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社会在发展,教育应同步,学校是教育的社会单元细胞,发展教育须发展学校。学校教育的对象是学生,发展学生是教育发展的重中之重。学校实施教育的核心是课程,实施课程的主体是教师,发展教师是发展学生的前提和保证。学校发展重在建设校本课程及其教研制度文化,为学生和教师的发展提供保障。  相似文献   

The role of a principal’s curriculum leadership has become an educational issue in Taiwan’s early childhood education. This study represents a pioneering attempt in adopting a target school interview, fuzzy Delphi, and analytic hierarchy process for constructing preschool principal’s curriculum leadership indicators. Fifteen experts and practitioners were involved in the Delphi panel and a two-stage questionnaire survey was administered. The findings revealed that preschool curriculum leadership indicators could be classified as 20 implementation items in six aspects: formation of preschool vision; organization and functioning of the preschool curriculum development team; control of the preschool curriculum implementation process; improvement of teachers’ curriculum professionalism; integration of different educational resources; and assessment of preschool curriculum implementation performance. Analysis of the relative weighting of curriculum leadership indicators reveals that the most important implementation items are “Ability to analyze the preschool’s background and features to provide a basis for development of a curriculum vision,” “Ability to construct a preschool curriculum vision together with other members,” “Ability to call together teachers to jointly establish a curriculum development team,” “Ability to secure resources from inside and outside the school to provide the environment and equipment needed to meet teachers’ curriculum and teaching needs.” These indicators emphasizing organizational cooperation, entrustment, and control under the context of the new leadership in Taiwan are in line with the Western concept of distributed leadership.  相似文献   

在新课改的号召和要求下,我国教育行业“双师型”教师队伍的建设,已经成为学校促进自身发展的有效途径之一。将产教结合的模式运用到学校的教育中,创新发展“双师型”教师队伍的建设途径,从完善管理体系、优化管理制度、建立管理平台、拓展人才来源途径等一系列手段,使学校“双师型”教师队伍的建设具有扎实的理论知识、丰富的实践能力、强大的技术手段,将学校培养人才、提高国家实力的目的全面实现。  相似文献   

班主任是班级建设的核心力量,班主任团队的发展,对学校转型性变革有着重要的影响。经过十年的改革实践,我们探索、形成了通过理论与寒践、个体与团队、学生工作与学科教学、基地学校与联系学校之间的双向滋养,实现智慧型班主任团队发展的改革路径。  相似文献   

党的十八大提出了加快城镇化建设进程,教育成为农村城镇化建设的关键。本文通过对江阴市乡镇成人教育中心校的走访调研,分析了城镇化建设进程中的乡镇成人教育中心校的发展问题,提出了在思想认识、目标调整、经费保障和师资队伍建设等方面进行改革和发展,从而强化成教中心校对农村成人教育的推动作用,进而为城镇化建设作出贡献。  相似文献   

Scientist-teacher partnerships are a unique form of professional development that can assist teachers in translating current science into classroom instruction by involving them in meaningful collaborations with university researchers. However, few reported models aim to directly alter science teachers’ practices by supporting them in the development of curriculum materials. This article reports on a multiple case study of seven high school science teachers who attended an ongoing scientist–teacher partnership professional development program at a major Southeastern research university. Our interest was to understand the capacity of this professional development program for supporting teachers in the transfer of personal learning experiences with advanced science content and skills into curriculum materials for high school students. Findings indicate that, regardless of their ultimate success constructing curriculum materials, all cases considered the research grounded professional development supports beneficial to their professional growth with the exception of collective participation. Additionally, the cases also described how supports such as professional recognition and transferability served as affordances to the process of constructing these materials. However, teachers identified multiple constraints, including personal learning barriers, their classroom context, and the cost associated with implementing some of their curriculum ideas. Results have direct implications for future research and the purposeful design of professional development experiences through scientist-teacher partnerships.  相似文献   

通过分析流动子女教育分化的四种类型及成因,提出了破除民办与公办教师分化,促进师资整合的建议。包括破除身份分化的公派团队制及公助培训制,培养教师融合课程的建议,破除城市核心与边缘学校间教师分化的定期轮换制,促进大学理论导师与名校实践导师整合的集团制。  相似文献   

从农村教师专业化发展的视角看,近年来我国农村教师队伍建设取得了很大成就,主要是农村义务教育投入大幅增长,有力地保障了农村教师队伍建设及其专业化发展;农村中小学教师整体结构不断优化和培养补充机制不断创新,极大地提升了农村教师队伍建设及其专业化水平,如2006年全国农村普通小学、初中、高中专任教师学历合格率分别达到98.4%、94.8%、75.9%,为发展农村义务教育铺垫基石。同时,关注其中存在的主要问题,旨在探讨相应的政策建议,建设好人民满意的农村教师队伍,提高农村"学有所教"的义务教育质量。  相似文献   

广西小学教师教育发展的困惑与对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
广西小学教师教育面临“入口”即生源、培养过程(包括培养模式、管理制度、师资力量以及课程设置)、就业出路和小学教师的职后教育等四方面的困惑。广西教师教育发展应当从政策支撑、综合培养、课程设置、师范学校的转型以及教师队伍的质量保障五个方面入手予以解决。  相似文献   

特色学校的发展越来越受到人们的关注,特色学校的构建应通过校长的特色发展理念引导其发展;优质的师资力量保证特色学校的发展,通过校本课程的开发和教学的创新来保证学生培养的质量;挖掘学校精神文化为特色学校提供持久的生命力;通过校本管理机制为特色学校的发展迎来更广阔的空间。  相似文献   

教育信息化建设是职业院校提升教学质量的重要支撑,而提升教师的信息化教学能力则是学校教育信息化建设的关键着力点。从学校教育信息化建设面临的突出问题出发,从信息化建设的顶层设计、平台建设、体制机制、师资培训、课程开发、校本研修团队建设、课题(项目)研究等七个方面有针对性地提出提升教师信息化教学能力的对策。实践成绩显著,学校信息化教学总体水平在短短几年时间内从广西中游水平迅速提升到广西领先水平。相关经验对于广大职业院校快速提升教师信息化教学能力具有参考借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The aim was the reconstruction of a school curriculum in reflective teaching situations within a co‐operative culture. Two working assumptions were considered: (a) teacher development was based on teacher thinking and (b) school organisation followed a co‐operative culture paradigm. The process features were: (a) university team consisted of external advisers; (b) school curriculum and classroom instruction were reviewed by school teachers; (c) case study as a research approach; (d) ethnographic techniques to collect data; (e) data analysis by a computer program; (f) teachers’ reflective cycle to reconstruct practice; and (g) teachers’ portfolios: narrative vignettes, etc. Findings showed: (a) a collaborative process school‐university; (b) teachers’ thinking and attitudinal change; (c) mobilisation of teachers’ talents and values to work together: (i) teacher dyads to reflect on teaching; (ii) advisers’ writing narrative vignettes; (Hi) collegial coaching; and (iv) curriculum materials designed by teachers. Two conclusions can be accepted: (a) teachers’ pedagogical practical knowledge showed diversity of their implicit theories to design action; and (b) teachers’ grounded theory confirmed that the educational action was based on a co‐operative and reflective culture.  相似文献   

服务型学校建设就是以全体师生主动、终身发展为目标,以提供最佳服务为核心,通过素质教育、新课改的实践,以及学习型学校建设、现代学校服务管理机制建设、特色校园文化建设和开放互动的学校社区教育服务机制的建设等方式,形成以人为本、富有特色、充满活力、和谐开放、优质创新的现代学校过程。  相似文献   

This study is designed to investigate the impact of school‐based curriculum development teams on teacher development within the tradition of school‐based curriculum development in a primary school in Hong Kong. Teacher interviews were used to evaluate the extent that teacher engagement in curriculum decision‐making processes within two school‐based curriculum development teams has led to teacher professional development which were triangulated with the videotaped meetings and tryout lessons. Qualitative evidence has revealed positively that participating teachers have developed themselves professionally through the process of planning, experimenting and reflecting (PER model) upon curriculum practice and innovation under certain conditions. However, the complexity of the structures and processes that were established for involving teachers in curriculum decision‐making processes needs further empirical and theoretical work. This paper only looks at data relating to teacher development in curriculum leadership collected in the second action cycle of the project from January to June 2005.  相似文献   

刘慧 《成人教育》2014,(6):47-49
教师是学校的灵魂,教师水平的高低是教育质量和学术水平的决定性因素,在办学中的地位和作用已被公认。在开放大学的建设中,课程主讲教师队伍建设的意义重大。探索适应开放大学的建设以及人才目标培养的需要,构建开放大学课程主讲教师的建设之路。  相似文献   

Learning to teach is a difficult and challenging process for beginning teachers in the national curriculum contexts due to several pressures that the centralised system presents for school and classroom contexts. This study investigated the difficulties beginning middle school mathematics teachers faced in the Turkish national curriculum context without any structured beginning teacher support through the experiences of six beginning teachers. They were interviewed after their first year teaching and after the fourth year or during the fifth year about factors in the national curriculum, school, and classroom contexts that affected their learning to teach. Findings revealed that the national curriculum context interfered with the school and classroom contexts, often by presenting many additional difficulties. The teacher education period seemed to be ineffective in preparing beginning teachers for the difficulties arising from the national curriculum context. Teacher education programmes in centralised systems should provide pre‐service teachers with knowledge of possible difficulties specific to these contexts that they might face in their first years.  相似文献   

师资队伍建设是高职院校人力资源建设的重要组成部分,以泉州民办高职师资队伍建设情况为对象,运用SWOT分析法对学校的竞争优势、竞争劣势、机会和威胁进行综合分析,提出师资队伍建设的思路及策略,以期为民办高职院校制定师资队伍发展规划提供方法上的建议。  相似文献   

新能源产业的发展需要大量的技能劳动者。中等职业学校根据市场发展需求开设风能与动力发电技术专业,为了能够将本专业开设好,学校需要根据自己的办学实力、师资、设备等条件开设课程。本文从专业开设、师资队伍建设等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

课程建设与课堂教学构成学校教育的主要内容,而其中必不可少的决定性因素,就是教师队伍的状况。在师资队伍建设中,以特级教师、学科带头人为代表的名师队伍建设具有不可忽视的战略意义和引领示范效应。上海师大附中高度关注有个性的教师队伍建设,目的正在于造就一批有高尚师德和学术造诣的、具有鲜明教学风格的名师群体。通过课程建设,通过课堂教学的改革与探究,上海师大附中形成了具有学校特色的选拔与培养机制,在教师发展中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

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