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In a nutshell, see Table 1 for a listing of the cognitive strategies and technological counterparts. To summarize—consider the following: • Employ information without necessarily storing it in long-term memory. • Present smaller self-contained modules where applicable. • Train in the workplace setting when possible. • Add variety through different forms of media and approaches. • Interact with the trainee by creating two-way learning environments.  相似文献   


This research project included two studies that investigated (a) differences between technology use in tech-knowledgeable and less tech-knowledgeable older persons, (b) cognitive and affective variables and their association with the application of technology, and (c) the implications of these variables on the design of remote-delivered caregiver education. Study 1 findings suggested that high technology (e.g., Internet delivered education) reduced stress among the tech-knowledgeable group. In Study 2, which focused on the less tech-knowledgeable group, neither high technology (e.g., telehealth-delivered education) nor low technology (e.g., phone-delivered education) was associated with the cognitive and affective measures used in the study. Implications in the training of older caregivers with digital technology are discussed for negotiating the affective and cognitive features in remote delivered caregiver eduational protocols.  相似文献   

师范生是未来教师的重要来源之一。提升师范生信息技术素质对其教师职业能力提高具有重要的作用。本文分析了师范生信息技术素质培养的现状,并从加强顶层设计、拓宽信息技术素质培养途径两个方面提出了改进对策。  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2003,13(2):177-189
An experimental study with 60 students investigated the effects of including static or dynamic visuals in an expository text on a learning outcome and the use of learning strategies while working with those visuals. For the study, two illustrated and one text-only version of a computer-based learning text on an astrophysical subject were developed and served as the learning material. Considering the cognitive task demand in a learning test, we found significant differences between the illustrated versions and the text-only version, but not between the two illustrated ones. We used think-aloud protocols to examine the learning processes initiated by both types of visuals. The coding of the recorded learning activities was based on recent theories of learning strategies. The results for both types of illustrations indicate different frequencies in the use of learning strategies relevant for the learning outcome, and therefore indicate the contribution of the cognitive process quality for the supportive function of visuals.  相似文献   

Argument–counterargument integration (Nussbaum, 2008) refers to the process of evaluating, refuting, and synthesizing arguments on two sides of an issue when creating justification for an overall conclusion. This study compared the cognitive load of two critical thinking strategies related to argument–counterargument integration: (a) constructing design claims that minimize disadvantages of an alternative, and (b) weighing refutations (which weaken an argument by arguing that there are more important values at stake). College students (N = 285) first completed the Need for Cognition (NFC) scale and were then presented with materials summarizing arguments and counterarguments on the topic of grading class participation. Participants completed a small, integrative essay justifying a stand on the issue, and completed the Mental Effort Rating Scale (Paas, 1992). Participants who generated complex weighing refutations reported more mental effort than those constructing complex design claims (and the control group), with a stronger relationship with those high in NFC. The need to coordinate disparate elements in working memory may explain the higher load associated with constructing weighing refutations. Students may need more (and different types of) scaffolding in using this strategy than when constructing a design claim, which is a more sequential process.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test Cohen's hypothesis that students who develop the school-preferred information-processing approach will perform better than other students. Using six instruments designed to identify preferred cognitive strategies, 135 students stratified by achievement were tested. Results suggest that achievement is significantly related to the acquisition of a particular cognitive style.  相似文献   

We elaborated and applied a training programme to teach learning strategies to students in continuing adult education courses in Valencia (Spain) throughout an academic year. We worked with one control group and with one experimental group. These groups were equivalent in terms of pre-test assessments and there was not any significant difference of means either in learning strategies or in marks in Spanish and Maths. We found significant difference of means in the post-test, after the training programme, in learning strategies, and also an important difference in marks. Experimental students improved their learning strategies significantly along with their marks in Spanish and Maths, whereas control students didn’t improve either their learning strategies or their marks. So we obtained generalization and transference of results. We think that these results are important and that they confirm the effectiveness of the methods of the educational intervention which we used. This intervention is placed in the field of learning to learn.  相似文献   

通过对元认知策略使用情况的调研来探讨大学英语听力教学。元认知策略的培养能够使学生更好的把握听力思维过程,提高听力课的教学效果,加强学生自主学习的能力。调研结果显示,学生的策略使用情况处于中等水平,大部分只是偶尔或有时使用学习策略,针对这一结果,根据O’Malley和Charnot的论述设计了有针对性的学习策略课堂培训,并进行了讨论。学习策略培训在课堂上的应用将有利于大学英语教学“培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力”这一目标的实现。  相似文献   

介绍了四川大学工程训练国家级实验教学示范中心。中心针对目前工程训练教学和基地建设存在的问题,从示范中心可持续发展和新工科建设要求出发,提出以先进制造技术和信息技术为主线,以系统化、集约化和虚拟现实技术应用为技术手段,以提高效率和效益为目的的"内涵式增长"模式,以及"先进性、专业性、课程性、创意性"四位一体的建设理念,建设了先进制造技术集约化训练系统。所建成的三个集成系统,为开展多层次的工程训练实践教学、进行教学内容的顶层设计和向双创型实验教学中心转型提供了条件。  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - Cognitive load theory provides instructional recommendations based on our knowledge of human cognition. Evolutionary psychology is used to assume...  相似文献   

分析了教育信息化时代教师专业知能的内容,指出师范生教师专业知能,既要获得学科知识和教育知识,更要具有运用信息技术教授学科知识的能力,具体表现在专业理念、专业知识、专业技能、专业实践、专业发展能力等五个方面.并以思想建设和能力建设为出发点,从重构师范生的教育教学理念及观点和构建合理的课程体系两个方面,研究了师范生教师专业知能的培养策略.  相似文献   

作为一个优秀的广播电视节目主持人,应该具有广博的学识、敏锐的洞察力、良好的语言基本功,还要具备组织能力、应变能力和创新精神,以适应新时期广播电视行业对播音主持人才的需求。对播音主持专业学生专业技能的培养也应该朝着多元化的方向发展,注重语言基本功和学识的积累,发挥个性特色,提高应变能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

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