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Children construct knowledge about print from what they see in the environment. They also develop early literacy from good children's literature. There are now many books which incorporate environmental print, combining both ecological text and the printed page.  相似文献   

Learning to ‘become doctor’ requires PhD candidates to undertake progressive public displays – material and social – of knowledge. Knowledge in doctoral pedagogy is primarily realised textually, with speaking and writing remaining as the primary assessment rubrics of progress and of the qualification. Participating textually begins, in a public sense, with the Confirmation of Candidature presentation/paper and culminates in a Viva Voce/dissertation. Drawing on linguistic ethnographic observations and analyses, this paper uses practice-based perspectives to examine a doctoral candidate practising to present knowledge publicly in a university research centre. The paper focuses on sociomaterial shifts in the trial run and final delivery of the two presentations examining how the candidate is initiated into new actions in response to these changes. Findings reveal how the candidate engages with collective understandings of the practice of presenting knowledge provided by feedback from her doctoral ‘friends’. Learning a practice through practise highlights the importance of participating as learning and learning as participating. This is particularly so in a time of change for doctoral pedagogy, when honing a practice collectively is argued to be advantageous in a localised setting that recognises and fosters the benefits of participation.  相似文献   

In response to tragic school shootings, heightened attention has been devoted to making schools safer through the implementation of security features. However, excessive security measures have a negative impact on school climate, student functioning, and academic achievement. Therefore, there is a critical need to design schools that are safe and secure, yet also welcoming and comfortable. As a promising approach in this regard, crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) is an architectural philosophy that aims to deter criminal or antisocial behavior through environmental design, and it includes a focus on natural surveillance, access control, and territorial reinforcement. This review discusses pertinent effects of the school environment on student outcomes, extant research on the impact of visible security measures, the relationship between students’ perceptions of safety and academic functioning, and how using CPTED could concomitantly address the physical safety and psychological comfort of students at school.  相似文献   

检索式学习:意义、方式与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数字化环境和信息网络技术影响并改变着人类传统的学习方式,面对浩瀚的信息海洋,人们应该充分借助于先进的技术去查寻并汲取有用的知识.检索式学习正是人们不断更新自我以适应时代发展的重要途径,它为人类的学习构建了一个新型的平台,为现代教育的发展提供了一个重要的引擎,为个人的发展提供了一个高效的工具.随着技术的发展,检索式学习的方式也在不断地发生着变化:从图书馆书刊借阅到使用联机信息检索,从网络信息的浏览到利用学术搜索引擎,从一般的文献信息检索到知识检索与研究性问题的分析,从知识检索到知识发现.检索式学习强调人机交互与主体参与,突出知识创新与能力发展,注重知识建构与问题解决.开展检索式学习要注意明确目标、防止迷航,善于分析、沙里淘金,不断积累、勇于探索.  相似文献   

从学习认知理论入手,以建构主义的学习观与课程观为基础,结合学生知识习得的实际以及现代技术发展的要求,提出了学习范式转换的必要性。同时阐述了学习范式转换的核心应该是从简单的知识行为走向自主行为,并提出了开展有效的自主学习行为的途径。  相似文献   


This article explores informal environmental education (EE) experiences at eco-attractions. A consortium of three UK-based environmental charities designed an eco-attraction-based EE program aiming to inspire responses to environmental change. Over six months, educators at six eco-attractions delivered this two-day program to 430 young people. This article conveys qualitative insights into learning experiences at three participating eco-attractions. The study illustrates that experiential learning at eco-attractions provided unique opportunities to explore nature-culture connections. The program also appeared to enable novel confrontations of current ecological crises, including climate change. Furthermore, the experience influenced some young people's perceptions of how such crises might affect their futures.  相似文献   

图书馆服务在新形势下面临着竞争和挑战,能否在竞争中生存成为图书馆的重要任务,而知识服务是图书馆提高服务水平,争取社会读者和用户的必然选择。文章分析了图书馆服务面临的挑战及知识服务出现的必要性,阐述了图书馆知识服务的内涵、特点、方式、原则等基本内容,最后给出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

In the US debate over science‐based educational research, experimentation is again coming to the fore as ideal for establishing an evidence base of what works in educational interventions thus contributing to the climate of accountability in educational research and practice. Mixed methods research is being positioned in this discussion as a reasonable alternative, a way of making it possible for both experimentalists and non‐experimentalists to join forces in the quest for accountability. This paper argues that mixed methods research is hardly something new; moreover, it is an epistemological response to what is basically a moral–political problem.  相似文献   

文章从知识构建的发展过程入手,对知识构建的涵义、知识构建的条件、知识构建的内容进行分析,并进一步探索知识构建与知识服务的关系,知识构建对知识服务的优化作用。如对知识获取的优化,对知识表达的优化,对知识存储的优化,对知识共享的优化。  相似文献   

本文以图书情报知识服务的创新为切入点,重点就如何创新图书情报的知识服务模式进行研究和探讨。  相似文献   

Globalisation has significantly altered patterns of research and development, and production. In turn, this has generated new organisational forms and practices in higher education knowledge production. As a result, a strong trend towards the 'entrepreneurial' university has emerged, characterised by increasing market-like behaviour and governance. Within the dominant neo-liberal global consensus, this primarily serves the market and the private good. However, this is a growing counter concern for higher education's contribution to equity, community development and the public good. Drawing from various case studies, focusing on South Africa, this paper identifies the higher education-community partnership model as a complementary alternative to the entrepreneurial university. It is shown that knowledge production in these partnerships closely resembles so-called mode 2, applications-driven knowledge production. Potentially, however, the partnership model integrates and mutually enhances experiential learning, relevant research and community development.  相似文献   

Science education models for secondary and college students as well as K‐12 teachers have been dominated by classroom‐based approaches. Recently, research apprenticeships wherein learners worked with practicing scientists on authentic scientific research have become increasingly popular. The purpose of this critical review of the literature was to review and synthesize empirical studies that have explored learning outcomes associated with research apprenticeships for science learners. We reviewed 53 studies of scientific research apprenticeship experiences for secondary students, undergraduates and teachers, both pre‐service and in‐service. The review explored various learning outcomes associated with participation in research apprenticeships. These outcomes included effects of apprenticeship experiences on participant career aspirations, ideas about the nature of science (NOS), understandings of scientific content, confidence for doing science and intellectual development. The extant literature supported many of the presumed positive associations between apprenticeship experiences and desired learning outcomes, but findings related to some themes (e.g., NOS understandings) supported conflicting conclusions. Implications included importance of the length of the apprenticeship, need to explicitly place attention on desired outcomes, and engagement of participants. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47:235–256, 2010  相似文献   

There is little research in the area of understanding educational leaders’ psychological processes. This lack of understanding leaves educational leaders to develop their own sense-making practices while in the complex and stressful act of leading. This self-study, conducted over more than half a school year in 2014–2015, was my own effort to do just that: to understand myself as a leader by examining various influences on my role using a four-quadrant framework for leadership. The findings highlight two significant areas influencing my leadership practices: the internal-entity quadrant, defined as the leader’s personal values and beliefs, and the internal-context quadrant, defined as the leader’s perception of the various contextual influences surrounding her role. Adopting this framework for my thinking allowed a more objective view of my practice and the beliefs and assumptions operating within my practice. While this work is, at a personal level, my own struggle to understand the complexities of leading, it is also examines one way in which district leaders might begin to think about their own sense-making practices using self-study methods.  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基说过:学生来到学校里,不仅是为了取得一份知识的行囊,更主要的是为了变得更聪明。教师要使学生越学越聪明,越学能力越强,就必须把学生正确的思维方法的培养放在十分重要的位置上,学会发问就是途径之一。学会发问是学生主动学习,变得更聪明的一把钥匙。  相似文献   

采用质性研究方式,对一个高校学前教育专业班4年的教育措施进行记录,结果表明,通过一系列有效的教育策略,能够激发学生群体潜能,快速提升实践性知识集体生成的速度,并为职后的自主生成打下良好基础。  相似文献   

This chapter focuses on the issue of transfer of cognitions, motivations, and dispositions related to learning across different cultural-educational contexts. Research with learners from Confucian Heritage Culture, mainly from Singapore and Hong Kong, studying in their home country and as international students in Australia is used to establish the usefulness of the concept of socio-cultural appropriateness to understand transfer. The examples discussed reveal how some aspects of students learning travel extremely well and are congruent with the characteristics of learning valued in the host context, while others reflect ambivalent, difficult, or inappropriate transfer. The significance of mutual individual-context dynamic interactions, subjective nature of appropriateness, and emotional dimensions involved in transfer of learning is highlighted. Implications for educational practice in an international, multicultural perspective are outlined.  相似文献   

The main issue addressed in this article is that there is much to learn about students’ knowledge and thinking in science from largescale international quantitative studies beyond overall score measures. Response patterns on individual or groups of items can give valuable diagnostic insight into students’ conceptual understanding, but there is also a danger of drawing conclusions that may be too simple and nonvalid. We discuss how responses to multiple-choice items could be interpreted, and we also show how responses on constructed-response items can be systematised and analysed. Finally, we study, empirically, interactions between item characteristics and student responses. It is demonstrated that even small changes in the item wording and/or the item format may have a substantial influence on the response pattern. Therefore, we argue that interpretations of results from these kinds of studies should be based on a thorough analysis of the actual items used. We further argue that diagnostic information should be an integrated part of the international research aims of such large-scale studies. Examples of items and student responses presented are taken from The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).  相似文献   

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