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Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in basketball appear to be more common when players are in possession of the ball. The greater risk of ACL injury when in possession of the ball may result from the athlete’s inability to fully attend to their movement. However, it is also possible that having to carry/manipulate the ball restricts the athlete’s ability to utilise their upper extremities for stability during a manoeuvre. The purpose of this study was to explore how possession of a basketball and divided attention influence lower extremity mechanics during cutting and landing. Twenty uninjured females with basketball experience performed a baseline lateral cutting task, as well as lateral cuts while carrying a basketball, with and without a subsequent chest pass. Requiring participants to carry the basketball in isolation (i.e., without the additional pass) had minimal influence on lower extremity mechanics compared to baseline. However, participants demonstrated less knee flexion (40.9° vs. 47.3°) and greater knee abduction (12.2° vs. 10.1°) for trials that included the additional pass (divided attention condition) compared to trials conducted while carrying the basketball in isolation. Athletes may be at greater risk for ACL injury when they are unable to solely attend to their movement.  相似文献   

Many sports associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury require athletes attend to a ball during participation. We investigated effects of attending to a ball on lower extremity mechanics during a side-cut maneuver and if these effects are consistent for males and females. Sagittal and frontal plane hip and knee kinematics and joint moments were measured during side-cut maneuvers in 19 male and 19 female National Collegiate Athletic Association division III basketball players. Participants also experienced two side-cut conditions that required attention to a ball. Our results did not indicate that the effect of attention varies with gender. However, during side-cut conditions while attending to a ball, internal knee adductor moment was 20% greater (p = 0.03) and peak knee flexion angle was 4° larger (p < 0.01). Females demonstrated 5° less hip flexion (p = 0.046), 12° less knee flexion (p < 0.01), and 4° more knee abduction (p = 0.026) at initial contact during all side-cut conditions than males. Attention to a ball may affect lower extremity mechanics relevant to ACL injury. The validity of laboratory studies of lower extremity mechanics for sports that include attention to a ball may be increased if participants are required to attend to a ball during the task.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate gender differences in knee valgus angle and inter-knee and inter-ankle distances in university volleyball players when performing opposed block jump landings. Six female and six male university volleyball players performed three dynamic trials each for which they were instructed to jump up and block a volleyball suspended above a net set at the height of a standard volleyball net as it was spiked against them by an opposing player. Knee valgus/varus, inter-knee distance, and inter-ankle distance (absolute and relative to height) were determined during landing using three-dimensional motion analysis. Females displayed significantly greater maximum valgus angle and range of motion than males. This may increase the risk of ligament strain in females compared with males. Minimum absolute inter-knee distance was significantly smaller, and absolute and relative inter-knee displacement during landing significantly greater, in females than males. Both absolute and relative inter-ankle displacement during landing was significantly greater in males than females. These findings suggest that the gender difference in the valgus angle of the knee during two-footed landing is influenced by gender differences in the linear movement of the ankles as well as the knees. Coaches should therefore develop training programmes to focus on movement of both the knee and ankle joints in the frontal plane in order to reduce the knee valgus angle during landing, which in turn may reduce the risk of non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of high intensity, intermittent exercise (HIIP) and anticipation on trunk, pelvic and lower limb biomechanics during a crossover cutting manoeuvre. Twenty-eight male, varsity athletes performed crossover cutting manoeuvres in anticipated and unanticipated conditions pre- and post-HIIP. Kinematic and kinetic variables were captured using a motion analysis system. Statistical parametric mapping (repeated-measures ANOVA) was used to identify differences in biomechanical patterns. Results demonstrated that both unanticipation and fatigue (HIIP) altered the biomechanics of the crossover cutting manoeuvre, whereas no interactions effects were observed. Unanticipation resulted in less trunk and pelvic side flexion in the direction of cut (d = 0.70 – 0.79). This led to increased hip abductor and external rotator moments and increased knee extensor and valgus moments with small effects (d = 0.24–0.42), potentially increasing ACL strain. The HIIP resulted in trivial to small effects only with a decrease in internal knee rotator and extensor moment and decreased knee power absorption (d = 0.35), reducing potential ACL strain. The effect of trunk and hip control exercises in unanticipated conditions on the crossover cutting manoeuvre should be investigated with a view to refining ACL injury prevention programmes.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between leg preference and knee mechanics in females during sidestepping. Three-dimensional data were recorded on 16 female collegiate footballers during a planned 45° sidestep manoeuvre with their preferred and non-preferred kicking leg. Knee kinematics and kinetics during initial contact, weight acceptance, peak push-off, and final push-off phases of sidestepping were analysed in both legs. The preferred leg showed trivial to small increases (ES = 0.19–0.36) in knee flexion angle at initial contact, weight acceptance, and peak push-off, and small increases (ES = 0.21–0.34) in peak power production and peak knee extension velocity. The non-preferred leg showed a trivial increase (ES = 0.10) in knee abduction angle during weight acceptance; small to moderate increases (ES = 0.22–0.64) in knee internal rotation angle at weight acceptance, peak push-off, and final push-off; a small increase (ES = 0.22) in knee abductor moment; and trivial increases (ES = 0.09–0.14) in peak power absorption and peak knee flexion velocity. The results of this study show that differences do exist between the preferred and non-preferred leg in females. The findings of this study will increase the knowledge base of anterior cruciate ligament injury in females and can aid in the design of more appropriate neuromuscular, plyometric, and strength training protocols for injury prevention.  相似文献   


A common practice in resistance training is to perform sets of exercises at, or close to failure, which can alter movement dynamics. This study examined ankle, knee, hip, and lumbo-pelvis dynamics during the barbell back squat under a moderate-heavy load (80% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM)) when performed to failure. Eleven resistance trained males performed three sets to volitional failure. Sagittal plane movement dynamics at the ankle, knee, hip, and lumbo-pelvis were examined; specifically, joint moments, joint angles, joint angular velocity, and joint power. The second repetition of the first set and the final repetition of the third set were compared. Results showed that while the joint movements slowed (p < 0.05), the joint ranges of motion were not altered There were significant changes in most mean joint moments (p < 0.05), indicating altered joint loading. The knee moment decreased while the hip and lumbo-pelvis moments underwent compensatory increases. At the knee and hip, there were significant decreases (p < 0.05) in concentric power output (p < 0.05). Whilst performing multiple sets to failure altered some joint kinetics, the comparable findings in joint range ofmotion suggest that technique was not altered. Therefore, skilled individuals appear to maintain technique when performing to failure.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether neuromuscular fatigue affects the neuromuscular control of an athlete within a sports context setting and whether these effects were more pronounced in the females. Lower limb joint kinetics of 6 male and 6 female inter-varsity soccer players performing side-stepping tasks in non-fatigue versus fatigue and anticipated versus unanticipated conditions were quantified using 10 Motion Analysis Corporation cameras and a Kistler? force platform. The Yo-Yo intermittent recovery Level 1 fatigue protocol was employed. Stance foot initial contact and peak forces, and peak joint knee moments of the lower limb were submitted to a 3-way mixed-model repeated measure ANOVA. The results suggested that males tend to elicit significantly higher knee joint loadings when fatigued. In addition, males elicited significantly higher peak proximal tibia anterior/posterior shear force, vertical ground reaction force at initial contact and peak internal rotational moments than females. These findings suggested that males were at greater overall injury risk than females, especially in the sagittal plane. Neuromuscular control-based training programmes/interventions that are designed to reduce the risk of the non-contact ACL injury need to be customised for the different genders.  相似文献   


The purpose was to quantify the effects of mid-flight whole-body and trunk rotation on knee mechanics in a double-leg landing. Eighteen male and 20 female participants completed a jump-landing-jump task in five conditions: no rotation, testing leg ipsilateral or contralateral (WBRC) to the whole-body rotation direction, and testing leg ipsilateral (TRI) or contralateral to the trunk rotation direction. The WBRC and TRI conditions demonstrated decreased knee flexion and increased knee abduction angles at initial contact (2.6 > Cohen’s dz > 0.3) and increased peak vertical ground reaction forces and knee adduction moments during the 100 ms after landing (1.7 > Cohen’s dz > 0.3). The TRI condition also showed the greatest knee internal rotation angles at initial contact and peak knee abduction and internal rotation angles and peak knee extension moments during the 100 ms after landing (2.0 > Cohen’s dz > 0.5). Whole-body rotation increased contralateral knee loading because of its primary role in decelerating medial-lateral velocities. Trunk rotation resulted in the greatest knee loading for the ipsilateral knee due to weight shifting and mechanical coupling between the trunk and lower extremities. These findings may help understand altered trunk motion in anterior cruciate ligament injuries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of external load on vertical ground reaction force, and linear and angular kinematics, during squats. Eight males aged 22.1?±?0.8 years performed maximal concentric squats using loads ranging from 7 to 70% of one-repetition maximum on a force plate while linear barbell velocity and the angular kinematics of the hip, knee and ankle were recorded. Maximum, average and angle-specific values were recorded. The ground reaction force ranged from 1.67?±?0.20 to 3.21?±?0.29 times body weight and increased significantly as external load increased (P?<?0.05). Bar linear velocity ranged from 0.54?±?0.11 to 2.50?±?0.50?m?·?s?1 and decreased significantly with increasing external load (P?<?0.05). Hip, knee and ankle angles at maximum ground reaction force were affected by external load (P?<?0.05). The force?–?barbell velocity curves were fitted using linear models with coefficients (r 2) ranging from 0.59 to 0.96. The results suggest that maximal force exertion during squat exercises is not achieved at the same position of the lower body as external load is increased. In contrast, joint velocity coordination does not change as load is increased. The force?–?velocity relationship was linear and independent from the set of data used for its determination.  相似文献   

Side-to-side differences of lower extremities may influence the likelihood of injury. Moreover, adding the complexity of jump-landing direction would help to explain lower extremity control during sport activities. The aim was to determine the effects of limb dominance and jump-landing direction on lower extremity biomechanics. Nineteen female volleyball athletes participated. Both dominant limbs (DLs) and non-dominant limbs (NLs) were examined in single-leg jump-landing tests in four directions, including forward (0°), diagonal (30° and 60°), and lateral (90°) directions. Kinematic marker trajectories and ground reaction forces were collected using a 10 camera Vicon system and an AMTI force plate. Repeated measures ANOVA (2?×?4, limb?×?direction) was used to analyse. The finding showed that, at peak vertical GRF, a significant interaction of limb dominance and direction effects was found in the hip flexion angle and lower extremity joint kinetics (p?<?.05). NLs and DLs exhibited significantly different strategies while landing in various directions. Significantly higher increase of ankle dorsiflexion angle was observed in lateral direction compared to other directions for both DLs and NLs (p?<?.05). Increasingly using ankle dorsiflexion was observed from the forward to the lateral direction for both DLs and NLs. However, NLs and DLs preferentially used different strategies of joint moment organization to respond to similar VGRFs in various directions. The response pattern of DLs might not be effective and may expose DLs to a higher injury risk, especially with regard to landing with awkward posture compared with NLs.  相似文献   

Twenty-five volleyball players (14 males, 11 females) were videotaped (60Hz) performing countermovement vertical jumps with and without an arm swing. Ground reaction force and video-based coordinate data were collected simultaneously. The resultant joint force and torque at the hip, knee, ankle and shoulder for two trials per subject per condition were computed and normalized. Average kinematic, resultant joint force and torque data were compared using repeated-measures analysis of variance. Larger values were recorded for the vertical velocity of the centre of mass at take-off in the jumps with (mean 2.75, s=0.3m.s-1) versus without (mean 2.44, s= 0.23m.s-1) an arm swing. The jumps with no arm swing produced larger torques at the hip during the first third of the propulsive phase (from zero to maximum vertical velocity of the centre of mass). During the final two-thirds of the propulsive phase, the arm swing augmented hip extensor torques by slowing the rate of trunk extension and placing the hip extensor muscles in slower concentric conditions that favoured the generation of larger forces and resultant joint torques. During the first two-thirds ofthe propulsive phase, knee extensor torque increased by 28% in the jumps with an arm swing, but maintained a relatively constant magnitude in the jumps with no arm swing.  相似文献   


Full three-dimensional movements and external moments in golfers’ knees and the possible involvement in injuries have not been evaluated using motion capture at high sample frequencies. This study measured joint angles and external moments around the three anatomical axes in both knees of 10 professional golfers performing golf drives whilst standing on two force plates in a motion capture laboratory. Significant differences were found in the knee joint moments between the lead and trail limbs for the peak values and throughout all stages during the swing phase. A significantly higher net abduction moment impulse was seen in the trail limb compared with the lead limb (?0.518 vs. ?0.135 Nms.kg?1), indicating greater loading over the whole swing, which could contribute to knee lateral compartment or anterior cruciate ligament injuries. A significant correlation (= ?0.85) between clubhead speed at ball contact and maximum joint moment was found, with the largest correlations being found for joint moments at the top of the backswing event and at the end of the follow-through. Therefore, although knee moments can contribute to high clubhead speeds, the large moments and impulses suggest that they may also contribute to chronic knee injuries or exacerbate existing conditions.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、观察法、逻辑分析法,对江苏省女子手球运动员前十字韧带的损伤情况进行分析和研究,结果发现:前十字韧带的损伤与运动员在比赛中的速度、起跳高度、运动方向及关节承担身体重量有关。建议在训练中尽可能地增加膝关节活动范围和承受重量,在比赛中应避免膝关节侧向移动范围过大和急速旋转膝关节。  相似文献   

目的:确定大学生男、女足球运动员在急停起跳和侧切动作中下肢动作的运动学和动力学特点和性别差异,确定有无足球训练对急停起跳和侧切动作中的下肢运动学和动力学的影响.研究方法:对定期参加足球训练的大学生和无训练背景的普通大学生完成急停起跳和侧切动作时的下肢运动学和动力学特征进行采集与分析.结果与结论:多个与AC负荷有关的生物力学指标在性别间、动作间和群体间存在差异.女子足球运动员完成侧切和急停起跳动作时的膝关节屈角较小,足底压力中心更靠近脚尖.足球运动员在完成侧切跑时受到了更大的地面反作用力和膝关节力矩影响.结果说明,不良的落地技术是使女性运动员ACL损伤高发的原因,而足球运动员所受外力较大可能是其ACL损伤率高于非运动员群体的主要原因.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate whether treadmill versus overground soccer match simulations have similar effects on knee joint mechanics during side cutting. Nineteen male recreational soccer players completed a 45-min treadmill and overground match simulation. Heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded every 5 min. Prior to exercise (time 0 min), at “half-time” (time 45 min) and 15 min post-exercise (time 60 min), participants performed five trials of 45° side-cutting manoeuvres. Knee abduction moments and knee extension angles were analysed using two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (α = 0.05). Physiological responses were significantly greater during the overground (HR 160 ± 7 beats ? min?1; RPE 15 ± 2) than the treadmill simulation (HR 142 ± 5 beats ? min?1; RPE 12 ± 2). Knee extension angles significantly increased over time and were more extended at time 60 min compared with time 0 min and time 45 min. No significant differences in knee abduction moments were observed. Although knee abduction moments were not altered over time during both simulations, passive rest during half-time induced changes in knee angles that may have implications for anterior cruciate ligament injury risk.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of vertical drop jumps (VDJs) to screen for non-contact ACL injuries is unclear. This may be contributed to by discrete point analysis, which does not evaluate patterns of movement. Also, limited research exists on the second landing of VDJs, potential lower limb performance asymmetries and the effect of fatigue. Statistical parametric mapping investigated the main effects of landing, limb dominance and a high intensity, intermittent exercise protocol (HIIP) on VDJ biomechanics. Twenty-two male athletes (21.9 ± 1.1 years, 180.5 ± 5.5 cm, 79.4 ± 7.8 kg) performed VDJs pre- and post-HIIP. Repeated measures ANOVA identified pattern differences during the eccentric phases of the first and second landings bilaterally. The first landing displayed greater (internal) knee flexor (η2 = 0.165), external rotator (η2 = 0.113) and valgus (η2 = 0.126) moments and greater hip (η2 = 0.062) and knee (η2 = 0.080) flexion. The dominant limb generated greater knee flexor (η2 = 0.062), external rotator (η2 = 0.110) and valgus (η2 = 0.065) moments. The HIIP only had one effect, increased thoracic flexion relative to the pelvis (η2 = 0.088). Finally, the dominant limb demonstrated greater knee extensor moments during the second landing (η2 = 0.100). ACL injury risk factors were present in both landings of VDJs with the dominant limb at potentially greater injury risk. Therefore, VDJ screenings should analyse both landings bilaterally.  相似文献   

Many field sports involve equipment that restricts one or both arms from moving while running. Arm swing during running has been examined from a biomechanical and physiologic perspective but not from an injury perspective. Moreover, only bilateral arm swing suppression has been studied with respect to running. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of running with one arm restrained on lower extremity mechanics associated with running or sport-related injury. Fifteen healthy participants ran at a self-selected speed with typical arm swing, with one arm restrained and with both arms restrained. Lower extremity kinematics and spatiotemporal measures were analysed for all arm swing conditions. Running with one arm restrained resulted in increased frontal plane knee and hip angles, decreased foot strike angle, and decreased centre of mass vertical displacement compared to typical arm swing or bilateral arm swing restriction. Stride length was decreased and step frequency increased when running with one or both arms restrained. Unilateral arm swing restriction induces changes in lower extremity kinematics that are not similar to running with bilateral arm swing restriction or typical arm swing motion. Running with one arm restrained increases frontal plane mechanics associated with risk of knee injury.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the associations between lower limb biomechanics and ball release speed in 15 high-performance (HP) and 15 amateur fast bowlers. Kinematic and kinetic variables of the lower limbs collected in the laboratory environment with a 3D Vicon motion analysis system were compared between groups, as well as their associations with ball release speed. HP bowlers had a significantly higher run-up velocity at back foot impact but this difference became non-significant at ball release. Front knee kinematics were not statistically different, however effect sizes revealed medium-large differences with the HP group displaying a more extended knee joint at maximum flexion (d = 0.72) and ball release (d = 0.76). Only front hip positive power was significantly higher in the HP group and it was suggested that the probable cause was the HP bowlers having less knee flexion after front foot impact. From a joint power analysis, the extensor muscle groups of the hip and knee were shown to be important in developing ball release speed. This highlights the need for lower limb/core strength programmes to be multifaceted and focus on the muscles associated with both power and stability.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of cryotherapy on lower extremity running biomechanics. Twenty-six healthy male volunteers were randomised into two intervention groups: cold water (cold water at ~11°C) or tepid water (tepid water at ~26°C). They were required to run at 4.0 ± 0.2 m · s?1 before and after they underwent water immersion for 20 min. Differences between pre- and post-intervention were used to compare the influence of water intervention during running. Peak joint angles, peak joint moments, peak ground reaction forces (GRF) and contact time (CT) were calculated using three-dimensional gait analysis. Independent t-tests were applied with a significant alpha level set at 0.05. Decreased peak propulsive and vertical GRF, decreased plantarflexion moments, increased hip flexion angle and longer CT were observed following cold water immersion. Although cold water immersion (cryotherapy) affected the running movement, none of the alterations have been related to running biomechanical patterns associated with injuries. Therefore, our results indicated that cold water immersion appears safe prior to running activities.  相似文献   

评价膝关节前交叉韧带损伤后屈伸肌肉力量变化和腘绳肌生理状态变化的特征,以指导前交叉韧带重建术前和术后的康复治疗与训练。结果表明,前交叉韧带损伤后膝关节肌肉功能状态水平下降,在一定程度上影响运动中膝关节的稳定性,韧带重建术前和术后应注重加强膝关节肌肉力量和屈膝肌反应速度的康复训练,以减少术后康复训练中对重建韧带的负荷。  相似文献   

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