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This paper describes the development of the teaching of communication skills on Engineering Degree courses run by the School of Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Leeds Polytechnic from the early 1970s to the mid 1980s. The development is seen as moving from the notion of Liberal Studies through Communication Studies to eventually the concept of Integrated Studies. The ideas behind Integrated Studies are described and the benefits and problems of this approach are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,随着通信技术的不断发展,移动通信技术变得至关重要,被各行各业广泛地应用,而对于大学之中通信工程学生来说,为了适应未来社会的发展,教师需要对学生对于移动通信技术的学习进行指导,让学生认识到其重要性,提高学生的专业素质,完成预期的学习任务,本文是以大学之中通信工程专业学生为研究对象,分析移动通信技术在通信专业学生之中的应用。  相似文献   

以培养应用型、创新型人才为目的,构建通信工程专业工程技术人才培养模式。主要措施包括修订教学文档,编写卓越工程师培养教程,改革教学方法,完善实验室建设,开展丰富多彩的第二课堂活动,加强实习实训工作。探索出一条"课内课外相结合、校内校外相结合、理论实践相结合、教学科研相结合,教育职业相结合"的思路。实践证明,改革能够丰富教学手段,提升教学质量,锻炼学生的创新能力与动手技能,同时提高毕业生的就业层次。  相似文献   

师生交往活动的特殊性在于它是一种组织行为活动。师生交往的组织行为特征要求教师要具有影响学生的能力基础——师生交往资本。教师的师生交往资本可分为身体资本、文化资本、经济资本、社会资本和符号资本五种形式。教师要把全面增强自身的师生交往资本作为改进师生关系的基本途径,并要增强师生交往资本本身的道德性,坚持教育性的师生交往方向和"全面增强,突出特长"的交往原则。  相似文献   

社会的发展迫切需要高校培养出具备扎实专业实践能力的高级工程技术人才,但目前许多高校对学生实践能力的培养重视不够,缺乏系统的实践培养计划,对实践环节的评价比较笼统,导致毕业生进入社会后还需要较长时间的适应期。本文分析了造成工科学生专业实践能力低下的原因,并提出了一些建议,期望能有助于提升学生的专业实践能力。  相似文献   

在国家综合能力不断增强的形势之下,科学技术不断地进步,城市的发展也逐步改善,城市的面积也在一天天扩张,土木工程产业也发展得越来越好,很大程度地推动了城市经济的发展,这一产业的主要运行内容是设计建筑物以及它的具体施工方案,这一行业的人才来源是各大高校的土木工程专业的合格以及优秀毕业生,他们的主要能力是通过课程学习获得的,对于这一专业的学生来说,实际运用与操作能力要在实际工作中才能够得到发展,因此,高校培养学生的任务就非常的艰巨了。  相似文献   

美国如何吸引中学生进入高等工程教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪80年代以来,美国进入高等工程教育的中学生数量与质量持续下降,这一状况引起了美国社会各界的高度重视,将其视为影响美国未来国际地位的关键因素之一。为了改善这一状况,以美国工程教育学会为首,美国大学、中小学、工业界和政府联合采取了一系列措施,吸引更多中学生进入高等工程教育领域。  相似文献   

2002年秋天,在河北广宗召开的纪念景廷宾起义100周年学术讨论会上,编辑部组织了几位学者,就中学历史教材如何编写问题展开座谈.以下诸文,即根据座谈会上部分学者观点整理而成.  相似文献   

本文以加强课程体系建设、加强实践教学的比重、有针对性地制定培养计划为主,介绍了改善留学生人才培养的有力措施。希望通过应用型人才培养的探讨,为留学生教育培养质量的提高提出合理化建议及有效途径。  相似文献   

In this article, we argue that mentoring of technical communication students must occur within the classroom. In our survey of students, we found that most students felt they had not been mentored. In our ethnography, we found that although students could define the term “mentor”, many were conflicted about its value. This confusion made students less likely to seek out or recognize mentoring opportunities. Students recognized mentoring practices that teachers implemented; however, they did not necessarily identify those practices as “mentoring”. We conclude that confusion arose from students' ambiguous views about mentoring and the lack of standard mentoring practices in the humanities. Therefore, teachers who intend to mentor in the classroom must (a) be more explicit in implementing elements that distinguish mentoring from teaching (e.g., intent and involvement), (b) extend an invitation to students to be mentored, and (c) help students develop a professional identity.  相似文献   

The enduring inequities experienced by African-Caribbean students in UK schools has been well documented. This paper aims to better understand how these inequities have come to be so enduring. Through detailed analyses of data generated through a school ethnography, this paper demonstrates the processes through which African-Caribbean students are identified as undesirable, or even intolerable, learners. The paper builds on the insights offered by earlier school ethnographies while deploying and developing a new theoretical framework. This framework suggests that the discursive practices of students and teachers contribute to the performative constitution of intelligible selves and others. Drawing on this framework, the paper demonstrates how African-Caribbean race and sub-cultural identities, and further intersecting biographical identities including gender and sexuality, are deployed within organisational discourse as evidence of these students' undesirable learner identities.  相似文献   

本文根据第二语言学习的本质,参照现行成人学生的英语口语学习方法和具体水平状况,提出“大量重复性朗读”这一方案;并通过一系列科学手段,讨论、研究和分析了此方案对提高成人学生英语口语水平的作用。  相似文献   

In this article, we argue that mentoring of technical communication students must occur within the classroom. In our survey of students, we found that most students felt they had not been mentored. In our ethnography, we found that although students could define the term “mentor”, many were conflicted about its value. This confusion made students less likely to seek out or recognize mentoring opportunities. Students recognized mentoring practices that teachers implemented; however, they did not necessarily identify those practices as “mentoring”. We conclude that confusion arose from students' ambiguous views about mentoring and the lack of standard mentoring practices in the humanities. Therefore, teachers who intend to mentor in the classroom must (a) be more explicit in implementing elements that distinguish mentoring from teaching (e.g., intent and involvement), (b) extend an invitation to students to be mentored, and (c) help students develop a professional identity.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a national survey of members of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW). The survey focuses on practices of assessing student classroom work and specifically asked technical writing instructors what they assess, how they assess, and what they would like to do to assess their students optimally. In addition to reporting responses to these questions, the article concludes with recommendations for improving student assessment practices at the departmental, programmatic, and course levels.  相似文献   

李群 《高教论坛》2008,(3):124-126
本文从分析大学生中英语学习"哑聋症"的原因入手,找出大学生在听力和口语的学习中存在的问题,提出复述、模仿和主流文化在口语学习中的重要性,并就大学生如何提高英语听力提出一些建议。  相似文献   


Program location has been a key conversation piece in discussions concerning the technical communication profession. Less attention has been devoted toward location of individual faculty, particularly those who may be the lone communicator in departments outside of English or humanities. Although these arrangements may not be without challenges, they also may yield unique opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations and professional identity shaping in ways that more traditional academic technical communication positions do not.  相似文献   

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