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Parents can employ communication strategies to prevent alcohol use among college students. This investigation utilizes content analysis to examine the coverage of parent-related strategies in 32 newspapers over the last decade. Of the 255 articles related to college drinking, only 49 mentioned one or more parenting strategies. The most frequently mentioned strategies were parental notification of their child's problem behavior by college administrators and communicating with older children about alcohol. The strategies mentioned least were monitoring and staying connected with college-aged children and talking about the consequences of binge drinking. The minimal coverage suggests a need for the use of media advocacy by public health professionals.  相似文献   

"新媒体使用"经常作为与"传统媒体使用"相对立的概念获得学界的关注。然而,随着技术的快速发展,媒体家族的迅速壮大,"新媒体使用"在量化研究中的内涵外延也日渐模糊。对此,本文提出了一个元测试(meta-instrument)问题--在用户使用行为和媒介效果两方面,新媒体和传统媒体是否清晰可分?基于对二手数据的分析,本文发现不同的网络信息渠道/平台在使用频率上呈现异质性,在媒介效果上也难以作为同质化的"新媒体"或"网络媒体"一概而论。同时,门户网站在用户使用频率和使用效果上,更接近于传统媒体(如中央电视台、新华社和人民日报),而非社交媒体(如微博、微信等)。本文的研究发现为新媒体使用及其效果研究提供了新的思路,为新媒体理论的发展提供了新的经验资料。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether and how exposure to tanned images on television is related to tanning attitudes and intentions among men and women, using the influence of presumed influence model (Gunther & Storey, 2003 Gunther , A. C. , & Storey , J. D. ( 2003 ). The Influence of presumed influence . Journal of Communication , 53 , 199215 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The model showed a better fit with the male rather than female sample. In addition, among males, exposure to tanned-men images on television was directly associated with protanning attitudes and was indirectly associated with protanning intentions. Corresponding direct and indirect associations were not found among females. Instead, the results suggest females may project their own protanning intentions into the estimation of protanning norms among male and female peers. These results suggest the social perceptual processes underlying the link between television exposure and tanning tendencies of men and women may differ.  相似文献   

传媒的区域化发展导致区域传媒产业集群乃至区域传媒集团的形成。合作竞争应当成为传媒区域化发展的战略。在传媒区域化充分发展的前提下,通过广泛的合作增强中心城市对区域的增长极扩散效应,形成传媒产业集群具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Recent theorizing in hostile media perception (HMP) has focused on the impact of news content on perceptions of media bias. Using a 2 (an outcome frame versus a value frame) × 2 (a societal frame versus an individual frame) experimental design (N = 114), this study examined the differential effects of news frames on perceptions of media bias. The results showed that an outcome frame induced relatively less HMP than a value frame. Further, a societal frame was more likely to elicit HMP than an individual frame when the medical abortion controversy was framed in term of values (vs. outcomes). Directions for future research on the potential impact of news framing on HMP were discussed.  相似文献   

本研究围绕媒介使用与中国农村居民的现代性这一主题,探讨在大众媒介愈加发达,尤其是网络等新媒介形态逐渐步入农村居民工作、生活的今天,媒介使用与农村居民的现代性之间的关系。结果表明,大众传播媒介的使用对于中国农村居民的现代性有独立的预测作用;特别是上网相比其他的媒介使用能更好的预测当前中国农村居民的现代性。这给“传播与人的现代化”命题增添了网络时代的新的注解,充分地说明了在我国农村大力推广和普及网络的重要意义。  相似文献   

Drawing on a national survey of 1,157 South Korean adults, the present study finds that social media use for political news is positively associated with knowledge about political issues, but not with knowledge about political processes. Professional media use for political news is significantly associated with both political issue knowledge and political process knowledge. The impact of social media for news on political issue knowledge increases with the additive role of professional media news use. This study also finds that political talk strengthens the positive association between social media use for news and political issue knowledge.  相似文献   

美国新闻式电视批评在媒介组织体系中,扮演着联袂聚焦的权力角色。电视媒体因而视其为一种营销途径,水门事件以后,新闻式批评有意识地反抗这种角色,张扬专业主义批评精神。国内的新闻式批评,还没有发挥其应有的产业作用和文化影响,但仍然值得关注,这对于媒介研究本身及理解当下的文化现实,都是极有意义的。  相似文献   

This study of 601 3rd-6th grade boys and girls examined implicit and explicit attitudes of anti-fat bias along with media exposure variables and appearance anxiety. In this study, predictors of implicit attitudes of bias were measured and then those same implicit measures were tested as possible predictors of more explicit measures of anti-fat bias. Given the uniqueness of the measures with a sample of this age and the self-report measures of media use, the hope was that the results may prove helpful in understanding the complicated factors related to children's attitudes and beliefs about weight bias in order further explain how and why thinness is regarded as such an important social and cultural attribute. Findings suggest that exposure to an image of an overweight child and fear of negative appearance evaluations were the strongest predictors of two measures of explicit anti-fat bias. Furthermore, implicit attitudes representative of fat bias were also evident across the sample. Greater television exposure was related to decreased levels of anti-fat bias and more favorable assessments of overweight subjects viewed in photographs; thus, findings suggest several factors are important in better understanding the correlates related to anti-fat bias in children.  相似文献   

常媛媛  曾庆香 《新闻界》2020,(2):29-36,79
通过对三大央媒微信、微博报道的文本分析发现,新型主流媒体新闻的身份建构本质上是通过角色展演实现道德规训。一方面,身份建构的表征是角色展演,在角色展演中体现了基本的角色道德。另一方面,身份建构的旨归是形塑角色规范:道德规范、法律规范、伦理规范、技术规范。其中道德规训是新型主流媒体新闻进行身份建构的基本逻辑。为进行道德规训,新型主流媒体主要采取了叙述事件和价值判断相结合的方式。依托身份建构的这一逻辑,新型主流媒体新闻传递社会主流价值观,完成自身的职责和使命。  相似文献   

媒体融合:追求信息传播理想境界的过程   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
媒体融合,是现代信息技术推进的信息传播的技术手段、功能结构和形态模式的界限改变及能量交换。其趋势性特征表现为:多媒体信息在同一平台上的能量互补;各类媒体之间的信息能量交换;信息传播者与信息接受者之间的信息能量交互;外部产业对传媒业的能量支持。媒体融合本质上不是抑制和同化个性信息需求,而是培植和满足个性信息需求;不是排斥传统媒体,而是优化传统媒体的功能;不是一个定态目标,而是一个动态进程。信息传播技术的发展和传媒市场化的进程已将新闻传播推进到一个革命性变化的临界点。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the predictors of 2 types of media selectivity: interest-based (i.e., choice of entertainment over politics) and partisan (i.e., choice of pro-attitudinal over counter-attitudinal or balanced news). Relying on a large survey-based experiment, we find that issue-specific engagement variables, including perceived issue understanding, issue importance, and issue attitude strength, predict interest-based and partisan selectivity above and beyond the influence of general political knowledge, news interest, and strength of political leanings. These results show that the drivers of selectivity are more complex than general political attributes; rather, they are contextual and reflect people’s engagement with particular issues.  相似文献   

The work of the modern police apparatus is highly dependent upon media technologies. This article traces crucial developments in this history, analyzing the central role that media have played in policing practices since the advent of the modern patrol in the late eighteenth century. We trace how the governmentalized police force has used media to govern efficiently what Foucault calls the three great variables: territory, speed, and communication. In conclusion, we consider the possibilities for resistance in a time when digital police media have given rise to alarming strategies for surveilling populations, stifling dissent, and exerting control over public and private space.  相似文献   

Our physical health depends, at least in part, upon the health of our media environment. Unfortunately, the commercial media system produces countless messages that not only misinform Americans about their health but also actively promote unhealthy behaviors. Rather than taking the existing media system as a given, this commentary argues that health communication scholars should work with media reformers to transform the media system in ways that advance public health goals. In particular, the ongoing regulatory struggle over low-power radio provides an important opportunity for health communication scholars and media reformers to join forces.  相似文献   

论媒介认知能力的建构与发展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
随着信息时代的来临 ,媒介已成为人们最重要的知识来源之一 ,正是在这种大背景下 ,西方近年来兴起了媒介认知能力运动。媒介认知能力指的是获取、分析、评价与传播各种形式的信息的能力 ,它不仅包含了获取信息、分析信息、评价信息及传播信息这四个要素 ,更可以进一步划分为媒介信息认知与媒介社会认知两个层面。本文还同时探讨了与媒介认知能力运动有关的各种争论 ,并指出依据国情在国内开展具有中国特色的媒介教育的迫切性  相似文献   

随着互联网和各类智能电子设备的普及,儿童越来越多、越来越早地接触到网络信息。本文结合3—8岁低龄儿童的认知发展特征,从网络环境下的信息行为、对网络信息的认知和理解,以及对网络信息可信度评估三个方面进行综述,分析并发现这一年龄段儿童的网络信息行为及认知上的诸多特点:儿童网络信息行为在频率和多样性上的快速增长离不开可联网设备在交互方式(如触屏、语音命令)上的革新;尽管儿童有网络信息接触经验,但他们缺乏对网络信息本质来源、传播方式和内容范围的理解,儿童倾向于利用已有的、基于真人和电子设备的认知图式去理解网络信息的特征;儿童能够将网络视为媒介,比较网络信息与其他来源信息在可信度上的差异,但儿童能否认识到不同网络信息存在可信度的差异,以及能否运用一些启发式去评估网络信息的可信度还有待探讨。未来研究应将低龄儿童群体纳入图情领域网络信息行为与信息素养研究的视野,弥补对该年龄段群体研究的缺失,并在研究内容上深化、在方法上创新,加强对儿童网络信息行为与认知的基础研究,加强对少儿网络信息资源建设与服务、儿童信息素养教育等应用对策的研究,以更好地促进我国儿童的“数字化”成长。表1。参考文献48。  相似文献   

本文通过CGSS2015的调查数据,将人口统计因素、经济控制因素及媒介使用因素作为测量青年主观幸福感的三个维度,建立有序回归模型后得出结论:青年的教育程度、社会保障、婚姻与工作状况、年龄、社会阶层自我评价及健康状况等人口统计因素差异会影响主观幸福感;经济控制因素中的人均文体支出对主观幸福感具有显著的正相关作用,人均医疗卫生支出会减少其主观幸福感;衡量主观幸福感的媒介使用因素中,手机定制消息的使用对青年主观幸福感的提升与促进作用最为显著且稳健,其它媒体使用与主观幸福感的关系受到经济与人口因素的影响。  相似文献   

This study examines political and communicative factors predicting trust in mainstream newspapers and television by analyzing a set of survey data collected in South Korea. The results show that supporters of the opposition party are less likely to trust the mainstream news media than supporters of the ruling party. Daily Internet use negatively predicted trust in media only for nonpartisans. However, for supporters of the opposition party, daily Internet use moderated the interaction effect between political discussion and exposure to political news on trust in media.  相似文献   

本文主要研究媒介在中国消费文化兴起和传播中的作用。其主要观点为:要准确解释媒介在中国消费文化兴起中的作用,必须看到媒介和政府以及全球化的共同作用,其中政府的推动起主要作用,由于国家刺激消费的同时采取对外开放的政策,全球化作为外因也起到一定作用;但在媒介时代,消费热潮的进一步扩散必须由大众媒介来完成;另一方面,媒介的双重属性使其在中国消费文化传播中的作用具有复杂性。  相似文献   

This study outlines the effectiveness of a media literacy curriculum in changing attitudes about media violence through critical discussions and analytical viewing exercises. Ninety-three sixth graders participated in a curriculum focusing on “high-risk” ways of presenting violence in the media. Results of a one-group, pre-test post-test design suggest that participation in the curriculum was associated with an increase in critical attitudes about the topic. Open-ended responses also demonstrated enhanced sophistication in analyzing media violence after the curriculum. The study has potentially important implications for media education and media violence.  相似文献   

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