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语境在语言学研究中起着十分重要的作用,同时它也是语用学的重要研究课题。本文从语用学的角度出发,探讨语境在言语交际中的作用、地位和功能。以指示现象、会话含义、言外之力和语用推理为探讨对象,研究语境贯穿始终的作用。  相似文献   

传统的视频技术在现代教学中占有相当重要的地位,但随着现代科技的飞速发展,利用因特网来进行远程信息传播确是后来居上,计算机局域网视频传播方式能最大限度地突破时间和空间的限制。我们希望通过对电视转播与计算机局域网视频系统相结合的应用研究,找到二者的结合点,使现代信息技术和传统的有线电视网络优势互补,共同促进信息化教学的发展。  相似文献   

Participants' Personal Perceptions of Mentoring   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study is an investigation of the views and perceptions held by one group of mentors, mentees and university lecturers about the recent policy changes in Initial Teacher Training (ITT) which have led to the closer collaboration between Higher Education Institutions (HEls) and schools under the umbrella of partnership.

It takes the form of a survey and uses a structured questionnaire and semi‐structured interviews as its source of data collection.

It then analyses and interprets the data obtained with the aim of using the information gathered to make recommendations for the future of partnership.  相似文献   

电视画面的叙事作用关系到摄像记者在电视新闻报道中的工作属性和地位,对电视画面“证实性”的过分强调,只会将电视摄像的工作带向简单“模仿”现实的误区。从电视画面的生成机制来看,任何画面语言背后都有或强或弱的叙事声音,画面背后的叙事存在主要表现为选择、组合与评价。  相似文献   

Although many educators recognize the importance of voice, fostering voice in those who have traditionally been voiceless has been difficult. This article, like the program that it describes, tackles that challenge by having participants speak for themselves. Specifically, the participants speak about their involvement in the first year of an alternative teacher education project. In describing their involvement, the participants focus on their roles and relationships as well as the type of partnership and collaboration that emerged from this project.  相似文献   

出口促进战略的成功实施,取决于参与者偏好的满足程度,但出口的扩张及其效应所产生的反身性却侵蚀了这一基础.出口促进战略的初期目标是赚取急需的外汇,农民工、厂商和政府从各自的偏好出发,实现了合作博弈;当出口成为GDP的主要增长力量时,在出口价格内生化和汇率管制的条件下,它的高速增长是以福利损失和资源耗费为代价的,在三者博弈的进程中,政府成为赢家,厂商处于进退两难的境地,而农民工只是扮演着体能输出者的角色;随着高额的外汇储备的累积,由此引发的通货膨胀和人民币升值的双重压力使得依赖低廉劳动力成本的出口促进战略难以为继.政府主导的出口促进战略演变的是"初吉终退"的过程.  相似文献   

专业化发展亦是教师获得自我角色认同以及他者对教师角色之认同的一种重要途径.在寻求专业化发展的过程中教师往往成为悖论性的主体,他们虽然希求主体性角色的获得,但却对支配性文化有着一定的依赖.这使得“依附者”成为教师的常规性角色.在专业化风潮的卷动下,教师虽然也被期待着成为“积极的行动者”,但是已被现实条件“框定”了的教师专业化,往往难以真正成为此类角色的滋养体.要真正实现教师专业化的本真性追求,围绕“专业化”确立的制度、文化及教育氛围等,便应淡化支配性色彩,真正有助于教师个人发展积极意愿的确立、自主意识的提升.  相似文献   

The University of Eastern Finland was established through a merger at the beginning of the year 2010. The article focuses on the commitment of the personnel to the organization prior to and after the merger process. The data are based on 42 theme-interviews. The study discusses the merger and its impacts on the personnel’s commitment by analysing: (a) the interviews with members of staff, and (b) key intentions, messages and choices by the university management. The differences between the orientations and viewpoints of the personnel and university management will be discussed in relation to the changing operational environment of universities. Implications for the leadership in the context of a merger will be discussed, especially from the point of view of the impact of leadership and governance on research, teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Gender differences in participation were examined across four Twitter chats for social studies teachers. Analyses drawing on mixed methods revealed that while there was parity across most kinds of tweets, participants identified as men were more likely to use the examined Twitter chats to share resources, give advice, boast, promote their own blog/resource/website, and offer critique to another participants' tweet. Participants identified as women were more likely to write tweets that included positive affirmations for other chat participants. These findings suggest that there are differences in the way that women and men tend to participate in teacher Twitter chat spaces.  相似文献   

There is no question that Computer Assisted Language Learning(CALL) has been a feature of teaching and learning in college.CALL plays a significant role in second language teaching.This article will focus on an overview of three different types of roles of CALL to demonstrate its application in Chinese college English teaching.  相似文献   

文章主要描述了日本课例研究的特点,以及在世纪之交移植到美国之后产生的诸多变异,进而探讨了课例研究顺利展开的必要条件。  相似文献   


Recently, some educationists in the United Kingdom, the USA and Australia have claimed that the vocational aspect of education, as exemplified by TVEI initiatives such as Enterprise Learning can provide a means by which to democratise the curriculum. This article reflects on the experience of the Borders Enterprise Initiative and argues that there is some justification for this claim. First of all, the roots of this curricular initiative are explored and they are found to come from three main sources namely, (a) reflective classroom practice, (b) enterprise mini‐companies as promoted by TVEI, and (c) social and vocational skills as fashioned by the Scottish Standard Grade course. Secondly, the enterprising approach fashioned by the fusion of these three roots is examined in the themes of curriculum change, pedagogic practice and theory, and approaches to teaching and learning. Finally, this enterprising approach to the curriculum is set within the context of a democratic approach to educational practice.  相似文献   

云间、龙眠文人以其共同的诗学趣向联为云龙社,共同推动了明代第三次诗学复古高潮。各自又作为地方诗坛的主力,培育了桐城诗派与云间诗派、西陵诗派,对清初诗坛产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

意识决定行为,行为决定结果.国家、地方政府、职业院校、农民作为农民职业教育的参与主体,其行为对农民职业教育的成效起着至关重要的作用,以这四大参与主体的行为逻辑为出发点,着重探讨当前我国农民职业教育中出现的困境,在此基础上,提出新时期农民职业教育发展的思路与对策.  相似文献   

We seek to demonstrate how digital video technology can contribute towards our understanding of the process of development of conceptual understanding in physics. We use digital video to analyze 4 brief Physics by Inquiry sessions with 2 groups of preservice teachers. The instances include independent group work and instructor-student interactions. Important insights emerge on the way students attempt to make sense of their observations and the way their initial ideas hamper the process of inquiry. Specific difficulties are identified that influence the learning trajectory. These are classified into categories, including epistemological, conceptual, and reasoning difficulties. Additional results demonstrate the crucial nature of careful guidance in inquiry-oriented activities and the variety in student responses to epistemological and other obstacles.  相似文献   

In this paper we focus on learning to be or forming an identity within communities of practices. Using a reconceived activity theory framework, we attempt to distil out the kinds of tools (including technologies), rules , and roles that support the different processes within activity structures. Through enculturation (participants performing their specific roles through the assistance of tools and according to the rules of the community), participants learn to be , forming an identity particular to that community. We illustrate these concepts through community-based examples such as universities and schools. L'apprentissage dans le contexte de communautés de pratiques: une re-conceptualization des outils, des règles et des rÔles dans un système d'activité. Dans cet article nous mettons l'accent sur e apprendre À être f c'est À dire former une identité dans une communauté de pratiques. Utilisant le cadre d'une théorie d'activité reconceptialisée nous essayons de mieux définir des espèes d'outils (y compris les technologies) les règles et les rÔles qui soutiennent les différents processus À l'intérieur des structures d'activité. Au travers de l'enculturation (les participants jouant leurs rÔles spécifiques grÂce À l'aide d'outils et suivant les règles de la communauté) les participants e apprennent À être f , constituant une identité particulière À cette communauté. Nous illustrons ces concepts grÂce À des exemples tirés de communautés telles que les universités et les écoles. Lernen in Praxis orientierten Gemeinschaftseinrichtungen: ein neues Konzept in der Anwendung von Werkzeugen, Regeln und Rollen im aktiven System. Dieser Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit dem Einfluss des Arbeitsumfeldes auf die Entwicklung der eigenen Persönlichkeit. Mit Hilfe einer neuen Theorie analysieren wir die Instrumente (einschließlich Technologien) und Regeln, die die Arbeitsabläufe innerhalb eines Arbeitsumfeldes bestimmen. Durch die Eingliederung in die Gemeinschaft (die Teilnehmer spielen ihre jeweiligen Rollen mit Hilfe von Werkzeugen und nach den Regeln der Gemeinschaft) lernen die Teilnehmer "ihre eigene Rolle" zu verstehen, indem sie eine ganz spezielle Identität innerhalb dieser Gemeinschaft entwickeln und spielen. Wir werden diese Konzepten durch die Anwendung von Gemeinschaftsorientierten Beispiele zeigenwie Universitäten und Schulen.  相似文献   

体育俱乐部模式是学校与学生共同参与组织的新型体育活动形式,它将体育课程教学与课外体育锻炼有机结合,充分发挥整体教学功能,是高校体育教学改革的必然趋势,也是高校体育与国际高等体育教育接轨的历史必然。本课题广泛吸纳国内外体育教学先进经验,结合《全国普通高校体育课程教学指导纲要》精神与本校实际,探索具有北方特色高校体育教学改革之路,为建设中国特色社会主义高等体育教育作出贡献。  相似文献   

This month an independent research team from Birmingham University is due to report to the Department for Education on its assessment of the first three years' work of the Birmingham Institute for Conductive Education. Its findings, if published, will arouse wide interest. Meanwhile, Mike Lambert, director, Centre for Research and Development at the Birmingham Institute, reviews the way the National Curriculum has been introduced and how far it seems compatible with conductive education. This is the first journal article to examine this issue.  相似文献   

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