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The Easter Seal Society of Southwest Florida's GEL Program (Guidelines for Early Learning), based on the developmental theories of Piaget and Chomsky, is an early education program using a developmentally appropriate practice for children four to six years old who have demonstrated language, learning, and/or developmental problems. The program staff consists of a multidisciplinary team of early childhood specialists, early childhood educators, a pediatric neurologist, an occupational therapist, and a speech and language pathologist. The program is developmental in nature and was designed to guide and encourage language, cognitive, social, and motor development. This paper describes how this special program was planned and implemented in a nonprofit organization.  相似文献   

Teachers can integrate discussion and writing about photographs into the early childhood curriculum to build speaking, reading, and writing skills in any language. Although little available research focuses on photography and early childhood education as related specifically to English Language Learners, several current teacher resources do focus on uses of photography in classrooms for young children. What is lacking, however, is substantial reference to the planned use of language along with image creation through photography for the language development of English Language Learners (ELLs) in the early childhood classroom. Teacher training, too, devotes insufficient attention to either visual literacy or visual communication. This article provides a discussion of the role of the visual in English language development as a basis for a sample photography project that can be incorporated into a course for pre-service teachers in methods of teaching ELLs. Pre-service teachers thus experience the project first-hand in terms of image creation and the planning of appropriate content, language, and visual literacy objectives. The resulting visual products then function as teaching resources themselves; however, effective visual learning for ELLs requires that teachers possess such an informed understanding of the techniques that structure and assist language development.  相似文献   

Applying Technology to Inquiry-Based Learning in Early Childhood Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Children naturally explore and learn about their environments through inquiry, and computer technologies offer an accessible vehicle for extending the domain and range of this inquiry. Over the past decade, a growing number of interactive games and educational software packages have been implemented in early childhood education and addressed a variety of subjects, including mathematics, science, reading, language, and social studies. However, most software packages have yet to integrate technology into inquiry-based learning for early childhood contexts. Based on existing theoretical frameworks, we suggest that instructional technologies should be used in early childhood inquiry education to (a) enrich and provide structure for problem contexts, (b) facilitate resource utilization, and (c) support cognitive and metacognitive processes. Examples of existing and hypothetical early childhood applications are provided as we elaborate on each role. Challenges and future research directions are also identified and discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a rationale for and overview of contextual factors that can influence the play, hence developmental outcomes, of preschool children with disabilities. Indeed, the efficacy of play-based program planning is enhanced when consideration is given to relevant contextual factors. The discussion begins with framing play in the current early childhood milieu and continues with a presentation of perceptions, attributes, and contextual factors associated with children's play. The relevant play research is discussed relative to child, program, family, and measurement characteristics that can influence play/developmental outcomes.  相似文献   

Investigators of early language development have noted that teachers tend to select specific language objectives and teach them didactically, whereas parents are more likely to adopt open-ended objectives and teach them opportunistically. The authors have called the former approach directive, because of its reliance on teacher-controlled precision teaching, and the latter nondirective, because of its reliance on child-centered supportive techniques. This article explores the relative emphasis given these two approaches in early intervention by examining language objectives on Individual Educational Programs (IEPs) drawn from 20 programs in 10 states. It also analyzes the directive versus nondirective nature of language items on eight major developmental inventories that are used both to assess children's language and as the source of language objectives. The primary finding—a preponderant directive orientation on both IEPs and inventories—is discussed in terms of the literature on language development in normal and handicapped preschoolers.  相似文献   

Investigators of early language development have noted that teachers tend to select specific language objectives and teach them didactically, whereas parents are more likely to adopt open-ended objectives and teach them opportunistically. The authors have called the former approach directive, because of its reliance on teacher-controlled precision teaching, and the latter nondirective, because of its reliance on child-centered supportive techniques. This article explores the relative emphasis given these two approaches in early intervention by examining language objectives on Individual Educational Programs (IEPs) drawn from 20 programs in 10 states. It also analyzes the directive versus nondirective nature of language items on eight major developmental inventories that are used both to assess children's language and as the source of language objectives. The primary finding—a preponderant directive orientation on both IEPs and inventories—is discussed in terms of the literature on language development in normal and handicapped preschoolers.  相似文献   

High-quality early childhood education is a vital experience for young children with and without disabilities. Social and communication experiences in the context of play represent a core curriculum that sets a foundation for later learning and participation. Using a new self-report instrument, this article describes data collected in a large-scale professional learning project in NSW, Australia, that aimed to support early childhood teachers, paraprofessionals and other personnel who directly work with young children, including individuals who present or are at risk of challenging behaviours. Using a case application model of remote and direct coaching support and intervention centred on the input of expert practitioners, the reports of participants were collected before and after a series of three sequential workshops with embedded action research processes for participants. The program was designed to increase social and communicative exchanges and reduce the likelihood of challenging behaviours, by providing a systematic and practical framework for the introduction of functional behavioural assessment and positive support planning. Respondents indicated significant improvements in knowledge and skills after the program, along with decreased concerns in some areas. The paper concludes by discussing potential areas for an expanded research agenda into the professional learning needs of personnel in this field and more broadly within early childhood support systems and services.  相似文献   

Today with the rise in the number of 3- to 6-year-old children enrolled in center-based early childhood programs, and a focus on program quality, it becomes imperative for educators to have a better understanding of the role research plays in establishing high-quality programs as these programs provide much of the foundation that supports early learning and development (Child Trends, 2014). Although psychology, and the role of child development research in particular, has always been integral to the field of early childhood education beginning with the seminal works of Piaget, Bronfenbrenner, Bruner, and others (Lickona,1971), the field had never fully embraced the use of research to inform practice, until the 1990s. This had been, in part, because the field of early childhood education originally viewed itself as a field of practitioners that provided for the everyday care and needs of young children, whereas it viewed child development researchers as scientists who paid little attention to the practical needs of classroom teaching (Takanishi, 1981 Takanishi, R. (1981). Early childhood education and research: The changing relationship. Theory into Practice, 20, 8692.[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). Although, today, there is no longer this ideological divide between the two areas, with the child development research being used to inform educational practice and policy (Center for the Developing Child, 2007), nevertheless there still remains a gap in the ability of educators to effectively implement evidence-based practices. Given the increased focus on providing young children with access to high-quality education, and the need for teachers to implement evidence-based practices the present paper attempts to bridge the gap by providing a brief overview of the science of early childhood development, its importance for development of early learning standards, and an overview of the Early Learning Toolkit which was developed to provide early learning educators guidance and resources to support the implementation of early learning standards within their own states as well as well across the nation. The goal of this article is to bridge theory and practice in early childhood education.  相似文献   

This paper condenses a case study designed to explicate teacher values as evidenced by practice in one Head Start classroom. To make sense of the classroom culture, five domains were considered: the use of space, the use of time, patterns of teacher-child interaction, materials and activities used, and the nature of parent-teacher interactions. Findings include the program's approximately even balance between the use of a cultural transmission model and a "developmental" model-and the conflicts around maintaining that balance; the differences existing between the teachers despite surface similarities; and the less-than-positive views the teachers had of program parents. Practice and policy implications revolve around the establishment and maintenance of separate programs for compensatory early education. The dichotomous nature of the programming reflected the teachers' perception that they had to remedy "deficient" home environments and prepare children for an academic kindergarten, in addition to utilizing mainstream early childhood education (ECE) practices. Implications for teacher-parent relations are likewise linked to assumptions behind compensatory education. A discussion of our two-tiered early education system leads to the recommendation for a more universalistic conception of early care and education.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study reports on the dimensionality and validation of the Preschool Learning Behaviors Scale (PLBS) for use in a sample of preschool children in early childhood special education classrooms. The PLBS is a teacher-report instrument that characterizes children’s approaches to learning. The sample included 600 preschool-age students in 97 classrooms. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses uncovered 2 reliable and valid dimensions: Competence Motivation and Learning Strategy. Scale scores were produced using item response theory and Bayesian scoring methods. Competence Motivation and Learning Strategy scores were moderately related to children’s performance on language and literacy measures. Practice or Policy: The potential use of this tool in early childhood special education classrooms is explored.  相似文献   

A child with special needs will flourish and benefit from an early childhood environment that empowers learning. Center learning empowers a child to be actively engaged in self-directed learning based on strength, ability, and interest. Center learning can enhance interactive language, story response, art, reading and writing-like behavior, collaboration, buddy activity, and independence. All of these empowering areas of development are strongly related to the child's emergent literacy development. The variety of center learning experiences is limited only by the imagination; this article provides a selection of start-up ideas for the early childhood educator.  相似文献   

The national debate surrounding the issue of school failure has renewed interest in the quality, efficacy, and outcomes of early childhood intervention programs that can promote early school success for children at developmental risk. Moreover, researchers and policymakers report the need to document developmentally-appropriate models for assessing and evaluating early childhood outcomes. We report on the first-phase results of Pittsburgh’s early childhood initiative (ECI). ECI is a privately-funded effort by a consortium composed of the business, corporate, foundation, and community sectors to implement high-quality early care and education options for children in high-risk neighborhoods. The overarching objective of ECI is to ensure early school success for high-risk children. Our Scaling Progress in Early Childhood Settings (SPECS) Evaluation Team implemented an authentic assessment and program evaluation strategy and an enhanced “constructed comparison group” statistical model to conduct longitudinal research on the child developmental impact of the ECI model. First-phase results on 155 high-risk children indicate that those who participated in high-quality ECI programs for the longest periods of time demonstrated patterns of progress that exceeded maturational expectations. Weekly collaborative consultation to teachers and caregivers by consultants about program quality using the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) standards as “best practice” benchmarks seemed to be associated with initial enhanced child outcomes and the particular impact of the ECI model.  相似文献   

Conclusion The problems of adequate housing for children's programs remain. Many teachers will not catch up with prevailing theories and practice in early childhood education in more technologically advanced countries for a while. Curriculum implementation at classroom level still needs much attention. The budget provided for early education keeps shrinking due to high inflation. Despite the problems, however, the introduction of a national early childhood education program was good for families who could not afford fee-paying schools for their children. “Going national” at the outset was problematic because of the number of issues that needed attention simultaneously. It however, removed the need for lobbying, which can be a long and arduous process before success is achieved. A national program of early childhood education also enabled nursery teachers to surmount many of the problems associated with their image as mere childminders and the low-liest on the rungs of the education ladder. For children, this program also performed an important socialisation and cognitive-developmental function and it forced parents to take another look at early childhood as a definite learning period in the life of the child. Liloutie Christina Taharally was closely involved in the administration of the national early education program, and the training and supervision of nursery teachers in Guyana. An earlier draft of this paper was presented at the 1985 Conference of the National Association for the Education of Young Children with Meg Barden Cline of the School of Education at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.  相似文献   

Researchers have posited that children generally learn to read in environments that are trusting, comfortable, and offer small group or one-to-one adult support, all of which are characteristics of a high quality early childhood education program. This evaluation research study examines the Pre-Kindergarten Incentive Program, an early childhood demonstration program in Washington, DC designed to study several urban community-based sites. The authors facilitate a discourse on how all early childhood education programs can become high quality programs through standardized observations, evaluations, and constructive feedback. The article describes the demonstration program, highlights general findings from standardized classroom observations, discusses areas needing improvement, and presents strategies for addressing areas of challenge. It will reveal to early childhood educators how evaluation findings can improve teaching and learning techniques and environments in early childhood programs. The goal is to promote overall improvement in reading, reasoning, and literacy for children enrolled in early childhood programs and thereby better prepare them for kindergarten.  相似文献   

幼儿园学习环境与幼儿发展结果之间存在密切的关系。本研究以来自我国5个省区89所幼儿园267个班级的1592名幼儿为研究对象,采用广义相加混合模型,分析幼儿园学习环境质量各要素与幼儿语言、数学认知、情感社会性发展之间的关系。结果发现,学习环境与幼儿发展结果之间的关系具有一定的复杂性,其中园舍建筑和幼儿语言、数学认知存在非线性关联;户外空间与设施和幼儿语言、数学认知存在线性关联;区域规划与材料和幼儿语言存在线性关联,与幼儿情感社会性存在非线性关联;心理氛围与幼儿情感社会性存在线性关联,与幼儿语言、数学认知存在非线性关联;班级空间与设施和幼儿发展不相关。与此同时,园舍建筑、心理氛围、区域规划与材料对幼儿发展结果分别具有一定的阈值效应。高质量的幼儿园学习环境阈值范围为4.3~6.0分,表明教育经费投入需要保证幼儿园学习环境质量在此阈值之上,学习环境对幼儿发展的促进效果才能显现。  相似文献   

The last decade has produced an explosion in neuroscience research examining young children's early processing of language that has implications for education. Noninvasive, safe functional brain measurements have now been proven feasible for use with children starting at birth. In the arena of language, the neural signatures of learning can be documented at a remarkably early point in development, and these early measures predict performance in children's language and pre‐reading abilities in the second, third, and fifth year of life, a finding with theoretical and educational import. There is evidence that children's early mastery of language requires learning in a social context, and this finding also has important implications for education. Evidence relating socioeconomic status (SES) to brain function for language suggests that SES should be considered a proxy for the opportunity to learn and that the complexity of language input is a significant factor in developing brain areas related to language. The data indicate that the opportunity to learn from complex stimuli and events are vital early in life, and that success in school begins in infancy.  相似文献   

Previous research has identified a negative correlation between developmental outcomes and length of early intervention programs. In the present investigation, these counterintuitive findings were examined on a sample of "at risk" children who had received a home-based infant development program and who had been enrolled at different age levels. Findings indicated that treatment length was negatively, but not significantly, correlated with developmental outcome. In addition, start age was found to be significantly negatively correlated with outcome, suggesting that certain developmental indices may decrease over time for certain populations. When the regression of time with start age was taken into account in the analyses, large and reliable treatment effects were observed at all start age levels. Results are discussed with respect to future research endeavors.  相似文献   

Previous research has identified a negative correlation between developmental outcomes and length of early intervention programs. In the present investigation, these counterintuitive findings were examined on a sample of “at risk” children who had received a home-based infant development program and who had been enrolled at different age levels. Findings indicated that treatment length was negatively, but not significantly, correlated with developmental outcome. In addition, start age was found to be significantly negatively correlated with outcome, suggesting that certain developmental indices may decrease over time for certain populations. When the regression of time with start age was taken into account in the analyses, large and reliable treatment effects were observed at all start age levels. Results are discussed with respect to future research endeavors.  相似文献   

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