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The aims of this study were to examine whether batters hit stationary balls at the time of peak speed of the bat head and whether the impact occurs at the lowest point of the bat trajectory. Eight university baseball players hit three balls, each hung with a string; each ball was made of a different material and was different in weight. Bat movement was captured by four 240-Hz infrared cameras and analysed three-dimensionally. Time for peak speed of the bat head varied according to the conditions. When stationary balls of standard weight were used, the bat head was at maximum speed at impact with the ball; then, it decelerated drastically owing to the impact. In contrast, maximum speed was obtained after impact when lightweight stationary balls were used. The time–speed profile of the bat head before impact in the lightweight ball condition was identical with that in the standard weight ball condition. Regardless of conditions, the timing of the lowest point of the bat head was nearly identical for each batter and most participants hit the stationary balls at about the lowest point of the bat trajectory  相似文献   

Three-dimensional kinematic data of bat and ball were recorded for 239 individual shots performed by twenty batsmen ranging from club to international standard. The impact location of the ball on the bat face was determined and assessed against the resultant instantaneous post-impact ball speed and measures of post-impact bat torsion and ball direction. Significant negative linear relationships were found between post-impact ball speed and the absolute distance of impact from the midline medio-laterally and sweetspot longitudinally. Significant cubic relationships were found between the distance of impact from the midline of the bat medio-laterally and both a measure of bat torsion and the post-impact ball direction. A “sweet region” on the bat face was identified whereby impacts within 2 cm of the sweetspot in the medio-lateral direction, and 4.5 cm in the longitudinal direction, caused reductions in ball speed of less than 6% from the optimal value, and deviations in ball direction of less than 10° from the intended target. This study provides a greater understanding of the margin for error afforded to batsmen, allowing researchers to assess shot success in more detail, and highlights the importance of players generating consistently central impact locations when hitting for optimal performance.  相似文献   

Cricket batting is an incredibly complex task which requires the coordination of full-body movements to successfully hit a fast moving ball. Biomechanical studies on batting have helped to shed light on how this intricate skill may be performed, yet the many different techniques exhibited by batters make the systematic examination of batting difficult. This review seeks to critically evaluate the existing literature examining cricket batting, but doing so by exploring the strong but often neglected relationship between biomechanics and visual-motor control. In three separate sections, the paper seeks to address (i) the different theories of motor control which may help to explain how skilled batters can hit a ball, (ii) strategies used by batters to overcome the (at times excessive) temporal constraints, and (iii) an interpretation from a visual-motor perspective of the prevailing biomechanical data on batting.  相似文献   

Swing trajectory and ground reaction forces (GRF) of 30 collegiate baseball batters hitting a pitched ball were compared between a standard bat, a bat with extra weight about its barrel, and a bat with extra weight in its handle. It was hypothesised that when compared to a standard bat, only a handle-weighted bat would produce equivalent bat kinematics. It was also hypothesised that hitters would not produce equivalent GRFs for each weighted bat, but would maintain equivalent timing when compared to a standard bat. Data were collected utilising a 500 Hz motion capture system and 1,000 Hz force plate system. Data between bats were considered equivalent when the 95% confidence interval of the difference was contained entirely within ±5% of the standard bat mean value. The handle-weighted bat had equivalent kinematics, whereas the barrel-weighted bat did not. Both weighted bats had equivalent peak GRF variables. Neither weighted bat maintained equivalence in the timing of bat kinematics and some peak GRFs. The ability to maintain swing kinematics with a handle-weighted bat may have implications for swing training and warm-up. However, altered timings of kinematics and kinetics require further research to understand the implications on returning to a conventionally weighted bat.  相似文献   

The inability of the between-bowlers methodology to control parameters external to technique could lead to erroneous significant and non-significant associations being reported between fast-bowling technique and ball release speed. Using Pearson's product - moment correlation, we first examined the effectiveness of a within-bowler methodology to identify associations between technique and ball release speed of an elite semi-open fast bowler over 20 deliveries. These results were compared with associations identified from a between-bowlers methodology in which 20 single-performance trials bowled by elite fast bowlers adopting a semi-open shoulder alignment were collated. Sufficient variation was observed in within-bowler ball release speed to allow f relationships to be identified between technique and ball release speed. Although greater variation in bowling technique parameters was observed in the between-bowlers methodology, no associations were identified between technique and ball release speed. Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that 87.5% of the within-bowler variation in ball release speed can be attributed to run-up velocity, angular velocity of the bowling arm, vertical velocity of the non-bowling arm, and stride length. The within-bowler methodology provided significant detailed information about the individual bowler that the between-bowlers methodology overlooked, forming the basis of a performance enhancement programme. It is recommended that within-bowler methodology be used in future investigation of technique relationships.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the associations between lower limb biomechanics and ball release speed in 15 high-performance (HP) and 15 amateur fast bowlers. Kinematic and kinetic variables of the lower limbs collected in the laboratory environment with a 3D Vicon motion analysis system were compared between groups, as well as their associations with ball release speed. HP bowlers had a significantly higher run-up velocity at back foot impact but this difference became non-significant at ball release. Front knee kinematics were not statistically different, however effect sizes revealed medium-large differences with the HP group displaying a more extended knee joint at maximum flexion (d = 0.72) and ball release (d = 0.76). Only front hip positive power was significantly higher in the HP group and it was suggested that the probable cause was the HP bowlers having less knee flexion after front foot impact. From a joint power analysis, the extensor muscle groups of the hip and knee were shown to be important in developing ball release speed. This highlights the need for lower limb/core strength programmes to be multifaceted and focus on the muscles associated with both power and stability.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2016,19(2):211-226
This case study deals with the transformative rebranding of the Winston-Salem Warthogs, a Class High-A minor league baseball franchise and affiliate of Major League Baseball's Chicago White Sox, as the Winston-Salem Dash. It was written and designed to be multi-faceted for instructors to use in various sport management courses, such as sport marketing, organizational behavior, human resource management, ticket and sponsorship sales, and public relations. There are three primary aims of the study. The first aim is to challenge students to critically assess the practices of external rebranding (with implications relative to consumer attitudes and brand equity) and internal rebranding (with workplace outcomes that favor employees and uphold brand values). The second aim is to make students consider the potential pitfalls of rebranding with regard to crisis and contingency planning and public relations. The third aim is to highlight the potential payoffs of rebranding when managers of sport organizations are willing to consider changes in views regarding the spirit and culture of the work environment (internal brand) and the overall quality and characteristics of brand marks (external brand). As a core feature of this real-world case study, interviews with stakeholders and personnel of the franchise give a glimpse at some real scenarios that students may face as they enter into the industry of team sport marketing.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of a smartphone app to measure biomechanical barbell parameters during the snatch. Ten collegiate NCAA division I athletes performed two repetitions each at 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80% of their 1-repetition maximum snatch. Barbell motions were simultaneously recorded with a motion capture system and the smartphone app. The motion capture system recorded the 3-D position of a reflective marker attached to the end of the barbell while the smartphone app was used to record sagittal plane video and track the shape of the weight plate from which the barbell center was derived. Peak forward (PFD) and backward (PBD) displacements and peak vertical displacement (PVD) and velocity (PVV) were calculated from both sets of data. Significant, strong to very strong Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients between both systems were noted for all parameters (r = 0.729–0.902, all p < 0.001). Small significant biases between systems were observed for PVD (ES = 0.284, p < 0.001) and PFD (ES=0.340, p < 0.01), while trivial to small, non-significant biases were observed for PBD (ES = 0.143) and PVV (ES = –0.100). Collectively, the results suggest that the app can provide biomechanical data of barbell motions similar to a 3-D motion capture system.  相似文献   

Participants (N = 162, ages 10-15 years) performed a tennis stroke in a coincidence-timing task. Major results were: (a) performance improved mainly between the ages of 10-13 years; (b) skill differences were reflected by variable error (VE); (c) boys were lower than girls for VE and absolute error; (d) high stimulus velocity was related to low VE and late responding. Results concerning response organization favored explanations based on ecological perspectives rather than information processingperspectives. However, it is premature to disregard the potential role of programming. The view is supported that a continuous process of coupling perceptual and motor responses coordinates control of response timing. These cognitive processes appear to be: (a) refined with practice; (b) sensitive to differences in age, skill, and gender; and (c) adaptable to changes in environmental demands.  相似文献   


Since the turn of the 21st century, there has been a resurgence of vibration technology to enhance sport science especially for power and force development. However, vibration exercise has been trialled in other areas that are central to athlete performance such as warm-up, flexibility and sprint speed. Therefore, the aim of this review was to attempt to gain a better understanding of how acute and short-term vibration exercise may impact on warm-up, flexibility and sprint speed. The importance of warming up for sporting performance has been well documented and vibration exercise has the capability to be included or used as a standalone warm-up modality to increase intramuscular temperature at a faster rate compared to other conventional warm-up modalities. However, vibration exercise does not provide any additional neurogenic benefits compared to conventional dynamic and passive warm-up interventions. Vibration exercise appears to be a safe modality that does not produce any adverse affects causing injury or harm and could be used during interval and substitution breaks, as it would incur a low metabolic cost and be time-efficient compared to conventional warm-up modalities. Acute or short-term vibration exercise can enhance flexibility and range of motion without having a detrimental effect on muscle power, however it is less clear which mechanisms may be responsible for this enhancement. It appears that vibration exercise is not capable of improving sprint speed performance; this could be due to the complex and dynamic nature of sprinting where the purported increase in muscle power from vibration exercise is probably lost on repeated actions of high force generation. Vibration exercise is a safe modality that produces no adverse side effects for injury or harm. It has the time-efficient capability of providing coaches, trainers, and exercise specialists with an alternative modality that can be implemented for warm-up and flexibility either in isolation or in conjunction with other conventional training methods.  相似文献   


This study examined the age-specific development of vertical jump height, straight and change-of-direction (COD) speed, and COD deficit in one-hundred and eighty-two elite soccer players from different age-categories (U15, U17, U20, and Senior). All participants were players of two distinct clubs and were undertaking different training routines, as planned by their technical staff members. For this purpose, the soccer players performed: (1) squat and countermovement jumps; (2) a maximal 20-m linear sprint speed test, and (3) the Zigzag COD test. The magnitude-based inference approach and standardized differences were used to compare the age-groups. Sprint speed at longer distances (20-m) increased progressively across the age-ranges. In contrast, speed and acceleration performances at shorter distances (5-m) were better in U15 than in the other age-categories. The COD speed did not change throughout the younger categories but presented a meaningful decrease in the Senior category. Surprisingly, despite the progressive increase in volume and intensity of neuromuscular training from younger to older categories, the COD deficit presented a gradual increase across the age-groups. It is possible that simple modulation of the strength-power training program during the maturation process is not sufficient to produce faster adult players with enhanced ability to change direction. Therefore, coaches are strongly encouraged to implement specific COD training practices to tolerate braking at increasing running speeds and appropriate volume and intensity of soccer specific training throughout the players’ specialization process.  相似文献   

The appropriate determination of performance outcome is critical when appraising a performer’s technique. Previous studies of rugby place kicking technique have typically assessed performance based on ball velocity, but this is not the sole requirement. Therefore, a mathematical model of rugby place kick ball flight was developed to yield a single measure more representative of true performance. The model, which requires only initial ball flight kinematics, was calibrated and validated using empirical place kick data, and found to predict ball position with a mean error of 4.0% after 22 m of ball flight. The model was then applied to the performances of 33 place kickers. The predicted maximum distance, a single performance measure which accounted for initial ball velocity magnitude and direction, and spin, was determined using the model and was compared against ball velocity magnitude. A moderate association in the rank-order of the kicks between these two measures (ρ = 0.52) revealed that the relative success of the kicks would be assessed differently with each measure. The developed model provides a representative measure of place kick performance that is understandable for coaches, and can be used to predict changes in performance outcome under different ball launch or environmental conditions.  相似文献   

There is little published data in relation to the effects of caffeine upon cycling performance, speed and power in trained cyclists, especially during cycling of approximately 60 s duration. To address this, eight trained cyclists performed a 1 km time-trial on an electronically braked cycle ergometer under three conditions: after ingestion of 5 mg x kg-1 caffeine, after ingestion of a placebo, or a control condition. The three time-trials were performed in a randomized order and performance time, mean speed, mean power and peak power were determined. Caffeine ingestion resulted in improved performance time (caffeine vs. placebo vs. control: 71.1 +/- 2.0 vs. 73.4 +/- 2.3 vs. 73.3 +/- 2.7 s; P = 0.02; mean +/- s). This change represented a 3.1% (95% confidence interval: 0.7-5.6) improvement compared with the placebo condition. Mean speed was also higher in the caffeine than placebo and control conditions (caffeine vs. placebo vs. control: 50.7 +/- 1.4 vs. 49.1 +/- 1.5 vs. 49.2 +/- 1.7 km x h-1; P = 0.0005). Mean power increased after caffeine ingestion (caffeine vs. placebo vs. control: 523 +/- 43 vs. 505 +/- 46 vs. 504 +/- 38 W; P = 0.007). Peak power also increased from 864 +/- 107 W (placebo) and 830 +/- 87 W (control) to 940 +/- 83 W after caffeine ingestion (P = 0.027). These results provide support for previous research that found improved performance after caffeine ingestion during short-duration high-intensity exercise. The magnitude of the improvements observed in our study could be due to our use of sport-specific ergometry, a tablet form and trained participants.  相似文献   


Road cycling ranks among the most intense endurance exercises. Previous studies and mathematical models describing road cycling have not analysed performances per se. We describe the evolution of road cycling performance over the past 116 years. We studied the top ten cyclists' mean speeds in eight famous classic races and three European Grand Tours, using a previously published multi-exponential model that highlights the different progression periods of an event during the century. In addition, we measured an indicator of difficulty for the Tour de France by calculating the climbing index (i.e. the total altitude climbed over total distance). The eleven races' mean speed increased progressively from 23.13 km · h?1 in 1892 to 41.19 ± 2.03 km · h?1 in 2008. Road cycling development, like other quantifiable disciplines, fits a piecewise progression pattern that follows three periods: before, between, and after the two World Wars. However, a fourth period begins after 1993, providing a speed progression of 6.38% from the third one. The Tour de France's climbing index also provided insight into a recent paradoxical relationship with speeds: when the climbing index increased, the winner's speed also increased. Our results show a major improvement (6.38%) in road cycling performance in the last 20 years and question the role of extra-physiological parameters in this recent progression.  相似文献   

对某优秀跨栏运动员的心理监督,咨询和训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍运动心理学工作者与教练员配合,在1990亚运会前16个月内,共同对一位跨栏运动员进行心理监督、咨询和训练的研究情况。结果表明:1)对该运动员运用心理学方法的科学训练应以教练员为主体,在运动员自觉配合下进行;2)高质量的运动表象能力对于该运动员从专项身体训练转换到专项技术训练的过程有促进作用,并有利于形成赛前最佳心理状态;3)心理咨询对于形成该运动员稳定的心理状态有促进作用.  相似文献   

Sir Galahad, alias Bertha Eckstein-Diener, was a famous Austrian author writing in the first half of the twentieth century. Her most important books include the novel The Conic Sections of God (Die Kegelschnitte Gottes [1921]), which contains much autobiographical material, and Mothers and Amazons (Mütter und Amazone [1932]), a cultural history of women focusing on matriarchies. Bertha Eckstein-Diener had an unusual life: the daughter of a well-to-do factory owner, she grew up in Vienna, married polymath Friedrich Eckstein against her father's will, divorced her husband after several years of marriage, survived a tragic love affair and travelled constantly. She was proud both of her slim figure and of her sporting achievements. As a young woman, she was one of Vienna's best figure skaters, an excellent horse rider and a mountaineer. She gave up skating for skiing, which became her main pastime in winter. She also learned ski jumping. The little information that is available about her skiing activities clearly demonstrates that this sport played a key role in her life. Besides perfectly keeping up with her self-image as a competent woman, skiing provided her with the opportunity of escaping normal life and experiencing freedom and adventure.  相似文献   

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