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Peer review is the bedrock of the scientific enterprise, yet it enjoys scant validation. The federal government’s CrimeSolutions.gov initiative provides a unique opportunity to address this limitation. As part of the initiative, trained experts evaluate criminal justice evaluation research on several of the same criteria editors use to make publication decisions. Data from a sample of articles published in Social Sciences Citation Index journals were obtained from the CrimeSolutions.gov database, then used to model publication quality, operationalized as the product of the journal’s five-year impact factor and article citations per year (an article-level measure). The model explained only five percent of the variation in publication quality, raising several questions about the validity of peer review in criminal justice evaluation research.  相似文献   

"考什么"和"怎样考"从考试出现开始,就成为考试这项评价方式的本质要素,它们往往影响着培养目标和课程的确立,影响着教师的教与学生的学。由于各时代对人才的评判标准不同,所以考试的本质要素也随着时代社会的变迁而发生变化。探寻不同社会背景下考试本质要素的变革历程,对于我们理解和开展当前教育改革具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Scholarship on service-learning and experiential learning consistently demonstrates benefits for students, but little evidence has emerged examining the perspectives of faculty. The current study examines the conflicting perspectives from faculty affiliated with a university undergraduate criminology major that utilizes both experiential learning and service-learning. Focus groups of departmental faculty revealed fears over curriculum rigor, concerns over forming partnerships and investing resources into service-learning and experiential learning activities without university incentives, and recognition of student and department benefits derived from service-learning and experiential learning activities.  相似文献   

刑法学界对"意见"是否属于司法解释表现形式问题的认识并不统一,主要有肯定与否定两种认识观点。否定性观点认为,"意见"不是司法解释,而是司法解释性文件,不能在裁判文书中直接援引。而肯定性观点则与此相反,认为从规定的内容看,系对审理受贿案件如何应用法律的解释,应属于司法解释的内容。应当说,肯定"意见"属于司法解释的观点更有其合理性与说服力。  相似文献   

This is an introduction to a special issue of Research in Science Education that focuses on peer review in science education. We introduce each of the articles in the special issue and highlight some of the issues that are addressed and the methods employed in the articles that follow. We regard peer review as central to issues of research in science education and publication of this special issue as just in time.  相似文献   

A recurring concern within criminology and criminal justice (CCJ) is how to best investigate criminological theory and criminal justice policy. To assess the current state of research, we conducted a content analysis of articles that appeared in seven CCJ journals over a two-year period (2013–2014). We then examined types and frequencies of data sources, analytic techniques, methodological approaches, and subject matters. Findings demonstrate that articles are predominantly employing quantitative methodologies and data where there is no participant contact. From these findings, we discuss the current state of research and how this could be used to guide graduate education, by recommending a variety of subject matters that graduate schools should emphasize in training new academics.  相似文献   

Criminal justice is often criticized for lacking theoretical grounding. This article argues that the introductory criminal justice course should be reconceptualized in such a way that permits a critical assessment of theoretical bases underlying crime, law and justice. Doing so would better prepare students to understand key questions in the study of criminal justice and would also help give criminal justice greater credibility as a stand‐alone academic discipline. In addition to presenting the benefits of a theory‐driven introductory course, possible content and pedagogy are described.  相似文献   

Attempts to define the core body of knowledge in criminal justice have provided diverse and disparate explanations of what could be considered as central to the discipline. Previous efforts have focused on frequently cited authors and works, required learning for students and the personal beliefs of individual scholars. The present work adds to this body by examining the works considered by an elite sample of criminal justice educators as classics in the field. Based on a survey of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Presidents, Fellows and Bruce Smith Award winners the classic books in criminal justice are identified. Results show that a wide range of works and authors is identified, with relatively little consensus either across the sample or with previously identified works and authors. Comparison of presently identified works with those frequently cited and commonly required for doctoral students shows that only a minority of works identified by others are also considered classics by our elite sample.  相似文献   

This study examines the relative importance of the different learning objectives for criminal justice education as identified by the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS). Three different populations (students, faculty, and professionals) completed a survey exercise in which they were required to rank order hypothetical job applicants who varied in competency on each of the ACJS learning objectives. In addition, students completed the same exercise pre- and post-completion of their required internship to determine if experience in the field affected their responses. Conjoint analysis was used to identify the relative importance of different learning objectives. While results indicate some similarities in responses across all three populations, several interesting differences were observed, and these may have important curricular implications for criminal justice programs.  相似文献   

大众化进程中的我国高等教育公平问题探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
追求高等教育公平是我国高等教育改革和发展的基本价值取向。然而,随着我国高等教育大众化发展进程的加快,高等教育不公平问题也越来越突出。这些不公平问题大都可归结为制度性不公平。因此,建立高等教育政策运行的公平机制,推进高等教育政策调整和制度变迁创新,是使我国高等教育发展不断趋近公平的基本途径。  相似文献   


Feminist criminology is a vital and growing area of scholarship, but it is not making its way into the classroom. This paper assesses the reasons why such material is not used frequently, makes a case for why it should be used, particularly in a liberal arts curriculum, and offers suggestions for how it can be used.  相似文献   

在我国刑事司法实践中,被害人主要通过提起附带民事诉讼的方式来获得赔偿。但在实际操作中,被害人往往不易得到赔偿或不能得到全额赔偿。因此,根据我国的实际情况,借鉴国外的实践经验,强化我国刑事被害人获得刑事赔偿权力的保障,增设国家补偿制度具有主要意义。  相似文献   

本主要探讨了刑法概念形式合理性和实质合理性,“宣示的刑法规则”和“潜在的刑法规则”等问题。  相似文献   

As educators, we recognize that students often come to the classroom with preconceived notions about the criminal justice system that shape their subsequent learning. One such notion revolves around the effectiveness of the “war on crime” model of the criminal justice system. Many students feel that this model is the best way to achieve “justice.” Teaching peacemaking represents an opportunity to introduce the students to a new way of thinking about the criminal justice system. This paper explores how experiential learning strategies can facilitate students’ learning of peacemaking. Suggestions also are made about how peacemaking can be implemented into the pedagogy of criminal justice professors.  相似文献   

英语写作评改是英语过程写作的重要组成部分。本文对本校不同类学生互评写作的教学及实践进行对比、分析和研究。结果表明:在英语过程写作教学中广泛应用互评技能确实从多方面丰富了英语写作课堂教学,而且写与改相结合的教学不但激发了学生写作兴趣,也使他们的写作效果有了极大的改观与提高。  相似文献   

著名教育家陶行知一生为中国教育寻觅曙光,为人民的教育事业鞠躬尽瘁,其教育思想价值在今天的教育改革中仍然具有很大的启示意义。陶行知的考试观是其教育思想的重要组成部分,他痛斥舞弊的考试,反对杀人的会考,同时提倡创造的考成。研究其考试观,对于我们如何进行素质教育具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

宽严相济的刑事政策是我国在维护社会治安的长期实践中形成的基本刑事政策,其实质就是对刑事犯罪区别对待,做到既要有力打击和震慑犯罪,维护法制的严肃性,又要尽可能减少社会对抗,化消极因素为积极因素,做到既严厉打击严重刑事犯罪,又减少社会对抗,增加社会和谐因素,维护社会的和谐稳定。  相似文献   

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