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后现代真理观强调科学的主观性,其积极意义是把科学研究看成永不停止的探究过程,科学知识是暂时的和可变的,这有利于培养学生的质疑和创新精神,但其负面影响是科学探究的放任,忽视有条理的探究。对待后现代真理观的理性态度应是兼容并蓄,辩证扬弃。  相似文献   

Just as scientific knowledge is constructed using distinct modes of inquiry (e.g. experimental or historical), arguments constructed during science instruction may vary depending on the mode of inquiry underlying the topic. The purpose of this study was to examine whether and how secondary science teachers construct scientific arguments during instruction differently for topics that rely on experimental or historical modes of inquiry. Four experienced high-school science teachers were observed daily during instructional units for both experimental and historical science topics. The main data sources include classroom observations and teacher interviews. The arguments were analyzed using Toulmin's argumentation pattern revealing specific patterns of arguments in teaching topics relying on these 2 modes of scientific inquiry. The teachers presented arguments to their students that were rather simple in structure but relatively authentic to the 2 different modes. The teachers used far more evidence in teaching topics based on historical inquiry than topics based on experimental inquiry. However, the differences were implicit in their teaching. Furthermore, their arguments did not portray the dynamic nature of science. Very few rebuttals or qualifiers were provided as the teachers were presenting their claims as if the data led straightforward to the claim. Implications for classroom practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

According to Gowin, a curriculum properly derives its authority by representing the “criteria of excellence” for evaluating the claims produced within a field of inquiry. GowinÕs epistemology applied to examples from geological inquiry yields criteria of excellence responsive to the demands characteristic of geological problems. Student efforts to learn these criteria hold the promise of making progress toward independence in accessing, using, and evaluating knowledge. This understanding contributes to the reformation of the concept of inquiry as a “step beyond science as process” called for in the National Science Education Standards and reinforces the need to consider the diversity as well as unity of styles of scientific reasoning. Geological inquiries differ from those of other sciences because they refer to objects with histories. These histories create a demand for concepts that necessarily contain an irreducible element of ambiguity, thus permitting comparison and contrast of geological objects. A case study of how geologists apply analogies, impose boundaries on categories of thought, and constrain the ambiguity of key concepts in reasoning about the accumulation of sediments at a continental margin is used to support this argument. Such examples of geological reasoning support a skeptical attitude toward interdisciplinary curricula that omit or oversimplify criteria of excellence. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 189–212, 1998.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to provide a theoretical framework to strengthen design thinking and practice in the context of teaching through productive processes and using it to generate knowledge. The article explores three modes of inquiry inspired by Dewey and based on Schön, Barab & Squire and DiSalvo to investigate academic inquiry in design pedagogy and design thinking. These three modes are aimed at generating knowledge in three different areas: the design practice (in order to be a good designer and create good designs), a given research area, and societal issues. Based on empirical study from a design course at Aalborg University, Copenhagen, where these three modes were taught, we show the potential in using design processes as modes of academic inquiry directed toward different subjects. By teaching the implication of these modes of inquiry, students are provided with more opportunities for action as design approaches include exploring the subject through visualisation and materialisation, and the methods for knowledge production are expanded.  相似文献   

The case study examined two groups of grade 7 students as they engaged in four inquiry phases: posing a question and collecting, analyzing, and representing data. Previous studies reported analyses of statistical reasoning on a single inquiry phase. Our goal was to identify the modes of statistical reasoning displayed during group discussions in all phases as children designed and conducted their own inquiry. A content analysis of audio and video recorded discussions yielded 10 statistical reasoning modes: six relate to Garfield and Gal’s [Garfield, J., Gal, I. (1999). Teaching and assessing statistical reasoning. In L. V. Stiff, & F. R. Curcio (Eds.), Developing mathematical reasoning in grades K-12. 1999 Yearbook (pp. 207–219). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics] statistical reasoning types involved in the collection, analysis, and representation of data and four modes deal with an aspect of inquiry not exclusively focused upon in the literature on statistical reasoning—i.e., the problem-posing phase. Although students’ reasoning reflected an incomplete understanding of statistics they serve as building blocks for instruction.  相似文献   

研究性学习作为现代大学培养创新人才的一种新型模式,是对传统教育教学方法改革的重要革新。其主要旨趣是通过融合学习与探究,让学生在自由自主的学习氛围下,养成求知、探知、质疑、批判、创新。对教师来说,则意味着教学与科研的高度统一;对学生而言,则意味着享有充分的学习自由。然而,教学与科研的两难关系、学习自由权利的制约无不限制着研究性学习的开展。  相似文献   

In this article we assert a potential research agenda for the teaching and learning of science as inquiry as part of the JRST series on reform in science education. Drawing on the theoretical frameworks of cognitive and sociocultural constructivism, cultural models of meaning, the dialogic function of language, and transformational models of teacher education, we propose that more research is needed in the areas of teachers' beliefs, knowledge, and practices of inquiry‐based science, as well as, student learning. Because the efficacy of reform efforts rest largely with teachers, their voices need to be included in the design and implementation of inquiry‐based curriculum. As we review the literature and pose future research questions, we propose that particular attention be paid to research on inquiry in diverse classrooms, and to modes of inquiry‐based instruction that are designed by teachers. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 631–645, 2001  相似文献   

环境艺术设计专业3D MAX教学的实际应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合高等院校环境艺术设计专业关于3DMAX软件教学配合主题设计课程的教学经验,深入分析3DMAX课程在环境艺术设计教学中的现状、教学实践对象、教学实践内容、教学实践方法与手段,针对3DMAX课程在环境艺术设计教学中存在的现实问题,重点探讨3DMAX课程的定位,把握培养当代环境艺术设计专业大学生的质疑和创新精神,并提出相应的教学方法。  相似文献   

Researchers navigating the ontological turn in educational research have increasingly looked to art as an alternative to conventional modes of qualitative inquiry. However, the rapprochement between art and post-qualitative research remains problematic. While some see this turn coinciding with established genealogies in arts-based research, others suggest that existing models of arts-based inquiry are largely incompatible with the radical onto-epistemological orientations associated with post-qualitative research. This paper argues that the integration of art into the social sciences is far from settled, while also offering a series of speculative propositions for an inhuman aesthetics that is responsive to the ontological turn. This inhuman theory of art is elaborated through Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy, and extended through an analysis of collaborative artworks produced by undergraduate visual art students. This leads to a consideration of how post-qualitative approaches might enable mutual activations among art, philosophy, and social research.  相似文献   

综合科学课程内容组织结构方式的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合科学课程内容的组织结构方式主要有七种:科学概念方式、主题方式、环境科学的方式、STS方式、科学过程和科学方法的方式、科学探究方式以及强调科学本质的方式.本文系统分析了这七种初中综合科学课程内容组织方式的利与弊,提出主题方式和科学探究方式组成的"双螺旋结构"是初中综合科学课程较为理想的内容组织结构方式.  相似文献   

Research on personal epistemologies has begun to consider ontology: Do naive epistemologies take the form of stable, unitary beliefs or of fine-grained, context-sensitive resources? Debates such as this regarding subtleties of cognitive theory, however, may be difficult to connect to everyday instructional practice. Our purpose in this article is to make that connection. We first review reasons for supporting the latter account, of naive epistemologies as made up of fine-grained, context-sensitive resources; as part of this argument we note that familiar strategies and curricula tacitly ascribe epistemological resources to students. We then present several strategies designed more explicitly to help students tap those resources for learning introductory physics. Finally, we reflect on this work as an example of interplay between 2 modes of inquiry into student thinking, that of instruction and that of formal research on learning.  相似文献   

Inquiry-based learning is gaining popularity in science curricula, international research and development projects as well as teaching. One of the underlying reasons is that its success can be significantly improved due to the recent technical developments that allow the inquiry process to be supported by electronic learning environments. Inquiry-based learning is often organized into inquiry phases that together form an inquiry cycle. However, different variations on what is called the inquiry cycle can be found throughout the literature. The current article focuses on identifying and summarizing the core features of inquiry-based learning by means of a systematic literature review and develops a synthesized inquiry cycle that combines the strengths of existing inquiry-based learning frameworks. The review was conducted using the EBSCO host Library; a total of 32 articles describing inquiry phases or whole inquiry cycles were selected based on specific search criteria. An analysis of the articles resulted in the identification of five distinct general inquiry phases: Orientation, Conceptualization, Investigation, Conclusion, and Discussion. Some of these phases are divided into sub-phases. In particular, the Conceptualization phase is divided into two (alternative) sub-phases, Questioning and Hypothesis Generation; the Investigation phase is divided into three sub-phases, Exploration or Experimentation leading to Data Interpretation; and the Discussion phase is divided into two sub-phases, Reflection and Communication. No framework bringing together all of these phases and sub-phases was found in the literature. Thus, a synthesized framework was developed to describe an inquiry cycle in which all of these phases and sub-phases would be present. In this framework, inquiry-based learning begins with Orientation and flows through Conceptualization to Investigation, where several cycles are possible. Inquiry-based learning usually ends with the Conclusion phase. The Discussion phase (which includes Communication and Reflection) is potentially present at every point during inquiry-based learning and connects to all the other phases, because it can occur at any time during (discussion in-action) or after inquiry-based learning when looking back (discussion on-action).  相似文献   

This paper contributes to an understanding of the processes by which organisational actors learn how to affect positive and sustainable social change in their local region through action learning, action research and appreciative inquiry. The paper is based on a critically reflective account of key findings from an ongoing action research project, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The project is an attempt to alleviate poverty in the Leeds City Region through the identification and spread of ‘good practice’ in large local organisations. The paper is based on insights into the tensions involved in accomplishing such modes of action research and action learning in this particular context, and how these findings can relate to similar research in other domains of inquiry, action and cross-organisational learning. Through this, the paper discusses the inherent challenges faced when attempting to use action research and action learning approaches to help large organisations to learn and develop as ethical and sustainable agents.  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to provide an understanding of context-based inquiry teaching within a humanistic perspective on science education by studying pre-service teachers’ beliefs about inquiry and their implementations of inquiry in their context-based teaching sequences. Therefore, five pre-service teachers enrolled in a university undergraduate course called ‘Inquiry-based chemistry education II’ (5 ECTS) were involved in an empirical case study. The pre-service teachers’ implementations of inquiry were studied from their reports on self-designed context-based inquiry teaching sequences for students age 13–15, and their beliefs by interviewing them after the course. The results indicate that the most frequent aspects of inquiry, which were implemented, were that inquiry (i) includes a context, (ii) is a way to act, (iii) is a way to think, and (iv) includes source/information evaluation and argumentation. The pre-service teachers’ beliefs about inquiry were shown to reflect manifold aspects of inquiry, such as the difficulty in explaining it. However, this difficulty in encapsulating inquiry into a clear-cut definition is not necessarily an impediment to inquiry-based teaching. Furthermore, inquiry is inherently context-bound, and context-based teaching requires extra-situational knowledge from the context and not only declarative knowledge from science. This should be considered to support effective professional development.  相似文献   

Rapid changes in the Higher Education (HE) sector are increasing the pressure on teaching staff to introduce technology-enhanced learning experiences into the curriculum. Institutions therefore need to provide effective means of enabling academics to successfully transition to these new modes of curriculum delivery. This paper reports on an inquiry into the efficacy of a community of practice (CoP) approach trialled at a HE institution to contribute to the design of a renewed, blended curriculum. Analysis indicated that participation in the CoP had a positive impact on academics’ sense of community and their knowledgeability in relation to new teaching approaches.  相似文献   

叙事研究在大学生思想政治教育研究中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生思想政治教育研究中的叙事研究是思想政治教育经验的理论方式,有其鲜明的研究特点,能够弥补其他研究范式的缺陷。运用叙事研究有其现实的必要性与可能性,因而是一种值得提倡的研究方法。  相似文献   

A lack of good information about what youth are doing with new media stimulates fears and hopes about the relationship between young people and digital technologies. This article focuses on new modes of inquiry into youth new media use, highlighting the challenges, complexities, and opportunities inherent in studying young people's digital cultures. It outlines methodological issues unique to studies of youth and new media, such as accessing populations of respondents, benefits and drawbacks to online qualitative research, and challenges in capturing a snapshot of young people's actual, not self-reported, media practices. This type of qualitative research on youth media cultures and practices can guide educators who are developing pedagogy and policy that integrate young people's mediated practices into the educational process.  相似文献   

中小学生学习方式的现状分析与对策建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学习方式的转变是新课程改革成功与否的重要标志。调查结果表明:学生的学习方式正在向积极方面转变,但各种学习形式的发展不平衡,特别是研究型学习和合作型研究型学习开展得不理想,与新课程改革的要求差距较大;转变学生学习方式的突破口之一是重视发现学习,加强意义接受学习中的探究发现成分;发展学生的自主性和开展小班化教学有利于学生学习方式的转变;转变学习方式的重点是中部地区、薄弱学校、初中学段和男生。主要对策是:进一步认识转变学习方式的重要意义;针对薄弱环节,切实改善学生学习方式;增强措施的针对性,提升学生学习方式转变的成效;积极创造外部条件,促进学生学习方式的转变。  相似文献   

学生探究能力的发展有赖于教师、教学方式、学习方式、学习风格等多种因素的协同作用。因此,教师应树立自觉的教学探究意识,系统把握课程知识,将适度风险性教学氛围的创设与协同教学心向的构建结合起来,采取解释性、批判性、探究错误等教学形式,按照本民族自己的智力组织方式,鼓励学生独立自主学习和积极的自我反思,以养成生活式探究的学习品质。  相似文献   

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