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本文立足军事技能课教学的特点和规律,针对教学中存在的问题,从教学内容、教学手段和考试制度等几个方面提出了相应的对策,在教学中收到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

文章分析了当前大学英语教学现状,探讨了学生习作中存在的语言错误的原因,强调指出基本功训练应是指导当前大学英语教学的基本思路,并据此提出了一些可行性建议。  相似文献   

马克思主义基本原理课这门课是对大学生进行世界观、人生观、价值观教育的基本课程,具有一般性和普遍概括性的特点.内容比较抽象深奥.要提高马克思主义基本原理课的教学效果,必须注重教学的艺术性.本文从五个方面讨论了这个问题.  相似文献   

In both Ireland and the UK, Traveller children reportedly suffer the lowest rates of educational attainment of any group. This study aimed to promote evidence‐based practice in the teaching of reading to Traveller children and thereby to raise their levels of achievement. This involved teachers delivering an evidence‐based intervention over a specified time frame (three months) and collecting pre‐ and post‐intervention data. The project involved 11 teachers in ten settings. There were seven primary and two secondary schools and one Youthreach project involved in the study. Participants were in the age range 6–17 years. Research findings indicated that participants made very significant gains in reading, and their rates of progress compared well with best international standards. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

根据多年的教学实践,提出了现代条件下高校教学基本功的基本内涵.粗浅认为教学基本功应包括,教学内容的钻研、备课、课堂控制以及积累等.  相似文献   

论高职院校教师基本功之课堂教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课堂教学是教师的基本功之一,直接影响教学效果。文章围绕课堂教学中课前教学设计、新课导入、主题探究、强化巩固和总结拓展五个环节展开讨论,希望对年青教师有所裨益。  相似文献   

Spatial thinking, which is taught and practiced in many of the social sciences, is a skill that is often overlooked in the social work curriculum. Spatial thought increases perception, logic, and organized cognition of goals and therefore holds promise for social work practice. Developing skills in spatial thought offers social workers additional tools for problem solving at all practice levels. Finally, thinking spatially raises awareness of problem-solving techniques in relation to environmental resources, a key aspect of systems theory. Fortunately, spatial thinking can be easily integrated into a variety of social work classes helping students master the skill and understand its importance. This article defines and describes spatial thinking, explores its fit in various areas of the social work curriculum, and discusses ways its use can be encouraged.  相似文献   

Learning to read: an unnatural act   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0  

本文采用文献资料法、调查法、教育测验法、实验法等进行研究,提出培养目标、培养内容,设计培养程序,旨在探寻科学合理的幼专生基础运动技术教学内容和教学方法,更好地培养幼专生体育教学能力.研究结果表明:接受教学实验培养的实验班学生其基础运动技术的认知水平和教学能力都优于接受传统幼师体育教学的对照班学生;对幼专生进行基础运动技术教学能力培养,目标明确,内容具体,教学方法切实可行,提高了幼专生探究与学习的积极性,便于推广.  相似文献   

中国古典舞身韵在基本功教学中的应用,体现了中国古典舞的本质特征。身韵展现了当今社会的风格,使我们的动作的风格和舞蹈的技巧很好地结合起来,成为了新的舞蹈模式。身韵不单单是体现了古典舞的特征,它主要是凝结着古典舞深刻的本质,那就是精、气、神,也包含着现代人的理解,它融入了当代社会的灵魂。希望它能进一步发扬光大,为舞蹈发展做出重大的贡献。  相似文献   

《马克思主义基本原理概论》是高校思想政治理论课的核心,直接关乎"培养什么人、怎么培养人、为谁培养人"的问题。为了提升"原理课"的质效,各地高校进行教学改革,却出现了舍本逐末的情况,而要真正提升"原理课"的质量,必须回到马克思主义的经典文本,在明确"教什么"的基础上再去思考"怎么教"。  相似文献   

Twenty‐two primary school children, aged 6–12 years, who were experiencing significant reading difficulties, were allocated to one of two parent‐instruction treatment conditions according to the parent’s preference. The treatments were based upon learning‐theory principles, and were aimed at teaching the parents optimal ways of helping their child learn to read. One condition involved the parent and child being seen individually by the therapist twice a week over five weeks. The other condition involved the parents meeting as a group for three weekly sessions, and then as a group with their children for the final two sessions. The same learning‐theory principles were taught in both treatment conditions. Seven children who were awaiting treatment provided waiting‐list control data over a five‐week period. Outcome measures of the children’s reading level and reading self‐concept, and the parents’ stress levels during reading‐time showed significant improvements for those in the individual treatment condition, and this improvement was maintained at a follow‐up after two months. While there were some gains for those in the group treatment condition, these were not maintained by the two‐month follow‐up.  相似文献   

运用运动技能的良性迁移进行教学能促进教师对教材的钻研与分析,提高教师的业务素质,同时能够提高师生对所学动作的理解,缩短泛化阶段的时间,促进动作向良性方向发展,加速动力定型,从而缩短教学时间,提高教学效率.  相似文献   

从构建主义观点谈听力教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在反思传统听力课堂教学模式所存在的不足之处的基础之上,以构建主义为理论依据,探讨大学英语听力课堂教学应包含的教学新理念,提出在听力教学申教师应引导学生自主学习,积极主动地参与教学活动.在“听”申学习技能,体验学习方法,积累经验.构建知识,形成能力。  相似文献   

The reading achievement of at-risk first, second, and third grade students participating in a systematic, sequential, multi-sensory, synthetic, phonetically-based approach to reading (Project Read) was compared with that of control group students instructed through the use of traditional basal readers. Data were analyzed for both the full study and a sub-group in which the teacher variable was controlled. Significant differences were found at first grade for all subtests and the total reading achievement of treatment group students. First grade students reached achievement levels thought possible only through tutoring.  相似文献   

高校"思政课"青年教师教学基本功的扎实程度直接影响到其对当代大学生理想信念的教化效应.基于此,厘清高校"思政课"青年教师教学基本功的内涵,客观分析其教学基本功缺失的具体表现及成因,从夯实教学基础知识功底、强化教学基本技能训练和提升教学基本能力等多重路径强化高校"思政课"青年教师的教学基本功训练,将有利于促进教学互动,实...  相似文献   

舞蹈基本功训练中的多元因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舞蹈以人的身体作为物质媒介,在舞蹈基本功训练中,不仅可以用芭蕾的训练方法,也可以用中国古典舞和古典身韵的训练方法,还可以在训练中加入现代舞的训练方法,使舞蹈基本功训练与舞台的关系拉得更进,在训练中更具表现力,对舞蹈演员的全面发展起到了主要作用。  相似文献   

以赛促学——一种高效率的技能教学新模式   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
文章系统地分析和研究了高等职业教育技能教学的现状与问题,提出了在技能教学中以赛促学的新理念,并以大量的实践活动为例证,证明以赛促学确实是快速提高高职院校学生各项基本技能的一种行之有效的教学新模式.  相似文献   

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