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文化和语言的关系是不言而喻的,因此,系统与全面的文化背景教学对真正提高学生的英语能力是必不可少的。本文建议文化教育不仅要融入语言课堂,而且要针对非英语专业学生开设"英美概况"讲座。  相似文献   

言语交际是加强精神文明建设的基础和保证 ,是建立人际关系的通途与桥梁 ,在社会生活中起着重要作用。要建立祥和、真诚的人际关系 ,要推动社会主义精神文明建设的深入发展 ,我们每个公民就应该都讲究言语艺术 ,讲究言语之美。  相似文献   

公益广告是指向社会大众传播有益于社会的非营利性广告,一般采用艺术性的手法。公益广告影响社会公众的思想情感和价值观念,对推动社会进步发挥着极其重要的作用。通过对中英文公益广告修辞手法和文化背景对比的研究,旨在发现其在这两方面的异同点。研究发现无论是中文还是英文公益广告,都会采取一定的修辞手法,以达到劝说效果。然而在中英公益广告中体现的文化背景却略有不同,英文公益广告侧重于理性诉求和个人主义;中文公益广告侧重于情感诉求和集体主义。  相似文献   

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an internationally accepted pre-university qualification which, since its origins in the 1960s, has increased in popularity to the point where it is now offered in more than 70 countries worldwide. As a university entrance qualification accepted internationally, it aims not only to provide an appropriate academic curriculum, but also to support geographic and cultural mobility and to promote international understanding. It claims to do so by both inculcating international attitudes in its students and by encouraging the maintenance and development of their cultural identities. This study examines the extent to which the IB actually appears to achieve these aims, by exploring the views of an opportunity sample of ex-IB students, IB teachers and staff at the University of Bath who have direct experience of the IB programme. The findings indicate that the IB can clearly facilitate mobility and can contribute to the development of international understanding, whilst at the same time supporting the preservation of individual cultures and national identities, provided contextual factors are appropriately arranged.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between tuition fees charged by MBA programmes and the number of applications to these programmes, using a panel dataset comprising universities from countries across the world. Using Three-Stage-Least-Squares methods for simultaneous equations, we find a two-way relationship between tuition fees and applications: higher application numbers encourage universities to charge higher fees in the future, but higher fees in turn curtail application numbers. We find evidence that higher GMAT scores of existing students increase applications, as do higher post MBA salaries. Meanwhile, university and programme professional accreditations do not impact on student application choices, nor do alumni ratings of programme quality. Published MBA programme rankings appear to have little impact on applications, and where an effect can be identified, it appears that a better ranking discourages applications. Only US News rankings have a significant effect on applicants to US MBA programmes.  相似文献   

中日两国一衣带水,不管是在文化还是历史上,都有着必然的联系和相似的地方,但是由于受到两国地理环境等多种因素的影响,中日在各自的文化上有着很多的不同,具体体现在文化误读里。本文阐述了中日之间的文化误读的具体表现,就此分析产生的原因,最后就如何改善中日之间的文化误读,提出了相关的建议和看法。  相似文献   

Through analyses of Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) data, the following study considers the direct and indirect association between education and workplace task discretion in 30 countries. By focusing on cross-national comparison, it considers the ways in which these findings are dependent on both the overall level and the range of task discretion across occupational sectors within a country. Theoretically, individual-agency and critical-institutional hypotheses are compared, two perspectives that provide divergent explanations for the indirect association between education and task discretion. The findings partially support both perspectives and there is strong evidence of a relative relationship between education and task discretion. That is, in country contexts where overall levels of task discretion are higher and more equal, education operates less strongly as a stratifying force. The originality of this approach showcases empirically how the association between education and task discretion is context dependent and theoretically how individual-agency and critical-institutional perspectives both contribute to understanding this relationship.  相似文献   

路晴晴 《时代教育》2010,(1):276-276
In the process of business communication,there are many factors that determine and influence the communication and results. Cultural factors could become the key to the exchange effect. Cultural factors not only refer to the different cultural backgrounds of the two sides,but also refer to the cultural connotations embodied in the communication. Sorting out the cultural impact of business communication will be undoubtedly a tremendous promotion to conduct commercial exchanges. In this paper,through the anal...  相似文献   

公平与效率关系的问题贯穿着国际社会主义运动的始终,对公平与效率在社会发展中所起作用的认识和把握,是推动社会主义运动发展的内在动力之一。空想社会主义学家对公平与效率问题的探索,把空想社会主义发展推向顶峰。对公平与效率内在统一关系的科学揭示,是社会主义由空想走向科学的关键。邓小平从我国社会主义初级阶段特殊国情出发,完整、准确地把握社会主义公平与效率的内在统一关系,形成建设中国特色社会主义理论的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

Gender inequality persists in certain science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) postsecondary fields. Notably, cross-national evidence suggests the STEM gender gap is smaller, not wider, in less developed nations. This is the first known case study to examine this gap within a developing country: Cambodia. This study investigates the following question: how does development – specifically socioeconomic and gender equity indicators – affect women’s share of enrollment in specific STEM and STEM-related fields? Merging two sources of national data, we leverage provincial census figures and institutional administrative data to estimate women's enrollment share in STEM as well as in specific fields (i.e., accounting, information technology, and health). Findings show women’s share of STEM and information technology majors is larger outside the capital. Further, socioeconomic development and urbanization indicators distinctly predict women’s share of health and information technology majors. These fields also have an inverse relationship between women’s share and gender egalitarian characteristics. We discuss potential explanations and implications for gender and inequality in higher education, within and between nations, in the context of larger theoretical debates on the nature of sex segregation.  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化进程加快,企业要在竞争中取得优势地位,应该意识到国际商务谈判在企业竞争中的重要地位。不同的文化背景决定了谈判双方拥有不同的思维方式、价值观和行为方式。了解文化差异及影响,避免冲突和误解的产生,促进跨文化商务谈判的顺利进行。  相似文献   

Using data from the U.S. Department of Education's (2000) Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998–99 (ECLS-K), this study investigates the relationship between school efforts to engage parents, average socioeconomic status (SES) of families within a school, and kindergarteners' end-of-year reading and mathematics achievement. Drawing from Epstein's (2001 Epstein, J.L. 2001. School, family, and community partnerships: Preparing educators and improving schools, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.  [Google Scholar]) parent involvement framework, the 4 types of engagement efforts explored are intended to promote communication, parent volunteering, parent influence in school decision making, and parenting skills. We apply multilevel methods to explore the impact of schools' efforts to engage parents on student achievement. Our findings indicate certain types of school efforts to engage parents influence achievement. Depending on average school SES, efforts to promote volunteering has a differential impact on reading achievement, efforts to involve parents in school decision making has a differential impact on mathematics achievement, and efforts to increase communication and promote parenting skills have a differential impact on reading and mathematics achievement.  相似文献   

This paper considers the educational and theoretical implications of an analysis into the artistic movement of poetry slam. Slam is a successful and growing global phenomenon, which both directly and indirectly sets itself against the dominant literary world. As such, it could be viewed as presenting a challenge to dominant literary conventions and thus to the cultural capital of those who rely upon such conventions. Using data drawn from an ongoing ethnographic study, employing semi-structured interviews with 44 poets, promoters and educators active in the slam community, and participant observation of 21 slams in four cities, this paper explores what poetry slam can tell us about the ways in which members of dominant art worlds and new artistic movements interact and the implications which this has for the sustainability of cultural capital in the light of newly emerging artistic conventions and discourses.  相似文献   

自20世纪以来,指称理论是分析哲学讨论的中心话题,描述语理论与历史因果理论两个观点一直主导着这个领域。克里普克(Kripke)反对传统的描述语理论,并提出了自己的观点。多数哲学家们和克里普克(kripke)保持同样的观点,一般认为指称是和人们的直觉保持一致的。近来文化心理学者们通过一系列实验指出文化在人的语言直觉和认知中扮演着重要的角色。Richard Nisbett和他的同事的实验发现东亚人与西方人在认知过程(如:感知、注意和记忆)中存在许多差异,因此一些学者开始怀疑在假定情境下人们对于专名的指称的语言直觉会随着文化差异有所不同。(如:Edouard Machery,Ron Mallon,:Shaun Nichol,Stephen P.Stich.的实验)在这篇论文中,我们将会提供一些新证据来讨论语言直觉随着文化差异而有所不同。  相似文献   

神话是文化的重要内容。神话以叙事的方式阐述观点,规范行为,表达价值,传输意识形态,成为展示一个国家、一个民族文化软实力的重要载体。神话叙事是提升文化软实力的重要手段。当前,通过神话叙事的途径提升文化软实力,需要祛除西方神话的魅影,重叙中国当代的神话,打开民间传播的渠道,加快神话资源产业化。  相似文献   

近年,国际惯例对国内建筑业的影响加剧和国内建筑市场运行规则的转变,对<工程项目管理>课程提出了更高更新的要求.文章结合工程管理类专业课程特点,针对市场需要和人才培养目标,提出了该课程与国际惯例接轨的系列措施.  相似文献   

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