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我们曾对省政府幼儿园近百位小朋友进行了家庭幼儿美术活动开展情况的调查,其中开展家庭幼儿美术活动的占63%。在这些家庭中,家长对孩子的美术活动认识不一。有的家长认为如果孩子不具备一技之长或一种业余爱好,长大后会被社会淘汰;有的家长看到别人家的孩子学这个学那个,就想自己的孩子也应学点什么;有的家长一心想孩子长大后成为  相似文献   

家长会上,一位家长抱怨道:“我的孩子在幼儿园已经很长时间了。说真的,我现在对孩子在园情况很不了解。您看,孩子每天在幼儿园八个小时,晚上接回家和家长也就呆上两个小时。孩子回家不太说幼儿园的情况,问老师,老师总说‘挺好的’。真不知这‘挺好的’到底好到什么程度,我们家长该为孩子做哪些准  相似文献   

家园共育是幼儿园一项重要的工作。日常的家园互动一般都是家长和教师利用早晚接送孩子的时间短暂沟通,信息传递不具体,大都只是针对问题而来,家长对孩子在园的状况了解非常少。即使是幼儿园半日开放,家长也只能在规定的时间内来参加,一旦无法参加就会给家长和孩子留有遗憾。如何激发家长的自主性,方便家长走进幼儿园,更多了解幼儿在园情况,感受孩子在某一时间段内具体、持续的成长变化?四年来,我们在《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》精神指导下,一直坚持“家长走进开放周”活动,每个学期向家长开放一周。  相似文献   

大班幼儿家长怎样对孩子进行入学准备教育文/方明亲爱的大班幼儿家长们:时间过得真快,转眼间,您的孩子即将结束幼儿园的生活成为一名小学生了。最近,有些大班幼儿家长来信询问有关怎样对孩子进行入学准备教育的问题。有的家长问是否应抓紧这几个月教孩子学点汉语拼音...  相似文献   

家长把孩子送入幼儿园后,就希望能比较直接、细致地了解幼儿园到底教孩子学些什么,老师是怎么教的,老师对孩子怎么样,自己的孩子学习如何,能力发展又怎么样,等等。为此,我园除了定期召开家长会外,还开展了一系列形式多样的家长开放活动(既有日常教育活动也有大型的专项活动),让家长了解幼儿园,了解孩子了解幼儿教育的目标、内容和方法等,使家长充分认识到为孩子创设良好的家庭教育环境的重要性,从而形家园合力,更好地教育孩子。我们在组织家长开放活动时,一是遵循循序渐进原则,即根据幼儿的年龄特点,系统地安排幼儿在园年中的家长开放活动。…  相似文献   

一、召开家长会 在开学前召开一次新生家长会,由园领导向家长介绍幼儿园的办园情况,让家长初步了解幼儿园的常规管理及基本教育目标;讲解三岁孩子的主要心理特点,请家长对孩子入园时的心理状况和情绪反应作好充分的准备;要求家长配合教师安抚幼儿情绪,并提出具体的建议,比如在家里多和孩子聊幼儿园的生活,让孩子对幼儿园生活充满向往,送孩子时不要停留太长时间,不要让孩子感觉到父母的不安心,中途不要偷偷来探视,要相信老师等.  相似文献   

宋颖 《学前教育》2010,(11):40-41
每个月,老师都要通过《幼儿成长汇报册》向幼儿家长汇报孩子在幼儿园生活和学习的情况,其中最重要的一部分,是用评语对孩子的总体情况进行恰当的评价。若想切实发挥评语的作用,我们在撰写评语时要思考以下几个问题。  相似文献   

3年来,我们从幼儿的年龄特点和家长的实际情况出发,根据幼儿园的教学特色和科研重点,开展了丰富多彩的家园合作共育活动。培养家长在活动中对孩子的指导能力我们经过调查发现:家长经常带孩子去公园、超市、快餐店,而没有带幼儿去过所居住地区的宝山烈士  相似文献   

家长把孩子送入幼儿园后,就希望能比较直接、细致地了解幼儿园里到底教孩子学些什么,老师是怎么教的,老师对孩子怎么样,自己的孩子学习如何,能力发展又怎么样,等等。为此,我园除了定期召开家长会外,还开展了一系列形式多样的家长开放活动(既有日常教育活动也有大型的专项活动),让家长了解幼儿园,了解孩子,了解幼儿教  相似文献   

本期问题:如何建立对儿童发展的合理期望?去年,教育部颁布了《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》,针对《指南》中提出的"幼儿园教师和家长要了解3-6岁幼儿学习与发展的基本规律和特点,建立对幼儿发展的合理期望"的观点,我对我们班上的家长进行了调查,一位母亲写道:"父母有了孩子后,自然会对孩子的未来有美  相似文献   

When presented simultaneously with equally discriminable, but unfamiliar, visual and auditory stimuli, 4-year-olds exhibited auditory dominance, processing only auditory information (Sloutsky & Napolitano, 2003). The current study examined factors underlying auditory dominance. In 6 experiments, 4-year-olds (N=181) were presented with auditory and visual compounds in which (a) the complexity and familiarity of stimuli were systematically varied (Experiments 1-5) and (b) participants were explicitly instructed to attend to a particular modality (Experiment 6). Results indicate that auditory dominance is a special case of flexible modality dominance, which may stem from automatic pulls on attention. Theoretical implications of these results for understanding the development of attention and cross-modal processing, as well as linguistic and conceptual development, are discussed.  相似文献   

THIS DOUBLE‐BLIND experiment investigated various aspects of visual and auditory problems related to dyslexia. Seventeen children with dyslexia aged 7.25 to 10.25 years were compared with 17 normal readers matched for CA and intellectual ability. A speech perception task which measured the subjects’ auditory threshold level significantly separated the two groups. No difference was found when this task was performed at 35 dB above individual threshold levels. A significant difference between groups was found for the Form Constancy Subtest of the Frostig Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP) (1966). A significant negative correlation found between these measures for the dyslexics, but not for the normal readers, supports previous evidence for auditory and visual subtypes in dyslexia. Various optometric measures were also examined. Four dyslexics, but no normal readers, suffered fixation disparity. This difference was significant. Six representative subjects of each group were compared for eye tracking in reading. The word span of the dyslexics was significantly smaller than that of the normal readers. A multiple discriminant analysis incorporating the auditory threshold task, form constancy, fusional reserves (distance, negative), accommodation right eye and heterophoria significantly discriminated the two reading groups. The perceptual variables were more heavily weighted than the optometric measures. It was concluded that while eye tracking and binocular fusion problems should always be considered in the assessment of dyslexics, factors involved in information processing in auditory and visual perception appear to be those which are more highly implicated.  相似文献   

The present experiments examined transfer of training from visual to auditory sensory modalities in classical conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response. Experiment 1 examined transfer from initial training with a single visual CS to subsequent auditory discrimination training, and Experiment 2 examined transfer from visual discrimination training to auditory discrimination training. The major findings were that (1) initial conditioning of a visual CS facilitated the overall rate of CR acquisition to the auditory CSs separate from the requirements for discrimination learning (Experiments 1 and 2), and (2) initial visual discrimination training facilitated auditory discrimination learning (Experiment 2). Thus, the animals appeared to encode separately both contiguous CS-US relations and CS+ versus CS? relations during initial visual training. The results are discussed with respect to theories of extradimensional transfer.  相似文献   

A few studies have shown more central auditory processing deficits in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than in nondisabled children. Because these studies failed to screen participants with ADHD for learning disabilities (LD), it is not clear whether these deficits are correlates of ADHD or LD or both. In the present study, the central auditory processing ability of children with ADHD, ADHD with LD, and no disabilities was examined. Results indicated lower central auditory processing ability, and significant correlations between reading and ADHD symptoms and reading and central auditory processing ability in the ADHD with LD group compared with the other two groups. These findings suggest that central auditory processing deficits are more likely to be associated with LD than ADHD.  相似文献   

Stimulant medications are widely used as part of the treatment for children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The current study investigated the effects of methylphenidate on auditory vigilance, auditory processing abilities, and receptive language abilities of children with ADHD. Twenty subjects (17 males and 3 females) ranged in age from 7 to 13 years. Each subject had been diagnosed as having ADHD and had been prescribed methylphenidate for the control of hyperactivity. The test battery included the Auditory Continuous Performance Test (ACPT), SCAN (a screening test for auditory processing disorders in children), and the Token Test for Children. Results indicated that there was significant improvement in the children's performance on all measures when on methylphenidate. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

本文结合自己的音乐教学实践,论述了练耳教学应注重听辨能力、听辨兴趣、以及实践能力的培养。  相似文献   

BackgroundVerbal abuse during pregnancy has a greater impact than physical and sexual violence on the incidence of postnatal depression and maternal abuse behavior towards their children. In addition, exposure of children (aged 12 months to adolescence) to verbal abuse from their parents exerts an adverse impact to the children’s auditory function. However, the effect of verbal abuse during pregnancy on fetal auditory function has not yet been thoroughly investigated.ObjectiveThe objective of the study was to examine the relationship between intimate partner verbal abuse during pregnancy and newborn hearing screening (NHS) referral, which indicates immature or impaired auditory function.Participants and settingThe Japan Environment and Children’s Study is an ongoing nationwide population-based birth-cohort study designed to determine environmental factors during and after pregnancy that affect the development, health, or wellbeing of children. Pregnant women living in 15 areas of Japan were recruited between January 2011 and March 2014.MethodsMultiple imputation for missing data was performed, followed by multiple logistic regression using 16 confounding variables.ResultsOf 104,102 records in the dataset, 79,985 mother–infant pairs submitted complete data for questions related to verbal and physical abuse and the results of NHS. Of 79,985 pregnant women, 10,786 (13.5%) experienced verbal abuse and 978 (1.2%) experienced physical abuse. Of 79,985 newborns, 787 (0.98%) received a NHS referral. Verbal abuse was significantly associated with NHS referral (adjusted odds ratio: 1.44; 95% confidence interval: 1.05–1.98).ConclusionsVerbal abuse should be avoided during pregnancy to preserve the newborn’s auditory function.  相似文献   

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated multimodal (visual and auditory) semantic and unimodal (visual only) phonological processing in reading disabled (RD) adolescents and non-impaired (NI) control participants. We found reduced activation for RD relative to NI in a number of left-hemisphere reading-related areas across all processing tasks regardless of task type (semantic vs. phonological) or modality (auditory vs. visual modality). Moreover, activation differences in these regions, which included the inferior frontal gyrus, the superior temporal gyrus, and the occipitotemporal region, were largely independent of in-scanner performance in our auditory semantic task. That is, although RD participants and NI participants differed in performance in visually presented conditions, they did not differ significantly in the auditory condition, yet similar patterns of reduced activation were observed in these regions across conditions. These findings indicate a neurobiological marker in RD that is independent of task, modality, or performance. These findings are discussed in the context of current neurobiological models of RD.  相似文献   

We designed an experiment with stratified randomization to investigate the effects of visual and auditory enhancements in digital picture books on comprehension and incidental word learning. Participants were 183 children aged 3, 4, and 5 years (81 girls and 102 boys) from childcare centers and schools in the Southwest USA. We contrasted the still-image condition (an onscreen picture book with a voice-over reading the narrative aloud) with three enhanced conditions: a digital book that included auditory and visual enhancements, only auditory enhancement, or only visual enhancement. All participants watched and listened thrice to the researcher-assigned digital picture book version within three weeks. The posttests assessed children's story comprehension and book-based vocabulary. The visual and auditory enhancements benefited children's story comprehension and book-based vocabulary. However, a version with auditory and visual enhancements was less beneficial for comprehension than versions with single (auditory or visual) enhancements, particularly in the youngest group.  相似文献   

Acquisition, extinction, and transfer of facilitation were explored in a series of experiments with C57BL/6J mice. With a procedure in which an auditory target was followed by food only in the presence of a visual facilitator, Experiments 1—4 showed that the facilitator promoted magazine entries to the auditory target. This enhancement effect was eliminated by training the facilitator as a conditioned inhibitor (Experiments 1 and 3B). Enhancement was also reduced by nonreinforced presentations of the facilitator in a discrimination procedure (Experiment 1) and by simple nonreinforcement of the facilitator (Experiments 2, 3A, and 4). In contrast to the results obtained with a facilitator, simple nonreinforcement of an inhibitor, a visual cue that had signaled when an auditory target would not be reinforced, did not reduce its ability to modulate responding to that target (Experiment 4). However, both the facilitator and the inhibitor were found to transfer their modulatory effects to other targets (Experiment 4). Finally, mice demonstrated no evidence of differential responding on a biconditional discrimination procedure in which one auditory target (A1) was reinforced in the presence of one visual stimulus (L1) but not in the presence of another (L2), and a different auditory target (A2) was reinforced in L2 but not in L1 (Experiment 5). The implications of these results for analysis of the function of a facilitator are discussed.  相似文献   

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