communities. The ‘sociological imagination’ should be constantly invoked and deployed in order to expose and challenge the sophisticated ways in which individual pathology accounts and special educational imperatives re‐invent themselves through more inclusive linguistic veneers.  相似文献   

卓越  张珉 《教学与研究》2007,3(11):80-87
新制度经济学批判新古典理论过于抽象,但自身也未能很好地解决制度研究的现实性、历史性和社会性问题.在新制度经济学陷入困境的同时,政治学领域兴起了以理性选择制度主义、历史制度主义和社会学制度主义为代表的新制度主义浪潮.本文从制度观,制度对行为的影响,制度变迁理论、历史、社会背景和文化在制度研究中的地位等方面,对政治学新制度主义三个流派进行了述评,分析了政治学新制度主义的蓬勃发展可能为新制度经济学走出困境带来的启示及其对我国新制度经济学发展的意义.  相似文献   

This paper uses the methods of personal reflection and auto/biography to consider the ways in which global social and political transformations have influenced a key generation of feminist sociologists entering the academy and attempting to introduce feminist knowledge and pedagogy into academic curricula. Three critical events on or around 22 November are used to highlight key political moments, the associated development of changing themes in forms of analysis of social transformations, and the part played by feminism and sociology within higher education. They are the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1963, the Israeli-Arab war in 1973 and the resignation of Margaret Thatcher in 1990. The argument is that there has been a clear relation between changing social and political contexts and methodological understandings, which have drawn on developing feminist perspectives and reflexive sociological analysis, especially as embraced within the sociology of education. In particular, the shift from a political and professional perspective on social change and family life towards one that engages with personal issues is noteworthy. It is one of the hallmarks of both feminist notions associated with reflexivity and developing sociological methodologies and policy sociology. Thus, the personal and the political are now central methodological forms of feminist and sociological analysis within education and, especially, the sociology of education, influencing pedagogy within higher education, especially associated with developments in professional postgraduate education. I weave my personal reflections on my professional developments through an analysis of the key moments related to specific policy regimes and changing forms of understandings within the fields of policy sociology and sociology of education. I conclude with current concerns about the balances between the personal and professional within educational research and policy sociology.  相似文献   

正义秩序之追寻——兼论罗尔斯的公民资格观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在西方政治思想史上,一直存在自由主义和共和主义两种不同的公民资格传统,前者视个体自由为最高政治价值,后者视美德为最高公民典范.罗尔斯一方面对自由主义仅仅强调个体权利的倾向作出修正,增加了公民资格理论对实质平等的关心,用以解决社会正义问题,一方面提出一种公共理性的公民资格观,用以解决多元和统合的政治正义问题,从而在其正义理论的框架中彰显其独特的民主公民资格观,对自由主义和共和主义两种不同的公民资格传统进行了一种调和,目的在于:在个人自由和市场社会基础上重建公共自由和集体认同,以维持和保障正义之秩序.  相似文献   

In response to a Critical Notice published in these pages by Roberts (Vol. 32/1,2001), this article notes several specific reservations with regard to Shor's model of empowerment as outlined in When Students Have Power (1996). The original book documents one critical educator's attempts at negotiating power in a college classroom setting. While respecting Shor's bold efforts to craft a liberatory pedagogy, the author draws attention to specific inconsistencies and shortfalls in both the theory and practice described. The article offers a critical examination of problematic features of Shor's classroom practices and research methodology, in addition to concerns with both substantive and stylistic elements of his written account.  相似文献   

This essay argues that Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax (1971) successfully popularized the environmental message that Wallace Stegner presented in his largely forgotten essay “Conservation Equals Survival” (1969). The Seussian language and illustrations have inspired readers, particularly children, to consider and, more importantly, to engage in environmentally sustainable practices. Both Seuss and Stegner wanted to raise the common readers’ ecological literacy by alerting them to the dangers posed by modern industrial society and their role in achieving solutions. However, Stegner’s essay quickly disappeared from the public consciousness, while Seuss’s story remains relevant more than 40 years later, and his character, the Lorax, has become an important part of the environmentalist vernacular. Of particular interest is both authors’ use of one word, “unless,” to direct individual readers to work together for a sustainable future. Seuss successfully engaged readers to become aware of the needs of the environment and take personal responsibility in caring for their own ecosystems.  相似文献   

迪尔凯姆是法国著名的社会学家,是社会学理论的主要奠基人之一。他的代表作《社会学方法的准则》确立了其在社会学的地位。本文首先梳理了迪尔凯姆对社会学研究对象——社会事实进行了定位分析,接着厘定了解释社会事实的方法,而后阐发了这种理论对法律方法研究的启示意义。  相似文献   

作为先秦时期的社会学大师,荀子视“性”和“伪”、“群”和“分”、“礼”和“法”这三对基本概念为社会学的理论支柱。他以“性”和“伪”奠定人的“社会化”论;以“群”和“分”确立社会组织论;以“礼”和“法”建构社会控制论。它们筑起了荀子的社会学大厦,儒家的社会学思想也由此得到了进一步丰富和发展。  相似文献   

密尔是19世纪自由主义的代表性人物,他不像前辈思想家那样将自由看成是一种政治性原则,而是从自身的时代出发将自由理解为一种社会性原则,认为社会的专制远胜过政治的压迫.由此,密尔对自由作了新的理解,将之定义为社会权力的合法使用.其目的是要保护个人的权利免遭社会的侵害,捍卫个性和社会的多样性.通过呼吁个人的自由,密尔将政治的自由转变成为了社会的自由.  相似文献   

At a time when almost every area of social policy in the UK is undergoing a period of radical ‘top‐down’ reform, several writers have identified a key role for ethnographic research, which examines the social processes through which macro changes in structure and funding are experienced and reconstructed at the micro level. This paper presents one such study. Empirical data are used to chart the complex, interconnected processes through which national reforms helped destroy the previous balance of micro‐political power in a school, ultimately leading to fundamental changes in policy and practice in a previously ‘progressive’ comprehensive. The school's fate highlights the importance of micro‐political power, but also compels us to consider the wider forces at work on the school The teachers’ micro‐political struggles make sense only when viewed against the backdrop of sweeping conservative reform at the macro level.  相似文献   

The idea of emancipation plays a central role in modern educational theories and practices. The emancipatory impetus is particularly prominent in critical traditions and approaches where the aim of education is conceived as that of emancipating students from oppressive structures in the name of social justice and human freedom. What is needed to effect emancipation, so it is assumed in this tradition, is an exposition of the workings of power, as it is only when one sees and understands how power operates that it is possible to address its influence. In several of his publications the French philosopher Jacques Rancière has raised questions about the logic of this view of emancipation. Throughout his career Rancière has also worked consistently on the articulation of a different approach, an alternative way to understand and do emancipation. In this essay Gert Biesta provides a systematic reconstruction of Rancière's ideas on emancipation from three angles: political theory, political practice, and the practice of education. Biesta argues that Rancière provides us with a new and different way to understand how education might contribute to emancipation and also where and how, often in the name of emancipation and democracy, it actually hinders emancipation.  相似文献   

What is the place of social theory in mathematics education research, and what is it for? This special issue of Educational Studies in Mathematics offers insights on what could be the role of some sociological theories in a field that has historically privileged learning theories coming from psychology and mathematics as the main theoretical frames informing research. Although during the last 10 years the term “socio-cultural” has become part of the accepted and widespread trends of mathematics education research when addressing learning, this issue gathers a collection of papers that depart from a “socio-cultural” approach to learning and rather deploy sociological theories in the analysis of mathematics education practices. In this commentary paper, we will point to what we see to be the contributions of these papers to the field. We will do so by highlighting issues that run through the six papers. We will try to synthetize what we think are the benchmarks of the social approach to mathematics education that they propose. We will also take a critical stance and indicate some possible extensions of the use of social theory that are not addressed in this special issue but nonetheless are worth being explored for a fuller understanding of the “social” in mathematics education.  相似文献   


This article describes possibilities afforded by using social media, specifically Twitter, as a way to encourage students to join political conversations across the United States and around the world. In this study, we describe a project in which students used Twitter to share commentary about the state of the 2012 presidential election. The experiences of these students illustrate both the potential strengths and limitations of using social media as a tool for political engagement.  相似文献   

"社会学理论"的形成是社会学学科独立的基本标志.作为社会学学科体系重要构成部分的"社会学理论",其不仅区别于日常的经验知识和其他社会科学理论,而且在学科地位、形式、内容、功能、来源、性质上都具有自身的一些特征.无论是何种取向的社会学理论建构,社会学研究都需要一种理论自觉和自我反思的品质,而这种品质在一定程度上是建立在社会学实践的基础上的.中国社会学理论研究在现阶段还面临着许多特殊的困难,这些困难在某种程度上更加要求我们不断增强理论的自觉性和反思性,以弥补中国社会学理论研究与经验研究严重失衡的局面.  相似文献   

军阀是中国半殖民地半封建社会由专制政治向民主政治转变过程中的一种政治现象,其出现、演变及消亡,与军阀集团以及军阀个人的社会交往具有密切的联系。文章以社会交往理论为框架,以张作霖为考察对象,阐述他在社会交往中与社会群体及个体的合作与冲突,以及其对奉系军阀力量的成长及消亡所产生的影响。由此发现,社会交往对社会整合和历史发展起到了重要的动力作用。  相似文献   

梁启超的小说理论具有浓烈的功利主义成分,这是不争的事实。梁氏的小说理论的政治化和功利化,是其"新民"之文化启蒙的需要。梁氏赋予小说以强大的功能,以之作为救亡图存的工具,而非小说文体本有的属性。同时,梁氏小说理论之功利主义,也与其身处过渡时代、有意误读日本政治小说和实施特定的表述策略相关。  相似文献   

布迪厄的学术目标具有政治性,因此他对文学艺术的思考,围绕着反抗社会不平等的主题。他的社会学诗学包括两个方面:就社会学美学而言,指出文化隔充当着将社会阶级的区隔加以合法化的功能;就文学社会学而言,分析了文化生产场的发生和结构,并指出对于支配着文学生产场的根本信念即艺术自主性的坚持,乃是反对符号统治的重要手段。对于布迪厄社会学诗学对于中国学术语境的积极意义应予以一定讨论。  相似文献   

宫体界说辨——兼论宫体诗的类型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一个历史概念,宫体诗活跃于梁代以迄初唐。这一时段诗坛上引人注目的现象是艳诗的剧增,而其他题材的诗都非此时所特有,因此艳诗被视为宫体诗的本质特征。但宫体诗又不同于一般的艳诗,它是具有新变体特征的艳诗。因此,宫体诗的界说就应是:流行于梁代后期(即萧纲入主东宫后)以讫初唐,以萧纲为代表,以轻艳为特征的新变体艳诗。以此为尺度,可把南朝以讫初唐的文人艳诗区分为三种类型:1、以描写为主的,这是典型的宫体诗;2、以抒情为主的,也属于宫体诗,只是在典型的程度上不及前者;3、文人拟民歌的艳诗,这类诗不能划入宫体诗,但因其与宫体诗发展有关,可称为“准宫体诗”。  相似文献   

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