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The growth of the Internet has created a host of thorny legal issues that range from defamatory postings on computer bulletin boards to “spamming”; (unwanted email) and invasion of privacy rights. This study reviewed 400 student‐authored World Wide Web pages to assess the use of intellectual property. A review of these pages found that 43.8 percent appropriated images that would likely qualify as protected intellectual property, and that the students who used images averaged three such uses per page. The final section briefly discusses three of the more troublesome implications of these findings.  相似文献   

This study investigated the combined role of instructor communication variables (nonverbal immediacy and self-disclosure), instructor credibility (competence, caring, and trustworthiness), and student personality traits (extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness) in predicting students’ uncivil behaviors in class. A total of 406 students completed online questionnaires regarding the instructor of the class they attended prior to the one in which the study was administered. Personality and instructor behavior variables contributed approximately equally to explaining variance in student incivility. Students’ conscientiousness and agreeableness had direct negative relationships with incivility, whereas instructors’ amount and negativity of self-disclosure had direct positive relationships with incivility.  相似文献   

Although research indicates that speech rate affects perceptions of speaker credibility as well as persuasiveness and information recall, research has failed to address how instructor speech rate affects student perceptions and learning. This study randomly assigned basic communication course students to one of three speech rate conditions (slow, moderate, fast), using a videotaped lesson by an instructor. Findings revealed significant differences for credibility, affective leaning, and nonverbal immediacy, but did not reveal significant differences for recall or clarity. Implications for instructional practice and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Parents play a pivotal role in the gender development and sex-typing of children. It is important to discover whether gender role communication differences exist based on the sex of the child or parent. The present study aimed to discover differences in gender role messages communicated between mother-daughter, mother-son, father-daughter, and father-son dyads. Participants (n = 630) completed a modified version of Bem's Sex Role Inventory. Two key results were discovered: mothers communicate significantly more feminine messages to children, regardless of child sex; and the modified BSRI identifies respondents as weak vs. strong gender identity rather than masculine, feminine, androgynous, or undifferentiated.  相似文献   


Employees reported attitudes about working in workgroups, their communicator style (relaxed, friendly, and attentiveness), and perceptions of socialization in groups at work. They also reported their commitment to the organization, job satisfaction, and satisfaction with the workplace (ORGSAT). Positive relationships were found between ORGSAT and attitudes, relaxed and friendly styles, and socialization. Multiple Regression analysis demonstrated that socialization best predicted ORGSAT and mediated the relationship between attitudes and friendly style with ORGSAT. Discussion includes the implications for research and the applied value of the findings.  相似文献   

This study examined how emotional contagion may influence student perceptions of rapport with the instructor, emotional support received in the classroom, emotional work performed, and perceived cognitive learning. Participants revealed that emotional contagion was positively related to perceptions of rapport with instructors but unrelated to emotional support from instructors, emotional work performed in the classroom, and valence. Students who were high in emotional contagion reported significantly more rapport, emotional support, and positive valence. When controlling for emotional contagion, only classroom valence predicted students’ perceptions of cognitive learning.  相似文献   

美国风险沟通研究:学术沿革、核心命题及其关键因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国风险沟通研究兴起于20世纪80年代中期。本文探讨了它产生的现实社会文化背景及其学术沿革,试图厘清风险沟通研究与风险管理研究、危机传播研究、公共关系研究的关系。风险沟通的功能定位经历了由单向告知到公共参与的转变。风险沟通的核心命题是风险=危害+愤怒,该研究非常关注公众的风险感知。风险沟通的关键因素是建立信任,该研究在理论探讨和操作指南两个层面上对信任问题进行了开掘。  相似文献   

As part of the tradition of outgoing Central States Communication Association Presidents and Executive Directors providing a spotlight column in Communication Studies, I focus on the practical value of academic conferences for the development of knowledge, enhancement of teaching and mentoring practices, and as an outlet for learning about and doing service. Communication is a practical discipline where the research has a potential to make profound and positive differences. The interaction that is allowed at conferences presents an opportunity for communication pedagogy, research, and service to transform in meaningful ways. In addition to practical advice for making the most of a conference experience, some of the most recent developments for CSCA are highlighted. The essay then ends with a personal note.  相似文献   

This study examined college students’ psychological well-being as a function of both sources of academic stress and supportive communication. A total of 129 students completed measures assessing four sources of academic stress (i.e., pressures to perform, perceptions of workload, academic self-perceptions, and time restraints), psychological well-being, and two types of received supportive communication (i.e., informational and emotional). Pressures to perform, perceptions of workload, and time restraints were negatively associated with psychological well-being. In addition, the negative relationship between perceptions of workload and psychological well-being was strengthened when supportive informational communication and supportive emotional communication were individually and jointly low. Finally, the positive relationship between academic self-perceptions and psychological well-being was only significant when supportive informational communication was high.  相似文献   

文章总结了现阶段学习分析技术在图书馆行业的应用情况,介绍了澳大利亚伍伦贡大学Library Cube项目的设计原理、构建过程及应用情况。Library Cube项目为高校图书馆在拓展服务内容、提升服务品质、加强多方协作和人才队伍建设等方面提供了有益经验。但因为各方面的基础条件差异,国内高校图书馆深度参与学习分析仍面临着跨部门协作、技术实现、道德风险和思维转变等方面的问题。  相似文献   

本文分析了镜式、灯式、神话式等三种传播研究方式,认为我国传播学研究存在三种态势,建议我国的传播学研究走“学术趣味”+“现实关怀”的道路。  相似文献   

Although adoptees are often stigmatized for their nonnormative identity, adopted individuals must communicate with nonfamily members to integrate their adoptive identity into their definition of self. In the current study, adult adoptees (n = 25) were interviewed about their processes for disclosing their adoptive status in their social networks. Drawing upon communication privacy management (CPM) theory, inductive analyses demonstrated that adoptees created motivational and contextual criteria to enact privacy rules surrounding adoption. Adoptees maintained privacy to avoid messages of “difference,” insensitive comments, imperviousness, and negative opinions about adoption. Adoptees disclosed about their adoption to build relational closeness and to educate/advocate for adoption. These privacy decisions were undergirded by the societal assumption that families are biologically linked or the discourse of biological normativity (Suter et al., 2014).  相似文献   

The bulk of instructional communication research to date examines communication among teachers and students in conventional classroom contexts. Although past and present research is prolific and informative, it is also somewhat limiting. With a specific unifying focus on affective, cognitive, and behavioral learning as outcome variables, we begin this article with a brief history of instructional communication research, as well as examples of research and practice in conventional classroom settings. We then outline, review, and explain four distinct contexts where we believe future instructional communication research and practice is likely to be fruitful: risk and crisis situations, technology-enhanced environments, digital games, and forensics education.  相似文献   

本文以国外传播理论教材的译介作为视角,考察了欧美传播理论话语在中国的诠释和变异,研究了西方客观经验主义的大众传播理论如何被潜移默化地等同于传播学的过程,同时以《传播理论导引:分析与应用》为例,对我国目前传播学的教学与研究中存在的一些问题进行了探讨,提出应该进一步开阔视野、注重研究范式、重新思考传播理论的教学与应用。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(1):108-136
Organizational trends toward team-based structures, globalization, and reliance on communication technology have spurred research addressing the communication processes of virtual teams. However, much of the extant research focuses on the ways virtual teams differ from conventional, face-to-face teams and fails to examine variations in virtual team characteristics that may impact team communication behaviors and experiences. The study reported here identifies two categories of virtual team characteristics (communicative and structural) and uses these to explore their relationships to team communication technology use and team outcomes. Analysis of data from 98 virtual teams reveals that structural features primarily relate to media use, whereas communication considerations are associated with team outcomes. Additional analyses indicate that various communicative predictors moderate the relationships between technology use and outcomes. These results point to theoretical and practical implications for researchers, team members, managers, and organizations related to virtual team design and communication processes.  相似文献   

地方高校图书馆服务产学研一体化对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息时代,地方高校图书馆服务产学研一体化的必要性日益凸显。针对目前我国地方高校图书馆服务产学研一体化存在的阻力,如观念、馆藏、人才、体制等,地方高校图书馆需要转变传统思维,创新服务理念,使文献资源建设适应产学研一体化模式,并从机制上对人力、物力、财力资源进行合理配置,从而真正实现地方高校图书馆作为地区文献信息中心的价值。  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the 1990s, new types of learning spaces at academic libraries have emerged mainly in North America. They are called “information commons” or “learning commons.” They provide various kinds of services, facilities, and materials in one location to support students’ learning. The idea of learning commons has been introduced to colleges and universities in Japan as well. The purpose of this study is to examine the present condition of learning spaces in university libraries in Japan. A questionnaire was sent to 755 main or central libraries at colleges and universities. The response rate was 69.4%. The results of the survey are as follows: (a) simple collaborative learning spaces with desk/desks and chairs have become modestly widespread, while advanced spaces with equipment for information and communication technology, such as computers or projectors, are not common; (b) many libraries provide computer clusters; and (c) cafés and/or beverage vending machines in libraries are still few in number. The survey also reveals that learning commons in Japan are in the early stage of development. Various types of learning spaces are recognized as learning commons. They range from a group learning room with Wi-Fi access to an entire learning commons, where several kinds of facilities, services, and information resources to support students’ learning in one location are provided. This diversification may be based on the confusion caused by the rapid introduction of learning commons in Japan. Many learning spaces may rebuild their own services in the near future because of their students’ needs.  相似文献   

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