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【模拟试题】题目:为自己喝彩提示:同学们,可能有时候你会为别人而喝彩,但是,很多时候我们更该为自己喝彩。当你取得优异的成绩时,你会为自己喝彩;当你学会某种本领时,你会为自己喝彩;当你战胜困难险阻时,你也会为自己喝彩……在生活中,类似的事情有很多,请你回忆自己所经历过的,以"为自己喝彩"为题作文,要求事例真实,情感真切,字数不少于400字。  相似文献   

正这一讲的主题是为谁写和写什么。其实,明确了为何写,这两个问题也就有答案了。简单地说,就是为自己写,写自己真正感兴趣的东西。一、为自己写作如果一个人出自内心需要而写作,把写作当作自己的精神生活,那么,他必然首先是为自己写作的。凡是精神生  相似文献   

静静地坐在花丛里,我看见花朵绽开了笑靥,我知道,那是花为自己自豪;缓缓地穿行在树林中,我听见树长的声音,我知道,那是树为自己鼓掌;悠闲地漫步在小河边,我听见"哗哗"的水流声,我知道,那是小河为自己叫好……你看,自然界的万物,自己欣赏着自己,我们为何不把自己欣赏。  相似文献   

有人说,一个不懂得欣赏自己的人是很难快乐的,只有充满希望的心才能扬帆远航。我很善于发现自己的闪光点,为自己感动,为自己喝彩,使自己的生活充满快乐,充满希望。  相似文献   

王思涵 《辅导员》2009,(14):120-120
雏鹰为自己喝彩,在心中鼓励自己,所以它翱翔蓝天;幼狼为自己喝彩,在心中鞭策自己,所以它游驰大地。在生活中,我们难免会遇见挫折和失败,与成功失之交臂,这时不要悲伤,也不要心急,在心中默默地为自己喝彩,是我们驶向成功彼岸的最好航船。  相似文献   

如果没人认可你,那就自己认可自己;如果没人欣赏你,那就自己欣赏自己;如果没人祝福你,那就自己祝福自己。与其用泪水为昨天而悔恨,不如用汗水为明天而拼搏。当眼泪流尽时,留下的应是坚强。用心去触摸属于自己的阳光,用爱去创造属于自己的时空。  相似文献   

在新课程理念下,教师要重新审视自己,定好自己的位,改变自己在教学中的角色,以使自己适应新课程改革的要求。不管自己扮演什么角色,我们都要以学生的发展为本,要以提高学生的素质为目标,才能成为课改理念下的新型教师。  相似文献   

自我调度就是要展示自己的责任感,自主行使自己的职权,自行保障自己的权益。自我调度有利于自身知识、能力和智慧的增进,而且有利于自身人格的完善,有利于提升自身生命的价值。一、目标调度目标是做事的起点,也是做事的终点。一个教师,不仅要能为自己当前定位,而且要能够为自己设定将来的目标,并且愿意为实现目标而改变自己的生活方式。从时间跨度来看,教  相似文献   

看了这个题目,可能会有人拍案而起,斥我为狂妄之徒,你这不是老子天下第一吗?对于这个题目,我需要辩解几句。这里的"我",指的是自己。"我"可以称自己为"我",别的老师称自己也为"我"。"我"就是自己,自己的方法才是最好的方法。  相似文献   

[文题]为自己喝彩,就是发现自己的闪光点,为自己感动,使自己的生活充满快乐,充满希望。有人说,不懂得为自己喝彩的人是很难快乐的,只有充满希望的心才能扬帆远航。请以"为自己喝彩"为题,写一篇600字以上的记叙文。  相似文献   

教师作为构成大学组织的基本要素,其发展对大学以及高等教育系统的发展起着极为重要的作用。大学教师在专业方面的知识权威是其工作的基础。大学教师通过获得高深学问,从而获得专业方面的学术权力。大学教师学术权力影响的大小取决于他们在发展高深学问领域中的地位、角色与作用。增进大学教师在高深学问领域中的权威与影响力是提升高等教育水平以及科学研究水平的至关重要的途径。因此,促进大学教师的发展应主要着眼于其在高深学问方面的发展,实现其知识人的角色。  相似文献   

In teacher training it is necessary to take into account the practical knowledge student teachers have about teaching. Student teachers should have the opportunity of integrating theories that are being taught with their own practical knowledge. This can only happen if the student teacher recognises the theories as being relevant to their teaching practice. To facilitate and stimulate such an integration process, teacher trainers need to have insight in the content and the development of the practical knowledge of teaching. This content and development will be described and there will be given some implications for teacher training.  相似文献   

This paper concludes our report of an investigation of two beginning teacher educators making the transition from classroom teacher to university-based teacher educator. The authors combined case study and self-study of teacher education practices to investigate features of the institutional context they encountered, the knowledge they employed in their decision-making, and the merging of their former identities as classroom teachers with their new identities as teacher educators. Our initial paper described the theoretical framework, methodology, and two categories of findings—institutional context and shifting role identification. This paper builds on those insights by addressing the frames of understanding and knowledge employed in this transition, and how these frames informed the decisions made in the arena of teacher education practice. We also explore the implications of these findings by discussing the need for support as educators make the transition from teacher to teacher educator.  相似文献   

Researchers have advocated building a knowledge base for teacher education based on practitioner knowledge. In this article, the authors, two teacher educators, present knowledge gained from their systematic study of two lessons to help prospective teachers learn to study teaching. They offer a detailed look at the lessons' successes and shortcomings as well as potential revisions. They also reflect on their use of a model for systematically studying lessons, sharing details about their learning during this process. This article attempts to provide a visible, tangible product for other teacher educators interested in helping prospective teachers examine evidence of student learning.  相似文献   

Educators are experiencing a knowledge crisis and, as a result, they are committing epistemological suicide. The crisis is born out of two different conceptions of teacher knowledge, each containing a limitation that generates fissures within the respective knowledge paradigm. Educators commit epistemic suicide when surveillance technologies, masked as performance-based accountability systems, demand evidence of their knowing. Unable to account for their knowledge, educators fabricate pedagogical and curricular apparitions to be seen as compliant. I discuss how pedagogical fabrications constitute a teacher's subjectivity through the processes of exterritorializing, deterritorializing, and reterritorializing their knowledge. In the end, I argue that any conception of teacher knowledge ought to include overt conceptualizations of power within professionalization attempts. I sketch a politics of meaning as a way to reclaim teacher knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper reports my efforts as a teacher educator to improve our understanding of the process of learning to teach. It illustrates how the nature of the knowledge developed by teacher educators about their practice is often embedded in complexity and ambiguity. This knowledge is explored as a source of tensions that teacher educators can learn to recognize and manage within their work. By examining one of these tensions within my practice, that of valuing and reconstructing experience, I consider how conceptualizing knowledge as tensions can enhance teacher educators' understandings of practice and contribute to the professional knowledge base of teacher education.  相似文献   

Teachers need to know a great deal, in many areas and in multiple ways. Teacher knowledge is a complex tapestry, and teachers must successfully weave the multiple threads. In this article, I present a conceptualisation of teacher knowledge that provides a framework for describing the complexity of teacher knowledge. The framework describes three ways of knowing: “knowing how,” “knowing why,” and “knowing what” and then applies these three knowledge discourses across six domains of teacher knowledge. The framework was developed from a study of 14 teachers in their first year of teaching, and in this article the framework is applied to their experiences to illustrate specific gaps in their teacher knowledge. It is proposed that this conceptualisation of teacher knowledge allows those involved in teacher education and induction to more clearly identify professional learning needs and develop their programmes with specificity.  相似文献   

简论建构主义教师观   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
张桂春 《教育科学》2006,22(1):49-52
建构主义在教师角色及其作用问题上的见解完全颠覆和否定了传统的教师观。建构主义认为,教师不是传递知识的“工程师”,而是苏格拉底倡导的“助产士”,教师的作用不在于给予学生“真理”,而是在确定的经验领域里,在意义建构上给予学生支持;教师不是支配学生学习的权威者和控制者,而是学生建构知识的帮助者、引导者与合作者;教师在教学活动中要有正确的角色认知并处理好角色互换;教师教育应按建构主义的理解和要求来确立培养目标。  相似文献   

Teacher research is described as being beneficial and yet it is hampered by teachers' lack of knowledge about research, including how to use popular research methods. Given that accounts by teachers describing their use of such methods in a systematic manner might prove useful for their peers, this article describes my experience of using a questionnaire in teacher research.  相似文献   

In this paper, the argument is made that forms of consciousness, knowledge, sentiments and values that teachers use as part of their cultural repertoires in schools are the result of social constitution. The ‘social’ is composed of a number of overlapping discourses that are characteristic of schools everywhere. ‘Teacher culture’ is a signifier for the production and consumption of these discourses. Recent trends to emphasise the plurality of teacher culture(s) are countered by a review of work that suggests more uniformity in teacher culture.  相似文献   

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