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采用文献资料法等,对唐代女子参与的主要体育活动(球类、百戏、户外休闲、游戏娱乐等)进行梳理分析,认为:唐时期政治的相对稳定、经济的繁荣、文化的开放与宽容,为女子体育的发展提供了物质基础和精神支持;植根于本土的儒、释、道三教文化以及外来文化的交流融合,丰富了唐代女子体育思想,随即呈现出了内容丰富、形式多样的女子体育活动形式;唐代女子体育发展呈多元化兴起的局面,是中国古代女子体育的一大特色。因此,对唐代女子体育的研究可为中国古代女子体育研究提供参考,为我国现今发展女子体育事业提供借鉴。  相似文献   

唐代女子体育试探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献资料的研究方法.唐代是我国封建社会政治、经济、文化发展的重要时期,体育在这一时期得到长足发展,尤其是女子体育.其体育项目丰富多彩,体育人数参加之多都是此前其他朝代所无法比拟的.研究论述唐代女子体育开展的项目:蹴鞠、马球、步打球、踏球、骑射、拔河、秋千、赛舟、踏青、舞蹈、剑术、围棋、游泳等,为女子体育发展提供借鉴.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法对中国女子竞技体育的发展进行回顾.主要结论:中国女子竞技体育始于近代.发展于新中国成立后,繁荣于改革开放后;中国女子竞技体育的崛起得益于举国体制、传统文化的积淀和世界女子竞技体育的兴起等.  相似文献   

本文主要采用文献资料的方法,通过对唐代部分文学资料进行分析,及对唐代女子参与体育活动形式进行考证,总结出唐代女子对中国古代体育的发展的作用。  相似文献   

刘芳梅 《湖北体育科技》2004,23(3):299-300,303
中国的唐代是我国封建社会的兴盛时期,也是中国古代体育最辉煌的时期。文章通过对唐代女子体育活动的特点及其原因作一探究,希望对发展我国现代女子体育运动有所借鉴意义。  相似文献   

田卫丽 《收藏》2008,(4):114-115
继春秋战国和两汉之后,唐代体育又一次得到巨大发展。其时体育繁荣的一个显著标志就是女子体育运动的兴盛。  相似文献   

唐代军事体育略考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐代特别重视军事体育活动,军中的各种活动都同体育密切相关.通过文献资料法等,对河洛文化中我国唐代军事体育文化活动进行考证,发现唐代选拔军事人才以军事体育才能为主要标准,其主要体育活动是舞剑浑脱、投石、拔距、蹴鞠、田猎、负重等,军事体育活动起到富国强兵的作用,使唐人身体素质得到提高.  相似文献   

我国女子竞技体育优势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以北京奥运会我国女运动员获奖情况为分析切入点,从社会制度与举国体制、经济实力与综合国力、传统文化与性别平等、运动队管理与科学训练、体育人才培养体制与项目的战略结构调整、高等教育大众化与体育商业化、女子竞技体育职业化与运动员社会保障体系、世界女子体育的蓬勃发展等方面,探讨中国女子竞技体育优势现象产生和发展的原因以及影响此现象的社会学因素.提出坚持和完善我国竞技体育的举国体制、保障女运动员的基本权益、加强对女子竞技体育的宣传、进行项目的战略结构调整、加强训练的科学性、完善竞技体育人才培养体制、夯实学校体育基础、完善运动员社会保障体系、促进女子竞技体育职业化等建议.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法等分析唐代长安城市区域体育文化"群"的形成原因、文化特征及其在生态中的功能。唐代长安体育生态具有"镇集化"形态,体育文化具有"群"特征,其体育文化区域主要可以分为军事体育文化区域、宫廷体育文化区域、文化体育文化区域、食邑体育文化区域以及宗教体育文化区域等。提出民族的文化传统和时代创造精神是民族体育文化发展内在的、特有的动力源泉,呼吁加强对民族体育文化历史的研究,以探索我国民族体育发展独特的文化道路。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法分析认为,唐代体育诗歌描写的内容主要包括当时流行运动项目、节令体育、女子体育以及休闲娱乐活动等。这些体育诗歌的出现,与唐代体育活动的广泛开展、文人学士对体育的喜爱以及诗人以体育诗歌讽谏朝政、迎合权贵等因素有关。  相似文献   

我国城市体育产业中民族传统体育的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了我国民族传统体育的文化定位,即属社会亚文化系统的人文科学范畴。民族传统体育在城市体育产业中占有极为重要的地位,是全面建设小康社会不可缺失的内容,它必然向着生活化、人性化、科学化、产业化的方向发展。  相似文献   

王雪莲  付晓静 《湖北体育科技》2011,30(2):159-161,164
体育新闻发言人制度是我国体育新闻发布制度的重要组成部分,对于我国体育组织的形象建构和赛事品牌的塑造具有重要作用.目前我国体育新闻发言人制度还存在一些问题,如缺乏媒体服务意识,在一系列体育赛事危机事件中的"失语",对突发事件的应对不专业等,完善我国体育新闻发言人制度,需要建立和健全体育新闻发言人制度的相关法律法规,同时,...  相似文献   


The two major sports indigenous to Ireland are Gaelic football and hurling. Both are 15-a-side field games played on a pitch 40% longer than a soccer field. They are firmly linked to a nationalist tradition and have by far the highest participation rates in sports in the country. Both games make multiple demands on participants due to their free-flowing nature and quick movement of play from end to end of the pitch. Hurling calls for hand–eye coordination and skilled use of the hurling stick in hitting and blocking the ball. Fitness characteristics mirror game demands. Participants at elite level in both games display high aerobic power, the footballers tending to be stronger in the upper body and better in vertical jumping. Gaelic footballers in particular match the fitness characteristics of professional soccer players, except for sprinting speed. Less attention has been paid to female participants, especially in camogie, the female version of hurling. Despite their amateur status, and due to the popularity of the sports and the training regimens adopted by players, the games have garnered sports science support systems for elite performers. Support personnel benefit from a generic knowledge base as well as a burgeoning research agenda targeted at the Gaelic games.  相似文献   

马球文化:唐文化的潜流   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐代曾经是我国历史上最为辉煌的一个时期。盛唐气象已成为后人对唐文化最普遍和最具代表性的认识。唐文化的发展和影响在中国历史上是空前的。唐代城市的繁荣,经济的发达,文化的昌盛,大大促进了体育文化的发展,唐文化的精神实质也深深地烙入了体育文化之中。马球是唐代最流行的一项运动,它似一股隐藏的潜流,彰显着这个时代的文化和社会生活。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine the role of sport in immigrant youths integration into a host society. The analyses are based on a survey of 454 first-generation immigrant youths from secondary, vocational, and pre-apprenticeship schools located in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. In short, our results indicate that for most immigrant youth, sport is an important part of their free time, even though the proportion of female immigrant youth doing sport in sports clubs is twice as low as that of male immigrant youth. Our findings also illustrate that female and male immigrant youth who do sports in clubs have considerably more personal contact with Swiss peers during these sporting activities. Moreover, the young people who have frequent personal contact with Swiss peers during sporting activities reported having considerably more intercultural contacts in their free time and among their close friends. Finally, immigrant youths’ contacts with Swiss peers during sporting activities increase their feeling of being integrated in Switzerland.  相似文献   

九姓胡对唐代体育的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以欧亚体育交流的全球史观为出发点,通过考察唐代汉文化与西域中亚绿洲陆桥文化的交流,探讨唐代九姓胡文化沿丝绸之路北道的传播交流对唐代汉体育文化的影响。  相似文献   


An Australian analysis of global sporting megatrends has noted the rise in prominence of action sports. Over the past few decades, action sports have continued to evolve and fragment. Changes in the high-performance sector have been particularly evident through the highly visible inclusion of action sports such as BMX, snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding and sports climbing in the Olympic Games. However, while there has been a swift rise in the prominence and position of action sports globally, relatively little is known about the impact of the shifting formalization and professionalization of these sports and their participants. Focussing on the Australian context, this article seeks to capture and critique the professional development of coaches and athletes, while drawing on examples from BMX, surfing and skateboarding. Further, implications of funding, research and new media technologies on the knowledge, expertise and credentials of elite action sports participants are discussed. Findings of the systematic analysis suggest that there are differing opportunities for professionalization of action sports both nationally and internationally, with the subsequent recommendation being that sporting organizations join forces to support the advancement of athletes and coaches.  相似文献   

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