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科普场馆是普及科学知识的重要场所,用科学的方法、新颖的形式进行科学知识普及是科普场馆承担的社会责任。随着现代信息技术发展和大众对文化的需求,沉浸式戏剧成为一种体验感极强的创新艺术形式。本文从沉浸式戏剧和科普戏剧相关研究着手,分析沉浸式戏剧与科普戏剧的关系,提出以沉浸式方式开展科普剧创制与实施的可行性,并以《鲸的寻游》为例探索在科普场馆实践沉浸式科普戏剧的途径。  相似文献   

基于语义网计算英语词语相似度   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
荀恩东  颜伟 《情报学报》2006,25(1):43-48
本文介绍一种基于WordNet的计算英语词语相似度的实现方法:从WordNet中提取同义词并采取向量空间方法计算英语词语的相似度。向量包括三方面:(1)WordNet的同义词词集(Synset),(2)类属信息(Class),(3)意义解释(Sense explanation)。实验结果表明,这是计算英语词语相似度的一种可行的方法。  相似文献   


A ten year update of Michigan secondary school speech programs indicated little change in curricula. The basic course is best described as an elective, semester, combination course for ninth through twelfth graders. Most frequently offered advanced courses are drama, debate, and advanced speech. Most respondents graduated from one of Michigan's state universities, and usually teach English in addition to speech. Few are involved in professional associations.  相似文献   

This article offers an outline for a sociothematic analysis of 40 years of radio plays in Hebrew. The examined corpus comprises 1,850 works, both originally radiophonic and adaptations from other media, broadcast by the Israeli Radio‐drama department from 1954 to 1992. Although clearly influenced by European radio drama, Israeli radio plays have nonetheless developed a unique blend of “form and content.” Through a selected number of radio plays, this first of its kind survey offers a thematic approach to the repertoire, in dealing with topics such as the Holocaust, the Arab‐Israeli conflict, and the image of the Israeli‐born “Sabra.”  相似文献   

电视剧创意产业是电视剧产业发展的新阶段,它构建了一个以创意为核心的产业体系,其体系大致分为内容创意、创制过程中的创意与营销创意三个部分,它们互动合作构筑了一个创意丛,作为动力引擎,作用于整个电视剧创意产业。  相似文献   

倪莉 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(2):133-135,164
戏曲目录研究无论对戏曲史的发展,或是对于目录学的发展,都具有十分重要的意义。文章对我国目前古代戏曲目录研究的现状进行全面总结,并分析其薄弱之处。  相似文献   

In this study, 174 respondents completed an online questionnaire measuring their responses to a liked, neutral, or disliked character from the ABC drama Lost. Specifically, they reported their perceived similarity, identification while viewing, and parasocial interaction with the character, as well as the extent to which they had tried to change aspects of themselves to be more like the character (“change/influence”). Across the whole sample, perceived similarity was a significant positive predictor of both identification and parasocial interaction, and identification was associated with higher levels of parasocial interaction. Parasocial interaction, but not identification, was a significant positive predictor of reported change/influence. When the three types of characters were examined separately, all four responses were higher for liked and neutral characters than for disliked characters, and parasocial interaction was higher for liked than for neutral characters. Interpretations of the findings, and implications for understanding viewers' involvement with media characters, are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explore the politics of differential engagements with Korean drama, particularly with relation to the formation of gender and class identities. As social identities are mediated through the cultural, discourse becomes a significant site for understanding the relationships between structures and the formation of subjectivities. The imported Korean drama falls mostly into two genres – trendy drama and family drama. Both of them deal with family and love, and both of them aim at women audiences. As such, discourses of femininity provide a productive avenue for understanding: on the one hand, their place in social formation, that is, how women inhabit different discourses of femininity which in turn position them hierarchically in the social domain; on the other hand, how social processes, including globalization and nation formation, play a central role in constituting the different meanings and hierarchy of discourses of femininity. However, discourses of femininity also intersect with discourses of television in structuring women's engagements with Korean drama. This paper therefore traces the transformations of the discourses of femininity and television and explores how they regulate, constrain, or enable women's engagements with Korean drama. In doing so, this paper aims to highlight the hierarchically structured gendered discourses in the process of social formation in contemporary Taiwan.  相似文献   

李敏 《图书情报工作》2008,52(8):119-119
分析《中国图书馆分类法》(下简称《中图法》)(4版)在中国戏剧文学作品类目设置上存在的问题,以我国戏剧发展史中的两大戏剧形态划分的两个层次作为立类、列类的依据,结合当前戏剧文学文献出版情况讨论中国戏剧文学作品的具体类目内容及其类目设置。  相似文献   

从山西"非遗"戏剧文献采访切入,将戏剧传承文献分为物质和非物质两类。实物戏剧文献指服装、道具、乐器、剧场等,可用编制目录、摄制光碟、印刷图书、陈列展览等文献采访对策。非物质戏剧文献是记录剧目演出、表演"四功""五法"、乐师伴奏、音乐唱腔设计等技艺传承的载体。提出以人为本、全方位立体及时记录、同步采访等见解和采访范围。期望戏剧界和图书馆界联手共建山西"非遗"戏剧文献数字网络信息资源服务体系。  相似文献   

《中国古籍善本书目》在集部.曲类分类上存在不能将戏曲丛书明确归类的问题,本文通过分析具体条目,说明曲类设汇编之属的必要性,以对今后馆藏书目的编写提出建议。  相似文献   

This essay examines how police officers socially construct a sense of organizational drama when they label, valorize, and narrate their work experience. This social construction of organizational drama is illustrated with data collected from a four month observational study of a small police force, fictitiously named the “Valley View Police Department.”  相似文献   

采用CrossCheck检测平台(http://www.ithenticate.com/)对英文科技论文进行比对,通过分析查重比对结果可初步判断该论文是否涉嫌学术不端,进而判断该论文的新颖性和研究热门程度.查重比对可为编辑处理稿件提供有力的支持,为审者审稿提供必要的参考,以便给出公正的审理意见.另外,讨论了审者信息及作者信息的核实对干预学术不端行为的作用.  相似文献   

新闻英语是大众传播工具在报道英语新闻中使用的文体,有书面新闻和口头新闻两类。书面新闻可称报刊文体,口头新闻可称广播文体、是以声音的形式进行传播。由于其传播途径与报刊文体不同,广播文体的语言也与报刊文体有所不同,主要表现在句子、词汇、语法三方面。  相似文献   

数学论文中常用的英文缩写词   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨巍纳 《编辑学报》2006,18(2):121-122
参照<2000数学主题分类表>,将数学论文中常用的数学英文缩写词列表予以说明,表中并附有常用的与数学密切相关的英文缩写词,以期对书刊编辑处理数学稿件时有所裨益.  相似文献   

学术论文英文摘要编辑加工改进的尝试   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
的写作[J].中国科技期刊研究,1999,10(4):311-312[4] 周宗锡. 从谈科技论文英文摘要的写作[J].中国科学技术期刊研究,1999,10(4):311-312  相似文献   

马峥  潘云涛 《编辑学报》2012,24(4):307-310
为了定量研究中国英文科技期刊在我国科学研究和出版交流活动中所发挥的作用,借鉴语言学研究中对某一个语言"交际价值"的定量测度方法,设计出评价中国英文科技期刊交流价值的新指标Q。它的定义由3部分组成,即期刊所在学科的英文流行度P、在学科内期刊的学术影响中心度C、期刊学术影响的国际扩散度D。若以这3个指标构成三维坐标系,每种期刊看作是从点0出发的一个向量,则指标Q的含义可以理解为期刊向量的长度。通过对45种中国英文科技期刊样本的实际计算,发现交流价值Q可以从一个方面以较好的区分度和准确性体现中国英文科技期刊的实用价值。  相似文献   

Imagery generation in dramatized audio drama is still poorly understood with the majority of work having been done from a radio advertising perspective. This study sought to understand audio drama imagery generation by using teenage listeners. The study demonstrated that teenagers can follow purely auditory narrative with ease and can generate unique and vivid imagery through aural dramatic stimulation. The study also showed that listening in the dark and as a group are appealing for audiences.  相似文献   

湖南卫视新闻大片《绝对忠诚》聚焦科学家和军人的先进事迹,以现象级电视新闻新模式的典型个案,一度引人关注。它大胆采用“戏剧化”的电视叙事,通过戏剧情景的设计、戏剧悬念的营造、戏剧冲突的实现,从而增强信息表达的趣味性和传播力,成为地方电视新闻舆论引导的成功范例。  相似文献   

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