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Geographical information systems (GIS) utilization has exploded in criminal justice over the last decade, but there is scant mention of pedagogical models published in the Journal of Criminal Justice Education, with a content analysis revealing just one GIS-based article published since 2001. This work proposes a GIS-based pedagogical model to move the discussion beyond crime mapping to applying, integrating, and enhancing learning across the criminal justice curriculum. Four pertinent data sources from New York City are integrated to provide an example framework for studying NYPD stop and frisk policy in upper level undergraduate-level criminal justice courses. Using ArcGIS specifically, the model incorporates sociology, criminological theory, corrections, diversity/multiculturalism, research methods, statistics, policing, and policy knowledge to coalesce prior student learning, while enhancing spatial thinking and analytical skills relative to an important social policy. Example maps, assignments, and approaches are included, as are the limitations of such a pedagogical model.  相似文献   

Criminal justice courses offer ideal opportunities to present students with contemporary issues that ideally will encourage reflection on moral dilemmas. In a criminal justice ethics course, students encounter complex aspects of the topic, such as the application of theories of ethical reasoning beyond merely an understanding of the malfeasance, nonfeasance, and misfeasance of practitioners in the system. A supplemental book, whether fiction or nonfiction, assigned in addition to a criminal justice ethics textbook may facilitate deeper understanding of theories of ethics. The ideal supplemental reading should reflect the range of ethical theories detailed in the main text. In the present article, the authors discuss and evaluate the use of post-apocalyptic fiction, a popular contemporary genre, as supplemental reading in criminal justice ethics courses. A sample criminal justice ethics course writing assignment, a grading rubric, and a discussion of the multiple assessment measures are provided. Assessment results suggest that the supplemental reading helps students meet the course learning objective, which requires students to identify and apply theoretical models of ethics to specific ethical and moral situations.  相似文献   

国际环境正义实践的伦理困境及其化解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主权国家作为全球环境治理的最为重要的主体,在国际环境正义实践中发挥着决定性的作用,但另一方面由于主权国家"个体"利益的存在,主权国家在参与国际环境正义实践时面临着一些伦理困境.要化解这些伦理困境,构建和谐世界,主权国家除了要树立主体间性和生态文明的主体性之外,还要调适国家主权观,加强国际合作,建立新的全球伙伴关系.  相似文献   

This study compared the performance of students in large-sized criminal justice preparatory classes of up to 300 students to students in small classes of up to 40 students to assess the efficacy of student learning in large classes. Incorporating a pre-post test design, ANOVA, independent, and paired sample t-tests, student scholar characteristics were assessed to determine which students were more likely to benefit from the large class structure. Results indicated that large classes are as efficacious as small classes and that student performance is quite nuanced. More specifically, students’ gender, age, race, ethnicity, status, and major, significantly relate to success in larger classes.  相似文献   

To examine attitudes towards gays and lesbians in an undergraduate criminal justice sample and to test previous research suggesting that law enforcement students hold higher levels of homophobia, we surveyed 453 undergraduates. Results indicated higher levels of anti-gay attitudes in criminal justice majors compared to a small sample of non-criminal justice majors and similar levels of anti-gay attitudes between law enforcement and other criminal justice students. Gender, race, religion, gay/lesbian friends, patriarchal attitudes, and completing a social science minor outside of criminal justice were found to be significant predictors of attitudes toward gays and lesbians; while the number of courses in which homosexuality issues were included in discussion was not. These findings are discussed and we offer suggestions for criminal justice curriculum that may assist our students in maintaining and upholding a fair and just criminal justice system.  相似文献   

The current study expanded a newly developed ethical decision-making model for assessment using interview data collected from seven instructors from elementary school to higher education on their experiences of dealing with ethical dilemmas in assessment. The expanded model has the following new merits: One additional critical incident involving an ethical dilemma and two more types of conflict elements emerged. In addition to specific guidelines, more general guidelines to resolve ethical dilemmas were included. Most importantly, the impacts of decision-making on instruction, student learning, and future assessment inform teachers that appropriate assessment decisions should work with other teaching practices. Teachers can use this model to improve assessment practices in professional development sessions or assessment courses.  相似文献   

The author proposes that when counselor candidates are allowed to participate as clients in counselor-training laboratories, an indirect dual relationship is established, which may create unique ethical conflicts.  相似文献   

Since 1988, the Professional Development Committee of ACPA Commission VII has written a column focusing on ethical dilemmas that face counselors and psychotherapists in a college setting. "Dear Doctor Ethics" has become extremely popular in the commission, and this article shares the first two years of the good doctor's work with counselors who are not Commission VII members. A commentary follows which compares and contrasts five ethical codes utilized by pscyhotherapists who work with college students.  相似文献   

Healthcare practitioners have suggested that interpreting person-centered care for people who have dementia to undergraduate students requires guidance in practical application. This article describes the production of a written and digital interdisciplinary educational resource for tertiary students. It uses real-life case scenarios provided by healthcare practitioners to illustrate person-centered care in practice with people who have dementia. The resource provides students with the theoretical underpinning of person-centered care and dementia as well as reflective questions that relate to the reenacted case scenarios to guide their application of this theory in practice.  相似文献   

Responses to breaches in cybersecurity are increasingly reliant on criminal justice practitioners. However, while the demand for criminal justice participation in cybersecurity increases daily, most universities are lagging in their educational and training opportunities for students entering criminal justice agencies. This paper discusses the need for cybersecurity programs in criminal justice, and examines how the evolution of this “new crime” has become an issue for criminal justice professionals in addition to computer science experts. A review of existing cybersecurity programs in Texas suggests that most four-year universities have yet to develop courses/programs in criminal justice. Course recommendations, sample syllabi for cybersecurity courses in criminal justice, and recommendations for development of these programs are included.  相似文献   

Lecture-oriented teaching is the principal pedagogical technique in college and university classrooms but instructors will sometimes turn to non-lecture techniques in an attempt to provide a more active learning experience. This article describes a mock trial exercise that has been used over several semesters to provide criminal justice students with an active learning experience and increase their understanding of the inquisitorial process in comparison with adversarial proceedings. We provide sufficient detail to allow interested instructors to conduct a similar exercise in their own course. Results of a multi-semester evaluation to assess student perceptions of the exercise show that students expected and found the exercise to be an enjoyable and informative classroom experience that advanced their learning.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that an effective way to teach critical thinking would be through a criminal justice ethics class that prioritizes learning in the affective domain to prevent persistence of a polarizing perspective. The premise is twofold: first, that us versus them dichotomies hinder higher order thinking and moral decision-making; and, secondly, that it is much more difficult to overcome dichotomous thinking exclusively through cognitive domain teaching because the tendency is for students to sift through new information and focus only on facts which support preexisting positions and, also, because students may anticipate an intellectual attack on their opinions and become defensive or resistant. For those reasons, the suggestion is to use carefully selected, empathy-evoking films as a stealthier, softer introduction to controversial issues.  相似文献   

This article explores the process of teaching undergraduate students to conduct social justice research. We were interested in understanding how to develop a social justice perspective among students while training them in conventional research methods. The following questions guided our research activities. How can the principles of social justice inform undergraduate research projects? What pedagogical strategies prepare students to conduct social justice-based research? What are the challenges and opportunities in teaching social justice research? We documented the lessons and activities during the field school and collected students’ comments in journals, extensive observations, focus groups, and interviews to understand the influence of social justice on the students’ approach to research. We identify three lessons in teaching social justice. First, teaching social justice requires that students develop meaningful relationships with the community understudy. Second, gender dynamics can prohibit or promote meaningful student engagement and learning. Third, it is important to consider how to integrate, rather than “add on,” social justice activities and discussions into research lessons.  相似文献   

This study examined the moral reasoning that preschoolers use in resolving moral dilemmas. Children's resolutions and justifications were examined with regard to their care orientation and their justice orientation. Thirty-one preschool children participated in the study (18 girls, 13 boys). Children were each read 4 stone containing moral dilemmas and were asked to resolve these dilemmas. The results indicated that children's answers revealed a care orientation or a justice orientation with equal frequency. At times, children could even accept both orientations to the same dilemma. The data analysis also revealed no gender differences in moral orientation. Results are discussed in terms of children's social-cognitive abilities. Educational implications are also raised.  相似文献   

刑事和解是一种以协商性司法的形式恢复原有社会秩序的纠纷解决方式。刑事和解属于协商性司法程序,与传统的诉讼方式相比,刑事和解是合作性的,它不仅保护了被害人权益,使其在接受犯罪人的道歉和补偿中得到慰藉,还有利于矫正犯罪,使主观过错不大的犯罪人重新融入社会,实现犯罪人的再社会化。刑事和解的内在观念与我国法律观念、刑事诉讼模式以及相关的制度设计存在较大的冲突,这些都是阻碍刑事和解制度在我国发展的因素。只有充分考虑阻碍因素,才可以从正反两方面来把握刑事和解在我国的全貌,这是构建可行的刑事和解模式不可缺少的前提。  相似文献   

The initial transition to graduate school provides a critical opportunity for promoting a positive educational experience among incoming students. This study discusses the importance of this transition and then describes a novel student-led orientation approach to facilitating successful entry of new students into criminology and criminal justice graduate degree programs. Results from an evaluation of this approach are presented. Analyses of focus group and student survey data indicate that graduate students matriculating into a criminology and criminal justice program in a southern state felt welcomed and found the information, guidance, and social networks that they developed to be helpful. At the same time, students identified ways the orientation could be improved for future cohorts. A student-led orientation, along with evaluation of it, provides a promising strategy for criminology and criminal justice graduate programs to create positive educational and professionalization experiences for their students.  相似文献   

刑事审判监督是刑事检察法律制度的重要内容,正确行使审判权,对于维护法律的尊严和当事人的合法权益具有十分重要的意义。本文通过分析刑事审判监督中存在的问题以及产生的原因,进而提出强化刑事审判监督的路径思考。  相似文献   

Although criminal justice has made strides to incorporate issues of race, ethnicity, class, and gender into both research and teaching, the same cannot be said about issues of homosexuality. Prior research indicates criminal justice students are more homophobic than their peers in other majors and that bias against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) persons continues in the criminal justice system. As a result, this article argues that criminal justice educators should integrate issues of sexuality into criminal justice curricula as part of diversity education within the discipline. Few programs currently do so. This article outlines four methods for infusing justice‐related GLBT content into criminal justice classes, including: The teachable moment; incorporating GLBT‐relevant material in required courses; incorporating GLBT‐relevant material into diversity courses; and the development of new electives. These strategies can help combat heterosexism and homophobia.  相似文献   

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