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This paper considers the role of spirituality in the practice of pastoral welfare and care in English state schools. Set against an educational landscape of increasingly aggressive neoliberal interests combined with growing public disquiet over the mental welfare of young people, the author examines how spirituality might in response contribute to a pedagogy of pastoral welfare for pupil well-being. The paper begins by foregrounding the policy contexts for pastoral education in England and the challenges presented by the increasingly performative cultures that schools, children and young people have become subjected to. Highlighting concerns around the well-being of children and young people, the paper advances a spiritual pedagogy in pastoral care predicated on pivotal interrelated attributes of intrapersonal transcendence, care and educational practice. The paper then considers the possibilities presented by the spiritual realm in pastoral welfare and the positioning of this as an educational pedagogy and practice.  相似文献   

We examine family and individual characteristics that predict low-income parents’ child care use, problems with child care, and receipt of public subsidies using data from three demonstration studies testing policies to promote employment for low-income parents (primarily single mothers). The characteristics that mattered most, particularly for use of center-based care were family structure (ages and number of children), parents’ education, and personal beliefs about family and work. The effects of race and ethnicity were inconsistent suggesting that generalizations about ethnic differences in child care preferences should be viewed with caution. There was little support for the proposition that many low-income parents do not need child care assistance because they use relative care. Child care subsidies and other policies designed to reduce the cost of care and to increase parents’ employment appeared to meet the needs associated with caring for very young children and for large families and were most effective in reaching parents with relatively less consistent prior employment experience. Parents whose education and personal beliefs were consistent with a preference for center-based care were most likely to take advantage of the opportunity to choose that option and to use subsidies.  相似文献   

This paper explores and questions some of the evidence used to support early childhood interventions in the UK, and reports on discussions with three rural Mini Sure Start project leaders in Devon. Sure Start funding in the UK has been repeatedly increased to provide more centres for 0–3‐year‐olds and their parents. It is increasingly linked to welfare to work policies designed to encourage a culture of ‘hardworking families’ in areas of traditional deprivation. This finds resistance among parents to the idea of combining work and childcare for the under‐3s. It also uncovers the complexity for key workers of trying to implement government directives in areas of rural deprivation.  相似文献   

Water-deprived rats were used to investigate the effects of training a CS in more than one context on conditioned lick suppression. In each experiment, partial reinforcement of the CS was intermingled with unsignaled presentations of the US. In Experiment 1, subjects were either trained in one context alone, trained consecutively in two contexts (such that all training in one context occurred prior to any training in the second context), or trained alternately in two contexts. Following training, the first context, the second context, or neither context was extinguished. Testing of the CS occurred in a third (neutral) context. To the extent that either training context became established as a comparator stimulus for the CS, the comparator hypothesis (Miller & Matzel, 1988) predicts an increase in excitatory responding to the CS following extinction of that context. Subjects trained in a single context exhibited appreciable fear of the CS only when the CS’s training context had been extinguished. Additionally, subjects trained consecutively in the two contexts showed increased fear of the CS following extinction of the second, but not the first training context (i.e., a recency effect). Subjects trained alternately in the two contexts showed no increased fear of the CS as a result of either context alone being extinguished. In Experiment 2, subjects trained alternately in two contexts showed increased fear of the CS only when both training contexts were extinguished, suggesting that both training contexts had become comparator stimuli. These data indicate that multiple training contexts can either compete or act synergistic-ally in modulating responding to a Pavlovian trained CS as a function of the order of training in the different contexts.  相似文献   

演讲是一门科学,它以感染和征服听众为出发点和归宿;演讲具有适听性的特征;演讲的构成要素和表达形式与其特质密切相关.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the socionormative approach of internality in the field of education, and more specifically regarding scholastic judgment. It describes the theoretical development and the main procedures used by researchers to show that internal causal explanations have more value than external ones because they are normative and convey social value. We present results that show that the preference for internal explanations is learned in school. We also demonstrate that internal explanations are often chosen for self-presentation purposes and have some bearing in evaluative practices (here, scholastic judgment). We also present results which show that certain internal explanations of school events, regardless of their valence (success or failure), enhance the social worth of the pupil producing them. This applies to effort-based explanations which are more highly valued than others (e.g., in terms of personological traits such as aptitudes or abilities). Such results lead us to discuss the role played by internal explanations in the evaluation practices. We underline the relevant aspect of the socionormative theory of internality by comparison to another sociocognitive approach namely Weiner’s attributional theory of motivation.  相似文献   

随着现代社会的发展和国际交往的频繁,英语演讲愈来愈显示出其重要性。该文主要讨论利用多媒体设施辅助英语演讲,尤其是运用PowerPoint的多种功能提升演讲效率。同时指出了英语演讲中应用多媒体设备时所应遵循的原则以及应注意的问题。  相似文献   

对教师来说,由外在的诸如形象、仪表、仪态所产生的魅力是客观存在的.然而它不是主要的;重要的是其心灵魅力。教师心灵魅力中特别重要的心理成分是教师心灵的热情与真诚、高尚与宽容、深沉与公正、自信与他信。  相似文献   

阐述清代甘肃地区驿站的设置、分部及管理,指出甘肃地区的驿传制度在清代得到了很大的发展和完善,同时得出甘肃地区的驿传是整个清朝驿传的重要组成部分,为清朝边疆的巩固、地方经济的发展起了巨大的推动作用.  相似文献   

This article reports on some of the research findings of a major, multi-site case study of character formation in young people in England. Religion was not the focus of this research, but emerged as significant in each case study. In particular, the religious and spiritual beliefs and practices of young people were positively connected with their level of community involvement. The research provides evidence that indicates an association between young religious believers and those who are constructively engaged in both their communities as well as being politically minded. The main methods of data collection for this article included semi-structured discussions/interviews together with semi-structured individual and questionnaire surveys.  相似文献   

从心理学角度指出精神信仰研究应注意的一些重要问题,包括:从概念上,要注意区分信仰、知识、价值和信念的异同;从文化、社会和个人的角度上,阐述了精神信仰研究的重要性;从研究原则上,要注意研究的生态化和价值的中立性;从研究方法上,要注意方法的创新以及综合使用不同的研究方法。  相似文献   

Technology-supported learning innovation in cultural contexts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many reform initiatives adopt a reductionist, proceduralized approach to cultural change, assuming that deep changes can be realized by introducing new classroom activities, textbooks, and technological tools. This article elaborates a complex system perspective of learning culture: A learning culture as a complex system involves macro-level properties (e.g., epistemological beliefs, social values, power structures) and micro-level features (e.g., technology, classroom activities). Deep changes in macro-level properties cannot be reduced to any component. This complex system perspective is applied to examining technology-supported educational change in East Asia and analyzing how teachers sustain the knowledge building innovation in different contexts. Working with the macro–micro dynamics in a learning culture requires a principle-based approach to learning innovation that specifies macro-level changes using principle-based instead of procedure-based terms and engages teachers’ deep reflection and creative engagement at both the macro- and the micro-level.  相似文献   

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