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One of the main objects of the recently developed policy for Dutch higher education regards the creation of a more diversified higher education system with flexible and adaptive institutions. The nature of the proposed system should, among other things, reveal itself in meaningful and discriminating institutional profiles, based on strategic institutional choices. This article reflects on the degree to which these objects are realized. After the introduction of the new planning system in Dutch higher education, the article deals with the possibility of strategic planning in higher education institutions in general. Three different, but not necessary independent, models are distinguished: the linear strategy model, the adaptive strategy model and the interpretive strategy model. It is argued that the latter model can be applied best to higher education institutions. Some evidence on strategic planning in Dutch higher education illustrates the practice in this field. Empirical evidence shows that the governmental aim to increase the diversity in Dutch higher education is not very successful up till now. On the contrary, it seems that various homogenizing developments emerge. The concept of institutional isomorphism helps to explain some of the problems institutions encounter when trying to formulate and implement their strategies.  相似文献   

Chapter 5 of DETYA’s volume The Impact of Educational Research (Selby-Smith 2000) begins with an examination of the peculiarity of decision making in the VET sector, followed by an examination of the idiosyncratic consequences for the function of research in the sector. Having established the distinctiveness of VET in relation to these two key factors (decision making and research), the chapter then proceeds to explore the linkages between them. The study on which the chapter is founded identified a complex research culture, in which overt forms of impact are difficult to detect, yet where, it is concluded, research nonetheless plays its part. The research which is likely to impact most heavily is that which is conducted around the practical issues with which VET must deal, preferably with a heavy on-site component, and which is carried out by researchers who are prepared to engage most fruitfully with the VET culture, ideally with a long lead time and maximum follow-up to the actual research phase.Chapter 5 contributes to the overall Impact volume in a variety of ways. First, it offers an insight into the enigmatic nature of educational research in general, and especially as it relates to the VET sector. Second, it makes it clear that educational sectors like VET are likely to be affected by research only when its application to their practical needs is clear and it is carried out by people who are committed to working with their realities. Third, there are broader lessons to be taken from the chapter, especially for university researchers who are imputed by the chapter to be among the least likely to effect research that impacts on practical policy and decision making. While unrelated to the main body of The Impact of Educational Research project, Chapter 5 contributes to the overall work through exposing the real world of research impact in what is very likely the least understood of the educational sectors.  相似文献   

Research on data-based decision making has proliferated around the world, fueled by policy recommendations and the diverse data that are now available to educators to inform their practice. Yet, many misconceptions and concerns have been raised by researchers and practitioners. To better understand the issues, a session was convened at AERA’s annual convention in 2018, followed by an analysis of the literature based on misconceptions that emerged. This commentary is an outgrowth of that exploration by providing research, theoretical, and practical evidence to dispel some of the misconceptions. Our objective is to survey and synthesize the landscape of the data-based decision making literature to address the identified misconceptions and then to serve as a stimulus to changes in policy and practice as well as a roadmap for a research agenda.  相似文献   

While it has been agreed by the members of the European Community (except the UK) that all secondary students should study two EC languages in addition to their own, in Australia the recent emphasis has been on teaching languages for external trade, particularly in the Asian region. This policy over-looks the 13 per cent of the Australian population who already speak a language other than English at home (and a greater number who are second generation immigrants), and ignores the view that it is necessary to foster domestic multiculturalism in order to have fruitful links with other cultures abroad. During the 1980s there have been moves to reinforce the cultural identity of Australians of non-English speaking background, but these have sometimes been half-hearted and do not fully recognise that cultural core values, including language, have to achieve a certain critical mass in order to be sustainable. Without this recognition, semi-assimilation will continue to waste the potential cultural and economic contributions of many citizens, and to lead to frustration and eventual violence. The recent National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia addresses this concern.
Zusammenfassung Während die Mitglieder der europäischen Gemeinschaft (mit Ausnahme von Großbritannien) übereinkamen, daß alle Schüler der Sekundarstufe zusätzlich zu ihrer Muttersprache zwei EG-Sprachen lernen sollten, wurde in Australien neuerdings besonderer Wert auf Sprachunterricht für den Außenhandel, besonders im asiatischen Raum, gelegt. Diese Politik läßt die 13 Prozent der australischen Bevölkerung außer acht, die zuhause bereits eine andere Sprache als Englisch benutzen (und eine größere Anzahl von Einwanderern der zweiten Generation) und ignoriert den Standpunkt, daß man einheimische Multikultur pflegen muß, um fruchtbare Beziehungen zu ausländischer Kultur herzustellen. In den 80er Jahren gab es Bestrebungen zur Wiederherstellung der kulturellen Identität von Australiern nicht englischsprachiger Herkunft, aber sie waren manchmal nur halbherzig und erkannten nicht, daß kulturelle Kernwerte, einschließlich der Sprache, einen gewissen kritischen Umfang erreichen müssen, um sich behaupten zu können. Ohne diese Erkenntnis wird die Halbintegration weiterhin mögliche kulturelle und ökonomische Beiträge vieler Australier ersticken und zu Frustration und u.U. zu Gewalt führen. Die vor kurzem ins Leben gerufene National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia (Nationaler Plan für ein multikulturelles Australien) spricht diese Sorge an.

Résumé Au moment où les membres de la Communauté européenne (à l'exception du Royaume Uni) reconnaissent que tous les élèves du secondaire devraient étudier deux langues de la CE en sus de la leur, l'Australie met l'accent sur l'enseignement des langues étrangères pour le commerce extérieur, particulièrement en Asie. Cette politique ne tient pas compte des 13 pour cent d'Australiens qui parlent déjà une langue autre que l'anglais à la maison (et d'un grand nombre de personnes appartenant à la deuxième génération d'immigrants), et ignore la perception qu'il est nécessaire de promouvoir un multiculturalisme national pour pouvoir nouer des liens fructueux avec d'autres cultures étrangères. Au cours des années 80, des mouvements ont tenté de renforcér l'identité culturelle des Australiens non anglophones, mais ces efforts, bien souvent hésitants, ne reconnaissent pas entièrement le fait que les valeurs culturelles communes, comme la langue, doivent atteindre une certaine masse critique pour pouvoir être soutenues. Sans cette reconnaissance, la semi-assimilation continuera de gaspiller les contributions culturelles et économiques potentielles de nombreux citoyens, pour aboutir enfin à la frustration et éventuellement à la violence. Le Programme national proposé récemment pour une Australie multiculturelle répond à ce problème.

As teacher educators, we want our research to be influential in contributing to educational policy and practice, but there remains little understanding about ways in which teacher educators might more productively engage with each other and policy-makers so as to maximise their research impact. Drawing on an empirical study and policy document analysis, this paper seeks to foster a generative ‘researcher-policy-maker dialogue’ by understanding more about policy-makers’ perspectives of what shapes their decision-making and the current role of research evidence in those decisions. Using a research utilisation theoretical framework and discourse analysis, data revealed various factors that served as barriers or enablers to using research in making education policy decisions. Results indicated that policy-makers largely position research as key to solving their policy problems. As such they sought better communication strategies to utilise research findings in a timely, free and publicly accessible, user-friendly manner. Overall, they called for a greater dialogue and engagement at all stages of the policy process and criticised what they perceived as a ‘fly in-fly out’ research approach. Recommendations suggest new collaborative approaches and genres are needed for the teacher education research community to have a greater impact in influencing policy.  相似文献   

Teaching appraisal in higher education: an Australian perspective   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The current literature on the evaluation of teaching in highereducation institutions is reviewed critically and evaluated from anAustralian perspective. The issues of what constitutes goodteaching and how effective teaching can lead to quality in teachingare discussed together with the reasons for introducing appraisal systems.The professional development and duties-basedmodels of teaching appraisal are summarized and assessed along with thevarious sources of information which can be used as inputs to the appraisalprocess. The problems associated with appraisal systems are identified andrecommendations are made as to the design of appraisal systems which arevalid, reliable and have high user acceptability.  相似文献   

The development of modern societies accelerates the process of globalization, which in turn brings about a conspicuous diversity of cultures. Cultural difference and cultural diversity are characteristics of multiculturalism, which commits itself to the construction of favorable educational climates for multiple cultures. Such a progression has facilitated the development of education in a democratic and diverse way. Multicultural education develops rapidly and should undertake the new mission in the globalization era. In the perspective of globalization, multicultural education must aim at developing students’ ability to adapt to a multicultural world. It should promote a combined growth of culture and world peace. __________ Translated from Comparative Education Review, 2005 (12)  相似文献   

《Open Learning》2012,27(1):9-22
Dual-mode distance teaching universities differ from their single-purpose counterparts, such as the great open universities, in one critical dimension. They are not generally established to serve distance students. That is typically a commitment entered into at some point after the institution is operating conventionally with on-campus provision. The argument here is that as dual-mode provision is challenged in various ways, not least through the impact of new technologies, the commitment to serving students who are genuinely at a distance from the physical campus is at some risk in the institutions involved.  相似文献   

本文在多元文化教育的理论指导下,以语言态度为切入点,探究当代大学生对英语、汉语和方言的态度,进而分析导致这些差异的原因,以期对大学的"多元文化教育"有所帮助。  相似文献   

多元文化教育源于文化哲学思想和多元文化社会的形成。经济"全球化"和文化"多元化"推动多元文化教育的发展。多元文化教育强调基础教育课程改革"多元一体"的特征。在学校教育中,加强地方课程开发与建设是实现多元文化教育的关键而具有重要价值。  相似文献   

Recent concerns about ‘fairness’ in university entrance have highlighted the need to review existing practices in admissions processes. The agendas for equity and social inclusion, however, must also apply to the processes and outcomes of higher education, where considerations of ‘standards’ are additionally crucial. As principles underpinning the assessment process, ‘equity’ and ‘justice’ and ‘academic standards’ are part of taken‐for‐granted cultures and practices which impact on decisions about progression, eligibility for awards and degree classification for individual students. Changing discourses of academic standards have given rise to contrasting decision‐making processes rooted in the role and operation of assessment boards. Contrasting models of assessment board cultures are developed to highlight how practices are beset by conceptual confusions about what is being assessed and the basis for judgements about success and failure in higher education. There is a strong case, not only for critical review of assessment processes, but also for monitoring outcomes for different social groups.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the factors that influence the reputation or prestige of universities. We first develop a model of university behaviour which indicates how the decisions made by university officials would be chosen in order to maximize their respective reputations. In doing so, we assume that reputation is enhanced by the quality of students produced, the caliber of research and the service provided to the community in terms of the provision of publicly funded education services. We argue that the relative weights placed on these intermediate outputs may vary by university type as well as the means of producing them. Using the results of the reputational survey – a ranking of the institution in terms of reputation – conducted as part of the Canadian magazine Maclean’s overall ranking exercise, we then estimate an Error Correction—Ordered Probit Model of the rankings of Canadian universities to determine the factors that influence the change in reputation or “prestige” of the university as viewed by the external community. We find evidence that the change in reputation of a university is based on what might be considered the appropriate “signals” that one might use in estimating the respective quality of the institution given the respective differences in mission.  相似文献   

教育决策与教育科研的有机结合,是提高执政能力和决策水平的必由途径.必须加大教育决策过程的科研含量,构建依靠教育科研进行决策的有效机制,整合优化教育科研资源,加强教育改革实验区的建设,并切实增大对教育科研工作的投入.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Australia’s population is increasingly culturally diverse.The diverse composition of the Australian population is reflected in the ACT.The 1991 census showed 65,739 people counted in the ACT were born overseas,representing  相似文献   

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