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The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in ankle joint stiffness and the associated changes in the gastrocnemius muscle and tendon due to static stretching. Seven healthy male participants lay supine with the hip and knee joints fully extended. The right ankle joint was rotated into dorsiflexion from a 30° plantar flexed position and the torque measured by a dynamometer. The ankle joint was maintained in a dorsiflexed position for 20 min (static stretching of the calf muscles). We performed surface electromyography of the medial and lateral gastrocnemii, the soleus, and the tibialis anterior of the right leg to confirm no muscle activity throughout static stretching and the passive test (passive dorsiflexion). During static stretching, the ankle joint angle and elongation of the gastrocnemius were recorded by goniometry and ultrasonography, respectively. Tendon elongation of the gastrocnemius was calculated based on the changes in the ankle joint angle and muscle elongation. In addition, the relationships between passive torques and ankle joint angles, and elongation of muscle and tendon, were examined before and after static stretching. The ankle dorsiflexion angle and tendon elongation increased significantly by 10 min after the onset of static stretching, while there was no further increase in muscle length. In addition, ankle dorsiflexion angle and tendon elongation at an identical passive torque (30 N · m) increased significantly (from 24±7° to 33±5° and from 17±2 mm to 22±1 mm, respectively) after static stretching. However, muscle elongation was unchanged. In conclusion, the current results suggest that an increase in the ankle joint dorsiflexion angle due to static stretching is attributable to a change in tendon not muscle stiffness.  相似文献   

利用德国ismoed-2000等速肌力测试与康复系统,对短跑运动员下肢膝关节进行60°/s、120°/s、240°/s不同角速度下等速向心收缩测试研究。结果表明:①膝关节左右两侧屈伸峰力矩随着角速度增加而减小,右侧峰力矩略大于左侧;膝关节左右两侧屈伸相对峰力矩随着角速度的增加而减小,右侧相对峰力矩较左侧小,但差异不显著;②膝关节左右两侧屈伸肌力平均功率随着角速度的增加而增加;除120°/s外,随着角速度增加而左右两侧屈伸肌平均功率差异显著;③膝关节左右两侧屈伸肌之比随着速度的增加而增大,但随着角速度的增加屈伸比没差异(除240°/s右侧屈伸比以外)。  相似文献   

Downhill backwards walking causes repeated, cyclical loading of the muscle–tendon unit. The effect this type of repeated loading has on the mechanical behaviour of the Achilles tendon is presently unknown. This study aimed to investigate the biomechanical response of the Achilles tendon aponeurosis complex following a downhill backwards walking protocol. Twenty active males (age: 22.3 ± 3.0 years; mass: 74.7 ± 5.6 kg; height: 1.8 ± 0.7 m) performed 60 min of downhill (8.5°), backwards walking on a treadmill at ?0.67 m · s?1. Data were collected before, immediately post, and 24-, 48- and 168-h post-downhill backwards walking. Achilles tendon aponeurosis elongation, strain and stiffness were measured using ultrasonography. Muscle force decreased immediately post-downhill backward walking (= 0.019). There were increases in Achilles tendon aponeurosis stiffness at 24-h post-downhill backward walking (307 ± 179.6 N · mm?1, = 0.004), and decreases in Achilles tendon aponeurosis strain during maximum voluntary contraction at 24 (3.8 ± 1.7%, = 0.008) and 48 h (3.9 ± 1.8%, = 0.002) post. Repeated cyclical loading of downhill backwards walking affects the behaviour of the muscle–tendon unit, most likely by altering muscle compliance, and these changes result in tendon stiffness increases.  相似文献   


In this study, we examined the long-term reductions in maximal isometric force (MIF) caused by a protocol of repeated maximal isometric contractions at long muscle length. Furthermore, we wished to ascertain whether the reductions in MIF are dependent on muscle length — that is, are the reductions in MIF more pronounced when the muscle contracts at a short length. The MIF of the elbow flexors of seven young male volunteers was measured at five different elbow angles between 50° and 160°. On a separate day, the participants performed 50 maximal voluntary isometric muscle contractions with the elbow flexors at a lengthened positions that is, with the shoulder hyperextended at 45° and the elbow joint fixed at 140°. Following this exercise, the MIF at the five elbow angles, range of motion, muscle soreness and plasma creatine kinase activity were measured at 24 h intervals for 4 days. On day 1, the decline in MIF was higher at the more acute elbow angles of 50° (42±8%) and 70° (39±8%; both P<0.01) than at 90° (26±4%) and 140° (16±3%; both P<0.01). No significant reduction in MIF was evident at an elbow angle of 160°. Maximal isometric force at an elbow angle of 140° was fully restored on day 3, whereas at an angle of 50° it remained depressed for the 4 day observation period. Restoration of MIF was a function of the elbow angle, with force recovery being less at the smaller angles. The range of motion was decreased by 14±2° on day 1 (P<0.01) and did not return to baseline values by day 4. Muscle soreness ratings remained significantly elevated for the 4 day period. Serum creatine kinase peaked on day 1 (522±129 IU, P<0.01) and decreased thereafter. We conclude that the disproportionate decrease in MIF at the small elbow angles and the length-specific recovery in MIF after repeated maximal isometric contractions at long muscle length may be explained by the presence of overstretched sarcomeres that increased in series compliance of the muscle, therefore causing a rightward shift of the force-length relationship.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to establish if vertical stiffness was greater in professional Australian rules footballers who sustained a lower limb skeletal muscle strain compared to those who did not, and to establish if a relationship between age, or training history, and vertical stiffness existed. Thirty-one participants underwent weekly rebound jump testing on a force platform over two seasons. Vertical stiffness was calculated for injured players and the uninjured cohort 1 and 3 weeks prior to sustaining an injury and at the end of preseason. Eighteen athletes were in the “uninjured” cohort and 13 in the “injured” cohort. No significant difference in vertical stiffness was observed between groups (P = 0.18 for absolute stiffness; P = 0.08 for stiffness relative to body mass), within groups (P = 0.83 and P = 0.88, respectively) or for a time*cohort interaction (P = 0.77 and P = 0.80, respectively). No relationship between age and vertical stiffness existed (r = ?0.06 for absolute and relative stiffness), or training history and vertical stiffness (r = ?0.01 and 0.00 for absolute and relative stiffness, respectively) existed. These results and others lend to suggest that vertical stiffness is not related to lower limb muscle strain injury.  相似文献   

通过对短跑运动员和非运动员跟腱弹性模量和刚度的比较研究。探讨短跑运动对人体跟腱生物力学特性的影响。研究结果表明,短跑训练后跟腱的弹性模量和刚度明显增加,提示训练能够改善跟腱的力学性能,表明训练后既能增加跟腱的体能储备,又能使其承受更大的载荷,并在一定程度上可减少跟腱疲劳损伤的发生.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to examine age and sex differences in elbow extensor and flexor anatomical muscle cross-sectional area (mCSA) measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the location of maximal mCSA as a percentage of the distance from the distal to the proximal end of the humerus. Ninety-five individuals spread across the age groups 9 – 10 years, 16 – 17 years and 21 years participated in the study. Muscle cross-sectional area derived from the manual MRI tracing proved to be highly reliable in terms of limits of agreement (?2.5 to 1.5 cm2) and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC = 0.998). A sex-by-age group analysis of variance revealed significant effects (P < 0.01) of sex, group and a sex-by-group interaction, the latter reflecting a greater increase in males than females of upper arm mCSA from childhood to adulthood. Extensor mCSA was more proximal (55 ± 6%) than that of the flexors (28 ± 6%). A significant effect (P < 0.01) of group was found for location of maximal extensor mCSA, reflecting its more distal position with increasing age. Measurements of muscle size should be made at the individually determined position of maximal mCSA if interpreting data collected during growth and maturation, especially if the muscle group of interest is the elbow extensors and if different age groups are being monitored.  相似文献   


This study investigated the influence of dehydration during soccer-type intermittent exercise on isokinetic and isometric muscle function. Eight soccer players performed two 90-min high-intensity intermittent shuttle-running trials without (NF) or with (FL) fluid ingestion (5 ml · kg?1 before and 2 ml · kg?1 every 15 min). Isokinetic and isometric strength and muscular power of knee flexors and knee extensors were measured pre-exercise, at half-time and post-exercise using isokinetic dynamometry. Sprint performance was monitored throughout the simulated-soccer exercise. Isokinetic knee strength was reduced at faster (3.13 rad · s?1; P = 0.009) but not slower (1.05 rad · s?1; P = 0.063) contraction speeds with exercise; however, there was no difference between FL and NF. Peak isometric strength of the knee extensors (P = 0.002) but not the knee flexors (P = 0.065) was significantly reduced with exercise with no difference between FL and NF. Average muscular power was reduced over time at both 1.05 rad · s?1 (P = 0.01) and 3.14 rad · s?1 (P = 0.033) but was not different between FL and NF. Mean 15-m sprint time increased with duration of exercise (P = 0.005) but was not different between FL and NF. In summary, fluid ingestion during 90 min of soccer-type exercise was unable to offset the reduction in isokinetic and isometric strength and muscular power of the knee extensors and flexors.  相似文献   

Purpose: The present study aimed to investigate whether or not eccentric-only training induced different sex-related adaptations in vastus lateralis muscle architecture and knee extensors strength. Methods: Thirteen healthy women and 13 healthy men were recruited. Vastus lateralis pennation angle, fascicle length, and muscle thickness, as well as knee extensors eccentric, isometric, and concentric peak torque and one-repetition maximum (1RM) were measured. Both women and men underwent a unilateral iso-load knee-extension eccentric-only training with 120% of the concentric 1RM, consisting of 4 sets × 10 repetitions twice a week for a total of 8 weeks. Results: Pennation angle increased in women (+ 14%, 95% CI [10, 17], effect size [ES] = 1.54) but not in men (+ 5%, 95% CI [?1, 11], ES = 0.28), while fascicle length increased in both women (+ 7%, 95% CI [4, 10], ES = 1.02) and men (+ 12%, 95% CI [8, 16], ES = 1.82) and muscle thickness increased in women (+ 13%, 95% CI [8, 18], ES = 1.11) and men (+ 11%, 95% CI [7, 15], ES = 0.89). In both women and men, eccentric (18%, 95% CI [11, 25], ES = 0.96, and 16%, 95% CI [9, 22], ES = 0.82, respectively), isometric (17%, 95% CI [11, 23], ES = 0.53, and 17%, 95% CI [10, 24], ES = 0.62), concentric (12%, 95% CI [7, 16], ES = 0.49, and 9%, 95% CI [5, 13], ES = 0.42) peak torque and 1RM (10%, 95% CI [6, 14], ES = 0.53, and 10%, 95% CI [5, 15], ES = 0.50) similarly increased after the intervention. Conclusions: This study showed that the adaptations in strength are not sex-dependent, but the increases in pennation angle only in women suggest that the changes in muscle architecture may depend on sex.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that backward downhill walking (eccentric component) impairs both voluntary activation and muscle contractile properties in the plantar flexors and delays recovery as compared to a gradient and distance-matched uphill walk. Fourteen males performed two 30-min walking exercises (velocity: 1?m/?s; grade: 25%; load: 12% of body weight), one downhill (DW) and one uphill (UP), in a counterbalanced order, separated by 6?weeks. Neuromuscular test sessions were performed before, after, 24-, 48- and 72-h post-exercise, including motor nerve stimulations during brief (5?s) and sustained (1?min) maximal isometric voluntary contractions of the plantar flexors. DW (?18.1?±?11.1%, P?P?=.15), decreased torque production during brief contractions for at least three days post-exercise (P?P?P?=?.024) and DW (?25.6?±?10.3%, P?P?=?.001) was lower in DW than UP. Peak twitch torque and maximum rates of torque development and relaxation were equally reduced after UP and DW (P?P?P?>?.05). Using a direct comparison, the capacity to drive the plantar flexors during sustained contractions remains sub-optimal during the three-day recovery period in response to non-exhaustive, downhill backward walking in reference to an uphill exercise matched for distance covered.  相似文献   


Physical inactivity is associated with a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes and is an independent predictor of mortality. It is possible that the detrimental effects of physical inactivity are mediated through a lack of adequate muscle oxidative capacity. This short review will cover the present literature on the effects of different models of inactivity on muscle oxidative capacity in humans. Effects of physical inactivity include decreased mitochondrial content, decreased activity of oxidative enzymes, changes in markers of oxidative stress and a decreased expression of genes and contents of proteins related to oxidative phosphorylation. With such a substantial down-regulation, it is likely that a range of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent pathways such as calcium signalling, respiratory capacity and apoptosis are affected by physical inactivity. However, this has not been investigated in humans, and further studies are required to substantiate this hypothesis, which could expand our knowledge of the potential link between lifestyle-related diseases and muscle oxidative capacity. Furthermore, even though a large body of literature reports the effect of physical training on muscle oxidative capacity, the adaptations that occur with physical inactivity may not always be opposite to that of physical training. Thus, it is concluded that studies on the effect of physical inactivity per se on muscle oxidative capacity in functional human skeletal muscle are warranted.  相似文献   

pH值对蟾蜍离体腓肠肌收缩能力的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:观察pH值对赡蜍离体排肠收缩能力的影响。方法:采用D951生理实验教学系统,记录分析了置于PH值为6.2、6.4、6.6、6.8、7.0、7.2、7.4、7.6、7.8任氏液中的赡蜍离体腓肠肌(n=94)的单收缩曲线。结果:①赡蜍腓肠肌收缩能力最佳的pH值为6.8—7.2;②pH值在7.4—7.8时,肌肉在初期出现强直收缩,且pH值越高,强直收缩的持续时间越长;③随肌肉收缩的不断进行,舒张期时间逐渐延长,缩短期时间不变。结论:赡蜍腓肠肌在pH6.8—7.2之间收缩能力最佳,PH值过高或过低都将导致肌肉的收缩能力下降;肌肉舒张能力的降低是肌肉疲劳的主要特征之一。提示:为防止肌肉疲劳应提高人体对政的缓冲能力,但碱性物质的过量补充也可导致肌肉收缩能力下降,且易导致运动初期肌肉的强直性收缩。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of maximum voluntary isometric force (MVIF), cross-sectional area (CSA) and force per unit CSA measures, of the first dorsal interosseus (FDI) muscle, using a custom-built dynamometer and ultrasonography. Twenty-seven participants completed MVIF and CSA measurements on two separate occasions under the same conditions. Reliability was determined using paired samples t-tests, systematic bias ratio and ratio limits of agreement (RLoA), intra-class correlation (ICC) and coefficient of variation (CV). MVIF of the FDI muscle (mean ± s; 31.8 ± 7.6 N and 31.6 ± 7.3 N) was not different between trials (= 0.63); RLoA between trials were 1.00 ×/÷ 1.09, ICC = 0.990 and CV = 3.22%. CSA of the FDI muscle (22.6 ± 6.9 and 22.9 ± 6.9 mm2) was also not different between trials (= 0.31); RLoA between trials were 0.98 ×/÷ 1.19, ICC = 0.979 and CV = 6.61%. Force per unit CSA was not different between trials (1.49 ± 0.43 and 1.46 ± 0.44 N·mm2; = 0.18), RLoA were 1.02 ×/÷ 1.17, ICC = 0.985 and CV = 5.76%. The techniques used to determine MVIF and CSA of the FDI muscle were reliable and can be combined to calculate force per unit CSA.  相似文献   


This study analysed whether a significant relationship exists between the torque and muscle thickness and pennation angle of the erector spinae muscle during a maximal isometric lumbar extension with the lumbar spine in neutral position. This was a cross-sectional study in which 46 healthy adults performed three repetitions for 5 s of maximal isometric lumbar extension with rests of 90 s. During the lumbar extensions, bilateral ultrasound images of the erector spinae muscle (to measure pennation angle and muscle thickness) and torque were acquired. Reliability test analysis calculating the internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) of the measure, correlation between pennation angle, muscle thickness and torque extensions were examined. Through a linear regression the contribution of each independent variable (muscle thickness and pennation angle) to the variation of the dependent variable (torque) was calculated. The results of the reliability test were: 0.976–0.979 (pennation angle), 0.980–0.980 (muscle thickness) and 0.994 (torque). The results show that pennation angle and muscle thickness were significantly related to each other with a range between 0.295 and 0.762. In addition, multiple regression analysis showed that the two variables considered in this study explained 68% of the variance in the torque. Pennation angle and muscle thickness have a moderate impact on the variance exerted on the torque during a maximal isometric lumbar extension with the lumbar spine in neutral position.  相似文献   

This study aimed to (1) evaluate the effect of hand shaking during recovery phases of intermittent testing on the time–force characteristics of performance and muscle oxygenation, and (2) assess inter-individual variability in the time to achieve the target force during intermittent testing in rock climbers. Twenty-two participants undertook three finger flexor endurance tests at 60% of their maximal voluntary contraction until failure. Performances of a sustained contraction and two intermittent contractions, each with different recovery strategies, were analysed by time–force parameters and near-infrared spectroscopy. Recovery with shaking of the forearm beside the body led to a significantly greater intermittent test time (↑ 22%, P?P?P?相似文献   

Foam rolling and eccentric exercise interventions have been demonstrated to improve range of motion (ROM). However, these two modalities have not been directly compared. Twenty-three academy soccer players (age: 18 ± 1; height: 1.74 ± 0.08 m; body mass: 69.3 ± 7.5 kg) were randomly allocated to either a foam rolling (FR) or eccentric exercise intervention designed to improve dorsiflexion ROM. Participants performed the intervention daily for a duration of four weeks. Measurements of dorsiflexion ROM, isometric plantar flexion torque and drop jump reactive strength index were taken at baseline (pre-intervention) and at three subsequent time-points (30-min post, 24-hours post and 4-weeks post). A significant time x group interaction effect was observed for dorsiflexion (P = 0.036), but not for torque or reactive strength index. For dorsiflexion, there was a significant increase in both acute (30-min; P < 0.001) and chronic (4-week; P < 0.001) ROM for the eccentric group, whilst FR exhibited only an acute improvement (P < 0.001). Eccentric training would appear a more efficacious modality than foam rolling for improving dorsiflexion ROM in elite academy soccer players.  相似文献   

肌音研究虽然起步较早(1630年),而其真正引起人们注意则是20世纪80年代初。国外学者纷纷借助先进的传感技术和计算机技术,探讨肌肉收缩的发声原理、频谱特征、肌力、肌疲劳等关系,取得了很多共识。但如何将这一新的无创伤检测技术运用于运动实践,至今国内外未见报道。将这一技术运用到运动现场,进行实际测试。结果发现:负重提踵对腓肠肌内外两侧头的刺激是不一样的,以发展内侧头为主。旨在为肌肉力量研究提供新的测试方法,推动运动肌声的研究向纵深发展。  相似文献   


This study investigated the role of reactive and eccentric strength in stiffness regulation during maximum velocity sprinting (Vmax) in team sport athletes compared with highly trained sprinters. Thirteen team sport athletes and eleven highly trained sprinters were recruited. Vmax was measured using radar, and stiffness regulation was inferred from modelled vertical and leg spring stiffness. Reactive strength (RSI) was determined from a 0.50 m drop jump, and an eccentric back squat was used to assess maximum isoinertial eccentric force. Trained sprinters attained a higher Vmax than team sport athletes, partly due to a briefer contact time and higher vertical stiffness. Trained sprinters exhibited a moderately higher RSI via the attainment of a briefer and more forceful ground contact phase, while RSI also demonstrated large to very large associations with vertical stiffness and Vmax, respectively. Isoinertial eccentric force was largely correlated with Vmax, but only moderately correlated with vertical stiffness. Reactive and eccentric strength contribute to the ability to regulate leg spring stiffness at Vmax, and subsequently, the attainment of faster sprinting speeds in highly trained sprinters versus team sport athletes. However, stiffness regulation appears to be a task-specific neuromuscular skill, reinforcing the importance of specificity in the development of sprint performance.  相似文献   

Actovegin, a deproteinized haemodialysate of calf blood, is suggested to have ergogenic properties, but this potential effect has never been investigated in human skeletal muscle. To investigate this purported ergogenic effect, we measured the mitochondrial respiratory capacity in permeabilized human skeletal muscle fibres acutely exposed to Actovegin in a low and in a high dose. We found that Actovegin, in the presence of complex I-linked substrates increased the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) capacity significantly in a concentration-dependent manner (19?±?3, 31?±?4 and 45?±?4?pmol/mg/s). Maximal OXPHOS capacity with complex I and II-linked substrate was increased when the fibres were exposed to the high dose of Actovegin (62?±?6 and 77?±?6?pmol/mg/s) (p?Vmax and Km were also increased in a concentration-dependent manner after Actovegin exposure (70?±?6, 79?±?6 and 88?±?7?pmol/mg/s; 13?±?2, 25?±?3 and 37?±?4?pmol/mg/s; 0.08?±?0.02, 0.21?±?0.03 and 0.36?±?0.03?mM, respectively) (p?相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of low-intensity exercise training using belt electrode skeletal muscle electrical stimulation on muscle strength and cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy subjects. Nineteen healthy subjects were allocated into control or intervention groups; in both groups the participants kept regular physical activity while the intervention group underwent 30 min B-SES training at 3–4 METs for four weeks. Knee extensor muscle strength and cardiorespiratory endurance during incremental exercise test were measured at baseline and after four weeks for all participants. The relative change of knee extensor muscle strength in the intervention group was significantly higher than control group (p?p?相似文献   

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