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Restoring cultural heritage is an extremely important job due to its immeasurable value. However, it also requires even greater attention in the case of a building. The actions taken on these constructions not only guarantee their preservation from the point of view of their historical value, but they also guarantee their stability as structures. The need to control historic buildings, analyzing their defects and their possible consequences, is decisive in preventing significant damage. This work demonstrates calculating the thickness of vaults in a church. It is easy to determine the interior and exterior 3D geometry of the church using scanner laser techniques. By combining both geometries, it is easy to determine the difference between the interior vaults and the roof of the church. However, the interior of both geometries is completely unknown, and it is not possible to act on their condition for structural consolidation purposes. This work shows the methods used to determine the interior sections of the vault thicknesses by referencing the internal geometry of both models with the interior of the church, using plumb line system scanning. The results obtained show accuracy better than 6 millimeters.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is the identification of natural or anthropic buried cavities under the church of St. Sebastiano in Catania (Sicily). To this purpose Ground Penetrating Radar (G.P.R.) surveys were performed on the pavement of the church and three in situ drillings were carried out outside the church. Through the G.P.R. investigation, the existence of hidden structures was revealed; the results obtained by in situ drillings allowed a detailed characterization of the most superficial layers of the ground.  相似文献   

In the cultural heritage area, it is of fundamental importance to characterize and classify the conservation state of the materials constituting ancient monuments, in order to study and monitor their decay. Generally, the decay diagnosis is provided by “naked eye” analysis done by expert scientists “walking around” the artifact and recording the conservation state of each individual element they observe. In this paper, a color image segmentation approach, based on histogram threshold and edge detection techniques is presented, to extract degradation regions, characterized by holes or cavities, from color images of stone-materials. The goal is to provide an aid to the decay diagnosis by segmenting degraded regions from color images, computing quantitative data, such as the area and perimeter of the extracted zones, and processing qualitative information, such as various levels of depth detected into the same zones. Since color is a powerful tool in the distinction between objects, a segmentation technique based on color, instead of intensity only, has been used to provide a clearer discrimination between regions. The study case concerns the impressive remains of the Roman Theatre in the city of Aosta (Italy). In particular, we have processed and analyzed some color images of the theatre puddingstones, acquired by a camera.  相似文献   

The problem of environmental monitoring aimed at identifying and evaluating the weathering mechanisms affecting historical stoneworks is here discussed and a methodology based on the use of already available, long record, urban-scale environmental data is proposed. An example of its application to the Cathedral of Modena (Italy, XII-XIV century, included in the UNESCO's World Heritage List) is then presented. In this case, the methodology allowed the identification of the main degradation causes, which found significant confirmation by material diagnostics on the available samples and finite element structural modelling. Thanks to the decay causes identification allowed by the proposed methodology, more effective restoration procedures can be outlined.  相似文献   

In May–June 2012, several seismic events took place in the Po River Plane in northern Italy, with a maximum magnitude of MW 5.86 (ML 5.9)] and the epicentre located about 32 km from the centre of Ferrara. Many historical buildings were seriously damaged and others showed marked deformations or differential settlements. Therefore, it was necessary to place many of them under monitoring, using fast and safe measurement techniques to quickly obtain accurate information on ongoing structural deformation. This paper presents the case study of the bell tower of San Benedetto Church in Ferrara (17th century), which was already under monitoring at the time of the earthquake because of its remarkable leaning angle. Immediately after the seismic events, monitoring of the bell tower was repeated. Digital levelling indicated a marked differential settlement of the foundations with regard to the trend of secular movement, while terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) revealed a significant increase of the inclination of the tower's axis, confirming the results from levelling and showing good integration of both monitoring techniques.  相似文献   

An archaeometric multi-technique approach has been undertaken to date an early industrial (mid-19th century) continuous limekiln in Calders (Catalonia, NE Spain). Dating was achieved combining archaeomagnetic and thermoluminescence methods. Metallographic data, oral and written sources also contributed to the dating discussion. A neighboring conventional (i.e. non-continuous) limekiln was dated using its recorded archaeomagnetic direction.  相似文献   

The Saadian tombs from the era of sultan Ahmed al-Mansour (1574–1603) are beautifully decorated and have always been a major attraction for visitors to Marrakesh. The central mausoleum, named the Hall of Twelve Columns, encloses the tombs of Ahmed al-Mansour and his family. The hall has a huge vaulted ceiling, carved cedar doors, opening windows with wooden marquetry screen (Mashrabiya), and grey Italian marble columns. This paper presents the first attempt to identify the organic materials used by the Moroccan artisans. A GC/MS analytical procedure was used for the characterization of lipids, waxes, resins, pitch, tar, proteinaceous and saccharide materials in the same paint micro-sample. The analytical study identified the organic materials used in the polychrome and gilded decorations of the walls, ceiling and dome of the hall. Data showed that the polychrome decorations were painted using animal glue as a binder, and highlighted the treatment of the wall surface with linseed oil and the retouching of the paintings based on a saccharide binder. The use of a proteinaceous-resinous-oil mixture, applied on a proteinaceous preparation layer, for the gilded decorations revealed a very similar technique to that used at the time in Europe for mural paintings.  相似文献   

The mosaics covering the floors of the rooms of the domus dei Coiedii at Suasa (Ancona, Italy) may be dated archaeologically and artistically between the late republican-Augustan age (end of the first century B.C.-beginning of first century A.D.) and the second century A.D.-first half of third century A.D. The floors were made mostly in opus tessellatum, only one in opus sectile. Tesserae used in opus tessellatum are made mainly of local stones, belonging to the so-called Umbro-Marchigiana Sedimentary Sequence: the white to pinkish and reddish tesserae consist prevalently of limestones belonging to the ‘Scaglia Rosata’ Formation (Late Turonian-Middle Eocene), and subordinately to the ‘Calcare Massiccio del Burano’, which is part of the ‘Calcare Massiccio s.l.’ Formation (Late Triassic-Early Lias). Most dark to black tesserae are composed of not fossiliferous marls and marly clays, which probably derive from the local ‘Marne a Fucoidi’ Formation; a number of them are made of very fine grained sandstones, which are found as pebbles in the alluvial sediments of the Cesano river close to Suasa, and, some, of aphyric leucite-bearing basanites from the potassic Quaternary magmatic province of central-southern Italy. Artificial glasses (red and green, rich in Pb and low in Sb; light blue, low in Pb and high in Sb), containing microliths of Pb-rich phase(s) and of wollastonite, were also used in some floors. The stones used in opus sectile are (1) sedimentary: nodular limestones belonging to the ‘Rosso Ammonitico’, which occurs in the Umbro-Marchigiana Sedimentary Succession; black marls and marly clays similar to those used in opus tessellatum; onyx marble; (2) magmatic: porphyrites (‘porfido verde antico’) and gabbros (ophite); (3) marbles: different kinds of coloured marbles, comprising ‘marmo cipollino’, ‘rosso antico’, ‘pavonazzetto’, ‘portasanta’, ‘giallo antico’, ‘bigio antico’, ‘brecce coralline’. White marbles from Marmara and Carrara were also employed.  相似文献   

The possible pre-consolidation of the stones used to repair the Roman wall of Tarragona was studied, on the premise that this had been carried out prior to placement in the wall. A detailed study of the stones was conducted in order to determine whether they had been treated, and if so, how this had been done. A semi-quantitative X-ray mineralogical analysis using the Rietveld method was performed, together with porosity and textural analyses. This paper concludes with a discussion of how the stones studied here were pre-consolidated using lime slurry.  相似文献   

The use of coloured pastes for inlaying marble and limestone wall panels is one of the ornamental techniques that were widely used during the Mamluk period in Egypt (1250–1516 AD). Red and black pastes from Qijmas El-Eshaqe mosque (1482 AD) in Cairo were studied to identify their main components. The study of the samples involved the identification of the pigments, additive materials and organic binding media. The study was performed using various analytical methods such as polarising microscopy (PLM), scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray analyser (SEM-EDX), inductively-coupled plasma (ICP-AES), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). These complementary analytical techniques provide precise identification of inorganic and organic substances used in the pastes. The results indicated that the red pigment is mainly obtained from red ochre containing hematite, whereas amorphous carbon (bone black and charcoal) was used to obtain the black colour. Both samples contain calcium sulphate, which was used to give some hardness to the pastes. Beeswax was used as an organic medium in both pastes. The study provides the information required for the conservation of the coloured paste ornaments.  相似文献   

Along the Umbria-Marche stretch of the Flaminia Consular Road (220 B.C.) several archaeological finds of the most important monumental works, are well preserved. The stones, employed to build many bridges, substructions and sewerages, are represented by carbonatic breccias whose geological environment of formation and source areas had never been established. On the basis of mineralogical, petrographic and micropalaeontological analyses, two groups of these lithotypes employed in Roman age were distinguished: “monogenic carbonatic breccias” only constituted by clasts of the Maiolica Unit (Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous) and “polygenic carbonatic breccias” made of fragments (in different proportions) of Calcare Massiccio (Early Jurassic), Corniola (Early Jurassic), Maiolica (Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous) and Scaglia Rossa (Late Cretaceous – Early Paleogene) Units. The possible source areas of the breccias are compatible with stratified slope-waste to scarp-base deposits of periglacial origin belonging to the Upper Pleistocene. In particular, among the seven investigated areas, we pointed out the most probable provenances (Monte Faeto-Colle, Costacciaro, Scirca, Foci, Secchiano) along the flanks of the Apennine Mesozoic chain of the Umbria and Marche regions. Although the Romans could have exploited the whole thickness of some outcrops (now disappeared) of these carbonatic lithotypes at the deepest part of the valleys, we have constrained a local provenance of the breccias so commonly used in the monumental works of the Flaminia.  相似文献   

In a parallel study, it has been shown by comparison of successive TV-holography campaigns that murals in the convent of Müstair (Switzerland) have progressively detached from their substrate over a time interval of 5 years (J Cult Herit 2009). Here, we focus on the dynamics of the ongoing detachment processes. In order to regularly measure small surface displacements in situ over a long duration of several years, a new method that we call Mirror Micrometry (MM) has been designed and implemented. This method monitors the reflection of a light beam by a mirror that is mounted to the surface of interest for the duration of the experiment. The mirror is designed to rotate about a pivot as small displacements in the detaching surface occur, thus deflecting the reflected light beam. Measurements over more than three years in the Convent Church and in the Holy Cross Chapel reveal various types of surface displacement perpendicular to the wall surface. These are correlated with relative humidity (RH) changes in the room climate. Reversible short-term variations of approximately ±5–10 μm occur with periods of one to several weeks and relate primarily to weather changes. Reversible long-term variations of ±5–10 μm correspond to averaged seasonal humidity changes. Irregular and irreversible movements in increments of 20–30 μm record very localised progressive detachment steps. A semi-quantitative correlation of approximately 1 μm surface displacement per 1% RH change is calculated. Based on the fact that nearby measuring points can simultaneously move in opposite directions, a geometric model is drawn to explain deformation by hygric swelling and shrinking of different shapes of detached layers.  相似文献   

This essay offers a critical rhetorical analysis of social media discourse of white mothers protesting the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s killer. I argue that through affectively charged performative disidentifications, white mothers contributing to the We are not Trayvon Martin blog worked within and against norms of ideal motherhood to challenge dominant formations of whiteness in ways that exposed the privileged status of U.S. American white motherhood and reconceptualized motherhood as an affective orientation toward antiracism. Unpacking affectively charged performative disidentifications with privileged racial identities is important for enhancing understandings of white antiracist rhetoric and fostering formations of white antiracist consciousness.  相似文献   

改革开放25年(1978-2002)电影中的乡村一方面具有档案价值,另一方面是小中窥大、面对未来的观察窗口.立足于日常空间理论和电影空间3要素,对中国4部电影中的乡村空间进行了论述.指出原物重在"传和承",电影叙事中的组织制度变化、公共空间和节点转换,对建构新的身份认同颇为关键.  相似文献   

During the excavation of the Etruscan and Roman harbour of Pisa, several shipwrecks were found. The wooden timbers constituting the ship C and ship F (which date back to the first and the second century A.D., respectively, as attested by archaeological findings) were selected in order to collect information about the technological knowledge of the time. Pinus pinaster Aiton was essentially utilised for the planking of ship C and Quercus sp. caducifolia for that of ship F. The choice of timber for the other parts of ship C hull was much more differentiated. Ship C seems to be built in a careful way and its characteristics when added to its overall lightness, seem to reflect its use as a higher capacity boat built for sea sailing. Ship F seems more linked to short voyages in inner fresh waters. The utilisation of different woods was linked not only to the technological characteristics of wood, but also to their easy availability. Palynological analysis, carried out on the clay sediments embedding the shipwrecks, has shown that the flora of Pisa area in that time period would have allowed the acquisition of all the timber species used for both the ships’ construction, with the exception of the fig wood. However, a foreign origin of the timber from somewhere else in the Northern Mediterranean area has not been excluded.  相似文献   

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