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The first year in college,our whole class fell in love with a little poem: The life that I have is all that I have And the life that I have Is yours. The love that I have Of the life that I have Is yours and yours and yours.  相似文献   

A Beautiful Mind is the true life story of John Forbes Nash Jr., a mathematical genius and Nobel Prize winner, who simply wants to think—about theories, about life, about love—if only his own mind would let him do it. Story剧情The film spans (横越) the life of John Nash (Russell Crowe) from mathematical prodigy (天才,神童), to delusional (妄想症) schizophrenic (精神分裂症), to Nobel Prize winner. We first meet John in 1948, and he is entering Princeton University as a graduate student. He rarely goes to class and calculates his mathematical theories on dorm room and library windows. Most of his colleagues steer clear of (避开,绕开) him, except his roommate, Charles (Paul Bettany), who tries to lighten him up. John eventually closes in on a hypothesis (假设)for an economic theory and becomes a star in the math  相似文献   

The Internet is a way of life for college students in the USA,with research showing them to be one of the most connected groups.A recent study by Harris Interactive and 360 Youth found that 93 per cent of American college students visit the Internet,and this market is expected to grow from 15.2 million in2003to16.4million in2007.That is slow but could be the result of the already high number of college Internet users.  相似文献   

Five years ago, George, Frank's cousin, left medical college. The young man worked in a hospital now. He had a lot of knowledge of 1 and often operated on the sick people. Of course he was paid much 2 and led a happy life.  相似文献   

刘争 《海外英语》2013,(1):284-285
The essay expounds the philosophy of Thoreau’s "simplify" in aspect of meaning and reason.Closely connected with the relationship between human and nature,it enables us to see the point of a brooding,simple and sensible life of Thoreau.The end clarifies on a question:according to Thoreau,what is to have a simplify life? That’s to care for little,listen to one’s heart and do what one likes.The conclusion comes with an advocation that people keep a simple life with little greed,and take it as an ulti mate cure for the bothering life of today.  相似文献   

王双  漆佩 《海外英语》2013,(7X):99-100
The reform of college English education has been a heated discussion in recent years.The traditional means of teach ing paid too much attention to the examination and the teaching materials are out of date when facing the rapid increasing of Chi nese economy,while the new vision emphasizes the learner-centredness,communicating,learning of culture,and it will take the background of International Understanding into consideration.In addition,New "Profession + English" Learning Pattern has al so been highlighted The paper is going to analyze and summarize the current situation of college English education briefly,and predict its development in the future.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the theory of language attrition,which refers to the loss or degradation of second language skills due to lack of using the second language for a certain period of time.Although our country attaches great importance to English language teaching,most of college English majors use English far less frequently than that of Chinese in real life,which makes them easily influenced by language attrition.Therefore,it is of great significance for college English majors to improve the efficiency of English vocabulary memory from the perspective of language attrition combined with Forgetting.This thesis consists of three parts.Chapter one is an analysis the concept of language attrition and Forgetting.Chapter two describes and analyzes the existing problems in current vocabulary memory among the college English majors via a questionnaire survey.The final chapter puts forward some corresponding countermeasures to help college English majors get rid of the influence of language attrition on vocabulary learning.  相似文献   

By the end of last century,the computer has been more and more widely used in our delay life.Computer has come to pervade every aspect of our lives--including education.This article talks about the advantages of the Computer-Assisting Instruction courseware(CAI courseware)during the college English teaching.It can be used to optimize the English teaching model,teachers' teaching and students' study during the class.It also talks about the methods of using CAI courseware in college English teaching:teachers should know students' condition and use the CAI courseware ingeniously and timely.When the teachers design the CAI courseware,they should select the materials suitably.Furthermore,it predicts that the CAI courseware will have good prospects in the college English teaching.  相似文献   

The quality and benefit of college English teaching is .to some extent,decided by what methodologicalo approach it employs.The current teaching syllabus adopts the communicative approach,which is well established as the dominant theoretical model in college English teaching.This paper tries to discuss these characteristics and explain why the model.procedure and links of college English teaching in the classroom are so vital to improve the language and communicative abilities of students.The teaching methods cannot and should not be fixed,It is restricted by the English levels and learning strategies of students,and by the academic quality and teaching ideas of teachers.A good teacher is such and flexibly to help his students attain the goal that syllabus demands.  相似文献   

The quality and benefit of college English teaching is, to someextent, decided by what methodological approach it employs. The current teachingsyllabus adopts the communicative approach, which is well established as thedominant theoretical model in college English teaching. This paper tries to discussthese characteristics and explain why the model, procedure and links of college English teaching in the classroom are so vital to improve the language and communicative abilities of students. The teaching methods cannot and should not be fixed. It is restricted by the English levels and learning strategies of students, and by the academic quality and teaching ideas of teachers. A good teacher is such and flexibly to help his students attain the goal that syllabus demands.  相似文献   

"诸"是不是合音词的况总共有三种:(一)"动词+诸",(二)"动词+诸+乎",(三)"动词+诸+名词(或词组).文章对这三种情况进行了具体分析和讨论,发现上述(一)、(二)两种情况的"诸"字都只相当于代词"之",由"诸"字煞尾时,"诸"字并不是"之乎"的合音.第(三)种情况的"诸"字,有称代作用时,只相当于代词"之",认为"诸"字是"之于"的合音,是忽视了古代汉语中"于"字可用可不用的客观事实而误会的结果;"诸"字无称代作用时,只相当于介词"于".最后得出结论:"诸"没有合音词的用法.  相似文献   

文章首先比较了《儿女英雄传》和《红楼梦》中所要彰显的“情”的不同含义。同时分析文康与曹雪芹对待“情”的不同态度。文康是将“人情”与“天理”时举,以“天理”规定“人情”,以“人情”彰显“天理”,人为地消弭了“情”与“理”之间的二元对立与矛盾冲突,并在“儿女”与“英雄”的完美结合中,走向喜剧的结局。而曹雪芹的思想则要复杂得多,简单地说,他是在“情”与“理”的对立中凸显了人生的悲剧,这也是造成两书悲喜异态的重要原因。  相似文献   

人与自然通过人的劳动进行信息交换、能量交换和物质交换,即三大交换活动协同运动。生物个体即个人的“三大交换”是基础,社会“三大交换”是必不可少的中间环节。个人的“三大交换”与社会“三大交换”的活动就是“私”与“公”的矛盾。“私”与“公”矛盾的运动,推动人类社会的进步和人的发展。“私”、“公”矛盾的运动过程,也就是社会发展的过程,是实现人的自由发展的动力。在建设有中国特色社会主义阶段正确处理“公”、“私”矛盾,主要是树立“公”、“私”分明的观念,实践劳动是人生存发展之本,正确把握个人角色的变换。  相似文献   

现存先秦文献成书时间极为复杂,根据前人研究成果,先秦文献的思想形成或成书时代分为三个阶段:春秋以前、春秋时期、战国时期。其中成书于春秋以前的有《周易》、《尚书》、《诗》的部分内容;成书于春秋时期的有《春秋》、《左传》、《国语》等以及《尚书》、《诗》等的部分内容;成书于战国时期的有《墨子》、《孟子》、《庄子》等以及《尚书》、《周易》等的部分内容。考察并了解先秦文献的成书时代,对于正确引用和解读这些历史文献具有重要意义。  相似文献   

《齐桓晋文之事》注释二题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《齐桓晋文之事》是孟子的代表作之一,该文的中心论点“保民而王,莫之能御也”中的“保”字,一般的注本均采用传统的译法,解释为“安”,此说未妥,当训作“依靠”。另外,文中还有“天下之欲疾其君者”一句中的“欲”字,并非表意愿的动词“想要”,而应该训作表存在的动词“有”。  相似文献   

国内“双师型”教师概念及资格认证标准研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国"双师型"教师的研究起源于上个世纪70年代,对于"双师型"教师的内涵的界定,主要的表述形式有三种,即"双师型教师","双师素质教师","一体化教师"。而关于"双师型"教师的资格认证标准尚处于起步阶段,各种标准盛行。通过对当前各种"双师型"教师资格认证标研究和归纳,形成了"行政标准"学者标准"及"院校标准"三大代表体系,并对三类标准的典型标准进行评述。  相似文献   

在海德格尔前期思想中,人这种此在的存在论表现为生存论.虽然没有明确地涉及技术问题,但技术已经作为背景发挥作用.从生存论立场来看,技术在生存“在世”中显现,技术显示为对器具等世内存在者的上手性的揭示,技术是此在的存在与世内存在者的存在之间的关联环节.世内存在者和此在的在世都显示出具有空间性.世内存在者的空间显示为位置关联,此在的空间显示为“去远”近化的接近的环围.世内存在者的空间和此在的空间,都是通过技术而被设置的和被给予的,技术参与了空间的构成.  相似文献   

郭锡良本《古代汉语》教材,对“完聚”一语的解释亦为:“完,修葺,指修城。聚,聚集,指聚集百姓。”通过翻检《左传》的用例和分析文章的上下文语境,笔者认为“完聚”的解释应以“坚固城郭,聚集粮食”为佳,而非如教材上所言。  相似文献   

《论语》之“论”作“伦理”解、圆通解、“选择”解、“讨论编次”解、“编纂”解都是不对的,而应作“议”解。《说文解字》释“论”为“议”。《论语》、《孔子家语》、《孔子家语后序》和《汉书.艺文志》中的“论”也应释为“议”。《论语》之“论”的动作实施者肯定是孔子,而不是此书之编者。与《论语》同时代的其它著作中也出现了许多作“议”解的“论”字。“语”具有“言说”和“辩论”之义。《论语》书名之义就是:孔子的议论、评论之辞及其与弟子的言说、辩论之辞。  相似文献   

关于人之“性”与人之“欲”,最早的认识从孔子开始。《论语》大量记述了孔子对“欲”的言说,他认为“欲”是“性”发的结果,“欲”可分为:“性”发而皆中节的“和之欲”和“性”发而失中节的“贪之欲”。“和之欲”经《中庸》的进一步阐释,为孟子所继承并提出性善说;“贪之欲”为苟子所发挥,提出了性恶说。  相似文献   

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