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INTRODUCTION A large number of Lachnum species have been reported from diverse regions of the world (Dennis, 1949; 1961; Galán and Raitviir, 1994; Haines, 1980; 1992; Haines and Dumont, 1984; Haines and Kaneko, 1984; Sharma, 1986; Singh, 1975; Spooner, 1987; Tai, 1979; Teng, 1934; 1963; Wu et al., 1998; Wu and Haines, 1999; Zhuang and Hyde, 2001). The earliest records of Lachnum in China dated back to 1934 when the Chinese mycologist Teng (1934) reported two species from Zhejian…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The hop plant (Humulus lupulus L., Cannabi- naceae) is a dioecious twining perennial widely cul- tivated throughout the temperate zones of the world. The inflorescences (hops or hop cones) are used in breweries to give beer its characteristics such as fla- vor and aroma. In this respect, the bitter acids and essential oils have received much attention. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is currently the most accepted solvent for the manufacture of hops extracts by breweries. Its extracts…  相似文献   

Boardman, Gail, Oral Communication of Literature, 1953, N. Y.: Prentice‐Hall, pp. 472, $4.95.

Gassner, John, Producing The Play, (rev. ed.), 1953, N. Y.: Dryden Press, pp. 915, $5.75.

Gottlober, A. B., Understanding Stuttering, 1952, N. Y.: Grune and Stratton. pp. 288, $5.50.

Harding, H. F., The Age of Danger, 1952, N. Y.: Random House, pp. 561, $3.25.

Haut, Lillian, Speak Correctly, 1952, N. Y.: Speech Handbooks, pp. 56, $1.50.

Huston, A. D., and Sandberg, R. A., Everyday Business Speech, 1952, N. Y.: Prentice‐Hall, pp. 302, $4.00.

Johnson, W., et al, Diagnostic Manual In Speech Correction, 1953, N. Y.: Harper, pp. 221, $2.50.

Lee, C. I., Oral Interpretation, 1952, N. Y.: Houghton‐Mifflin. pp. 596, $3.50.

Lee, I. J., How To Talk With People, 1952, N. Y.: Harper, pp. 176, $2.00.

O'Brien, J. F., Parliamentary Law for The Layman, 1952, N. Y.: Harper, pp. 248, $3.00.

Van Dusen, C. R., Training The Voice For Speech, sec. ed., 1952, N. Y.: McGraw Hill. pp. 232, $3.50.

Van Riper, C., A Case Book In Speech Therapy, 1953, N. Y.: Prentice‐Hall, pp. 144, $2.75.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Classroom Management: Principles to Practice , Shirley L. Ball, Jonathan E. Solity
Responding to Adolescent Needs , Polly Lowe
Outside the Mainstream , J.S. Hurt
Supporting Ordinary Schools: LEA initiatives , D. Moses, S. Hegarty, S. Jowett
Radical Analysis of Special Education , Scott B. Sigmon
Personal and Social Education: Choices and Challenges , A. Hargreaves, E. Baling, P. Henderson, P. Leeson, T. Tossell
Community Care for Mentally Handicapped Children , P. Abbott, R. Sapsford
Problem Behaviour in People with Severe Learning Disabilities , E. Zarkowska, J. Clements
Diagnosis and Remediation of Handwriting Problems , D. Stott, F. Moyes, S. Henderson  相似文献   

Barbara, Dominick A., Stuttering: A Psychodynamic Approach To Its Understanding and Treatment, New York: The Julian Press, Inc., pp. 304, $5.00.

Braden, W. W. and Brandenburg, E., Oral Decision‐Making, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955, pp. 572, $4.75.

Henneke, Ben G., Reading Aloud Effectively, New York: Reinhart and Co., Inc., 1954, pp. 481, $5.00

Huston, A. D., Sandberg, R. A., rev. by Mills, Jack, Effective Speaking in Business, New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1955, pp. 399, $6.35.

Moses, Paul J., The Voice of Neurosis, New York: Grune and Stratton, 1954, pp. 131, $4.00.

Mulgrave, Dorothy I., Speech for the Classroom Teacher, 3rd. ed., New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1955, pp. 470, $5.75.

Painter, Margaret, Ease in Speech, 3rd. ed., Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1954, pp. 456, $3.00.

Sisson, Charles J., ed., William Shakespeare: The Complete Works, New York: Haprer and Brothers, 1953, pp. 1376, $4.50.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Urban School, L. F. Claydon (ed.)
Children in Conflict, H. R. Reinert
Charting Intellectual Development, Ruth Formanek, Anita Gurian
Language and Communication in the Mentally Handicapped, Paul Berry (ed.)
Language, Learning and Remedial Teaching, Roger Gurney
Children and Psychologists, Philip Williams
Therapy Through Play, Ivonny Lindquist
Psychology and Education of Slow Learners, Roy Brown
Medical Care in Schools, M. Willis, M. E. McLachlan
Teaching Slow Learners, Gerald Haigh
The Early Identification of Educationally 'At Risk' Children, K. Wedell, E. C. Raybould
Detection of Development Problems fn Children, Marilyn J. Krajicak, Alice I. Teamey
Listen—Let's Make Music, Ann Hunt
For the Classroom: Steps 1, Marianne Parry
For the Classroom: Headlines, John L. Foster & others
For the Classroom: Monsters of Myth and Legend, Paul Groves, Nigel Grimshaw  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
S. Power, T. Edwards, G. Whitty and V. Wigfall, Education and the Middle Class
Peter Blatchford, with Paul Bassett, Harvey Goldstein and Claire Martin, also Gemma Catchpole, Suzanne Edmonds and Viv Moriarty, The Class Size Debate: is small better?
L. Cruddas and L. Haddock, Girls' Voices: Supporting girls' learning and emotional development
Jagdish S. Gundara, Interculturalism, Education and Inclusion
J. Satterwaite, E. Atkinson and K. Gale (eds), Discourse, Resistance and Power: Challenging the rhetoric of contemporary education
Walter McMahon, Education and Development: Measuring the social benefits
G.A. Valverde, L.J. Bianchi, R.G. Wolfe, W.H. Schmidt and R.T. Houng, According to the Book: Using TIMSS to investigate the translation of policy into practice through the world of textbooks
Martyn Hammersley, Educational Research, Policymaking and Practice
José Antonio, Ibaňez-Martin and Gonzale Jovar, Education and Europe: Policies and Politics
Maggie MacLure, Discourse in Educational and Social Research
Jill Williams, Promoting Independent Learning in the Primary Classroom
Pat Thomson, Schooling the Rustbelt Kids
Bob Jeffrey and Peter Woods, The Creative School: A framework for success, quality and effectiveness
Gill Evans, Academics and the Real World  相似文献   

四川岷江流域常见养殖经济鱼类外寄生车轮虫的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在对四川岷江地区淡水车轮虫的调查研究过程中,于几大重要经济养殖鱼类大口鲶、鲫、泥鳅、黄颡鱼、鲢、鲤及乌鳢鳃上获得12种外寄生车轮虫:其中车轮虫属10种,即杜氏车轮虫Trichodina domerguei(Wallengren,1897)、易变车轮虫T.mutabilis Kazubski & Migala,1968、适度车轮虫Zmodesta Lom,1970、急尖车轮虫T.acuta Lom,1961、重寄生车轮虫T.hyperparasitis Chen & Hsish,1984、喙状车轮虫T.rostrata Kulemina,1968、卡氏车轮虫T.kazubski VanAs & Basson,1989、网状车轮虫T.reticulata Hirschman & Partsch,1955、显著车轮虫T.nobilis Chen,1963、单型车轮虫T.uniforma Van As & Basson,1989;小车轮虫属1种,即周从小车轮虫Trichodinella epizootica Sramek & Husek,1953;三分虫属1种,即大型三分虫Tripartiella macrosoma Basson & Van As,1987.采用活体观察及干银染色法,运用国际间统一特定方法及齿体定位描述方法对12种车轮虫进行了详细的形态学重描述;讨论了不同车轮虫种群的形态学特征.本研究中的杜氏车轮虫为四川地区新记录种;寄主鱼一鲢是喙状车轮虫的宿主新记录.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Special Educational Needs: Towards a Whole School Approach , Mel Ainscow, Anton Florek (eds.)
Deafness, Development and Literacy , Alec Webster Methuen
Encouraging Classroom Success , Mel Ainscow, David Tweddle
Children with Profound Handicaps Parents' View and Integration , Philip Seed Falmer
A Teacher's Guide to Special Needs: A Positive Response to the 1981 Education Act , J. Solity, E. Raybould
The Consultant Teacher: Special Educational Needs , Ken Jones
Special Education: Research and the Teacher , Bob Hogg (ed.)
Developing Mathematical and Scientific Thinking in Young Children , David Womack
Foundations of Communication and Language , C. Kiernan, B. Reid, J. Goldbart Manchester
Classroom Responses to Learning Difficulties , B. Raban
Classroom Responses to Disruptive Behaviour , J. Gray
Organising a School's Response , K. Postlethwaite
Cognitive Control Therapy with Children and Adolescents , Sebastiano Santostefano
Vocational Evaluation in Special Education , N.C. Hursh, A.F. Kerns
Getting Employed, Staying Employed , S. McLoughlin, J. Garner, M. Callahan
Supported Employment G. Bellamy, L.E. Rhodes, D.M. Monk, J.M. Albin
Integration of Developmentally Disabled Individuals into the Community (2nd ed), I.W. Heal, J.I. Haney, A.R.N. Amado
Management and the Psychology of Schooling , N. Jones, J. Sayer (eds.)
Staff Training in Mental Handicap , J. Hogg, P. Mittler (eds.)
Portage: Pre-Schoolers, Parents and Professionals , R. J. Cameron (ed.)
Extending and Developing Portage , R. Hedderley, K. Jennings (ed.)
Severe Learning Disability and Psychological Handicap , John Clements  相似文献   

Rutter, Michael and Smith, David J. (eds) Psychosocial Disorders in Young People: Time Trends and their Causes
Sigston, A.; Curran, P.; Labram, A. and Wolfendale, S. (eds) Psychology in Practice with Young People, Families and Friends
McClelland, V. Alan and Varma, Ved (eds) The Needs of Teachers
Mehan, Hugh; Villanueva, Irene; Hubbard, Lea and Lintz, Angela Constructing School Success: the Consequences of Untracking Low-Achieving Students
Gates, Brian (ed.) Freedom and Authority in Religions and Religious Education
Kearney, Mary-Louise and Holden Ronning, Anne (eds) Women and the University Curriculum: Towards Equality, Democracy and Peace
Chawla-Duggan, Rita and Pole, Christopher J. (eds) Reshaping Education in the 1990s: Perspectives on Primary Schooling
Chawla-Duggan, Rita and Pole, Christopher J. (eds) Reshaping Education in the 1990s: Perspectives on Secondary Schooling
Britton, E. D. and Raizen, S. A. (eds) Examining the Examinations
Apple, Michael W. Cultural Politics and Education
Phillips, Melanie All Must Have Prizes
Hutchinson, Francis P. Educating Beyond Violent Futures
Chapman, Judith; Boyd, William; Lander, Rolf and Reynolds, David (eds) The Reconstruction of Education. Quality, Equality and Control
McNiff, Jean; Lomax, Pamela and Whitehead, Jack You and Your Action Research Project
Pring, Richard Closing the Gap: Liberal Education and Vocational Preparation
Tuijnman, Albert C. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Adult Education and Training
McKernan, James Curriculum Action Research: A handbook of methods and resources for the reflective practitioner  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the small sample (N = 1, 3, 5, 10, 15) performance of a Bayesian multivariate vector autoregressive (BVAR-SEM) time series model relative to frequentist power and parameter estimation bias. A multivariate autoregressive model was developed based on correlated autoregressive time series vectors of varying lengths (T = 25, 50, 75, 100, 125) using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) version 9.2. Autoregressive components for the 5 series vectors included coefficients of .80, .70, .65, .50 and .40. Error variance components included values of .20, .20, .10, .15, and .15, with cross-lagged coefficients of .10, .10, .15, .10, and .10. A Monte Carlo study revealed that in comparison to frequentist methods, the Bayesian approach provided increased sensitivity for hypothesis testing and detecting Type I error.  相似文献   

Background Speakers: Diversity and its Management in LOTE Programs, Michael Clyne, Sue Fernandez, Imogen Y. Chen, Renata Summo‐O‐Connell, 1997, Belconnen, ACT, Australia, Language Australia, $28.00, Soft cover, 24cm x 16cm, 175 pages.

Communicative Psychoanalysis with Children, V. A. Bonac, 1999, London, UK, Whurr Publishers Ltd, Maclennan & Petty, $74–00, Card cover 23.5cm X 15.5cm, 189 pages.

Language Disorders in Children and Adults, S. Chiat, J. Law & J. Marshall (Eds.), 1997, London, UK, Whurr Publishers Ltd Australian Dist: MacIennan & Petty, $92.00, Card cover 23.5cm X 15.5cm, 272 pages.

Empowerment in Everyday Life – learning disability, Edited by: Paul Ramcharan, Gwyneth Roberts, Gordon Grant and & John Borland, 1997, London, U.K., Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd., Astam Books, Locked Bag 2, Annandale NSW 2038, $64.00, Soft cover, size 23.5 x 15.5 cm., 266 pp.

Phonemic Awareness in Young Children, Marilyn Jager Adams, Barbara R. Foorman, Ingvar Lundberg & Terri Beeler, 1998, Baltimore, Maryland USA, Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., P.O. Box 10624, Baltimore, Maryland USA, Maclennan & Petty, $46.10 including GS, New ISBN. 0–86433–160–6, Size: 28cm. x 21.5cm., 180pp., coloured cover, spiral bound.

Assessing and Teaching Phonological Knowledge, John Munro, 1998, Melbourne, Victoria, Australian Council for Educational Research, $97.90, Comprises Manual, Checklists, Record booklet and Task sheets. Manual she 30cm. x 21cm., 132pp.

The Bangor Dyslexia Teaching System (3rd Edition), Elaine Miles, 1998, London, UK, Whurr Publishers Ltd, $74–65, 21cm x 21cm, 102 pages, paperback., ISBN: 1–86156–055–9

Children's Speech and Literacy Difficulties, Joy Stackhouse & Bill Wells, 1997, London, Whurr Publishers Ltd., MacLennan and Petty, $81.25

Star Track Reading and Spelling, Cosette Beadle and Joan Hampshire, 1997, London, England., Whurr Publishers Ltd., MacLennan & Petty (Australia), $163.60, Size 29.5cm. x 21cm., card cover, spiral bound, 273 pages. ISBN: 1897635 82 6

Sounds & Vowels ‐ Keys to Literacy Progress (Teacher's Master Book) (Student Work Book) Laminated Wallcharts: (small) $17.50, (large) $32.50, Susan Galletly, 1999, Mt. Pleasant, Mackay, Qld., Literacy Plus, P.O Box 8627, Mt. Pleasant, Mackay, Qld., Teacher's Master Book $68.50 Student Work Book $14–50, Size 30cm x 21cm, 156 pp. (Master Book), 64pp. (student work book).

Autism: A World Apart, Poseidon Film Productions for Channel 4, BBC, 1999, London, England, HopeLine Videos, PO Box 515, London SW15 2WB, £16.95 (Including Postage)

Specific Reading Disability: A view of the spectrum, Bruce K. Shapiro, Pasquale J. Accardo & Arnold J. Cupute, 1988, Timonium, Maryland, York Press Inc., Maclennan & Petty, $73.75, Paperback, 267 pages, 15cm x 23cm.

Language Difficulties in an Educational Context, Wendy Rinaldi, 2000, London, England, Whurr Publishers, $81.25, Maclennan & Petty, Paperback, 152 pages, text and figures, with some illustrations.

How to Detect and Manage Dyslexia A Reference and Resource Manual, Philomena Ott, 1997, Heinemann Educational Publishers, UK Reed Books, Melbourne, $42.00, ISBN: 0 435 104195  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Bloomfield, Leonard, and Barnhart, Clarence L., Let's Read: A Linguistic Approach. Wayne State University Press, Detroit 2. l961, $7.50.

Gunderson, Robert Gray, Old Gentlemen's Convention: The Washington Peace Conference of 1861. The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. 1961, $5.

Corrigan, Robert W., Chandler Editions in Drama. Chandler Publishing Company, 604 Madison Street, San Francisco 4. $.75, paper.

Plummer, Gail, The Business of Show Business. Harper and Brothers, 49 East 33 Street, New York 16. 1961, $5.25.

Babcock, Weston, Hamlet, a Tragedy of Errors. Purdue University Studies, Humanities Series. Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. 1961, paper, $1.75.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Black, Edwin and Kerr, Harry P., American Issues Harcourt, Brace, and World, 750 Third Avenue, New York 17, New York. 1961, paper, $2.25.

Wrage, Ernest J. and Baskerville, Barnet, American Forum, Speeches on Historic Issues, 1788–1900. Harper and Brothers, 49 East 33rd Street, New York 16, New York. 1960.

Simmons, Harry, Executive Public Speaking Techniques. Chilton Company—Book Division, Philadelphia 39, Pennsylvania. 1959, $5.00.

Jones, E. Einston, A Guide to Effective Speech. Longmans, Green and Company, 119 West 40th Street, New York 18, New York. 1961, $3.75.

Smith, Joseph F. and Linn, James R., Skill in Reading Aloud. Harper and Brothers, 49 East 33rd Street, New York 16, New York. 1960, $5.75.  相似文献   

Some programmes of management are described by Dr. I. Kolvin, reader in child psychiatry, Dr. R. F. Garside, senior lecturer in applied psychology, Dr. A. R. Nicol, consultant child psychiatrist, A. Macmillan, senior psychologist, and F. Wolstenholme, lecturer in applied sociology, all members of the Human Development Unit, Newcastle University  相似文献   

《新编英语语法教程》已被列为最具有权威性的语法书之一,与其它语法书相比,它更为详细、精辟,已被全国许多院校列为教科书或自学参考书目,它与薄冰、张道真等老学识们所编的传统英语语法有所不同,是从语用学的角度来解释语法现象。但语法的使用,应是一个明朗清晰的框架。而此书却存在着某些含糊性。它在许多情况下,只列出其然,却没说明其所以然,给广大读在理解和使用方面带来一定困难。针对此点,本人阐述一下自己的观点,主要论述的内容是:1、集体名词和复数名词的主谓一致性问题。2、并列主语的主谓一致性问题。  相似文献   

从复杂性研究范式看,语言是一个有机而非机械符号系统.在有机观下,本文尝试提出解决功能句法分析中存在的不一致性、繁琐性和冗余性问题的方案.文章指出,语言系统形式层的核心概念是语法范畴,包括语法单位、结构成分和形式项;核心思想是语法关系,包括构成、组成、填充、说明和重合;语法描写和分析应尊重语言作为有机符号系统所具有的特点...  相似文献   

着重描述湖南邵东保和堂柳东早二叠世早期栖霞组底部首次发现的史塔夫 (Staffella)类动物群 ,共 5属 2 0种 ,这五属分别是史塔夫亚科的 Staffella,Pseudoendothyra,Nankinella和卡勒亚科的 Sphaerulina,Pisolina.该类动物群笔者曾命名为 Pseudoendothyra jazvensis带 .这一发现不仅填补了湘东南栖霞组生物地层学研究的空白 ,而且对我国南方石炭、二叠纪的生物地层划分提供了新的依据  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: AINCOW, M. and TWEDDLE, D. (1984) Early Learning Skills Analysis. ANDERSON, R.C., OSBORN, J. and TIERNEY, R.J. (eds)(1984) Learning to Read in American Schools: Basal Readers and Content Texts. TUNMER, W.E., PRAIT, c. and HERRIMAN, M.L. (eds) (1984) Metalinguisfic Awareness in Children. Theory, Research, and Implications. DOWNING, J. and VALTIN, R. (eds) (1984) Language Awareness and Learning to Read. COCHRAN-SMITH, M. (1984) The Making of a Reader. GOELMAN, H., OBERG, A. and SMITH, F. (1984) Awakening to Literacy. KENNEDY, A. (1984) The Psychology of Reading. VAN DIJK, T.A. and KINTSCH, W. (1983) Strategies of Discourse Comprehension. EGOFF, SHEILA A. (1981) Thursday's Child. FLOOD, J. (1984) Understanding Reading Comprehension: Cognition, Language, and the Structure of Prose. Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association. ISBN 0-87207-7365. PETERS, M. (1984) Spelling: Caught or Taught? A New Look. GRONER, R., MENZ, c., FISHER, D.F. and MONTY, R.A. (eds) (1983) Eye Movements and Psychological Processes: international views. RAYNER, K. (ed.) (1983) Eye Movements in Reading: perceptual and language processes. HENDERSON, L. (1984) Orthographies and Reading. WALLER, T. GARY and MACKINNON, G.E. (eds) (1979) Reading Research Advances in Theory and Practice, Volume 1. MACMNNON, G.E. and WALLER, T. GARY. (eds) (1981) Reading Research Advances in Theory and Practice, Volume 2. MACMNNON, G.E. and WALLER, T. GARY (eds) (1981) Reading Research Advances in Theory and Practice, Volume 3 MACKINNON, G.E. and WALLER, T. GARY (eds) (1985) Reading Research Advances in Theory and Practice, Volume 4.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Steve Adams, Derbyshire LEA/University of Nottingham, Perspectives on Pastoral Care, Woocester, A. and Hall, E. 1986, University of Nottingham School of Education, (No. 5 in Human Relations in Education Series)

Eileen Callely, University of Cardiff, Educational Systems for Disruptive Adolescents, Topping, Keith 1983, Croom Helm Ltd., Beckenham, Kent, U.K. (also St. Martin's Press Inc, New York) £7.95

Susan Heyes, Essex Institute of Higher Education, All in a day's work, Walker, D. 1985, Edward Arnold; Them and Us, Parkes, R. 1985, Edward Arnold

Peter Ribbins, University of Birmingham, GO 87: Graduate Opportunities, Pierce, Liz, (Ed), 1986, Newpoint Publishing, £15.00 pp. 920

Barbara Sharples, Worden High School, Lanes, Child Psychology in Action , John Harris, 1986, Croom Helm

Colin J. Smith, University of Birmingham, Special Need in Ordinary Classrooms, G. Hanko, Publisher: Basil Blackwell  相似文献   

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