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近年来刑事司法的信誉危机不断上升,由于其自身性质的特殊性,常常处于司法信誉评价的风头浪尖,获得公众信任难度更大;刑事司法赢得公众的信任,需要司法人员的恪尽职守、具体制度和措施的跟进,但更重要的是要眼光长远,不能满足于一时一事的效果而背离法治的方向.  相似文献   

人文素质是理工科大学生综合素质的重要组成部分,它更多是倾向于社会人的基本素质的培养。然而随着中国现代化步伐的突飞猛进,一些院校为了追求卓越的学术成就和轰动的市场名利,淡化了人文素质教育,以至于大学生尤其是理工科大学生的人文素质令人堪忧,很多问题和缺憾渐渐凸显出来。然而在美国工科院校的课程设置调研中却发现:人文素质类课程占比较高,形式多样,几乎与专业课持平。加强理工科大学生的人文素质教育已成为世界高等教育的发展趋势。本文采取调查研究、数据分析、文献解读和梳理等研究方法,对中美两国的理工科大学人文素质教育的现状进行了比对,互相取长补短,以期推进我国理工科大学的人文素质教育水平的提升。  相似文献   

公正的概念是随着社会的发展而不断变化的。公正价值因学者认知的不同而引起争议,法律(尤其是刑法)与公正价值有天然对接,刑事政策与公正的关系十分复杂。刑事政策、刑法应反映和内含公正价值,在刑法的刑事政策化语境下,公正如何被体现等问题值得研究。报应正义和刑罚人道是宽严相济刑事政策的基本价值蕴涵,恢复性正义有望成为新的时代公平正义观。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a cross-cultural comparison of violence towards children in the United States and Sweden. Data from the United States are based on interviews with a nationally representative sample of 1,146 households with at least one child between the ages of 3 and 17 years living at home. Data from Sweden are based on interviews with a nationally representative sample of 1,168 households with a child 3 to 17 years of age at home. Violence and abuse were measured using the Conflict Tactics Scales. In general, Swedish parents reported using less violence than did parents in the United States. There was no significant difference between the two countries in the rate of reported severe or abusive violence. The paper compares factors found associated with violence towards children in the two countries, including age, marital status, education, and parents' background. The results are analyzed by considering methodological and cultural factors that explain the similarities and differences in the use of violence towards children in the two countries.  相似文献   

A recurring concern within criminology and criminal justice (CCJ) is how to best investigate criminological theory and criminal justice policy. To assess the current state of research, we conducted a content analysis of articles that appeared in seven CCJ journals over a two-year period (2013–2014). We then examined types and frequencies of data sources, analytic techniques, methodological approaches, and subject matters. Findings demonstrate that articles are predominantly employing quantitative methodologies and data where there is no participant contact. From these findings, we discuss the current state of research and how this could be used to guide graduate education, by recommending a variety of subject matters that graduate schools should emphasize in training new academics.  相似文献   

Perceptions of the collaborative research trend and personal rationales for authorship collaboration were examined in a sample (n?=?542) of Criminal Justice and Criminology faculty members. Collaboration was pervasive across the sample with approximately half reporting that collaboration was involved in a majority of their published works. Generally, collaboration is perceived to be a combination of social research networks and more pragmatic concerns (ease of collaboration and increasingly diminishing time to do research due to university obligations). Results are disaggregated by academic rank, research orientation, and collaboration involvement. Preliminary evidence of a “culture of collaboration” is presented and discussed.  相似文献   


Characteristics of 13 doctoral programs in criminal justice and criminology are examined. Features described include the age and size of the programs, representation of women and minorities among faculty and graduate students, admissions requirements and admissions activity, financial support available to graduate students, and characteristics of the curricula. Criminal justice doctoral programs vary widely on each of these characteristics.  相似文献   

It appears that Sweden and the United States may be a study in contrasts regarding the sanction and use of corporal punishment on children. A 1979 study of American parents noted that 81% of them employed corporal punishment with children. A different study done in Sweden in 1978 noted that only 26% of parents used corporal punishment with children. What points to the differences in these parenting patterns within the two countries? In addition, a 1977 U.S. Supreme Court case entitled Ingraham vs. Wright ruled that “schools are empowered to carry out corporal punishment.” This court case involved two high school boys in Florida who had been repeatedly struck with wooden paddles. In contrast, Sweden had statutes which prohibited corporal punishment of children in their secondary schools as early as the 1920s. In 1957, the country passed a law which defined corporal punishment as unacceptable for small children in the schools. Then, in 1979, the Swedish government passed a statute prohibiting corporal punishment by parents. Are there differences in the way the two countries view law and its uses? Or, do the cultures sanction violence in general or just violence against children in different ways? This article examines some of the similarities and differences found in American and Swedish treatment of children and proposes what appear to be extreme differences in the way the countries and their people approach corporal punishment.  相似文献   

本研究着重对比分析了中国、瑞典与美国三个国家听障教育中的手语政策,特别对三个国家在手语语言地位和手语习得方面的战略规划展开剖析.瑞典手语政策强调手语与本国语并重的双语教育做法,美国手语政策则强调把手语同化到有声世界;在政策的具体实施和多语言使用方面,瑞典与美国的手语政策都存在着不同程度的问题.与瑞典和美国相比,中国的手语政策存在不少短板与问题,特别是在手语语言地位规划、手语习得规划、语言建设策略以及具体推广措施方面,亟待进一步完善和提高.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A research experience was made available to an undergraduate Food Science and Human Nutrition (FSHN) student through collaboration with a Masters-level Nutrition graduate student. Both students were under the supervision of a graduate FSHN faculty member. Positive, self-identified aspects for the students included learning how to work collaboratively as a team member, gaining a better understanding of the process of field-based research, and successfully completing both projects. While caveats are noted, we suggest that this process is an untapped opportunity to offer a research experience to undergraduates. It could be applicable in departments/ units that maintain both an undergraduate and graduate program or across departments where disciplines are similar.  相似文献   

In the United States, headmasters and teachers discipline studentsin several ways. The teacher often writes to or calls the students' parents. Some- times students have to stay at school for one hour. If a student behaves very badly, the headmaster can stop the student having classes. The student can't come to school for one, two or three days. MrLazares, the headmaster of a middle school in Ohio, did not like to dis- cipline his students in these ways. He thought if he didn't let the students come to school, they were happy. "A three-day holiday!" they thought.  相似文献   

诉权理论对刑事司法改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国刑事司法改革在取得有目共睹的成效之时也面临着理论和实践的双重困惑,使改革难以进一步深入。究其缘由,除一些备受关注且在一定程度上达成共识的因素外,笔认为,还与刑事诉讼领域没有导人诉权理论,以致诸多基本问题不能从根源上寻求答案有着直接的关系。鉴于此。笔拟从诉权这一视角对我国刑事诉讼制度进行分析检讨,并尝试从中寻求对刑事司法改革的启示。  相似文献   

刑法学派的不同立场对刑事立法和司法都会产生重大影响。综观我国的刑事立法现状和司法困境,当前的刑事立法应当坚持刑法理论上的主观主义,以解决“立法爆炸”和“刑罚威慑”问题,并且维护一个稳定的刑法典,促成人们对刑法规范的信仰和遵守;而当前的刑事司法则应该坚持刑法理论上的客观主义,以解决“保护人权”和“限制国家刑罚权”问题,使刑罚权在有限的空间内合理地运行。司法机关与立法机关之间应当按照宪法和法律规定的权限分工在法定权限内各司其职、相互配合与制约,对不属于自己权限范围的事项不能越权,最终形成立法机关与司法机关的良性互动,从而更好地发挥刑法的功能。  相似文献   

This paper analyses approaches to global education in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan. The paper begins by looking at movements that preceded global education, such as education for international understanding, development education, multicultural education, and peace education. The rise and fall of these earlier movements is analysed in terms of the interplay between the international and domestic politics of particular countries. To identify the world views which underpinned these pedagogic forms, the author discusses various discontinuities between the period up to the 1990s and thereafter. It is suggested that fresh forms of global education are emerging in - and because of - the changed world of the late 20th and early 21st century.  相似文献   

This paper analyses approaches to global education in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan. The paper begins by looking at movements that preceded global education, such as education for international understanding, development education, multicultural education, and peace education. The rise and fall of these earlier movements is analysed in terms of the interplay between the international and domestic politics of particular countries. To identify the world views which underpinned these pedagogic forms, the author discusses various discontinuities between the period up to the 1990s and thereafter. It is suggested that fresh forms of global education are emerging in - and because of - the changed world of the late 20th and early 21st century.  相似文献   

教书育人乃教师的重要职责,但在实际工作中,要真正把教书与育人自觉地有机地结合起来,并非易事,本就教书育人中的“师生沟通”问题,从其在现代教书育人中的地位,教师、学生在“师生沟通”过程中角色及“师生沟通”方式方法的选择与运用进行了一些探讨。  相似文献   

This paper explores resistance to globalizationthrough an analysis of three movements in whichuniversity students played pivotal roles: thestudent strike at the National AutonomousUniversity of Mexico (UNAM), global tradeprotests, and the graduate student unionmovement in the U.S. Of special interest arethe effects of globalization on highereducation and the relevance of the neoliberalcritique offered by critical theorists andglobalization protesters. The author revealshow anti-globalization rhetoric deriving fromthe three movements seeks to counter thehegemony of corporate globalism. Previousliterature on globalization and socialmovements is called upon to inform the study.  相似文献   

陈颖 《海外英语》2011,(4):282-284
With The Anxiety/Uncertainty Management(AUM) Theory as framework,the paper had demonstrated an in-depth examination on Chinese students’ anxiety/uncertainty managing behaviors and strategies when they are exposed to the new environment in the US.One-on-one interview was employed to analyze both the internal and external factors during their adaptation to new cultures.Further recommendations would be given for developing intercultural communication studies in Chinese students’ oversea education or related other topics.  相似文献   

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