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INTRODUCTIONMeasuringbodytemperaturehaslongbecomeanindispensablemeansfortheevaluationofapa-tient抯generalhealthstatus.Temperatureasoneofthekeyfactorsinphysiologicalhomeostasisissubjecttominuteregulation,whilebeingareadilyaccessiblediagnosticindicatoraswell.Circadianrhythmswerereportedinnewbornsasearlyasonthe2nddayoflife(Sitkaetal.,1994).Likewise,avarietyofotherbenignfactors,suchasenviron-mentaltemperature,seasonalvariations,stateofarousal,metabolicstate,ethnicityandothers,arealsoknowntoaf…  相似文献   

数列的通项公式的求法是数学学习中的一个重要内容,文章对一阶递推数列的通项公式给出几种类型的求法,这对学生的数学学习具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

数列的通项公式的求法是数学学习中的一个重要内容,文章对一阶递推数列的通项公式给出几种类型的求法,这对学生的数学学习具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

Caregiver-infant interactions were studied for 50 preterm infants and their primary caregivers. Naturalistic observations in the home were made when the infants were 1, 3, and 8 months of age. The social transactions in the first year were related to competence at age 2, thereby extending a previous report showing a moderate association between caregiver-infant interaction and competence at 9 months. The frequency of early social transactions was predictive of the infant's competence at age 2 on the Gesell Developmental Schedules, a sensorimotor scale, a measure of receptive language, and the Bayley Mental Scale. Early social transactions were as predictive of 2-year competence as were caregiver-child transactions at age 2. The study suggests that social transactions as early as 1 month reflect some quality of the relationship between the caregiver and the infant that is important to the child's later mental performance.  相似文献   

本文指出了深入认识供暖室内空气温度(tn)的思路.对对流,辐射两种主要供暖形式在空气温度不同时人的感觉却相同的现象,给予了理论说明.介绍了国外供暖综合温度、环境温度等新概念,对工程应用与如何计算给出了具体公式.通过计算例题,进一步说明了供暖室内温度、综合温度、环境温度的概念与应用,用具体数值说明了深化室内供暖温度认识的必要性.  相似文献   

Early childhood classrooms support children's learning in a variety of ways. Of critical importance are the interactions teachers have with children. The type and quality of classroom interactions vary and can be grouped into three domains: instructional, organizational, and emotional. The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which the quality of classroom interactions is stable over time and the extent to which certain types of interactions (e.g., organizational) set the stage for other types of interactions (e.g., instructional) during the first two hours of a typical pre-k day. Classrooms (n = 693) were observed during four contiguous observation cycles (20 min for observation, 10 min for ratings) using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System. Stability estimates from autoregressive models showed the quality of classroom interactions was highly stable. Latent difference score models were then fit to determine how these domains of teacher interactions related with one another over time. Contrary to hypotheses, higher levels of Classroom Organization and Emotional Support were not related to positive changes in Instructional Support. However, the final model indicated that Classroom Organization and Emotional Support were positively related to one another over time. That is, higher levels of Classroom Organization were related to higher levels of Emotional Support at the next observation cycle and vice versa. Implications for the understanding of classroom interactions and the measurement of interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

阐述了各种温度传感器的工作原理,归纳和总结了各种传感器的特点及其在医学领域的应用,对其在医学领域应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

本文就高职院校开设休闲体育与健身专业方向的可行性、必要性进行了探讨,提出了“休闲体育与健身”专业人才培养的目标及规格。  相似文献   

采用有限差分法对福建典型花岗岩残积土路堤温度场进行模拟研究。结果表明:路堤浅层温度呈现日周期变化,且滞后于气温,温度最值随深度呈滞后性;福建省四季典型路堤的平均温度分别为33.5℃、44℃、23.5℃、12.5℃,夏季在路堤浅层范围内产生的温度梯度最大,应考虑温度梯度对湿度迁移的影响;压实度越大,温度变化的速率越大;热导率越大,传递速度越快;体积比热容越大,温度变化越慢。  相似文献   

李楠 《实验技术与管理》2006,23(8):25-27,46
坝体混凝土在水化热、水温、气温、太阳辐射等因素的影响下,其内部温度发生变化会引起坝体裂缝等情况出现,因此,温度计作为大坝温度监测的一种有效手段,通过分析温度计的观测数据就可知坝体内部温度分布和变化的趋势.  相似文献   

面对着巨大的就业压力和激烈的市场竞争,当代大学生在义利观和行为选择上表现出了越来越明显的功利化倾向,具体表现为自我意识提升,社会价值淡化;利益追求实体化、物质化;重视智力学习,弱化品德修养。造成这种变化的原因主要来自于社会环境、高校和大学生自身三个方面。对大学生的义利观应从加强爱国主义教育、提倡艰苦奋斗精神、坚持自我价值与社会价值的统一、强化法律法制意识等几个方面进行教育和引导。  相似文献   

基于南充气象站1951年至2005年的逐日地面气候资料,分别统计整理出南充1951~2005年平均温度、平均最高温度、平均最低温度、极端最高温度、极端最低温度、高温天气(日最高温度≥35℃)日数、低温天气(日最低温度≤0℃)日数、降水量、雨日和最大日降水量等气候要素。应用线性倾向估计、小波分析、R/S分析、灾变灰预测等方法对南充极端气候变化进行了研究探讨,并在此基础上尝试预测了未来南充极端气候变化的情形。研究表明:南充极端气候变化具有明显的多尺度振荡特征,并且振荡分量具有明显的年际、年代际变化。极端温度气候的变化特征具有地域特殊性,与全球变暖的趋势不一致。极端高温在年际尺度上均表现为降温为主要特征的变化趋势,季节内尤其以夏秋季差异明显。极端低温在年际尺度上表现为有升有降,但幅度都不大。季节内以冬季变化有所差异。极端降水气候的变化特征受地形和环流特征影响,总体表现越发的不稳定。夏季降水量变化特征较之其它季节极不稳定,而雨日变化除冬季外,其余季节呈一致的减少趋势。汛期雨日骤减,而降水量则成波动上升的趋势。这将增加汛期强降水事件的发生概率,给嘉陵江流域的防汛工作增加难度。年最大日降水量在近年来呈现出密集峰值区,这是强降水事件的先兆信号。未来年极端最低气温将继续上升,"暖冬"事件可能增多。汛期降水量将会增加,由于雨日持续减少,汛期降水将多以"强降水事件"出现,加重汛期洪涝灾害。  相似文献   

1 Introduction a In this paper, we calculated the capture rates of pep solar neutrino in the chlorine and gallium solar neutrino experiments according to the standard solar model (SSM)[1-3] in which there are five separate neutrino sources within proton-proton chain involving the following nuclear reactions. 2 p + e ?+ p → H + νe (1) 2 p + p → H + e ++ νe (2) 2 Approximation calculation The rate of the pep reaction, p + e ?+ p → 2 H + νe, can be expressed in terms of the rate of reacti…  相似文献   

This paper offers a review of the literature on the role of imitation in the earliest stages of social interaction between babies and familiar partners. The review focuses on the ways in which reciprocal imitation marks familiar relationships that provide special contexts for babies to engage actively and exuberantly in the construction of a shared culture. Because adults' perception of a baby's actions and intentions are filtered by the adult's experience of living within a particular culture, babies can obtain valuable information about this culture from the differences between what they do and how familiar adults respond to them. As they become increasingly interested in the social meaning of people's behaviour, infants also become more sensitive about how their own actions may be interpreted, showing pride and delight when their intentions are realised and embarrassed withdrawal when their efforts fail. When very young children are observed in unfamiliar contexts and when they are cared for and educated in professional settings, they may have relatively few opportunities for lively, joyful exchanges with reassuringly familiar partners and this can distort adults' perceptions of ‘normal’ infant behaviour. It is argued that adults' attentive interest in mutually enjoyable exchanges with young children is an important difference between humans and other apes and provides an essential foundation for pedagogy and for children's active participation in a shared culture.  相似文献   

文章运用时间序列ARIMA模型的建模方法对云南省楚雄市1961年到2010年年平均气温进行分析研究,通过SAS软件建立了ARIMA(p,d,q)时间序列模型,同时运用建立的模型对楚雄市未来4年的年平均气温值进行了预测;本文的研究结果对当地工农业生产、人民生活具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

用气候倾向趋势分析、相关性分析、距平和方差分析等数理统计方法对楚雄州辖区内10个县气象观测站近50年(1961-2010年)的气温、降雨资料,按年度、春季、夏季、秋季和冬季5个时段,分析了楚雄全区域,中部、西部、南部和东北部区域的气温、降雨量、降雨日数的演变。结果表明:近50年来楚雄州气温升高明显,暖冬现象突出,春季升温快,年降雨量和大雨降雨日数增加,秋季降雨量和年降雨日数减少,年降雨量变率增大;尤其是近15年楚雄10县(市)平均气温16.4℃,较前30年增高了0.2℃;大雨以上的降雨天数平均增加了1~3天,其中,暴雨、大暴雨日数明显增多,年总降雨日数和小雨日数明显减少,春季降雨量增加,秋季降雨量减少,相当年份雨季提前结束1个月左右,雨季呈缩短趋势变化。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于平衡电桥和电子开关矩阵实现的多路温度硬件测量系统以及软件实现监控的系统设计方案,详细介绍了应用电子开关矩阵MT8816组成的多点温度测量技术、平衡电桥实现的温度测量方式以及单片机程序和上位机软件程序的设计,并对该设计方案中的误差消除办法进行了分析。对于检测点较多的系统,采用本方案可以以最低的成本实现高精度的检测。  相似文献   

给出了由AT89C2051单片机控制的智能热电偶温度测试系统,叙述了该系统的温度测试电路、模数转换电路以及温度显示的软硬件实现方法。论述了模拟信号的采集、转换、处理和显示技术。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the mediating effect of bullying involvement on the relationships between body mass index (BMI) and mental health problems, including social phobia, depression, suicidality, and low self-esteem among adolescents in Taiwan. The moderation effect of sex on the mediating role of bullying involvement was also examined. Five thousand two hundred and fifty-two students of high schools completed the questionnaires. Victimization and perpetration of passive and active bullying were assessed using the Chinese version of the School Bullying Experience Questionnaire. BMI was calculated from self-reported weight and height measurements. The Social Phobia Inventory, the Mandarin Chinese version of the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale, the suicidality-related questionnaire from the epidemiological version of the Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia, and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale were applied to assess social phobia, depression, suicidality, and low self-esteem, respectively. The mediating effect of bullying involvement on the associations between increased BMI and mental health problems was examined by the Sobel test. The moderation effect of sex on the mediating role of bullying involvement was tested by the multiple-group structural equation model. Victimization of passive and active bullying and perpetration of passive bullying, but not perpetration of active bullying, had a mediating effect on the relationships between increased BMI and all four mental health problems. Sex did not have a significant moderation effect on the mediating role of bullying involvement. Bullying involvement should be a target of prevention and intervention in developing a strategy to improve mental health among adolescents with increased BMI.  相似文献   

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