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Internationally, the railway industry is facing a severe shortage of engineers with high-level, relevant, professional and technical knowledge and abilities, in particular amongst engineers involved in the design, construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure. A unique graduate level programme has been created to meet that global need via a fully online, distance education format. The development and operation of this Master of Engineering degree is proposed as a model of the process needed for industry-relevance, flexible delivery, international networking and professional development required for a successful graduate engineering programme in the twenty-first century. In particular, this paper demonstrates how a mix of new and more familiar technologies are utilised through a variety of tasks to overcome the huge distances and multiple time zones that separate the participants across a growing number of countries, successfully achieving close and sustained interaction amongst the participants and railway experts.  相似文献   


This study employed phenomenological and semi-structured interviews as an action research approach, to explore participants’ experiences around the Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy (The Assembly) following the Conference of the Action Research Network of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia. We sought to promote the inclusion of the diverse voices from the Global North and South who convened in the event, by understanding the participants’ experiences as part of this assembly, and its possible impact after the event. We found that Assembly participants’ experiences helped us understand Global North-South critical dialogues that challenge traditional notions of knowledge democracy that have held back, maybe unintentionally, the voices of those in the Global South. The Assembly participants’ promoted critical dialogues when presenting their visual metaphors, dances and other ways of producing knowledge during the Assembly. Although, Global North and South participants struggled with language barriers, they found enabling spaces at the Assembly to share their proposals, at both individual and community levels, framing actions and building partnerships with organizations within collective international efforts. Further, having a research team comprising both Global North and Global South voices, gave greater vision and authenticity to recognize and appreciate alternative methodologies of participation, which reconfigured the Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy process.  相似文献   

在我国,习惯于称爱读书的人家为“书香人家”,称读书人家的子弟为“书香子弟”。这是人们对读书人的一种敬重。据说现在能冠以“书香”的人家和子弟越来越少了。前些日,在网上看到一则消息,一次大学生就业招聘会上,用人单位的考官问道:“你最近看过那些书,有什么体会?”问题是再平常不过的了,但令人吃惊的是,应聘的大学生普遍说不出自己看过那些书。读罢这则消息,让人感慨良多。大学生不爱读书,主观上看是具有功利色彩的新“读书无用论”作怪,客观上看是学校缺少书香气的营造。  相似文献   

演讲作为一门有声语言艺术是一项艰苦的劳动。由于我们对演讲的认识不足,因此使用时,常常被留于表面,使演讲缺乏应具备的深刻性、灵活性和时代性。实际上演讲过程是一个复杂的生理和心理的活动过程,它主要具备感受过程、思维过程和想象过程.只有充分认识和把握,才能克服演讲的表层性和盲目性,真正使演讲具有较强的感染力。  相似文献   

创建学习型组织,要在创建理论的学习上下功夫,学习要有制度上的保证;创建“学习型组织”要结合本单位的实际工作,找准结合点;创建“学习型组织”还要经常举行研讨和交流活动。  相似文献   

文章分析了我院目前校园的安全形势,讨论了创建平安校园的重要性和必要性,着重提出了一些建设性的意见和详细可行的创建措施。还强调了为实现此目标必须全员参与、共尽其力。  相似文献   

Until relatively recently, the teaching of chemistry at the college and university level in the United States has been quite traditional and oriented primarily toward the preparation of chemists. Students not concentrating in the sciences have often been poorly served by existing courses. Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society, a textbook for nonscience majors developed under the sponsorship of the American Chemical Society, is an effort to address the needs and interests of this audience. The book introduces the phenomena and principles of chemistry within the context of socially significant issues such as global warming, ozone depletion, alternate energy sources, nutrition, and genetic engineering. The chemistry is presented as needed to inform an understanding of the central topics, and the text features student-centered activities designed to promote critical thinking and risk-benefit analysis as well as an understanding of chemical principles. This paper summarizes the origin, development, content, pedagogy, evaluation, and influence of Chemistry in Context and considers its potential implications for other disciplines and the instruction of science majors.  相似文献   

Mega Planning uses Kaufman's Minimum Ideal Vision as its starting point. In a world attempting to plan its way out of multiple disasters and reach a better future, it is critically important to promote Mega Planning to the widest audience. Extending the Ideal Vision and adding new measures of social progress will make the Vision more compelling. Suggestions are compared with the report of Sarkozy's Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress.  相似文献   

The present paper outlines the process through which a local authority Psychological Service developed a team of educational psychologists able to provide intensive, short-term counselling to children and their families. The rationale, the operational procedures and current evaluations are provided. It is hoped that this article will inform and assist other Psychological Services to develop similar approaches.  相似文献   

当前中学地理教学低迷,课时少,教学任务重,知识性强,学生会缺乏一定的兴趣,教师的情绪也不高,在一定程度上会影响课堂教学的效果。我们可以把“双赢”这个词借鉴到地理课堂中来,地理教学中的“双赢”就是要求教师和学生自觉地投入到课堂教学中,教师希望通过课堂教学体现自己的生命价值,并使自身得到发展;学生希望通过课堂教学发散自己的思维,主动地发现问题,解决问题。那么课堂教学的实施就至关重要,采用哪些做法更能使课堂气氛良好,效果显著,是打造双赢的地理课堂的关键。  相似文献   

In 1993, the Government of Austria passed legislation establishing a 'binary policy' in higher education. A new accrediting body the Fachhochschulrat was created, empowered to accredit vocationally oriented courses in any institution seeking to offer them. Institutions meeting certain conditions will be entitled to seek designation as Fachhochschulen. The policy marks an important departure from the traditionally highly regulated and centralized system of policymaking in Austria. The article offers an analysis of the factors leading to the policy and analyses the implications for the future. It draws on the author's experience as a member of a team of examiners from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) undertaking a policy review of Austrian higher education, and points to lessons for Austria from the United Kingdom's experience over the last 25 years.  相似文献   

全面推进素质教育 ,倡导、实施创新教育工程 ,迫切要求建设一支高素质的、能自主发展的创新型教师队伍。教师成为研究者 ,是新形势下教师提高素质、发展能力、谋求自我发展的一种有效途径。教师要改变传统的“教书匠”形象 ,就要在认识教师参与科研的必要性、可能性的基础上 ,从“反思”入手 ,在与专业研究者的合作研究中 ,逐步发展和提高自己的科研能力 ,努力成为学校教育教学实践的“研究者” ,这样才能全面塑造 2 1世纪的教师新形象  相似文献   


This qualitative case study analyzed how one large high school created a community of care for ninth-grade students. Data were collected during the 2006–2007 school year, including observations, individual interviews, and focus group interviews of 1 female teacher and 9 of her students. Findings suggest the Freshman Focus teachers and program helped to establish three caring relationships (teacher to program, teacher to student, program to student) that promoted a community of care. The development of positive teacher beliefs about students, supportive teacher–student relationships, and the promotion of academic and life skills may help create a caring community in which students are the primary receivers of care.  相似文献   

教学是预设与生成、封闭与开放的矛盾统一体。传统教学过分强调预设与封闭,从而使课堂教学缺乏生气和乐趣,师生的生命力在课堂中得不到充分发挥。要构建充满生命力的课堂氛围,主要体现在加强学生的小组交流与合作,主动探究学习,扩大教学内容的广度和提高教师的语言水平和教学艺术等几方面。  相似文献   

所谓微课程是为了让学习者在自学中获得最好的效果,利用现代信息化教学设计,围绕某个教学环节或者某个知识点以媒体形式呈现比较完整的或者简短的教学活动方式。微课程突出重点就是自主学习、学习效果、信息化方式以及媒体形式。微课程采用分摊式的学习方法为学习者提供很简短的学习信息,每次对少量知识的接触更容易让学习者掌握吸收。微课程是如今微时代的发展结果,是为了满足社会需要的必然产物。由于微课程教学的时间短、内容精简以及形式新颖等等多方面优势的存在,自产生以来得到人们的广泛关注和推广[2],同时也更好的促进了我国社区教育的发展。本文就如何打造社区网络微课程平台的问题做了具体阐述。  相似文献   


This article addresses the significant responsibilities of teachers of trauma courses to conscientiously create a safe frame for learning, in consideration of the student, who is inevitably exposed to the intense emotional and conceptual challenges of trauma study. During their study, many students revisit earlier trauma or loss, perhaps unexpectedly, and in the context of academic demands for achievement. Learning can be deepened as students experience a safe context for the material, and for the recognition of the demands of trauma study and treatment. Curriculum inclusion of: the impact of trauma study on all students; recognition of additional demands on students with a history of trauma; a teaching process attending to class experience; addressing vicarious traumatization and encouraging enhancement of self-care, is included.  相似文献   

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