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This study investigated the degree to which applicants' perceptions of interview behaviors differed from interviewers' perceptions. Data were drawn from 188 actual employment interviews conducted under the auspices of a university‐operated placement center. Data analyses revealed applicants rating themselves and the interviewers significantly higher than the interviewers' ratings of either themselves or the applicants.  相似文献   

Design‐based science (DBS) is a science pedagogy in which new scientific knowledge and problem‐solving skills are constructed in the context of designing artifacts. This paper examines whether the enactment of a DBS unit supported students’ efforts to construct and transfer new science knowledge and ‘designerly’ problem‐solving skills to the solution of a new real‐world design problem in a real‐world setting. One hundred and forty‐nine students participated in the enactment of a DBS unit. Their understanding of the curricular content was assessed by identical pre‐instructional and post‐instructional written tests. They were then given a new design problem as a transfer task. There was a statistically significant increase on scores from pre‐test to post‐test with an effect size of 1.8. There was a stronger correlation between the scores of the transfer task and those of the post‐test than with those of the pre‐test; we use this finding to suggest that the knowledge that was constructed during the unit enactment supported the solution of the transfer task. This has implications for the development of science curricula that aim to lead to the construction of knowledge and skills that may be useful in extra‐classroom settings. Whether participation in consecutive enactments of different DBS units increases transfer remains to be investigated in more depth.  相似文献   

A LOGO teaching period was arranged for 38 eight‐year‐old Finnish pupils. After the teaching period the pupils’ problem‐solving processes were videotaped in an open LOGO problem‐solving situation. The data analysis focused on the occurrence of the pupils’ social problem solving, effectance motivation and information processing. Cluster analysis was used to identify three clusters which are based on the variables present in the problem‐solving processes. The different clusters’ associations with school readiness and school achievement were analysed. The results indicated that during the problem solving the passive pupils (n = 16) needed a lot of teacher support, the independent pupils (n= 10) displayed considerable self‐directivity and rule making, and impulsive pupils (n = 12) had an off‐task behaviour. The school‐readiness and school‐achievement scores were highest among the independent group, moderate among the impulsive group and lowest among the passive group. The results suggest that LOGO promotes the development of problem‐solving skills, if each pupil receives sufficient support from the teacher.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the Primary PGCE at Keele University, which is now in its third year of a new course structure, fulfilling the requirements of the DFE circular 14/93. As the school‐based partnership has developed, teacher‐mentors have gained new understanding of both their role in teacher training and their relationship with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This paper seeks to outline how the process of mentoring has developed teachers’ skills in a way which has promoted their understanding of, and interest in, school‐based research. Four key issues are explored in probing the link between mentoring and school‐based research: the difference between theory and practice; links between teacher‐mentors and HEI tutors, the process of reflective practice; teachers as knowledge constructors. These are examined in relation to the process of mentoring and to the way in which each contributes to developing mentors’ participation and interest in school‐based research.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the motivational power of children to change teachers' beliefs about teaching. Weekly and summary reflections written by 18 preservice teachers served as data sources. Preservice teachers were learning from the children what they expect their teachers to know, to do, and to be, and in consequence of the face‐to‐face encounters with children, teachers were likely to establish and change their beliefs about children and how to teach. Teacher educators may encourage this learning by asking preservice teachers, during and after their work in classrooms, to respond to the questions: ‘As I related to the children, what did they require from me?’, and ‘How did I respond to these demands?’. The work of Emmanuel Levinas on the relationship in the face‐to‐face encounter between people provided an interpretive framework for evaluating responses to these questions.  相似文献   


Unemployment in Poland rose throughout 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993 but the proportion of school‐leavers among the unemployed peaked in 1990. Unlike in most western market economies, the best‐ educated young people in Poland did not prove the least vulnerable to unemployment. This paper uses evidence from studies of young people in Gdansk, Katowice and Suwalki to argue that one reason why young people from professional and vocational secondary schools have not borne a heavier share of Poland's unemployment since 1990 has been the flexibility and responsiveness of these schools to Poland's new labour market conditions. Since the reforms many of these schools have contracted drastically. Some have closed. But others have thrived The latter have often benefited from favourable local labour market conditions, but their success has usually been at least equally due to their own resourcefulness in introducing new courses which teach skills that are in demand, and securing various kinds of sponsorship from employers. Three reasons are offered to explain the responsiveness of education in Poland to the changing labour market conditions: general support for ‘the reforms’, the schools’ experience of making informal deals with employers under communism, and the post‐communist authorities’ willingness to force unsuccessful schools to close and to see teachers made redundant.


A coherent view of student‐teachers’ preparation and the learning experiences to which they are exposed are key to sustaining the relevance of university‐based teacher‐education programmes. Arguably, such coherence is lacking and the research base to an understanding of the student‐teacher experience is still a relatively limited one. This paper takes the view that student‐teachers’ epistemological growth is a key component of their professional development, their sense of identity as intending teachers, and their successful entry into a teaching career. In adopting a phenomenographic approach it explores a chain of evidence which demonstrates that immersion in the processes of learning and knowing, within a specific disciplinary context, had a significant impact on students’ emerging professional identities and on their values as teachers which extends beyond the subject matter itself. Arguably, the findings of this case‐study hold important implications for a teacher‐education programme and for effective pedagogic practice.  相似文献   


Two‐year public colleges are known to experience the lowest retention rates of all colleges and universities. In addition, the lowest rate of consecutive‐term retention within the two‐year college occurs from students’ first to second term. The literature on factors related to retention in two‐year colleges, however, is strikingly inconclusive. The purpose of this study was to determine demographic and academic factors associated with first‐to‐second‐term retention at a regional campus of a two‐year public technical institution. The interaction between these factors was also studied. Those demographic variables found to be significantly related to retention included educational objective, full‐time/part‐time enrollment status, employment status, and age. The only academic factor found to be related significantly to retention was first‐term GPA. No significant interaction effects between these variables were found. A list of target groups for retention strategies was developed from the results of the study.  相似文献   

Previous research has documented a need for the development of a sex education programme in Turkish schools in terms of adolescence readiness and the presence of misconceptions regarding critical aspects of sexual issues. Currently no school‐based sex education is available for Turkish adolescents. This paper presents the development of a contemporary sex education programme for 12‐year‐old to 14‐year‐old adolescents, entitled ‘The Human Development Program for 12–14 Year Old Adolescents’. A five‐step programme development model was used including reviewing internationally recognised sex education programmes for this age group. Sexuality Information and Education Council of United States guidelines were chosen as an educational framework, and Turkish cultural values were integrated into the curriculum. The sex curriculum consists of an eight‐session interactive programme in which parental permission and involvement is required. Five units are presented: human development, relationships, sexual behaviour, sexual health, and society/culture. The programme and a related knowledge assessment tool were reviewed by a group of Turkish professionals and the validity of the educational content was received. The programme was piloted with a group of Turkish adolescents with positive results. Future recommendations include school counsellors implementing this sex educational programme into Turkish schools.  相似文献   

Many view policy as a normative instrument from which improved practice directly follows. This view leads to the erroneous conclusion that resources do not matter. Resources do not enact themselves. What does matter is resource use. In the account offered here, the district superintendent presented many resources in his plan for district reform. Remarkably, his reform plan lacked provisions for teacher professional development. From an equity standpoint, the superintendent’s lack of a professional development plan may exacerbate achievement disparities. Without such a mechanism, I believe that resources in the district will be squandered and that school stakeholders and observers will continue to conclude erroneously that resources do not matter.  相似文献   


It can be argued that media studies has already defined itself too narrowly in terms of the communications media and that it takes too little account of the impact of new technologies on the lives and activities of young people. Here David Collins, a Research Fellow of the University of Sheffield, who is investigating the uses of information technology in relation to special educational needs, considers the potential of microcomputers in the context of music teaching.  相似文献   

We examined web‐based ratings and open‐ended comments of teaching‐award winners (n = 120) and research‐award winners (n = 119) to determine if teaching‐award winners received more favourable ratings and comments on RateMyProfessors.com. As predicted, students rated teaching‐award winners higher than research‐award winners on measures of teaching quality (i.e. helpfulness and clarity). A higher percentage of teaching‐award recipients relative to research‐award recipients received positive open‐ended comments about competence, use of humour, clarity, appearance and personality as well as both positive and negative open‐ended comments about level of course difficulty. We discuss implications of these findings for lending credibility to the RateMyProfessors.com indices and for promoting published faculty evaluations at post‐secondary institutions more generally.  相似文献   


This paper provides a review of evidence on the way the maturation of the brain may structure the plasticity that is available for the construction of the mind. The evidence reviewed is that taken from non-invasive imaging techniques that make use of electrode potentials, magnetic resonance or positron emission. Such imaging techniques allow the brain to be studied as specific mental tasks are carried out. Sites and processing pathways can be identified and correlated with other evidence. A review of data on the development of the brain in terms of the grey (dendritic branching) and white (myelination) matter is discussed with respect to the clinical observation of stages of cognitive processing.  相似文献   

The study reported in this paper was designed to examine three reliability characteristics of the Harris revision of the Goodenough ‘Draw‐a‐man’ Test when used with five‐year‐old school entrants. The test was individually administered to each of 90 children on two occasions, with an average time‐separation of two weeks. Three persons undertook the administration and scoring of the drawings, and the investigation examined the reliability coefficients associated with i) temporal stability (same tester); ii) temporal stability (different testers); iii) marker error. The results indicate that when experienced testers are used, the reliability of the ‘Draw‐a‐man’ scale is of the same magnitude as that reported in previous studies involving older children as subjects. It is also suggested that with school entrants, the influence of different trained testers on the final rank order of scores is probably quite small. The present study shows too, that with the drawings of five‐year‐old children there is less likelihood of the scorer developing a consistent subjective marking standard than is the case with the drawings of older children. Scoring errors tended to be random rather than systematic due probably to the relatively greater number of occasions when uncertainty exists over the interpretation or naming of basic features of immature drawings. It is suggested that the test is more useful for the comparison of groups rather than individual school entrants.  相似文献   


The articles in this section cover special education, and education and professional expertise, which each represent one special research field within education, but cover research during the last few decades from only one of the Nordic countries. The special‐education article reviews research in Sweden, and from three periods, 1956‐1969, 1970‐1979, and 1980 and later. In selecting the studies referred to the author chose to concentrate on educational aspects within the research domain, rather than differentiated from more handicap‐research‐dominated studies. The author argues that the review cannot, therefore, be seen as a complete, rather it should be understood as a summary of some evident trends of during the periods covered. The extensive presentation ends with remarks on some of the most important theoretical and normative perspectives and aspects. The second article examines, from an educational viewpoint, the acquisition of professional expertise and it outlines emerging approaches to such research, particularly in Finland. The first part of the article briefly reviews how expertise has been conceptualized in recent research. The next section deals with the role of higher education in developing expertise from the constructivist perspective in research on learning, and the article that lines current challenges and alternatives for further educational research.  相似文献   

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