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冯雪峰是对中国现当代文学做出卓越贡献的文艺理论家,又是诗人、作家及翻译家.其悲剧的成因主要是气质与角色的错位,历史与现实交织的尴尬等.  相似文献   

加强建筑工程管理,完善施工质量体系是发展建筑业,促进国民经济增长的保证,抓好“质量通病”控制,创建优质工程是决定建筑产品好坏的关键,本文就建筑工程施工工序的质量控制问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Educational Studies in Mathematics - From the socio-critical perspective of mathematical modeling, reflexive discussions about the nature, criteria, and consequences of mathematical models are not...  相似文献   

Failure is defined and distinguished from concepts such as learned helplessness, low normative feedback and low absolute feedback. The anti‐failure trend characterizing educational practices and programs of recent decades is examined in light of empirical evidence — some of which offers support for this trend and some of which poses a serious challenge to this trend. Finally, a set of factors predicted to be determinants of the facilitative and debilitating effects of failure is presented.  相似文献   

谢启昆的论诗诗在中国诗学史上数量首屈一指 ,他以元好问的后继者自居 ,具有诗史性质 ,有先进的诗学发展观 ,崇尚清新自然和雄深刚健诗风 ,推崇《诗经》《离骚》诗歌传统  相似文献   

罗伯特·舒曼是19世纪音乐界进步浪漫主义艺术最鲜明的代表者之一。他短暂而又绚烂多采的一生,以其严谨、率真、细腻并且纯粹的艺术探索之路,把一个如幻如梦和现实交织的浩瀚的音乐世界展示给世人。本文通过对他艰辛的艺术历程、缜密的艺术追求过程的陈述,试图对他内心世界重新解读,从而展示他非凡的艺术成就与崇高的人格魅力。  相似文献   

Nicholas Tucker taught English in comprehensive schools in London before qualifying as an educational psychologist. He is now a lecturer in developmental psychology at the University of Sussex, with a special interest both in children's reactions to literature and in the history and present-day status of childhood itself. He has written five books for children as well as books about children's literature, includingThe Child and the Book: A Literary and Psychological Exploration, reissued in 1990 by Cambridge University Press in their new Canto “Classics” series.  相似文献   

This paper reports the development of a practical tool that provides expert feedback to students following an extended simulation exercise in cross‐country flight planning. In contrast to development for laboratory settings, the development of an expert instructional product for everyday use posed some interesting challenges, including dealing with a larger content scope, less ideal and controllable content structure, greater emphasis on the completeness and continuity of the student experience, and more stringent limits on time and money. Moreover, the transition from laboratory to real world caused the developers to think more critically of the principles of instruction embodied in the product and to place less emphasis on computer tool and technique questions. The product, which will be used in the context of routine ab initio pilot training, is described in terms of how these problems were solved and what lessons were learned that can be applied to the development of future instructional systems involving expertise.  相似文献   

作为创造社理论代表,成仿吾主张文学活动是作家和批评家自我情感的表现,体现出浪漫主义张扬自我的特征,然而其批评文本却又不是纯粹的浪漫主义话语,对作家和批评家所理应具备并加以表现的“自我情感”有着特殊界定,表现出紧贴时代和社会的现实主义倾向。这种徘徊在现实主义和浪漫主义之间的文学批评话语,反映出在中西文学传统熏陶下的一类现代批评家独特的批评姿态。  相似文献   

规则在社会生活的各个层面不可或缺,然而规则的社会作用受到抑制和挑战,潜规则正在侵蚀和消耗着规则空间,给社会运行造成恶劣影响和破坏。规则必须遵守和维护,需要全民参与,从思想意识上接受规则,从行为层面上维护规则,把规则神圣作为一种境界追求。  相似文献   

大众传播学作为一门信息传播学科,具有较强的时代性和理论性,对学生的独立思考能力和自学能力要求较高。然而目前的大众传播学教学过程中,在这一方面还存在明显不足。建构性教学是以学生的主动求知为核心,对这一问题可以有效解决。本文通过对大众传播学现阶段教学中存在的问题进行分析,对这一学科教学中建构性教学模式展开思考,同时对其实践进行分析,以期为大众传播学教学提供参考。  相似文献   

新校区实验室建设规划研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘松青 《实验技术与管理》2007,24(5):136-138,144
为做好福州大学新校区实验室的建设,提高学校的办学质量,规范和提高实验室管理和使用效益,有重点、有步骤地推进学校实验室的改革,该文在实验室建设背景介绍的基础上,提出了实验室规划建设的基本原则、总体目标和建设项目的流程,最后提出推进实验室可持续发展的几项措施。  相似文献   

Agriculture has had a significant number of minorities performing manual labor from the time of slavery. This has left a legacy of minority youth perceiving agriculture as occupations involving manual labor with low pay and low prestige. However, the opposite is true. There are employment opportunities for college graduates in food and agricultural sciences in marketing, merchandising, and sales of agricultural products; scientific and technical careers; and managing water, land, and other natural resources that are used in the U.S. food system. Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) is a national society committed to fostering partnerships between minority agriculture and natural resource college students and professionals from academia, government, and business. The objectives of MANRRS include increasing the number of college students in agriculture and related sciences, providing an avenue for fellowship, promoting career and academic counseling, and developing a network to serve its members. Mentoring in MANRRS most closely follows the networking model. Hierarchy and power positions are replaced with collegiality and dedication to achievement of academic and career success. The networking of agricultural professionals, collegiate undergraduate and graduate students, university faculty and advisors, and high school students enhances recruitment and retention efforts on all levels.  相似文献   

Rigdon (this issue) proposes a new “null” (or baseline) model (M=) for computing incremental fit indices in which all measured variables are equally correlated as compared to the traditional null model (M0) in which all measured variables are uncorrelated. Whereas it is clear that the use of M= results in different values than M0, there is little evidence to suggest that M= is more useful than M0 and some evidence suggesting that it might be less useful. General concerns with M= include (a) the problem of negatively oriented variables, (b) an apparently illusory sense of greater discrimination, (c) standards for an “acceptable” model, (d) the use of M= to control method or halo effects, and (e) potential usefulness of M= as a basis of statistical inference. Whereas the disadvantages of this new null model apparently outweigh potential advantages, a constructive compromise would retain M0 as the traditional null model but place more emphasis on the comparative fit of alternative models within a nested (or partially nested) sequence that could include M=.  相似文献   

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