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In post-conflict and fragile contexts, one central aim of education is to prepare citizens to rebuild society and manage conflict. In this paper, we discuss the ways that citizenship education, students’ civic attitudes, and student civic practices vary across two post-conflict contexts in Africa: Liberia and Rwanda. First, we consider the historical and current complexities of citizenship education in these countries drawing on a post-colonial framework and Osler and Starkey’s three dimensions of citizenship. Next, we discuss survey and interview data from secondary students based on separate multi-level case studies in the respective countries. We note differences and similarities in student conceptions of good citizenship, civic identity, classroom climate, and civic engagement across the two countries, as well as variation by school type and gender. Some notable findings included less active conceptions of citizenship and openness to discussing controversial issues in Rwanda than in Liberia, and less participation in out of school activities among young women than young men. These and other results highlight differing contextual values of development, security, freedom of speech, and civic action and the overall importance of citizenship education in a post-conflict context.  相似文献   

Leadership, Learning and Systemic Reform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For three consecutive years, opinion polls in the US have placed education as the top national issue (USA Today, 1999). `Education, Education, Education' has been the personal mantra of UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. These responses are not unique, governments across the globe are engaged in the education reform business, motivated by a range of concerns. Drawing on the experience of a number of countries, this article explores the context for education reform, offering insights into the reform process and questioning some of the conventional orthodoxies about the nature of education change. The author argues that the structural reforms which have been the pre-occupation of governments over recent years have been limited in their impact because of their lack of connection to learning – teacher learning and student learning – and because of the ways in which policy-makers have embarked on the change voyage. She argues that governments need to move away from a compliance models of educational reform, towards an approach which reflects the aspirations of schools and communities, and which is supported by forms of leadership connected to learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explain teachers' perceived efficacy for teaching in inclusive classrooms by using a sample of 1911 in-service teachers from China, Finland, and South Africa. Bandura's theory of self-efficacy was used as a starting point to develop distinct models for each country. We found that in all countries, experience in teaching students with disabilities was the strongest predictor of self-efficacy, while the predictive power of other variables differed from country to country. Our findings illustrate ways to improve teacher education to respond better to the challenges set by the global inclusive education movement.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the Cambodian government's attempt to promote civic and moral values in Cambodia schools through the subject “Civics and Morals”. The paper argues that the tensions and challenges associated with civic and moral education are linked to a fundamental difference between the traditional view of education in Cambodia, and the modern view of education promoted by the Cambodian government and external donor agencies. It is further argued that policymakers need to promote the effective teaching and learning of civic and moral values with the support of the local community and religious institutions in Cambodia.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the social dimension of well-being, based on a critical analysis of the way it is conceptualised in late capitalism: As the dimensions of individual state of mind and body, something that evolves in the individual realm, stressing personal responsibility and achievement of well-being as a solitary act. Then, the contemporary conceptualisation and approaches to policy making for well-being are compared with the policy of adult and youth education and learning. The perspective of a strong individual orientation, detachment from the social, community and collective aspects and efforts seem to be a common denominator. Agency is considered not only as a possibility for individuals to create and change the environment, but also as a process of active co-construction of social reality. This includes (re)connection with a community, very often through new ways of community learning, civic actions and civic activities. An analysis of how these perspectives converge in civic interventions in urban areas of Belgrade places togetherness at the core of the broader approach to well-being and learning. This article presents several examples of civic activities in urban spaces whose learning character is interpreted within the concept of public pedagogy. The examples presented prevail in the post-Communist countries because public spaces as zones of civic interventions can oppose the controlling authority and through the fight for human and civil rights represent the bottom line of togetherness and collective agency. Learning through collective civic actions thus provides new ways of understanding well-being.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a research project investigating the role of universities in South Africa in contributing to poverty reduction through the quality of their professional education programmes. The focus here is on theorising and the early operationalisation of multi-layered, multi-dimensional transformation based on ideas from Amartya Sen's capability approach. Key features of a professionalism oriented to public service, which in South Africa must mean the needs and lives of the poor, are outlined. These features include: the demand from justice; the expansion of the comprehensive capabilities both of the poor and professional capability formation to be able to act in ‘pro-poor’ ways; and, praxis pedagogies which shape this connected process. This theorisation is then tentatively operationalised in a process of selecting transformation dimensions.  相似文献   

Arguing that the politicisation of decentralisation appreciably reduces educational quality and efficient resource allocation and negatively affects matters of equity in and delivery of education, the present study provides a critique of decentralisation and privatisation in education in Africa with special reference to Nigeria. On the basis of the experiences of other nations, the author suggests that both decentralisation and privatisation in education – especially the introduction of user fees – have created a new dimension of educational inequality in Nigeria as well. In this case, it can be seen that indicators of efficiency declined significantly in line with negative trends in national-government appropriations to sub-national governments and the education sector. The author concludes that no linkage can be asserted to exist between decentralisation and educational improvement.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the theoretical and practical political frameworks behind the two main approaches to civic education in America, 'civics' and 'service'. The first focuses on educating students about the formal political process. It is associated with liberal political theory and also with a justice-oriented, distributive politics that in practice has increasingly become consumer-oriented--fights over 'who gets what'. The second, 'service' (or community service or service learning) is associated with communitarian political theory and also with politics known internationally as neo-liberalism or the 'Third Way'. Neither liberalism nor communitarianism has been able to mount a significant alternative to what editors of a recent CJE issue call 'educational Darwinism' in education, in which less powerful groups are losers; to the spread generally of marketplace ways of thinking in every arena of society; or to the increasingly militarist and unilateralist foreign policy of the United States and the UK. Only the articulation of a different politics--best described as populist or civic populist in the United States, and 'popular democratic' in South Africa and elsewhere--can generate the power, political energy, and vision of a serious alternative. Populist politics has a different definition of politics itself, including productive as well as distributive dimensions. It has a different view of civic education, focused on the habits of public work, the skills of empowerment, and democratic organizing for cultural change in government, as well as educational and other mediating institutions. Finally, it has a different foreign policy, based on a patriotism that is internationally oriented and cognizant of global interdependence.  相似文献   

Interest in career information and guidance (CIG) has grown as part of many countries efforts to strengthen education to improve their workforce. While CIG may facilitate markets in education and training, the provision of CIG itself is subject to market failures. This paper examines the demand for CIG, the structure of supply, and the nature of markets. Based on the OECD Career Guidance Policy Review, it then examines ways that countries have tried to correct such market failures in CIG – clarifying the responsibilities of governments to create the foundations necessary for markets.  相似文献   

当前我国公民教育的复兴是中国步入现代化的必然结果,也是政治民主化的必然选择,在中国现代化进程中具有非常重要的作用。为更好的开展公民教育借鉴他国经验非常必要。将我国公民教育与美国公民教育理论进行比较,吸取美国公民教育理论精华丰富我国公民教育理论,提高教育的实际效果,实现公民教育的最终目的。  相似文献   

Struggling with workload: Primary teachers’ experience of intensification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the last two decades teachers in many countries have found themselves facing new demands and changes. In his “intensification thesis” Apple, M.W. [(1986). Teachers and Texts. A political economy of class and gender relations in educations. London: Routledge] made a powerful attempt to conceptualize and explain these changes: the growing economic oriented perspective on education leads to an intensification of teachers' work. This paper, which reports on qualitative–interpretative case studies in Flemish (Belgian) primary schools, contributes to a more refined understanding of teachers' working conditions. Using “experience of intensification” as a central concept, the authors call for a refined understanding of the complex interplay of teachers' professional selves, the cultural and structural working conditions in the school and the different “calls for change” they have to deal with. Based on multiple case studies, the authors demonstrate that the experience of intensification is mediated through processes of interpretation and sense-making that are influenced by the organizational working conditions as well as teachers' sense of professional identity.  相似文献   

国外公民教育领域出现了实施途径多元化取向,主要包括学科教学,多学科渗透与整合,课外活动,学校与社区联合,利用互联网进行公民教育等途径。考察和反思国外公民教育实施途径多元化取向,对我国公民教育实施的途径启示为:公民教育实施途径应多元化,公民教育课程的教学方法应多元化,应该重视学生实践能力的培养,要为公民教育营造一个良好的文化环境。  相似文献   

美国公民教育的基本内涵   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在美国,公民教育是指民主社会中关于自治政府的教育,旨在培养知情的、有效的和负责任的公民.美国人认为,民主社会中公民教育的基本组成包括三个方面:公民知识、公民技能和公民品性.美国作为现代公民教育理论研究的策源地,其公民教育不仅对美国本土,而且对世界许多国家的公民教育均产生了广泛而深刻的影响.本文分析介绍了美国公民教育的基本理念与内涵.  相似文献   

In this article we revisit and re‐analyse data from the 1999 IEA CIVED transnational study to examine the factors associated with the ways in which young people learn positive attitudes towards participation in, and knowledge and skills about democracy. Less formal learning, wherever it takes place, has recently been conceptualised as a process of social participation, and we explore its effects using Lave and Wenger's and Wenger's understanding of learning through communities of practice. This is then contrasted with the effect of the volume of civic education. The analysis shows that learning through social participation, both inside and outside school, and in particular through meaning‐making activities shows a strong positive relationship with citizenship knowledge, skills and dispositions across a wide range of countries. Moreover, it demonstrates the usefulness of situated learning theory in the field of civic learning, and its applicability in large‐scale, quantitative studies.  相似文献   

Community involvement in education has been viewed as a – by no means uncontroversial – means for enabling local members to deepen their participation in the decision-making relevant to their schools by playing a constructive role in the process. On the basis of a study carried out in Ghana, the present contribution to this discussion examines various matters involved in delegating the management of an Alternative Primary Education program to two traditional communities in the north of that country. It also explores how community members, school authorities, the sponsoring non-governmental organization and members of the local management committee themselves perceive such an approach to school management. Issues raised include whether inexperienced and even illiterate local citizens should be allowed to manage their schools, the conflicts which such management often entails and, finally, in what ways it might be beneficially promoted.  相似文献   

The relationships between higher education and the world of work are viewed, principally, as similar in economically advanced societies. The comparative study `Higher Education and Graduate Employment in Europe', however, indicates substantial differences between European countries as regards transition to employment, as well as the employment and work situation, according to objective and subjective measures. The analysis is based on a survey of more than 30,000 graduates from 10 European countries about 3–4 years after graduation. The findings suggest that only a minority of 10–20% of graduates face substantial problems on the labour market or end up in positions not commensurate with their level of education. There is a clear North-South differential in Europe with respect to transition and objective employment measures, while the pattern is moredifferentiated with respect to the perceivedutilisation of knowledge, the self-ratedadequacy of position and the job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Southern countries have invested rather heavily in higher education. Yet, their development is severely hampered by problems originating from both national policy conditions and institutional weaknesses. This paper presents an analysis of these problems through a critical analysis of the World Bank Report onEducation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies for Adjustment, Revitalization and Expansion. The paper further highlights the results of a recently published comparative study of higher agricultural education institutions in ten countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. By carefully examining the concrete mandates, expectations and actual possibilities of higher education institutions, this paper tries to explore the academic and societal frontiers of higher education in the South. The paper ends by suggesting ways to improve higher education in the South by using the instrument of South-North university co-operation.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to shed light on the relationship between higher education and economic development by means of econometric tools designed to evaluate the existence and direction of causality: cointegration and Granger-causality tests. The results show a significant causality from national higher educational effort (proxied by the number of students per capita, i.e. not engaged in productive activities) to economic development for four countries: Sweden (1910–1986), United Kingdom (1919–1987), Japan (1885–1975) and France (1899–1986). However, such a causality link has not been found for Italy (1885–1986) or Australia (1906–1986). This suggests that this relationship is indeed not mechanistic as already pointed out by some social scientists.  相似文献   

This paper takes the view that the emergence of some trends and practices in science education mirrors the influence of the process of globalisation in Anglophone Sub-Saharan Africa. Through a literature review, an attempt is made to link science education and globalisation by answering the question: ‘What influence does globalisation have on science education in countries in Anglophone Sub-Saharan Africa?’ The findings of the study show some significant convergence of what is valued in science education in Sub-Saharan Africa in areas such as pedagogy; English language as a medium of instruction; assessment of learning; mobility of students in the region; and in the frameworks for collaborative engagements among stakeholders in Sub-Saharan Africa. The paper concludes with a reflective end-piece calling for more case studies to help scrutinise further the influence of globalisation on science education in Sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, references to "crises" in tertiary education – and in universities in particular – have appeared with increasing frequency in popular and academic texts. Some commentators have concentrated on shortfalls in funding and the exploitation of staff; others have focused on the "moral collapse" of the university, or on issues of curriculum reform and "political correctness" in the classroom. In New Zealand, as in many other countries of the Western World, serious concerns have been raised about the commodification, marketisation and privatisation of education at the university level. This paper provides a concise overview of recent changes in the tertiary sector in New Zealand, and considers possible futures for higher education in the 21st century. Special attention is paid to three themes: the emergence of the "perpetual chooser"; potential changes in conditions of work for academics; and the reconfiguration of academic priorities in the age of the market. The prospects for resistance against elements of the marketisation process are briefly assessed.  相似文献   

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