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If you play sports, then there's a pretty good chance you've been injured - or are gonna get injured. We've put together a Sports Injury Quiz that'll test your knowledge of bleeding noses, broken bones, busted heads and much more. See how much you know about getting hurt and playing safe.  相似文献   

“谢谢”是英语中使用频率较高的词之一。它适用的范围很广:▲当你接受了别人的帮助,感谢对方时。例如:1.Thank you for your help.谢谢你帮了我的忙。2.Thanks for the photo of yourfamily.谢谢你的家庭照。3.Thanks for finding my keys.多谢你找到我的钥匙。4.Thanks for telling me the story.谢谢你给我讲了这个故事。▲当你应答别人的赞扬、祝贺时。例如:-Your bag is lovely.你的书包很可爱。-Thank you.谢谢夸奖。-Happy Teachers’Day!Mr Li.李老师,教师节快乐!-Thank you.谢谢。▲当你应答别人的提醒或告诫时。例如:-Be ca…  相似文献   

Once interviewed by a famous Internet reporter, Shang Wenjie(尚雯婕) talked of her experience in English-learning. "In fact, you needn't act in the ordinary way while learning  相似文献   

Do you know     
A dragonfly(蜻蜓)has a life span(跨度)of 24 hours.蜻蜓的生命跨度是24小时。A duck's quack doesn't echo(回声),and no one knows why.鸭子的嘎嘎声没有回声,没人知道是为什么。A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.金鱼的记忆跨度是3秒钟。A shark(鲨鱼)is the only fish that can blink(眨眼)with both eyes.鲨鱼是可以用两只眼睛同时眨眼的唯一的一种鱼。Do you know…  相似文献   

How are you?     
很多同学在听到别人问How are you?的时候,下意识的反应就是Fine,Thank you!And you?其实这句问候可以有很多种回答,一起来看一下吧!  相似文献   

My parents used to take us to all of the local weddings.Man,we got better at picking up the ricethan the birds did.We thought that running water was when you ran back to the house with a bucket of water from theneighbors hour.  相似文献   

Thank you十用     
同学们对“Thank you.”较为熟悉,经常使用,然而要提醒同学们的是不能不分场合,通篇一律都说thank you,应当根据不同情况,灵活掌握。下面解读一下thank you(包括thanks)的各种情况。  相似文献   

M:Good evening,Mrs Read.Nice to see you again. R:Hello,Meimei.Nice to see you. M:What row are you in R:I'm in Row 14.What about you  相似文献   

Thank you十用     
同学们对“Thank you.”较为熟悉,经常使用,然而要提醒同学们的是不能不分场合,通篇一律都说thank you,应当根据不同情况,灵活掌握。下面解读一下thank you(包括thanks)的各种情况。一是表示感谢对方替你做了某事,这是最常见的一种情况。如:1!Thank you for your help.谢谢您的  相似文献   

张蕾 《海外英语》2013,(6X):259-260
Some learners and instructors of English language are inclined to consider the phrases like"you know""well"to be meaningless pause-fillers, which only exist to make the utterance fluent, thus they don’t like to use them too often in speech. This article gives a psycholinguistic study of the discourse marker"you know", not only does it relate the use to the speaker’s complex cognitive process in the production of speech, but also it illustrates how"you know"functions in the interaction between the speaker and the hearer. Finally, we come to conclude that it is useful and meaningful in our speech.  相似文献   

"ARE you hungry?"还是"DO you hungry?",在课堂上我无数次看到同学们为此而凌乱. 首先要告诉大家正确的是:Are you hungry?!(强烈建议感觉凌乱的同学大声读该句3~5遍."以正压邪"永远都是改正错误的最佳方法.)接着是个令大家更凌乱的问题: "为什么用'Are'?"  相似文献   

[Vocabulary] 1.red-handed: 当场的2.a white boy:老实而单纯的孩子3.someone be yellow:某人很胆小4.out of the blue: 晴天霹雳5.Do you see any green in my eyes?:你以为我幼稚可欺吗?6.see red:很气愤  相似文献   

人称代词you除指第二人称,表示“你”、“你们”意义外,它还具有以下一些特殊意义及用法。一、you在大多数情况下可与one通用,表示“任何人”的意义,常译为“一个人”、“人们”、“任何人”等。例如:  相似文献   

一、意义的区别: "How are you?"为问句,意为"你好吗",而"How do you do?"形式上是问句,实际上为问候语,意为"你好". 二、使用场合的区别: "How are you?"用以询问对方的身体健康状况,多用于朋友或熟人之间;"How do you do?"则用于两个人初次见面时的相互问候.  相似文献   

"There you go"和"Here you go"听起来只有一字之差,所以很多人都会乱用。这两者到底有什么区别呢?There you go(.就这样了。)这是美国人希望结束一段对话时,很自然会脱口而出的一句话。如当你付完钱  相似文献   

For many people in the U.K. owning a car is as essential as owning a house. Indeed many households now have at least two cars. Add to this the fact that most haulage in the U.K. is carried on the roads and you can begin to imagine the volume of traffic and the problems which this causes, not only in the big cities but  相似文献   

When you thought I wasn't looking,I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator,and I immediately wanted to paint another one.When you thought I wasn't looking,I saw you feed a stray cat,and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals.  相似文献   

Do you know?     
1. SkyWhat is the sky? Where is it ? How high is it ? What lies above it ? Many Children have asked the same ques-tions.If someone asks you,“What colour is the sky? ”You may answer “Blue”. But I think you are wrong. The sky has no colour. When you …  相似文献   

“Thank you”在英美国家使用的频率最高。上课时,学生回答完问题,老师要说Thankyou。在家中,孩子给父母递上一杯茶水,父母也习惯地说Thank you。到商店里去买东西,服务员递给你东西后,你要说一声Thank you。就连某人作报告或作演讲之后,也少不了说一声Thankyou。英美人真是Thank you all the time.他们一  相似文献   

一、意义的区别: “How are you?”为问句,意为“你好吗”,而“How do you do?”形式上是问句,实际上为问候语,意为“你好”。二、使用场合的区别: “How are you?”用以询问对方的身体健康状况,多用于朋友或熟人之间:“How do you do?”则用于两个人初次见面时的相互问候。  相似文献   

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