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高校国家奖助学金育人功能及其实现路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在广泛调研基础上,就国家奖助学金评选标准明确化、评选过程规范化、优秀学生榜样化、教育管理常规化、回报社会自觉化等方面进行了积极探索,以期为高校最大化发挥国家奖助学金的育人功能提供参考。  相似文献   

国家奖助学金是高校学生资助体系的重要组成部分,不仅具有资助功能,还具有育人功能,体现为思想政治教育功能、品格教育功能、感恩教育功能、榜样教育功能和情感激励功能等五个方面。要积极探索国家奖助学金育人功能的彰显途径,充分发挥其在加强和改进大学生思想政治教育方面的作用。  相似文献   

充分发挥高校国家奖助学金育人功能,应当建构内外舍力、虚实齐抓的育人功能实现机制。该机制能够促使奖助学金助学与育人功能的实现,提高高校资助工作的实效性,有助学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

高等教育资助制度是当前世界各国教育领域普遍关注的问题之一,在高等教育大众化的背景下,在校学生人数不断扩大、学费不断上涨、贫困生问题日益严峻。为此,我国出台了各种政策,采取了各种措施,提供了各种奖助学金,但是在实际的操作过程中仍旧存在一定的问题。在发挥奖助学金资助功能的同时,也需要充分发挥其育人功能。  相似文献   

朱霞  滕祥 《教育教学论坛》2013,(51):246-248
高校学生的思想政治教育工作一直是高等教育的薄弱环节,本文以发挥国家奖助学金的育人功能为切入点,探究其导向和激励机制,提出要通过国家奖助学金制度的实施,在大学生中深入开展感恩教育、诚信教育和自立自强教育,不断拓展高校思想政治教育工作的途径与渠道,从而为国家培养合格建设者和可靠接班人提供保障。  相似文献   

近几年来,随着教育体制的不断改革,高校开始不断转变自身的教学方式,从而可以为社会提供更多有用的人才。目前高校中国家奖助学金吸引着大学生的注意力,本文基于此种现象,通过分析高校国家奖助学金的育人功能以及实现路径,从而使奖助学金在高校育人方面发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

文章将奖助学金制度功能分解细化后逐项分析,以求能采取针对性的措施一一解决奖助学金实施过程中的问题,使其能在新时期的环境下继续为教育事业的发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

国家奖助学金是促进教育公平的重要手段,实施以来收到了良好的社会效应。然而,道德风险的存在却在一定程度上制约了其作用发挥。因此,深入分析国家奖助学金制度中道德风险的成因、影响,进而探寻其规避和防范策略,对保证国家奖助学金有效运行,彰显正能量,有着十分积极的作用。  相似文献   

奖助学金设立的主要目标是国家为了激励大学生奋发学习,缩小贫富学生的经济差距,实现教育公平与社会公平。本文作者根据自身工作经验体会,分析奖助学金评选过程中存在的一些问题,并提出相应的对策,意在为更好地推进高校奖助学金评选工作的开展,实现教育公平,充分发挥资助的助困育人功能提供一些有用的参考。  相似文献   

Educational developers tend to be located in centres and units of teaching and learning outside the academic mainstream. They have little opportunity to engage in scholarship. Through an overview of the literature on educational development and educational professional roles and responsibilities, the author suggests that promoting a culture of scholarship among educational developers will contribute significantly towards their pedagogical professional development. It will enhance the quality of professional consultation between educational developers and academic staff in the faculties. The discussion concludes with suggestions for implementing innovative strategies to promote a culture of scholarship within the higher education academic mainstream.  相似文献   

教育产业形成的国家理念与市场逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就当代国内外教育产业的概念、形成条件、动力机制三个问题作一理论探讨,其中,以国家理念的教育公益性或准公益性与市场逻辑的教育商品性、产业性作为探讨的原则和基础,并对促进教育产业形成而进行的体制、机制、法制三个层面的改革问题提出了宏观把握和微观运作的几点建议。  相似文献   

美国社区学院的历史及其教育职能的历史转变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国的社区学院诞生于19世纪后期,一百多年来它为美国的经济发展、高等教育大众化进程作出了巨大的贡献。本文考察了社区学院发展的四个历史阶段,并探究了它的教育职能在不同历史阶段的变化,希望能为我国建设社区学院提供思路。  相似文献   

儒家“乐教”思想有悠久的历史渊源。先秦儒家“祖述尧舜,宪章文武”,将上古“乐教”思想发扬光大,奠定了中国两千年礼乐文化的基石。春秋时代“礼崩乐坏”,孔子以“仁”为核心对“礼乐”进行了理论总结,使之追一步人间化、情理化。孔子不仅对音乐与教育、音乐与政治、音乐的审美、音乐的内容与形式诸问题进行了精辟阐述,还建立了比较完整的儒家音乐理论体系,同时提出了把音乐作为教化民隶工具的“乐教”主张。孔子对“乐”最重要的见解即认为音乐教育要引人入善,顺从天道,“以六乐防万民之情,而教之和”。孔子对音乐教化功能的认识可概括为“教成于乐”和“调和人事”。  相似文献   

The central purpose of this study is to examine approaches for dealing with the problem of bullying (wangtta in Korean) in schools from the Christian educational perspective. There has been much development in both research and practice in the 1990s and 2000s relating to bullying in Korean schools. Most Korean research on bullying, however, has almost exclusively focussed on verification of the facts that bullying or peer rejection is a widespread phenomenon in schools. This study, however, is mainly concerned with how to tackle effectively the bullying problem on the basis of Christian educational philosophy. To do this, this paper suggests a four stage approach to dealing with bullying: namely, clarifying the Christian school ethos, leading to determine the school’s bullying policy. With the bullying policy, school anti-bullying programs could be developed in order to create a bullyingfree school environment.  相似文献   

The proposition of “the more national, the more international”, when applied to education, is not absolutely right. Given education, educational research and the modernization of educational research, these can be more international only when their essence represents, reflects or implies the trend of human education and educational research. Otherwise, it would not be the case. __________ Translated from Journal of Sichuan Normal University (Social Science Edition), 2004 (3) The author is grateful to the National Education Science Funds for the financial assistance to this study.  相似文献   

Postgraduate scholarship programmes are increasingly important for supporting gifted students from diverse backgrounds. Systems and processes in the application, determination and delivery of scholarships must be robust, transparent, accountable and equitable. However, they are rarely evaluated. One of the most prestigious scholarships in New Zealand – the William Georgetti Scholarship – is investigated here for the impact of student’s grade point averages (GPAs) and sex on applicant’s progression, the level of agreement between Scholarship Board member rankings, and whether applicants or members’ sex is material to any outcomes. Data from 2007 to 2015 were extracted, and contained 301 applicants considered for shortlisting, 78 who were shortlisted and 60 successful recipients evaluated by 17 Scholarship Board members (5 female, 12 male). Mean GPAs significantly increased over time amongst applicants, those shortlisted, and those successful. While 60% of applicants were female, only 49% of those shortlisted were female; however, this was explained by GPA differences. Some 52% of successful applicants were female. Ranking discordance amongst members was relatively high, but no differential sex biases were noted. The empirical results suggest that current systems and processes are consistent with the scholarship’s deed, although the difference in GPA scores between female and male applicants is of concern.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to report on an experiment in the School of Management at the University of Surrey whereby the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is being promoted through an approach which is organic in nature. The paper argues that the nature of such scholarship means that its promotion is more likely to be successful when the approach taken is bottom-up and emergent as this is more likely to foster commitment and trust. In defining this approach, the paper draws on a diverse range of literature which is synthesised into a general concept of how such organic approaches may work. The paper concludes by suggesting that developing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning requires the collective effort of all stakeholders involved.  相似文献   

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