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四川地方高校社科研究力量分散,缺乏承担重大项目的能力,且水平不高,能力不强。如何加强社科研究力量和方向的整合,以科学发展观为指导,认真探索社会科学研究管理规律,以市场需求与社会需求为切入点,广泛开展校地合作,尽快形成地域性的研究中心,为繁荣哲学社会科学创造良好环境,是四川地方高校社会科学研究发展的基础。  相似文献   

近几年来 ,四川省高校人文社会科学研究取得了长足发展 ,科研队伍逐步扩大 ,课题成果的数量和质量在全国占有重要地位。目前存在的问题是高层次项目少、经费不足、标志性成果不突出。为促进四川省高校人文社会科学研究的发展 ,应从深化科研体制改革、确立研究方向特点、组织联合攻关、多渠道筹集科研经费、加大政府投入、重视人才培养等方面入手 ,使四川省高校人文社科研究迈上新台阶  相似文献   

学习科学研究之发展综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学习科学是在反思认知科学等学科关于学习的研究方法和观点的基础上新近兴起的一门科学,它借鉴建构主义、认知科学、信息技术、社会文化研究和关于知识工作等相关领域的研究成果,汇集和整合关于脑的研究和内隐学习、非正式学习、正式学习等已有对于学习的研究,采用多种现场研究的方法,对不同情境脉络中的学习发生机制进行分析和探索,提出的若干关于学习的新观点,并通过创新性项目的实践和基于设计的研究,创设新型学习环境,革新学习实践。本文就学习科学兴起的背景、基础、发展历程、主要观点、主要研究方法、国际学术界动向等方面进行了梳理、分析和概括,以期给予国内学者的了解和把握。  相似文献   

通过调查发现,S大学社科类不同专业硕士研究生存在的学习倦怠突出表现在:学习目标的错位认识、学习内容的迷茫感强、学习方式的自主性弱、学习结果的效能感低等四个方面。究其根源,主要原因有三:一是受硕士生自身成长经历及其人格底色上的消极因素影响;二是导师对硕士生的学习成长缺乏针对性的专业引领和指导;三是现有环境尚难有效激发和保持硕士生的学习积极性。为此,有必要从学生自觉、导师引领、环境支持等层面提出改进建议,以促进社科类硕士研究生的专业成长与健康发展。  相似文献   

Teaching for diversity and social justice is the teaching of complex abstract ideas about privilege and oppression, such as the social construction of social groups and identity. An effective way to teach this material is with experiential learning, but this approach requires much more than exercises and activities. Courses must be consciously structured to emphasize both the elements and cycle of experiential learning, as well as attending to critical thinking and the potential for cognitive dissonance. An example of this process from an undergraduate course is presented to demonstrate course construction, experiential learning strategies, and initial outcomes.  相似文献   


In this article, The Social Justice Education in Schools (SJES) Project integrates field-based study and existing research to identify five key Principles of Social Justice Education in Schools. An outgrowth of the federally funded Massachusetts Coalition for Teacher Quality and Student Achievement, the SJES Project seeks to positively impact teacher preparation, student achievement, and social justice practice in urban environments. The authors ground their discussion in their partnership with Rodriguez Elementary School, and present specific points of inquiry to facilitate K-12 educators, administrators, and community members' critical reflection on their own school environments. By developing a concrete framework for Social Justice Education in Schools, the authors hope to encourage future empirical research explicitly linking Social Justice Education to student achievement.  相似文献   

当代中国社会科学自主性的存在和发展,既要借鉴西方社会科学实证主义的传统,确立具有科学性和规范性的学术运作方式,又要吸收当代西方社会科学对传统社会科学的重思和否思的成果,避免"现代性"的后果,建立具有本上意识和特色并能与西方社会科学发展进行平等对话和交流的开放社会科学。没有脱离社会、政治、经济和文化场域而独立存在的社会科学场域,任何从一极走向另一极的文化霸权都不能替代真正的学术交流和实践。  相似文献   

非正式学习:学习科学研究的生长点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非正式学习是一种广泛存在于个体日常活动中的有效学习方式,近年来正逐渐成为国际学习科学领域的新兴研究热点。场馆学习、服务性学习和职场学习是三种典型的非正式学习模式。通过对三种学习模式比较分析发现,非正式学习受到个体情境、社会情境和物理情境等三类情境因素的影响,学习者在非正式学习过程中可获得多元的学习结果,以促进自身能力和素质的全面发展。对非正式学习的研究可拓展我们对学习和教育本质的理解,为了促进非正式学习的研究发挥更加有效的作用,教育研究者和实践者可以构建评价非正式学习效果的有效评估体系,探索影响非正式学习效果的诸多因素之间的交互作用,并谨慎推广非正式学习的研究结果。  相似文献   

This paper identifies the role of reflexivity as a central concern to educational researchers. We argue that reflexivity as a concept needs to be recognised at three key levels. Reflexivity can be considered in terms of learning in general, in relation to our research designs and finally with respect to the production of educational knowledge. Each of these levels is analysed and related to our understanding of social justice research in education. Through an exposition of Giddens’ notion of the ‘duality of structure’ we put forward one way of researching in the area of social justice and education which takes into account the reflexive nature of educational research.  相似文献   

罗尔斯的正义理论建立在传统的社会契约理论基础上,他的正义原则关注资源分配的合法化和幸福的层次。罗尔斯的正义理论已将社会保障必要性置于个人主义的正义需求之上。哈耶克等思想家反对分配正义之类的理念,他们主张正义与不义只可能起因于人类行为者在适用于每个人的公平规则下所做的有意的行为。尽管正义的争议不断,但通过社会保障制度的建立和完善,由再分配来实现社会正义仍是十分必要的。  相似文献   

Community colleges educate students from both oppressed and marginalized groups, yet there is almost no literature on community colleges and issues of social justice. Student participation in service learning has been tentatively linked to development of a social justice lens. In this study, I analyze community college students' post-course civic engagement surveys to investigate the effect of service learning experiences on the emergence of any of three types of citizenship: personally responsible citizenship, participatory citizenship, or justice-oriented citizenship. Findings were mixed for personally responsible citizenship, but there were significant data supporting the development of participatory citizenship and justice-oriented citizenship in students who had taken between two and five previous courses that had included service learning. These encouraging findings support the idea that service learning plays a role in helping community college students transform inequitable structures in their communities.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to explore the effects of an alternative, transformative pedagogy that may assist us in responding to the urgent call for changes in the way educational leaders are prepared and developed. Within the contextual loom of preparation programs, the two theoretical perspectives of Transformative Learning Theory and Critical Social Theory are interwoven with the three pedagogical strategies of critical reflection, rational discourse, and policy praxis to increase students' awareness, acknowledgment, and action regarding issues of social justice and equity.  相似文献   

Self-plagiarism is a contentious issue in higher education, research and scholarly publishing contexts. The practice is problematic because it disrupts scientific publishing by over-emphasizing results, increasing journal publication costs, and artificially inflating journal impact, among other consequences. We hypothesized that there was a dearth of empirical studies on the topic of self-plagiarism, with an over-abundance of editorial and commentary articles based on anecdotal evidence. The research question was: What typologies of evidence characterize the literature on self-plagiarism in scholarly and research journals? We conducted a scoping review, using the search terms “self-plagiarism” and “self-plagiarism” (hyphenated), consulting five social sciences research databases, supplemented by a manual search for articles, resulting in over 5900 results. After removing duplicates and excluding non-scholarly sources, we arrived at a data set of 133 sources, with publication dates ranging from 1968 to 2017. With an interrater reliability of over 93% between two researchers, our typological analysis revealed 47 sources (34.3%) were editorials; 41 (29.9%) were conceptual research (including teaching cases); 16 (11.7%) were editorial responses; 12 (8.6%) were secondary research; and only 8 sources (5.8%) were primary research. There is little guidance in the available literature to graduate students or their professors about how to disentangle the complexities of self-plagiarism. With primary and secondary research combined accounting for 14.4% of overall contributions to the data set, and primary research constituting only 6% of overall contributions, we conclude with a call for more empirical evidence on the topic to support contributions to the scholarly dialogue.  相似文献   

人文社会科学研究中的事实与价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
价值与事实的关系是人文社会科学研究方法论的重要内容。实践哲学试图弥合价值与事实的分野,科学主义和人文主义的对立与论争,人文社会科学(包括教育学在内)追求自身科学化的努力,都为我们讨论价值与事实关系提供了问题领域和背景。从历史的角度看,事实与价值的关系是一个永恒的哲学话题,人们试图彻底解决这个难题是不可能的,我们在人文社会科学研究中用什么样的态度、规则和方法来认识和处理事实与价值关系才是关键的问题。在哲学和人文社会科学研究过程中,在坚持价值与事实二分法的基础上,有人强调价值无涉,有人主张要遵循主观性原则,有人则坚持把事实与价值统一起来的综合论。但实际上,在人文社会科学研究中价值中立是不可能的,我们应该坚持事实与价值综合的辩证关系论。  相似文献   

学习科学是多学科交叉的研究领域,着眼于从不同的人(儿童及从业者等)及其所处的不同场景,来揭示人类学习的复杂机制,以建立关于"人是如何学习的"系统知识体系。近十年学习科学研究发展迅猛,许多成果已为教育研究者所接纳,研究方法也被应用于课堂及非正式学习环境的设计与研究,从而逐步形成了教育领域的学习科学研究,以系统地揭示多种情境和目标领域中学与"教"的关系。国际上,学习科学成为许多发达国家面向"21世纪素养"发展的课程与教学的关键基础,以及新一轮基础教育课程变革的政策引擎。  相似文献   

随着构建社会主义和谐社会战略任务的提出和推进,教育公平呼声日高,成为上下关注的一大热点。研究教育公平、践行教育公平、促进社会和谐,是每一个教育工作者义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

对公正感的研究,过去强调理性认知的视角,而当前对情绪的关注越来越多。文章从公正感研究中情绪的内涵,情绪作为公正判断的前因,情绪作为公正判断的结果,情绪作为公正和特殊行为或态度改变的中介变量等方面进行梳理;并从概念的澄清,研究方法上的改进,分析层面的拓展以及理论体系的构建等方面提出未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

高校科研实力强弱对学校的可持续发展有重要作用。在国家大力推行教育体制、科研体制改革新形势下,地方高校的科研发展面临的是机遇和挑战并存。本文从四个方面详细分析了地方高校人文社科科研项目命中率的影响因素,它们是:把握各类课题立项程序,做到有的放矢;着重应用型研究,以地方热点问题为切入点;以研究方向为基础,加强跨学科合作,发挥团队优势;做好科研后勤服务,提高申报质量。  相似文献   

郝明君 《天中学刊》2009,24(4):119-121
人文社科专业研究生与自然科学专业研究生在学习方式上是有所不同的.当前,研究生的学习方式与研究生培养目标的内在要求及社会发展需求之间存在着诸多的不和谐,有必要从培养研究生的问题意识、倡导自始至终基于问题的自我导向学习和研究性学习等路径入手,对人文社科专业研究生的学习方式予以革新.  相似文献   

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