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Itsnearlymidnightinthebigcity.Butthebigcityisnotasleep.Thesidewalksarecrowdedwithpeople.Someareleavingthecinemas,thetheatresandthecon-certs.Somearestoppingtolookinthebrightstorewindows,andsomearewaitingforbus-esandtaxis.Therestaurantsarefilledwithdin-ers,andthehotelsfilledwithtouristsandbusi-nessmenwhohavecomefromallovertheworld.Manypeopleworkatnightinthebigcity.Brightlightsareshiningfromthewindowsofthetallbuildings.Whileinnewspaperofficesre-portersaretypinguptheirstoriesandeditors(编辑)areb…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of transfer RNA (tRNA) responsible for the association between tRNA genes and genes of apparently foreign origin (genomic islands) in five high-light adapted Prochlorococcus strains. Both bidirectional best BLASTP (basic local alignment search tool for proteins) search and the conservation of gene order against each other were utilized to identify genomic islands, and 7 genomic islands were found to be immediately adjacent to tRNAs in Prochlorococcus marinus AS9601, 11 in P. marinus MIT9515, 8 in P. marinus MED4, 6 in P. marinus MIT9301, and 6 in P. marinus MIT9312. Monte Carlo simulation showed that tRNA genes are hotspots for the integration of genomic islands in Prochlorococcus strains. The tRNA genes associated with genomic islands showed the following characteristics: (1) the association was biased towards a specific subset of all iso-accepting tRNA genes; (2) the codon usages of genes within genomic islands appear to be unrelated to the codons recognized by associated tRNAs; and, (3) the majority of the 3′ ends of associated tRNAs lack CCA ends. These findings contradict previous hypotheses concerning the molecular basis for the frequent use of tRNA as the insertion site for foreign genetic materials. The analysis of a genomic island associated with a tRNA-Asn gene in P. marinus MIT9301 suggests that foreign genetic material is inserted into the host genomes by means of site-specific recombination, with the 3′ end of the tRNA as the target, and during the process, a direct repeat of the 3′ end sequence of a boundary tRNA (namely, a scar from the process of insertion) is formed elsewhere in the genomic island. Through the analysis of the sequences of these targets, it can be concluded that a region characterized by both high GC content and a palindromic structure is the preferred insertion site.  相似文献   

Long,longago,therelivedayoungfarmer.Hisparentsdiedwhenhewasachild.Sohehadtoliveallbyhimself.Theyoungfarmerworkedveryhardinthefields.Butnobodyhelpedhimwithcooking.Hedidithimself.Dayafterday,yearafteryear,thefarmerfeltverylonely(孤独)inhislife.Heboughtapictureofabeautifulgirlandhungitonthewall.Oneevening,thefarmergothomeafteradayshardworkandwant-edtocookforhimself.Tohisgreatsurprise,hefoundthatsomeonehadcookedthemeal.Hewantedtoknowwhohaddonethis.Buttherewasnobodyinthehouse.“Whatshappening?…  相似文献   

Research on traditional Chinese academies has aroused interest ever since its existence. At least 2 302 papers and over 162 books concerning traditional academic institutions have been published for over 85 years from 1923 to 2007. Consisting of the following four phases as initial development (1923–1949), continual progress (1950–1979), vigorous prosperity (1980–1993) and new tendency in the new century (2000–2007), this paper discusses the characteristics, central issues and research trends of each phase and introduces the main achievements, which are worthy to be noted and discussed. __________ Translated from Hunan Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) 湖南大学学报 (社会科学版), Journal of Hunan University (Social Sciences), 2007, 21(3): 31–40  相似文献   

AnAmericantouristwaslunchinginarestaurantinChinawhosespecialitywasduck.Thewaiterexplainedeachdishashebroughtittothetable,“Thisisthebreastoftheduck.Thisisthelegoftheduck.Thisisthewingoftheduck.”ThencameadishthattheAmericanknewitwaschicken.Hewaitedforanexplanation.Silence.“Well,”hefinallyasked.“Whatsthis?”“Itsafriendoftheduck,”saidthewaiter.A Friend of the Duck@扬帆…  相似文献   

5更艰苦的工作离开道桑镇30天后,队伍回到了斯开格威。他们筋疲力尽。巴克瘦得只剩50公斤,别的狗也是瘦骨伶仃。他们并没有生病,只是需要一个长长的休息。但是在斯开格威还有堆积如山的信等着运到北方。所以人们买了更强壮的狗,以前的狗因为对工作没有用,被卖掉了。两个美国人,哈尔和查尔斯,连同挽具买下了巴克和他的队伍。查尔斯大约40岁左右,浅色的头发,有一双水汪汪的蓝眼睛。哈尔20岁上下,皮带上别着一把闪光的大枪和一把大刀。这两样比任何东西都能显示他的幼稚。这两个人显然对北方和那里艰苦危险的生活茫然无知。他们把狗带回凌乱的帐篷,有一个女人正等在那里。她是查尔斯的妻子,哈尔的姐姐,叫玛尔赛蒂。巴克冷眼瞧着他们拆掉帐篷,把所有的东西都放到雪撬上。他们不懂得如何把东西有条理地安置好。而且更糟的是,每一次刚把东西放到雪撬上,玛尔赛蒂就动手移开它。所以他们常常不得不把东西搬下来重新开始。3个男人走上前看到这情景,笑了起来。“你们放在雪撬上的东西太沉了,”其中一个人说道,“你们干嘛不把帐篷留在斯开格威?”“没有帐篷我们怎么活下去呢?”玛尔赛蒂问道,向空中挥挥双手。“春天来了,天气不会再冷啦。”“我可不能没有帐篷。”她答道,帮着查尔...  相似文献   

Onceuponatime,thereweretwofoxes———avixen(雌狐)andacub(幼狐).Theylivedinabigholeofathickandstrongtreeintheforest.Oneday,thecubwantedtoeatsomegrapesverymuch.But,intheforest,therewerenograpes.Hebegantocry.Hismotherstoppedhimandsaid,“Mygoodboy,Illgofarawaytogetsomeforyou.Pleasestayathomeandnevergoout.”Thevixenranoutasquicklyaspos-sible.Sheranoutoftheforest,andclimbedthemountainsonebyone.Atlast,shefoundsomegrapevines.Onthem,thereweremanygrapes.Allofthemwereinbrightcolours.Veryquickly,thevi…  相似文献   

The growing power of Weblogs, or "blogs", has hardly gone unnoticed. But blogs aren't as new as you may think. They have actually been around since the early days of the Internet. In the strictest sense, a blog is someone's online record of the Websites he or she visits.  相似文献   

A recent controversy in the USA centres on classroom use of Yoko Kawashima Watkins’s semi-autobiographical So Far from the Bamboo Grove (1986), a novel focused on the flight of Japanese settler families to Japan after the liberation of Korea at the end of World War II. Taught in a literary and historical vacuum under the thematic umbrella of “courage and survival,” the novel has been criticised as an example of “perpetrator as victim” representation. Because of its assumed high “truth value,” life-writing positions itself very specifically as a narrative of a “witness” recounting her story. The resultant authentication of suffering may thereby render issues of historicity effectively irrelevant. Diverse interpretative communities may thus read the novel in incompatible ways.
Sung-Ae LeeEmail:

《野性的呼唤》讲述的是一条狗的故事。巴克本是一条养零处优的狗,但被人拐卖,从此踏上了艰难的行程。残酷的野外生活使巴克学到了如何保护自己,如何在激烈的竞争中处于不败之地,狼的野性在他的身上逐渐恢复。历经磨难的巴克被好心的桑托收留。正当他们开始过上平静生活的时候,桑托却不幸被印第安人杀害。愤怒的巴克闯进印第安人的营地咬死了凶手。孤独的巴克终于告别了人类加入到狼群的行列。  相似文献   

第二天早上,巴克带领狗队沿街出发了。他们走得很慢,因为在旅途开始前他们就很疲惫了。巴克已经从道桑来回往返了两次,他不想再跑了。他观察了查尔斯、哈尔和玛尔赛蒂,他看出他们对所有的事情都手足无措。而且,随着时间一天天过去,他发现他们学不会任何东西。他们花掉半个夜晚准备晚上的休息;然后又花了半个早晨才准备停当起程。而真正起程后,他们经常不得不停下来,因为有些东西从雪撬上滑落下来,有一阵子他们每天只走20公里,有时只走10公里。他们起程时就没有足够的狗食。现在他们的给养用得太快了。哈尔给狗加餐因为他想让他们更加卖力地拉车。玛尔赛蒂也总是多给狗食物,因为她可怜他们。但是他们需要的不是食物,而是休息。很快,哈尔发现他们只走了去道桑的四分之一的路,却吃掉了一半的食物,他不得不减少给狗的食物。少给狗食物容易办到,但是却无法让他们跑快。达布在离开斯开格威后一路都拉得很卖力,但是他的腿受了伤。他的腿伤越来越厉害,直到最后哈尔不得不杀了他。那6条新狗,由于饥饿和辛苦而病弱不堪,很快就死掉了。哈尔、查尔斯和玛尔赛蒂开始旅行时高高兴兴,但现在他们疲惫、暴躁又沮丧。查尔斯和哈尔为每件事争吵不休,每个人都自觉比别人干活干得更卖劲。玛尔赛蒂...  相似文献   

3.T he w ild anim alThe wild anim al was strong in Buck,and as hetraveled across the snow,it grew stronger and stronger.A nd as Buck grew stronger,he hated Spitz m ore andm ore,although he w as careful never to start a fight.B ut Spitz w as always show ing his teeth to Buck,trying to start a fight.A nd B uck knew that if he andSpitz fought,one of them w ould die.The fight alm ost happened one night w hen theystopped by Lake Laberge.There w as heavy snow and itw as very cold.The lake w as …  相似文献   

2.The law of club and toothBuck’s first day at Dyea Beachwas terrible.Every hour there wassom e new,frightening surprise.There was no peace,no rest—onlycontinual noise and m ovem ent.And every m inute there was danger,because these dogs and m en were not town dogs and m en.Theyknew only the law of club and tooth.Buck had never seen dogs fight like these dogs;they werelike wolves.In a few m inutes he learnt this from watching Curly.She tried to m ake friends with a dog,a big one,although n…  相似文献   

4.新的头犬“喏,我说什么来着?巴克是员真正的战将,棒极了。”第二天弗朗索瓦斯发现斯皮兹不见了,而巴克浑身是血时说道。“斯皮兹打起架来真像狼一样狠。”佩诺特说,一边察看着巴克身上的伤痕。“巴克抵得上10条狼。”弗朗索瓦斯回答说,“我们可以走得快些了。斯皮兹不在了,麻烦也没有了。”弗朗索瓦斯开始给狗套挽具。他需要一条新的头犬,并觉得索拉克斯最合适不过了。但是巴克却扑向索拉克斯,抢了他的位子。“瞧瞧巴克!”弗朗索瓦斯说,笑了起来。“他杀了斯皮兹,现在他又想做头犬了。滚开,巴克!”他拉开巴克,想再次套上索拉克斯。索拉克…  相似文献   

<正> English is spoken throughout the continent of North America,in the British Isles, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, and is also the most important of the languages of colonization in Asia,Africa and Oceania. In addition it is the language of commerce,and the second language of many countries which formerly had French or German in that position.  相似文献   

引理 函数u=sin~nx cos~nx(n∈N,n≥2,x∈(0,π/2))的最小值是2~[(2-n)/2]。 注:当n=2时,u1=2~[(2-2)/2];当n≥3时,由文[1]例2知u的最小值是2~[(2-n)/2],故引理成立。 命题 在△ABC中,设u_n=cos~n(A/2)  相似文献   

This essay reviews some literature in literacy development and language teaching and establishes some principles forthe evaluation of the literacy skills focused in a programme and its textbook. Furthermore, it describes and critiques some approachestaken to the development ofliteracy in NCE (book 3) and also proposessome solutionsto their weaknesses.  相似文献   


Aging involves concomitant and interrelated changes in sensory, motor, and cognitive function. There is a decrease in psychomotor skills—such as balance, spatial orientation, mobility, and motor coordination—visible in increased difficulties performing daily instrumental activities (e.g., self care and domestic activities). The absence of valid psychomotor instruments for the elderly population to be used by psychomotor therapists can be identified as one of the reasons why there is a scarce research in this area. Currently, in Portugal, psychomotor therapists do not have any specific, validated scale within the psychomotor domain built and/or adapted to guide psychomotor interventions with the elderly population. Therefore, the aim of this study was the translation, adaptation, and validation of the Portuguese version of the Éxamen Geronto-Psychomoteur (P-EGP) in a population of 497 elders, aged between 60 and 99 years, with and without dementia. Results of the study are presented and discussed in terms of the reliability and validity of P-EGP. The results demonstrate that P-EGP appears to be a valid and reliable assessment of psychomotor skills for the elderly population in Portugal. Practical implications and future directions of research are also discussed.  相似文献   


Part Five in this series on the history of Learning Difficulties Australia continues the history, begun in Part Three, of the association's journal. During this time the quality of articles in the journal came under scrutiny, and refereeing, at first only of research reports, later of all contributions, came into practice. Editorial policy continued to embrace reports of new teaching methods and therapies as a means of informing readers, but contributions also reflected changes taking place in special education and in teacher training. Articles about reading continued to dominate as the debate between whole language and phonics approaches heated up. In 1996 the name of the journal was changed to reflect the broader interests of the association in learning difficulties.  相似文献   

In the past, the teachers are traditionally regarded as information givers; Knowledge flows only one way from teachers to students, while the students are usually considered as information receivers and they are very passive and boring. New syllabus requires cooperation between teachers and students, So teachers may need to re-think their approaches when they teach students, Teachers not only need to build up a positive relationship with the students, but also need to establish a clear understanding of how they expect and want things to be.  相似文献   

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