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阐述了教师合作研究的定义,详细论述了教师合作研究的原因,强调教师合作研究的重要性,也对目前教师合作研究的现状剖析,并探讨了教师应该如何进行合作研究的问题,对提高教师合作研究的有效性提出自己的见解。  相似文献   

英语教师面临着前所未有的挑战和竞争,因为学生的求知欲和已有的知识范围和种类已远远超过前十年,同时新课程的改革又给教师提出了更高的要求。显而易见,教师的培训和发展迫在眉捷,只有通过教师自身的不断发展,才能面对严峻的挑战,适应改革。如果能培养教师的自我发展能力,鼓励教师开展“教学行为中的科研”。那么教育改革的步伐就会加速。本文旨在从影响教师的自我发展的各种因素着手。通过对教学行为中的行动研究,完成教师的自我发展。  相似文献   

教育研究选题原则的基本含义对教师研究的选题及其评价具有一定误导作用。教育研究课题的价值既包括理论价值、实践价值,也应该包括自我价值,教师研究强调选题的自我价值;教育研究课题的创新既包括外在比较意义上的创新,也应该包括内在比较意义上的创新——自我创新,教师研究强调选题的自我创新。教师研究的课题论证应以选题的自我价值与自我创新为标准,本文从4个方面进行论述,以期提出策略性建议。  相似文献   

对话是教师进行合作研究的必然选择,对话能促进信息的交流与思想的碰撞;促进教师缄默知识的传递;促进教师专业研究的深度以及教师主体性的发展.然而,由于教师自信心不足或者不愿信息分享,教师之间存在论资排辈、领导霸权等现象,导致教师合作研究中话语权的缺失.可以通过营造民主的时话环境、促进教师知识分享的意愿、提高教师的对话能力、创设无处不在的对话环境等方式,让教师合作研究走向真正的对话.  相似文献   

在人们日渐关注教师专业发展、探索各种研究范式之际,欧美教师教育者于20世纪90年代率先提出"自我研究"范式。2011年,该流派的领军人物、美国乔治梅森大学(George Mason Univeristy)教育和人类发展学院教授阿纳斯塔西娅·萨马拉斯(Anastasia Samaras)出版Self-study Teacher Research:Improving Your Practice through Collaborative Inquir y一书,为自我研究提供了综合性教材。由笔者翻  相似文献   

教师专业发展的核心在于教育知识的建构运用、教育才能的发现增长和教育智慧的感悟积淀,其重要途径则是教师的自我研究。自我研究有叙事、传记、行动研究、反思等方式。教师进行自我研究是实施新课程教学的一个不可或缺的技能要求,也是提升教师自身嗉质的重要途径。  相似文献   

教师专业发展的核心在于教育知识的建构运用、教育才能的发现增长和教育智慧的感悟积淀,其重要途径则是教师的自我研究。自我研究有叙事、传记、行动研究、反思等方式。教师进行自我研究是实施新课程教学的一个不可或缺的技能要求,也是提升教师自身素质的重要途径。  相似文献   

建构积极的“教学自我”——教师研究的价值取向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教师研究的可能性与必要性根植于教学情境的动态复杂性、不确定性,与教育理论工作者的学术研究相比较,发生了从自我遮蔽到主动介入、从外求规律到反思自我、从专门探究到日常层面的转换。它要着力建构故事、模式与信念三位一体的、真正属于教师自己的教学生活世界。  相似文献   

教师影响力指教师对学生思想、行为等方面的引领、控制能力。建基于农业社会的传统教师影响力,主要借助于社会赋予教师的伦理等级、知识垄断与道德高度,其结果是导致教师“自我”的消退,教师教学个性在教育教学过程中被遮蔽。当下社会转型时期,教师影响力必须实现由外而内的重建,即由教师个体的人格魅力、知识创新与教育艺术内发出对学生的吸引力、引领力和感染力。在教师影响力重建的同时,教师“自我”得以在教育教学过程中显现,教师教学个性由此生成。  相似文献   

教师自我专业发展策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师作为教育教学的实施主体,其专业发展水平直接关系到教育教学改革的成败。本文从教师个体成长的角度,有针对性地提出了教师自我专业发展的策略,即:树立新的理念,增强自我专业发展的意识;检测专业发展的起点,进行自我专业发展的规划与设计;参加专业培训,提升自我专业发展的水平;投身教育教学改革,提高自我专业发展的能力。  相似文献   

For one semester a team of researchers observed, recorded and discussed the manner in which physics knowledge was being transmitted by the teacher and acquired by a class of Year 11 students (aged 15‐16 years) and the role of the students' textbooks in this process. The collaboration provided an environment in which the teacher, as a member of the research team, could reflect on practice and initiate changes in his teaching. The results of the study are presented as two assertions. First, the collaborative approach enhanced the teacher's philosophical basis for his physics teaching and created an environment in which changes in teaching could occur. Secondly, deficiencies in students' use of the required textbooks were identified, and more effective means for student learning from text were adopted and evaluated.  相似文献   

A high school English department collaboratively addressed the issue of college-readiness in writing while utilizing a focused four-phase leadership model to guide their efforts. Although this discussion highlights the strategic use of writing rubrics, it is the intention to share the benefits of using the four phases of collaborative teacher leadership model with a clear path that strategically uncovers instructional problems, identifies solutions, and analyzes data within a sustainable process. This discussion illustrates how the leadership model guided the department in identifying core causes of students' struggles with academic writing and solutions of strategically using writing rubrics to guide students to higher levels of mastery.  相似文献   

通过对2001-2010国外教师培训研究领域发表的1310篇相关文献进行了基于知识图谱的分析,考察了国外教师培训领域研究的概貌,揭示了国外本领域研究与实践的三个热点领域,并对国外教师培训的八个子领域进行了分析。在上述分析的基础上,提出了构建培训支持系统、扩展培训视野、培训项目设计考虑受训者实际情况及提升其信息素养等四个方面建议。  相似文献   

This article is part of a narrative study of Chinese beginning teacher induction through cross-cultural teacher development, which has been developed and contextualized in the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program between the University of Windsor (UW), Canada and Southwest University (SWU), China. This program is part of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Grant Project, Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education between Canada and China. The partnership builds on the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program, and the Shanghai-Toronto-Beijing Sister School Network. In this article, the authors conducted narrative inquiry with two of the SWU participants in the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program to explore their experience from their cross-cultural learning in Canada to beginning teachers in West China. The findings of the research suggest the need to develop a global and cross-cultural dimension in teacher education and development in West China. It is evident that the cross-cultural experiences in Canada have influenced beginning teachers’ curriculum views, relationship to students, and beliefs about teaching. Their “lived stories” (Connelly & Clandinin, 1990, p. 6) also indicate that the personal, pedagogical, and social influences of cross-cultural experiences play important roles in beginning teachers’ teaching careers.  相似文献   

《教师认知和语言教育:研究与实践》是近期教师教育领域的一部力作,也是英国外语教学研究领域语言教师认知的研究和实践的一个重要里程碑。本书旨在回答教师认知研究什么和怎样去研究的问题。它系统地回顾了近30年的教师认知的主要成果,并对研究方法的种类进行分析对比,从而提出自己的理论研究框架.本文从研究背景入手,全面介绍本书的主要理论体系,同时对本书的创新之处和不足之处加以点评。  相似文献   

本文对关于教师幸福感研究的63篇英文文献进行综述,呈现了国外关于教师幸福感研究的文献特征、发展历程、主题内容和研究视角等相关问题的研究进展。我们发现,当前的研究已经体现出数量持续增长、地区多元和对象全面等特征,已经从教育学概念界定阶段步入多学科概念界定阶段,并尝试借助心理学、积极组织行为学等多种学科理论,以及多种研究方法来解读教师幸福感的主题内容,包括影响因素、生成过程和提升路径等多方面。  相似文献   

Using a case study design and ethnographic methods, this research investigated the interactions of a group of high school mathematics teachers who collaborated daily on issues related to curricular and pedagogical reforms. The members of the collaboration team implemented these reforms with the goal of supporting all students’ learning of 1st-year college preparatory mathematics. This study used conceptual tools from frame analysis (E. Goffman, 1974) alongside an analysis of teacher participation patterns to understand teacher learning within a community of practice (E. Wenger, 1998). This analysis documented development within the teacher community through teachers increasing orientation to classroom-based interventions for struggling students alongside more collegial participation patterns, contributing an empirical example of teacher learning within a community of practice.  相似文献   

Action research is a form of professional inquiry in which the teacher's role is seen as key to educational improvement. This paper describes methodologies developed by the Logo Action Research Collaborative – a national network linking 100 teachers at nine sites – that facilitate and support collaborative inquiry by teachers into their own teaching practices, in order to understand, improve, develop, and incorporate new forms of student assessment, teaching methods, and curriculum. The project focused on the Logo computer language, a powerful learning environment for problem‐solving and mathematical inquiry. The authors provide background information on action research as an evolving discipline. They identify three phases of a year‐long action research cycle, and describe key strategies developed by the project to support teachers in taking on a research frame of mind, identifying areas of concern, and undertaking and completing action research projects. The paper includes several illustrative examples of action research investigations undertaken by teachers, and demonstrates the benefits to the students and teachers involved. It closes by making a case for the potential contribution of action research to current educational reform initiatives and school restructuring.  相似文献   

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